
diddledanif anyone's still awake, the new talen show starts today: https://www.macrumors.com/2017/06/06/planet-of-the-apps-launches-june-6/00:18
m0nkey_evenin diddledan00:46
m0nkey_Did you decide on G6 or S8?00:46
diddledanI haven't settled yet, gonna wait till I get back from holiday (next week - going to Wales :-)00:47
m0nkey_Ooh, isn't that poor mans Amsterdam?00:47
diddledandepends on whether you like sheep or not :-p00:48
m0nkey_Go with the G6. People tend to like the camera better, more natural colours.00:49
diddledanyeah I've been favouring the G600:49
m0nkey_I love mine.00:49
diddledanit's cheaper, too00:50
m0nkey_That curved screen on the S8 is more prone to breakage00:50
m0nkey_(according to reviews)00:50
m0nkey_And the G6 doesn't bend, like some other phones.00:50
diddledanI saw the S8 has a tendency to get a discoloration on the edges of the screen?00:50
m0nkey_Yeah, something I've heard. Not seen it though.00:51
m0nkey_Finger print sensor is in a better position on the G600:51
m0nkey_I tried the S8, wow. You gotta have very stretchy fingers.00:51
m0nkey_Of course I'm going to be bias now, since I have the G600:52
m0nkey_Few things I like. The always on display (even though the screen is LCD, battery consumption is super light)00:52
m0nkey_Dual camera00:52
diddledanthe US Military's secret Alien Transport plane is going up again soon: https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/06/u-s-air-force-taps-spacex-to-launch-next-x-37b-spaceplane-mission/00:53
m0nkey_Knock-on/off feature00:53
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:35
MooDoohowdy all09:57
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:58
MooDoo how are you brobostigon ?09:59
brobostigontired, lots of planning to do, and you?09:59
MooDooyeah i'm ok thanks, just playing with debian at the moment on my laptop10:01
MooDoosorry i meant working, I'm at work10:01
brobostigonlolz, :D10:03
brobostigoni say that in my job in the toy shop, we get to play with toys, :)10:04
diddledanbrobostigon: that's just plain childish :-p11:18
diddledanin a good way, obv11:18
diddledanI bet you get bored with playing tho at times11:19
* zmoylan-pi opens the nerf cabinet and hands out the nerf...11:19
brobostigonthere is probably a good best-mans joke or two there for my brother to crack. :(11:23
diddledanOMG! https://twitter.com/jospoortvliet/status/87241392469989785711:26
diddledancid:0fb8ca0a-8463-451f-934e-1d855657f148 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/bPxvMMZo/11:54
diplohahah, good one for my kids!12:40
brobostigonany advice i should pervay to my fiance, on getting married to an engineering nerd?17:14
zmoylan-piyou are getting hitched to a person who can't turn away when they see a vcr blink 12:00 and all future equivalent critical events :-)17:24
brobostigonor a pdp-11 :)17:27
zmoylan-pi::cue holy angelic choir::17:28
brobostigonor my BeBox, "bow in holyness"17:29
zmoylan-pii can see it now, the pdp-11 in the laundry room beside the washing machine...17:30
zmoylan-pi...and explaining you'll have to use a laundromat from now on...17:31
brobostigoni think she might argue it takes up more space than the washing machine and laundry room.17:32
zmoylan-pithe cats will love sleeping on it...18:06
brobostigonour dog might have some fun with those electronics too,18:10
=== geheimni1` is now known as geheimnis`
=== diddledan_ is now known as diddledan

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