
thufaHi guyz00:15
thufa/whois thufa00:16
thufaOh... I'm thufa... nice00:17
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InternetExplorerguys, help me please: https://pastebin.com/hnWrhdk400:46
geniiInternetExplorer: Get the people in the ##bash channel to help you figure your homework out. This channel is for Ubuntu support questions, not programming questions00:48
InternetExplorerits not homeword00:49
geniiIt's also not an Ubuntu support question00:49
oerheksyay, Canonical Kernel Livepatch Service now available for Ubuntu 14.0401:03
catbehemothHi guys, I need a little guidance, I have an ubuntu server running qemu vms and docker, on each reset iptables reverts FORWARD chain to DROP and for the life of me I can't find a way to make it stick at ACCEPT. can someone help me trouble shoot it?01:51
bazhangcatbehemoth, try #netfilter01:56
rdhcatbehemoth, is your iptables config setup to drop?01:57
catbehemothrdh: now thats the thing it is set to ACCEPT but at reboot it goes to DROP01:58
catbehemothI know how iptables works it's just frustrating that something changes it and I cant figure out what01:59
rdhcatbehemoth, after you make the rules, you'll want to save: iptables-save01:59
catbehemothrdh always did01:59
catbehemothI eliminated all the culprits except docker and virsh, I think one of those does it but I dont know how to check. My question should be is there a way to log what or who does changes to iptable rules?02:00
=== uptime- is now known as uptime
rdhcatbehemoth, "By default, the rules that you add to iptables are ephemeral. This means that when you restart your server, your iptables rules will be gone."02:07
rdhcatbehemoth, look down about halfway of that page, and you should see instructions for saving your iptables configuration.02:08
catbehemothrdh: thanks but it applies to 14.04 I'm on 16.04 ... I just tried and the package exists ... Ill try.02:11
rdhyea see if that works for you.02:11
catbehemothrdh: thing is iptables-save has :FORWARD ACCEPT [8461:2662464] so I presumed that on restart that rule remains the same unless something changes it02:12
beleahey guys do you know can i use hdd raw copy to put the ubuntu iso on a drive?02:12
beleaor do i have to go through installation?02:12
rdhcatbehemoth, says that this is a "feature" so that users can regain access after a server restart if a rule locks them out.02:14
catbehemothbrb trying to see if persistent will work02:16
Jordan_Ubelea: First, dd is nicknamed Disk Destroyer for a reason. A simple typo could destroy the wrong disk (and using it correctly will destroy any existing data on your target USB drive).02:37
Jordan_Ubelea: First, you need to find the device name corresponding to your USB drive. "lsblk" and "blkid" will both list information about the drives you have connected and their contents which can help you determine which of sda, sdb, sdc etc is your USB drive. Note that we want to find the drive, like "/dev/sda" and *not* a partition on that drive like "/dev/sda1".02:40
Jordan_Ubelea: If "lsblk" listed a mountpoint for any of the partitions on your USB drive then be sure to run "sudo umount /dev/sdXY" where sdXY will be like "sdb1". Again, that is for unmounting, it is *not* the device you'll pass to dd and it is important that you unmount all partitions on the drive before passing it to dd.02:42
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Jordan_Ubelea: Once you have done that, run "sudo dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress" Where "sdX" is the device you found for your USB drive (again, not a partition). This will give you a running progress of the dd.02:45
catbehemothrdh: I made it work, I finally figured out that it was docker that was changing forward policy to drop, so I created a new systemd unit that has [Unit] After=docker.service and simply has ExecStart=/sbin/iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT02:49
catbehemothrdh: that way it always changer forward policy to accept after docker finishes starting up02:50
Ojitosi have a cuestion02:51
Ojitossome one knows how can i use a znc in ubuntu02:51
rdhcatbehemoth, lol ok, im looking at a site with a similar solution02:51
Ojitosim using a irc client called smuxi and i want to use a znc02:52
catbehemothOjitos: you can install znc on ubnutu or run it inside a docker container (thats what Im doing)02:52
