
floridagram7<KMyers> Since @ahoneybun cannot read this.. cheeseburger01:29
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Oh, @ahoneybun isn't here?  Games suck.01:55
floridagram7<KMyers> Agreed01:56
floridagram7<KMyers> He is here01:56
floridagram7<KMyers> But not in Telegram01:56
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Oh, neat!01:56
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Did you hear about that guy who can't art and is mentioned by Ubuntu?01:57
floridagram7<KMyers> Arron or Aarow. Something like that01:57
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Yeah, something like that.01:58
floridagram7<AdamOutler> What's he looking at?01:58
floridagram7<KMyers> Me... That is creepy01:59
floridagram7<ahoneybun> \o/02:38
floridagram7<Ivoriesablaze> ?02:47
floridagram7<KMyers> Nothing, Aaron just stopped by to grab something02:48
floridagram7<SivaMachina> http://wsvn.com/news/local/flood-watch-extended-for-broward-miami-dade/22:05
floridagram7<KMyers> Dash dash dash dot dash dash22:06
floridagram7<ahoneybun> XD22:08
floridagram7<ahoneybun> \o/22:08
floridagram7<KMyers> Hey Aaron, you do know I'm driving right? How do you expect me to view that photo while I am driving? And by the way why am I texting while driving?22:18
floridagram7<ahoneybun> XD22:18
floridagram7<SivaMachina> In the rain22:23
floridagram7<AdamOutler> @ahoneybun  I want one!22:24
floridagram7<AdamOutler> I do Linuxy stuff.22:24
floridagram7<AdamOutler> How do I get one?22:24
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Sign up for one22:24
floridagram7<ahoneybun> But need to be a member22:24
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Where?22:24
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Umm let me look22:24
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Are you on the Kubuntu  Council?22:25
floridagram7<AdamOutler> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards22:26
floridagram7<ahoneybun> I need to look for the URL22:26
floridagram7<ahoneybun> And yes22:26
floridagram7<ahoneybun> https://forms.canonical.com/certificate/22:28
floridagram7<ahoneybun> @AdamOutler22:28
floridagram7<AdamOutler> This form is restricted to certain teams. You are not a member of any of those teams.22:28
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Add me?22:28
floridagram7<ahoneybun> If your not a Ubuntu member you can't get one22:29
floridagram7<AdamOutler> ok.22:29
floridagram7<ahoneybun> I can't just add anyone, need to have a meeting22:29
floridagram7<ahoneybun> @AdamOutler, I am22:29
floridagram7<AdamOutler> I got an internal server error for the ubuntu wiki22:30
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Probably a python error or 222:31
floridagram7<AdamOutler> looks like an Apache error22:31
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Helps to go to the wiki.ubuntu.com in a new tab22:31
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Then refresh the other one22:31
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Still the same22:31
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Weird but kinda normal tbh22:32
floridagram7<AdamOutler> yeah.22:32
floridagram7<AdamOutler> I probably won't make it, but I'll try.  I'm a member of ubuntu groups, have a couple of PPAs and I help a lot.22:32
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Plus I have a pretty popular name..  Shares to my followers are the kinds of shares that matter to tech industry.22:33
floridagram7<ahoneybun> No harm in trying22:35
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Need to have a wiki page and launchpad22:35
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Launchpad is where PPAs are.22:36
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Wiki page...  on the ubuntu wiki?22:36
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Yeah like wiki.ubuntu.com/AdamOutler22:36
floridagram7<AdamOutler> You are not allowed to edit this page.22:37
floridagram7<ahoneybun> There is a wiki edit team to prevent spam22:38
floridagram7<AdamOutler> That is absolutely spectacular man.22:43
floridagram7<AdamOutler> Congratulations22:43
floridagram7<ahoneybun> Thanks I've been on there for 2 years now xD22:49
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose

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