
=== moondoggy_ is now known as moondoggy
mate|73029Can anyone point me to where I can find out how to disable the desktop from loading?  I basically want to make it into a server os with occasional need to launch the gui.  Thanks.01:04
Kyrossudo systemctl disable lightdm01:09
mate|73029I'll give that a try.  Thanks!01:15
gatesrNOOB question:  I want to set up automount in the fstab but the syntax is not working with Ubuntu Mate 16.04 (on ARM -- raspiberry pi 3)01:35
gatesrcan some one give me a 'working' example of cifs automount for the fstab file?01:36
mate|82931Hello! I want to disallow button "Close windows" by right-click on the window in the taskbar? How-to do it?06:27
adminsникак не подключить bluetooth колонку , раньше проблем не было .помогите  .please07:13
adminsпроблемы с продключением  блютуз кололнки07:15
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:17
ubottuThe main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:17
=== daniel is now known as Guest7491
atZrRarhello again15:15
Newbie83How do I set a shortcut to screenshot a selected area?15:35
Jack_Sparrow__You want the area pre selected ?15:41
Jack_Sparrow__I added a screenshot icon to my panel15:41
atZrRarso, i'm still curious how to safely eject those "dead" devices from my system without the need for a reboot.. anyone?16:39
khwIn upgrading to 1.18.0, the icon for opening a terminal changed to be the green icon that looks kind of like ">)"  where the r-paren is more like a reversed C.  How do I get the correct icon17:28
atZrRarusually, u right click on that entry, select properties, then choose the icon..17:31
atZrRarwell, or maybe, u'll have to set a different gtk-theme even - or edit this within the theme itself17:32
khwatZrRar, thank.  Looking at properties, the dialog box that shows up has the correct icon.17:52
atZrRarkhw, oh okay.. so, the app itself has wrong one? can't help on with that then, sry17:54
jnewt_can't figure out how to get my usb disks to auto mount when i plug them in.  i get an icon for /dev/sdb, and can sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mount/point , but can't click on the icon or use the disk without mounting it myself from the cli18:02
johnrI have a question regarding a wireless mouse19:20
johnrWhen I installed Raspbian there was a fix to the sluggish mouse. In Ubuntu this line was missing. So what do I have to do to fix this? Any ideas? Thanks19:24
johnjayyou're on a raspbery pi?19:30
johnjaydamn i only started using mine last week and suddenly it seems like pi users are everywhere19:31
johnryes pi319:31
johnjayi guess i'm not the only cheap bastard in the universe19:31
johnjayor hobbyist19:31
johnjaydo you know what a jetson tk1 is?19:32
johnrjust a hobbyist here. No i do not know jetson tk119:33
chivoxxxCould someone help me?20:13
chivoxxxUbuntu 16.0420:13
johnjaynice to meet you Ubuntu16.0420:15
mate|6695Hello i just did chmod 777 to /. a really really stupid thing20:15
mate|6695And my ubuntu is now not really responding just have a terminal opened and working20:16
mate|6695Is it possible to fix this mess?20:16
chivoxxxMine does not want it in graphical mode and the tty user does not take it20:18
calfretwhat seems to be going on chivoxxx?20:24
chivoxxxCan i modify that file for windows?20:31
calfretI don't know, sorry20:37
chivoxxxWhat is the location of the file /.profile in ubuntu?20:50
Astro7467aways at $HOME (or ~)20:53
chivoxxxThanks you !20:57
chivoxxxIf you can modify the file. External hard drive connected by usb windows 7 editing from sublime text20:58
oterrivelcould somebody suggest a xml editor for mate? pluma is not working, the encoding might be windows-like?22:38

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