kenrinWell you install it,  configure it,  then start it02:52
catbehemothOjitos: simply follow http://wiki.znc.in/Installation02:53
catbehemothOjitos: or if you prefer docker https://www.linuxserver.io/ container is what I used in the past02:54
Ojitoscatbehemoth: which of those do u recommend?03:12
roothoricklibudev0 isn't available on 16.04 anymore?03:16
n0wjeI was wondering if anyone else notice 16.04 slowing down after time. boot time till desktop?03:18
Ojitosn0wje: me03:20
Ojitosmaybe is time to install 17.0403:20
n0wjeah, I thought it was just me!03:20
n0wjeI will check it out.03:20
catbehemothOjitos: depends I would use docker or some other container to avoid polluting my main system03:23
catbehemothOjitos: I run everything inside containers but thats just me03:24
Ojitosbut how can i do that03:24
Ojitoscan u help me out03:24
catbehemothfollow http://wiki.znc.in/Installation it has instructions on how to install it as docker container03:24
hehehehey hey03:26
catbehemothor https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/znc/ thats the one I tend to use because it exposes the config to the outside and chowns everything to a specified GID and UID03:26
hehehephp 7.0 zlib is not in repository?03:26
heheheaptitude saying not foun03:26
catbehemothhehehe: apt-get install php7.0-zip ?03:29
hehehezip is there03:29
hehehezlib and zip nearly same?03:29
catbehemothalways only installed zip, zlib is the library I think ... zip is the mod03:30
Bashing-om!info libudev1 xenial | roothorick03:30
ubotturoothorick: libudev1 (source: systemd): libudev shared library. In component main, is required. Version 229-4ubuntu17 (xenial), package size 57 kB, installed size 206 kB (Only available for linux-any)03:31
JustFixMyWifiSo, lubuntu will find my home wifi but keeps asking me for the password and never connects. How do I fix it?03:36
roothorickBashing-om: that doesn't contain libudev.so.003:45
Bashing-omroothorick: Looks to me that xenial has a higher version . Has moved on up from libudev0 .03:47
roothorickBashing-om: they're ABI incompatible far as I can tell.03:48
kenrinJustFixMyWifi: Can you open the network settings and manually input the password?03:48
JustFixMyWifiIt will ask for my password again after that.03:50
Bashing-omroothorick: Fo not know what I can say .. as evem trusty has the libudev1 version : https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libudev&mode=filename&suite=trusty&arch=anyhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libudev&mode=filename&suite=trusty&arch=any .03:55
roothorickwhy don't the various GCC packages integrate with update-alternatives AT ALL?04:12
JustFixMyWifiI also need to permanently disable the suspend/lock screen/etc... thing related to the laptop tray.04:12
roothorickokay, I'll do this manually, but what's stopping an update from clobbering the symlinks?04:12
JustFixMyWifi*laptop screen position04:12
Ben64roothorick: what04:15
roothorickBen64: say you have gcc-4.9 and gcc-5 installed. There's no "gcc" selection in update-alternatives, and the only option for "cc" is "gcc"04:21
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s_spiffis there a way to test my ssh key setup before disabling password authentication on the server?04:40
JustFixMyWifiWhen I remove the password from the network it still cant connect through wifi, cable is working04:42
raga_Hi I am facing a problem on booting ubuntu. I have to manually set up lightdm by going to tty and entering `sudo start lightdm` or `sudo start gdm3`.Please help05:15
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hateballraga_: is this a standard install?05:25
raga_hateball, Yes05:26
hateballraga_: Is there anything in /var/log ? I imagine lightdm logs there (I dont use it)05:26
hateballraga_: do you get dropped to a text prompt at once, or is it like stuck on a black screen or so?05:27
raga_hateball, It is stuck at black screen, I have to press ctrl+alt+f1 to go to tty and then enter either 'sudo start lightdm' or 'sudo start gdm3' there05:27
hateballraga_: what GPU/driver are you using?05:28
raga_hateball, nvidia05:28
hateballraga_: could you try removing "quiet splash" from your bootline in grub, see if that changes anything?05:29
raga_hateball, Sorry I am a newbie, could you tell me how to do that?05:29
