
kbmonkeyhello o/06:51
Kiloskbmonkey welcome back08:24
kbmonkeythank you Kilos, how are you my friend?08:25
Kilosim ok ty and you?08:25
Kilosjust spending lots of day time in the sun08:26
kbmonkeythat is good to hear Kilos. I got back saturday, spent a month in Aus working there. 08:37
Kilosfunny peeps with their noisy v8's08:38
kbmonkeymore inetpro 09:22
Kiloshi inetpro 09:32
Kilosapie is terug09:32
Kilospower gone . will disappear soon11:47
inetproany updates from CT on the weather?14:24
inetprodid you guys at least get a bit of rain?14:25
MaNIdecent rain this side, wind massively overhyped we get stronger in gbay all the time14:39
MaNII hear some stories of roofs ripped off in other parts of the cape though14:40
chesedoevening all14:40
MaNI46mm so far here today (and I think another 16 or so last night)14:41
MaNIthe real question of course is did any land up in the dams14:41
paddatrapperMaNI: lots of roofs ripped off and trees felled in city and southern suburbs. Worst winds we've had in a long time14:42
paddatrapperApparently it hit the catchment areas nicely, including snow in some. So we'll have to see14:43
MaNIThink we are sheltered from wind in this direction. Usually it hits us harder than everyone else, but this was not the usual direction14:44
MaNInot done yet either, so there is that :)14:48
inetproMaNI: gbay?14:59
inetprois that Gansbaai?15:01
inetproor I guess Gordons Bay15:04
paddatrappershould die down by about 4am15:08
paddatrapperinetpro: I read it as gordons bay15:08
inetpropaddatrapper: thanks15:10
* inetpro clearly doesn't know the Cape15:10
inetprobut it's quite interesting how one area can be affected badly while another almost nothing15:12
inetpronature still rules15:12
paddatrapperthat's for sure, but I am really enjoying it (being safe and warm helps)15:13
MaNIgordons bay15:58
MaNICape has several mountain ranges, so weather varies greatly depending on which side of what mountain range you are on15:59
smileHi guys18:08
inetproGuten Abend smile18:16
inetprolächelst du immer noch?18:17
smileinetpro: ja, leuk hé?18:20
inetprohaha, how are you doing?18:20
smilegoed hoor, ik moest vandaag werken18:20
inetproalles goed, dankie18:22
inetprowhat work did you have to do today smile?18:23
smileI had to investigate a weird bug, it was fixed but then it popped up again in another variety18:24
smileI pinpointed the issue to be a wrongly assigned variable and a variable missing assignment (for my job)18:25
smileand then we found probably the cause of tasks staying locked while the lock should have been released18:25
smileand I made a proof-of-concept fix for another bug18:25
smileI deployed it to our testing environment, but I still need to test it18:26
smilemy development machine broke, so I bypass that for now18:26
smilebut my computer mouse broke in the middle of that all, so I went home by 13:00 to work from there18:27
smilewith another computer mouse18:27
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed

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