
Unit193ochosi: Also, are window buttons scaling well for you? A user reports issues: https://www.dropbox.com/s/unk3luoyet9b7m7/panel.png?dl=000:07
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stevehopehi, was just reading the new xubuntu news regarding Q/A  info, it would be handy to have social media buttons on the news pages for ease of use to post to facebook, twitter etc08:01
knomepleia2, do we want that ^08:59
knomeslickymaster, the meeting10:33
flocculantbluesabre ochosi et al - Ubuntu using GDM - "We will support LightDM for use in the other flavours, though this is likely to be limited to bug fixes from the Ubuntu desktop team." https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-June/004969.html11:01
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: tumbler 0.1.32 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-tumbler-0-1-32-released-tp49362.html (by Ali Abdallah-4)11:20
bluesabreflocculant: interesting... no we will probably want to make sure gdm works fine for us just in case11:52
pleia2knome: if we can find one that's not awful (take forever to load...), maybe, I do use them myself sometimes13:36
flocculantbluesabre: didn't by default last time we had lightdm/lock issues - I checked gdm and a couple of others 15:36
Unit193Oh just great... GDM is more tied to GNOME than it was last time too.  "Others are still welcome to contribute to LightDM" well then remove the CLA?16:50
flocculantcertainly wants to install the world seemingly18:23
knomepleia2, we could probably bake our own... i don't think the code required is too complex to write ourself19:42
Unit193bluesabre: I'm presuming no tumbler SRU.21:55

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