hateballraga_: when you boot your machine, hold down left shift to get the grub menu. then press 'e' to edit your desired entry, and arrowkey down to the line that contains "quiet splash" and just backspace that away. F10 to continue boot05:30
raga_hateball, okay please wait05:31
hateballraga_: that will disable any sort of gui splash during bootup, I've had issues with the handover to X when using that (in the past)05:31
hateballso it's simple enough to try05:31
raga_hateball, I have a dual boot machine, so grub menu comes by default05:31
hateballeasy enough then05:31
raga_hateball, okay am rebooting, please wait05:32
ragahateball, I don't see any command as quite splash05:33
hateballraga: you should have an entry that says "Ubuntu" or so, when you edit that you should get 3-4 lines you can edit05:34
ragahateball, Okay so I should press e on "ubuntu"?05:34
hateballraga: yea05:35
hateballthen you should see a line containing vmlinuz, at the end of that would be quiet splash05:35
ragahateball, yeah05:35
ragahateball, Should I delete the whole line?05:36
hateballraga: no just those 2 words05:36
hateballotherwise it wont boot at all :p05:36
ragahateball, delted quite splash05:36
ragahateball, how to save my changes?05:36
hateballthen press F10 to continue boot, now you should see only text when booting05:37
hateballraga: this is a runtime edit, so it will only affect this boot05:37
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ragahateball, It says booting a command list05:37
hateballraga: it should scroll by for a while, then hand you over to the login screen05:38
hateballif things work as expected, that is05:38
ragahateball, Nope Just "booting a command list" and nothing else05:38
ragahateball, should I open tty?05:38
hateballraga: give it a try05:39
ragahateball, opened05:39
ragahateball, Now what. I am in the tty?05:39
hateballinteresting, never seen that before. googling only brings up old stuff...05:40
hateballraga: oh start lightdm as you normally do, we'll check some other stuff then05:40
hateballraga: is this 16.04 or 17.04?05:40
ragahateball, 1605:40
hateballraga: and you're using nvidia proprietary or nouveau?05:41
ragahateball, nvidia proprietary05:41
hateballraga: and fully updated etc, running 4.4 kernel?05:43
ragahateball, how do i check the kernel version?05:43
hateballraga: uname -a05:43
hateballwell that gives more info than version, but05:44
ragahateball, yes 4.4.0-79-generic05:44
hateballraga: the only hits I get when googling are UEFI related... but those stop booting at all it seems, and that's not the case for you05:46
hateballI mean the OS boots, just the login manager doesnt start05:47
hateballraga: it's a long shot, but you could try a newer nvidia driver from PPA05:47
raga_hateball, Can't I just uninstall one out of lightdm and gdm3 and force the system to work with one05:47
hateballsee if that is the culprit05:47
hateballraga: oh well only one is configured at the time05:48
hateballraga: you can run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" to configure it as login manager again, if something seems broken05:48
raga_hateball, Currently I am using version 375 from nvida-37505:48
hateballthat should be new enough05:49
raga_hateball, SHould I use version 378 from nvida-378?(oepn source)05:49
raga_ hateball, I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm many times before05:50
hateballumm... open source would be nouveau, and you probably dont want to use that other than for ideological reasons05:50
raga_It didn't seem to do much05:50
hateballraga: nvidia-378 should be proprietary driver05:50
hateballraga: if you're using 375 now, try switching to 37805:50
raga_hateball, in the additional drivers app, it is written that version 378 from nvidia-378 is open source05:51
hateballthat is very strange05:51
hateballraga_: I dont run Unity myself, could you screenshot the GUI and upload to imgur or something?05:51
raga_Please wait05:51
hateballraga_: at any rate you can "sudo apt install nvidia-378" and that is the same as using the GUI05:52
raga_hateball, http://imgur.com/a/3B9Hn05:52
hateballraga_: has to be a GUI bug05:52
hateballraga_: are you using the nvidia PPA?05:53
raga_hateball, what to do?05:53
raga_hateball , How do I check?05:53
hateballraga_: well, you'd have to have added it manually, it doesnt come by default05:53
hateballraga_: because in 16.04, nvidia-375 is the highest available, 378 and 381 are in the ppa tho05:54
