
MooDoohello all07:30
SuperMattMorning Voters.08:15
TwistedLucidityMorning subject. Have sworn your daily oath of fealty to Darth Mayder like a good prole?08:39
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:40
zmoylan-pi++report to room 102 for your daily scourging+++09:20
TwistedLucidity102 - "processing".09:26
diddledaneveryone go vote!10:28
brobostigonrob the conservatives of victory, make them wish they hadnt called the election and the referendum.10:29
TwistedLucidityTories predicted to get ~340 seats. Not the stonking majority they hoped for, but enough.10:37
TwistedLucidityTheresa May just loves her some "Statutory Instruments"10:37
TwistedLucidityThe only hope is that the youngsters go and vote, but as they are a feckless bunch of lay-abouts with zero motivation; they won't.10:39
* TwistedLucidity hopes he understands this "reverse psychology" thing10:39
TwistedLucidityI vote in ~30 mins.10:39
TwistedLuciditySomeone tell JamesTait that Sat 10th is World Gin Day. http://worldginday.com/10:43
TwistedLucidityDAMN! Just thought of a T-shirt I should have gotten printed. "sudo apt purge tory"10:46
SuperMattalthough I'd make it more distro agnostic10:47
SuperMattrm -rf /tories10:47
TwistedLucidityCan you pipe a device to null? "sudo /dev/may > /dev/null"?10:49
SuperMattno, but you could dd if=/dev/null of=/tories10:50
TwistedLucidityHeh, nice10:50
TwistedLucidityAren't if/of the wrong way round? I was thinking dumping everything these say into the blackhole of null10:50
SuperMattoh I see, I was overwriting the tories10:52
AzelphurTried to open a bank account at Barclays, they told me my application was rejected and I should "Refer to the terms and conditions"10:53
TwistedLuciditySuperMatt: dd if=/dev/random of=/tories10:54
TwistedLucidityAzelphur: Try Bank of Scotland. They had reasonable rates and a nice website.10:54
AzelphurTwistedLucidity: need an account with USD balance is the problem10:55
Azelphurso probably HSBC next10:55
AzelphurFor extra hilarity, nobody at the bank actually knows why my account has been rejected12:16
Azelphurguess that's a good reason to not bank with Barclays12:16
zmoylan-pithey could tell you but then they'd be added to the forbidden to deal with list...12:18
diploTP Link OK for a cheap switch in a small office ? Not really used much of their kit12:57
diploLooking at the TL-SG10812:57
popeyi use tp-link stuff, works well13:00
popeybetter than the netgear stuff I previously used13:00
popeyin fact, i have that very switch on my desk :)13:01
diploGood enough for you, will do for them then :)13:02
diplota fanx - I dislike netgear kit so was looking for something else13:02
popeyexcuse the dust13:02
diploAll full up too thanks13:03
popeyyeah, went to plug a pc into it the other day and went "oh, bugger"13:03
popeydidn't realise I had need for 8 ports until then13:03
diploTime for a 24 port then13:03
popeyi only need a 9 port! :D13:04
diploOrdered thank you, Prime is great for this sort of thing13:04
popeyi didn't mean to make that image public, now I'm getting comments on it13:09
diploCan't see comments here13:14
diploHere we see a picture of OPs mom in her natural habitat.13:18
diploI've never read imgur comments, are they all as bad as this? :)13:18
diploDo these people have no work... I can't be arsed to respond on FB etc let alone a img site13:19
popeynot on the front page13:19
popeyin user submitted they're pretty terrible13:19
zmoylan-piit's for trolls not ready for youtube... :-P13:20
diploI try and stop my kids looking at comments13:24
popeyexobuzz: happy belated birthday :)14:01
popey(you weren't here on your birthday)14:01
exobuzzpopey, oh - thanks! :-)14:01
exobuzzpopey, how's things ?14:02
selinuxiumHey guys. Any monit users here?14:39
Azelphurselinuxium: I used to use it, switched to nagios14:41
selinuxiumYeah, I wanted something a little smaller. It is only supposed to be to monitor a couple of services and restart them..14:42
selinuxiumI could code it. But I fancied getting my head around monit.14:42
Azelphuryea, monit is fine for single systems, as soon as you get more than one system though, monit is a potato.14:42
Azelphurwhat's up anyway? I know my way around monit a bit.14:43
selinuxiumBut MMonit allows for more than one system, only have a few boxen here so a license would be trivial14:43
selinuxiumYeah, Sorry... :)14:43
Azelphur€65...trivial :P14:44
selinuxiumTrivial when it would be a purchase order and not mine... :)14:44
selinuxiummonitrc - https://paste.ubuntu.com/24808314/14:45
selinuxiumThe monoserve just comes up with Status - Execution Faile14:47
Azelphuris monit running as root?14:47
selinuxiumI assume so...14:48
Azelphurps aux | grep monit14:48
selinuxiumErm.. yes.14:48
Azelphurhmm, interesting14:48
Azelphurhave you tried running /etc/init.d/monoserve start manually, to see what happens?14:48
selinuxiumYeah, the /etc/init.d/monoserve start/stop/restart works, and has for several years...14:49
Azelphurthat's weird14:50
Azelphurperhaps journalctl can shed some light?14:50
Azelphurthat is, assuming you're running monit under systemd14:50
selinuxiumSadly not.14:50
Azelphurmaybe run monit in the foreground?14:51
selinuxiumDoesn't give me much...14:52
Azelphurthat's me out of ideas :(14:52
selinuxiumDammit, thanks for your time though  :)14:53
Azelphurnp, there is a monit IRC channel if you haven't tried there already, it's not that active though14:53
Azelphurah, you're already in there14:54
selinuxiumNobody here but us chickens... :)14:54
selinuxiumRight. My home time beckons. Thanks again  :)14:55
DJonesHeh, its good of the United States to arrange a congressional hearing with the former FBI director on election day in the UK,  otherwise the uk's news media would have nothing to do today apart from report on https://twitter.com/hashtag/dogsatpollingstations?lang=en17:46
foobarryactually the day after is more busy18:30
foobarrynothing atually happens on election day18:30
DJonesWell, saying yep, news still goes on, just reporters don't bother18:53
daftykinshrmm my wealthy client has just bought a pad in Fulham! it seems the area is getting www.hyperoptic.com installed soon :O20:29
daftykinsanyone had any experience with them? :)20:29
daftykinshrmm looks like they're using carrier grade NAT20:42
m0nkey_Evening all21:13
m0nkey_Tonight is going to be interesting21:13
zmoylan-pithe old curse been may you live in interesting times21:15
brobostigon rm -rf /dev/tories :D21:17
m0nkey_I'm surprised I'm able to stream the results from the BBC21:18
brobostigonstreamlink -p cvlc https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone besr21:21
brobostigonstreamlink -p cvlc https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone best21:21
=== lan3y is now known as Laney

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