raga_hateball, Yes yesterday I tried something, which had ppa in it written05:54
hateballraga_: in that gui, on "other software" will be a line for the ppa05:54
raga_hateball, Which gui?05:54
hateballraga_: I suggest you try using 381, it's the latest stable driver. since you already have the ppa added and enabled05:54
hateballraga_: the software and updates05:55
raga_hateball, okay,please wait05:55
raga_hateball, there is also 381 there05:55
hateballraga_: Yes like I said, try that05:56
raga_hateball, 378 or 281?05:56
raga_I mean 38105:56
hateballraga_: 38105:56
raga_please wait05:56
hateball375 is LTS driver, 381 latest stable... and 378 is somewhere in between :p05:56
ragahateball, I remember trying to download the latest nvidia driver from their website for linux. But I faced some issues. So I followed https://askubuntu.com/questions/760934/graphics-issues-after-while-installing-ubuntu-16-04-16-10-with-nvidia-graphics05:58
hateballraga_: Yes, using PPA is preferable, even if nvidias own packages should work these days05:58
ragahateball, Please wait it is applying the changes05:58
hateballraga: but when using PPA and a new version releases you will need to switch manually like now05:59
ragahateball, What is the meaning of "ppa"?05:59
hateball!ppa | raga06:00
ubotturaga: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:00
ragaSo is 381 ppa?06:00
ragaI mean nvida-381?06:01
hateballraga: yes06:01
hateballraga: as is 37806:01
ragahateball, Then shouldn't I be staying with nvidia-375?06:01
hateballraga: thats why it says open source in the gui, because the gui assumes you only use default ubuntu packages06:01
hateballraga: I always use PPA drivers, it's fine06:02
hateballraga: and you're having an issue that might be solved, so no harm in trying06:02
hateballeasy enough to rollback06:02
ragahateball, Done!. Should I reboot now?06:03
ragahateball, Are you there?06:04
hateballraga: yes06:05
hateballraga: to both06:05
ragahateball, I rebooted. its the same06:05
ragahateball, I don't know why but since the issue came, the grub menu is also black in color and when I reboot, I get weird messages on a black screen before it reboots06:06
glitchdraga, can you read what the msg says?06:07
ragaLet me reboot I will take a photo then06:07
hateballraga: those messages should be logged06:07
hateballraga: journalctl -b06:08
ragaNo journal files were found06:08
glitchdanyone have any pcmanfm knowledge in here?06:08
ragahateball, Should I reboot and take a photo?06:08
hateballraga: well it is most strange there are no logs06:09
hateballraga: but sure, if you can06:09
ragaOk please wait06:09
glitchdraga, might be easier to take a video of the screen, then pause on the error msg, then screenshot it. unless it doesnt disappear very quickly.06:09
ragaYes thats what I will do06:09
hateballraga: just for kicks, you could try using this kernel parameter instead of "quiet splash" "nvidia-drm.modeset=1"06:09
ragaafter pressing "e" in Ubuntu?06:10
hateballraga: yea06:10
ragaPlease wait06:10
hateballraga: no "" tho, in case that was unclear06:11
hateballjust backspace away quiet splash and add nvidia-drm.modeset=1 instead06:11
ragahateball, replace quite splash with nvid.... didn't help06:13
hateballraga: didnt think it would, but worth a try06:14
hateballrunning out of ideas then, and I am not really familiar with uefi/dualboots06:14
ragahateball, let me upload the log06:14
raga_hateball, q3SyE4!sY#9306:17
raga_hateball, https://imgur.com/gallery/ZP0AI06:18
hateballraga: is that on shutdown or upstart?06:19
ragahateball, shutdown06:19
hateballseems to be some bugs about that06:20
ragaIs fresh install the only option remaining?06:20
hateballraga: but that's a different thing tho, wasnt it the boot that troubled you?06:20
ragahateball, Yes it was the boot, I thought maybe this was useful06:21
ragahateball, Any luck?06:23
hateballraga: regarding that bug, some comments suggest using this boot parameter helps fix it: acpi=force06:23
ragahateball, Where do I enter the command?06:24
hateballraga: so... you could try that. simply replace (or append to) quiet splash in grub06:24
ragahateball, But will that solve lightdm problem06:25
ragahateball, Will reinstalling gnome-desktop help?06:26
hateballraga: unlikely to solve that, but who knows. reinstalling gnome-desktop wont really do anything, it's lightdm that doesnt start, even tho it is configured properly06:27
hateballso to me it is bios/kernel/gpu related06:27
ragaShould I fresh install ubuntu?06:27
hateballraga: can you upload your /var/log/dmesg to nopaste or something? after you've done a successful boot06:28
hateballraga: well it isnt windows, so reinstalling wont (for the most part) magically fix things :p06:28
ragahateball, Should I first reboot06:28
b4rhi, sorry to bother with a simple question: how do I create and help become a maintainer of .deb pckages for ubuntu?06:28
hateballraga: yes do a reboot and try acpi=force06:29
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment06:29
ragaappend at the end of "quiet splash"?06:29
hateballb4r:                                                   ^06:29
b4ryes ty06:29
hateballraga: yes append or replace06:29
ragaok please wait06:29
Harishello all06:30
Harison 14.04, I setup ntp to look at 0.asia.pool.ntp.org and 1.asia.pool.ntp.org. Yet clock still shifted. when I manually ran ntpdate just now, it did a -85.xxxxxx second. What does this mean ? the clock is running too fast ?06:32
ragahateball, What is the command for the logs?06:32
ragaJust enter dmesg in the terminal?06:33
b4rI mean that's one way, sure06:33
ragadone. It worked06:33
b4r\o/ success06:33
raga_hateball, https://pastebin.com/nP9TQ4MB06:35
raga_hateball, are you there?06:38
hateballraga_: on and off, I am at work after all :p06:41
raga_I uploaded the logs06:41
hateballraga_: I am looking06:42
hateballraga_: I see the BIOS is from 2014, have you checked for an update? If it is indeed acpi related, it could be fixed in a newer version06:42
raga_How do I do that?06:43
hateballraga_: Go on HPs website and search for your model in the support section06:43
hateballraga_: depending on model etc it may be a windows only flasher, but since you have dualboot that should be easy enough. some models allow flashing from a thumbdrive directly in bios itself06:44
raga_hateball, I see a bios update there06:46
hateballraga_: doesnt hurt to try06:47
raga_hateball, I would have to boot into windows ..Please wait06:47
hateballraga_: I go afk for some hours in about 10 min, so06:47
hateballraga_: pretty much exhausted all my ideas anyhow :p06:48
ragaWon't installing Ubuntu again help?06:48
hateballWhy would it? It's the same packages06:48
ragaWon't installing Ubuntu again help?06:49
hateballraga_: Did things work properly during first install?06:49
ragaYes. The issue just popped up since the last 3 days06:49
ragaYes. The issue just popped up since the last 3 days06:49
ragaI have been using ubuntu for over a year now06:49
ragaIt was working fine before06:49
hateballraga_: Any idea if you were using nouveau up until then, and the problem happened because you switched to nvidia?06:49
ragaI tried to update nvidia this week. Thats when the problem started06:50
hateballand if you didnt switch to nvidia the past days, then it sounds like a kernel update broke it06:50
ragaI would try to switch to nouveau06:50
hateballraga_: afaik nvidia and uefi is tricky territory, but I dont use it myself... you can test easy enough by choosing nouveau again06:50
ragathanks for you help06:51
hateballstill, updating BIOS is probably a good idea06:51
ragaDoing that06:51
azizLIGHTim running ddrescue on /dev/sr0 and its filling my rootfs / up with log file on /var/log/kern.log with buffer i/o messages and also my /var/log/syslog with cd-rom related messages. WHAT DO I DO07:19
azizLIGHTim running out of space07:19
azizLIGHTkern.log is 900mb now and syslog 800 mb07:19
sebsebsebazizLIGHT: ddrescue? trying to recover data?07:21
azizLIGHTyes, its a scratched cd07:21
sebsebseboh right07:21
sebsebsebazizLIGHT: ok07:21
azizLIGHTis there a way to trim the kern.log and syslog files of the buffer i/o messages and cd-rom related messages. i dont need this stuff logged at all07:22
sebsebsebazizLIGHT: I guess will only be able to recover some data if anything, and it has to put log files somewhere so and errors07:22
azizLIGHTyea but i dont need 800 mb of buffer io messages07:23
azizLIGHTin the log07:23
azizLIGHTthats plain text .... 800 mb07:23
Scoop7my volume controller that I coded: https://i.redd.it/012cukejqs1z.png  <- what do you guys think ?07:23
azizLIGHTplain uselss07:23
sebsebsebazizLIGHT: not sure how but you can probably turn the logging off and delete the old logs yourself07:23
Scoop7what about this one azizLIGHT: https://imgur.com/QWLzbKA ?07:23
azizLIGHTScoop7: i wasnt talking to you .sorry07:24
sebsebsebScoop7: for what?07:24
azizLIGHTScoop7: that second one is really unusual. and hard to control and set volume07:24
azizLIGHTScoop7: why isnt it vertical07:24
azizLIGHTwhy does it render vertical, but control horizontally07:24
Scoop7nah that's ok yesterday I had a terrible day after "chmod 777 -R /."07:24
azizLIGHTit should render in the same direction as the control07:25
azizLIGHTso if you render it horizontally, be controlling it horizontally as well07:25
azizLIGHTand the same goes for vertical07:25
Scoop7ok maybe https://i.redd.it/uu79jhp0t12z.gif is more user friendly ?07:25
Scoop7or : https://i.redd.it/wma1461jc62z.png07:26
Scoop7this sounds - something a windows would do to you :D07:26
sebsebsebazizLIGHT: that must be important data on cd07:26
sebsebsebazizLIGHT: plenty of old cds here unlabbled to go through but dont think ill try  to recover anything properly from any of them07:27
Scoop7this one https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/BadUnluckyCrossbill is very secure and unique  volume controller07:28
Scoop7one user volume per user only07:28
NvidiotHi, anyone around who can help me with a broadcom wireless driver issue? iwconfig does not see the card, sudo modprobe wl gives this in dmesg: https://pastebin.com/JBnkRzkw (complaining about unknown symbols). I'm running 14.04 LTS with a 4.4 kernel07:31
NvidiotI have tried reinstalling the bcmwl-kernel-source package, even tried updating to a more recent version as suggested by a post on the ubuntu forums, but no luck07:32
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azizLIGHTis it safe to rename /var/log/kern.log to /var/log/kern.log.to-delete while im booted. i want to trim the log file and reclaim some space on my rootfs07:34
azizLIGHTalso i noticed i dont have any kern.log or kern.log.*.gz file before jun 107:36
azizLIGHTactual file gets rotated and compressed, and then eventually deleted?07:36
azizLIGHT7 days after current day?07:36
NvidiotDoes anyone have an idea about my issue with the broadcom wireless card?07:42
azizLIGHTeverybody sleepin looks like07:45
Nvidiotyeah I guess :(07:45
NvidiotBeen pulling my hair out on this one. Not many google hits and the suggestions there do not work. It USED to work with the older (3.x) kernel, but I need the 4.4 kernel because I need kerberos which seems to be broken in 3.x (and which does work right in 4.4)07:47
SkylakeMXhey ppl07:47
sebsebsebNvidiot: yes broadcom doesnt have good lnux support07:48
sebsebsebNvidiot: so may need a propritary driver07:48
sebsebsebNvidiot: might be one in additional drivers gui program in ubuntu but will need to ethernnet connect to download if no net07:49
Nvidiotsebsebseb: I've got the ethernet plugged in right now. How do I get to that program (I'm not running the standard window manager)07:50
ragaHi can anyone guide me how to fresh install ubuntu on a already dual booted system. I have the bootable usb created07:51
SkylakeMXraga: what systems are present?07:55
ragaWindows 10 and ubuntu 16. I wanted to reinstall ubuntu 1607:56
SkylakeMXraga: what about launching the bootable usb, format the present ubuntu installation and reinstall it on that partition?07:56
SkylakeMXraga: or did you setup with a certain structure?07:57
ragaYes. That is what needs to be done. Can you guide me through the steps in a little more detail?07:57
ragaSkylakeMX, How do I launch the bootable usb?07:57
SkylakeMXraga: sure, is it possible for you to tell me what screen you are on while running the setup? I can guide you07:57
ragaCurrently The system is shut down07:57
ragaI have a bootable usb with me07:58
SkylakeMXraga: depends on the motherboard of the system, usually F10 gives a boot menu while repeatly pressing while starting up (before ubuntu/windows loads)07:58
ragaSkylakeMX ok am about to do that07:58
SkylakeMXraga: the usb stick should already be present in the USB port07:58
ragaI pressed f1007:59
SkylakeMXraga: did you get a menu with boot device options?07:59
SkylakeMXraga: what options do you have?07:59
ragaSkylakeMX, iin the UEFI boot order: the order is 1) USB diskette on Key/Usb hard disk2) OS boot Manager 3) Internal Cd 4) USB Cd/DVD08:00
SkylakeMXraga: UEFI -> USB Key/Usb hard disk: does this one do something?08:01
ragaIf I just exit, I enter into the grub menu not the usb bootable08:02
SkylakeMXraga: you should not exit, you should boot from the usb stick08:02
ragaSkylakeMX how do I do that08:03
SkylakeMXraga: can't you recognize your usb in the bootmenu with the make of it?08:03
SkylakeMXraga: you should mark the option with the arrow keys and press enter to boot from the selected device08:04
ragaSkylakeMX, in the legacy boot order or the Uefi Boot Order?08:04
SkylakeMXraga: depends on how you created your USB, best would be the UEFI boot order08:05
SkylakeMXraga: how did you create your USB?08:05
SkylakeMXraga: okay, then I guess it should be visible in UEFI mode08:06
ragaSkylakeMX, in the UEFI Boot order : USB Diskette on Key/Usb Hard Disk is at the top08:07
SkylakeMXraga: what happends if you press enter while selecting that device?08:08
ragaNothing happens08:08
SkylakeMXraga: can you go back to the Legacy boot items?08:08
SkylakeMXraga: just to check if it's present there08:08
ragaIn the boot options?08:09
SkylakeMXraga: yes08:09
ragaSkylakeMX, this is what I have https://imgur.com/gallery/Gg1IF08:10
SkylakeMXraga: move your selection to legacy boot (usb diskette) and press F5/F6 to move it to the top08:12
SkylakeMXraga: when you did that, press F10 to save your settings and let the computer boot (without pressing anything)08:12
raga]Entered into bootable usb08:12
SkylakeMXraga: you launched from the usb stick now?08:13
ragaSkylakeMX Yes, Try Ubuntu without installing or Install Ubuntu?08:13
SkylakeMXraga: use try without installing08:13
SkylakeMXraga: it's easier for you to follow with a graphical interface :)08:13
ragaSkylakeMX booted08:14
ragainto ubuntu08:14
SkylakeMXraga: if it's a laptop, make sure it's connected to the internet and the power adapter is connected08:14
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SkylakeMXon the desktop you can open the setup08:14
ragaSkyalkeMX, You mean the Install Ubuntu icon?08:15
SkylakeMXraga: yes08:15
ragaSkylakeMX, https://askubuntu.com/questions/666631/how-can-i-dual-boot-windows-10-and-ubuntu-on-a-uefi-hp-notebook Do I need to follow 4.1 here?08:15
SkylakeMXraga: no need to do that08:16
SkylakeMXraga: just follow the basic steps https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-ubuntu-desktop08:17
SkylakeMXraga: but not selecting all default things while installing since you already got a system present08:17
SkylakeMXraga: did you open the setup?08:17
SkylakeMXraga: what do you see?08:17
raga2 options : 1) download updates while installing ubuntu 2) install 3rd party software for graphics , Flash , mp3 and other media08:18
SkylakeMXraga: select both if you don't mind installing propitary software but want better support08:19
SkylakeMXraga: you can always lookup what propitary software is :)08:19
ragaI have selected both and clicked continue08:20
SkylakeMXraga: on the next screen (installation type) select something else08:20
ragaIts currently on the same screen08:20
ragaI am getting the "wait circle"08:20
SkylakeMXraga: no problem, just wait for a moment08:20
ragaI am on next screen08:21
SkylakeMXraga: can you send a screenshot of what you see?08:21
ragaPlease wait08:21
SkylakeMXraga: would make it a lot easier for this screen to figure out what your configuration is08:21
NvidiotAnyone around who can help with a Brcoadcom wireless issue? Relevant details here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236326808:23
SkylakeMXNvidiot: did you check the additional drivers tab?08:25
SkylakeMXNvidiot: i'm pretty sure there would be an propitary driver for your wireless adapter (make sure you are connected over LAN)08:26
ragaSkylakeMX https://imgur.com/gallery/QbLWU08:26
SkylakeMXraga: select 'something else' and click next08:27
SkylakeMXraga: then send me another screenshot :P08:27
NvidiotSkylakeMX: how do I get to the 'additional drivers' thing?08:31
Nvidiot(note: I'm not running the standard window manager, so I may need to know the name of the executable)08:31
stevenmorning, whats the way to set folder permission to automatically change every file created to a fixed user:group ?08:31
SkylakeMXNvidiot: is jockey-text present on your system?08:32
SkylakeMXNvidiot: try jockey-text --list08:32
Nvidiotthat's not present on my system apparently08:33
SkylakeMXNvidiot: and 'sudo ubuntu-drivers list'?08:33
Nvidiotthat shows bcmwl-kernel-source and several nvidia drivers (the bcmwl-kernel-source one SHOULD work for the wireless card I have but it does not)08:34
raga_SkylakeMX http://imgur.com/a/s6cmL08:35
SkylakeMXraga_: you want to keep your windows installation right? and only replace the existing ubuntu installation?08:35
raga_SkylakeMX, YEs08:36
SkylakeMXraga_: can u make another screenshot while scrolled down so I can also see the other devices08:36
raga_SkylakeMX http://imgur.com/a/r5LNI08:36
SkylakeMXraga_: okay, it's pretty simple in your case, select /dev/sda8 and click the minus icon next to change08:37
raga_SkylakeMX, you mean /dev/sda8 ext408:38
SkylakeMXraga_: next there will be free space, select that and click the + icon, on that screen make sure the partition type is 'primary', use as 'ext4 journaling file system' and mount point is set to '/' and press OK08:39
SkylakeMXraga_: after that, send me another screenshot to rule out any mistakes08:39
raga_SkylakeMX, when I press minus08:40
raga_SkylakeMX, its scanning08:40
raga_SkylakeMX, I selected and pressed minus. Now what?08:41
SkylakeMXraga_: i already sent you the next steps :)08:42
raga_SkylakeMX, there are 3 free spaces. 2 of 1mb and 1 of 100 gb08:42
SkylakeMXNvidiot: have you checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx ?08:43
SkylakeMXraga_: you sure? you just removed /dev/sda8 (ext4) right?08:43
SkylakeMXraga_: screenshot? :P08:44
raga_acually there are 4 free space08:44
raga_SkylakeMX, http://imgur.com/a/PObC4. The second image in the post should be the first one08:45
NvidiotSkylakeMX: yup I looked at that. It suggests to use the bcmwl-kernel-source package, which does not work :(08:45
SkylakeMXraga_: next there will be free space, select that and click the + icon, on that screen make sure the partition type is 'primary', use as08:46
SkylakeMX                   'ext4 journaling file system' and mount point is set to '/' and press OK08:46
SkylakeMXraga_: your current selection is correct08:46
=== Attoy_ is now known as Attoy
SkylakeMXthe one with the size of around 100GB08:46
SkylakeMXNvidiot: also the Installing b43/b43legacy firmware thing?08:47
ragaSkylakeMX, can the size be increase by 50 GB?08:47
NvidiotI've tried those, doesn't work either (which I expect, because that page says my specific card is not supported by that driver)08:48
SkylakeMXraga: you don't have more available space left which means you need to modify existing partitions08:48
ragaOhk so I won't be able to do that?08:49
SkylakeMXraga: If I were you I would install it with the 100 GB you got available, you can always resize your windows partition08:49
ragatype: primary , Location for the new partition : beginning of this space . Use as Ext4, Mount point : / is that correct?08:50
SkylakeMXNvidiot: i'm busy on work so i'm not having the ability to do a deep research on that at the moment :(08:50
SkylakeMXraga: correct ;)08:50
NvidiotSkylakeMX: no problem, if you have more ideas let me know either on here or on the forums :)08:51
raga_SkylakeMX done http://imgur.com/a/W3Lc608:51
SkylakeMXNvidiot: sure ;) I'm in a bit lack of time lately but I will try to check this channel when I get home before working on my project08:52
SkylakeMXraga_: seems it picked up the old partition format. No problem, just check the 'Format' checkbox08:52
raga_SkylakeMX there is no Format Checkbox currently available http://imgur.com/a/RO74D08:54
SkylakeMXraga_: look carefully, /dev/sda8 - ext4 - / - [format checkbox] - size - size in use - system08:55
raga_SkylakeMX, done08:55
SkylakeMXraga_: if you are sure you did it correctly, press install now08:56
raga_SkylakeMX , http://imgur.com/a/jiHRm08:56
SkylakeMXraga_: there is no visible image on that link08:57
ragaPlease wait08:57
raga]It is uploading08:57
raga__SkylakeMX http://imgur.com/a/EYSFG08:59
SkylakeMXraga__: seems correct to me, you are good to go09:00
raga__SkylakeMX, should I click Connect?09:00
SkylakeMXraga__: connect seems weird to me, maybe your connection felt away or something.. but yes09:01
raga__SkylakeMX, yes the wifi dropped suddenly09:01
raga__SkylakeMX, its opened a warning page to continue or not09:02
SkylakeMXraga__: if you can't get thru the whole setup you can always run it without installing updates etc09:02
SkylakeMXraga__: what warning?09:02
raga__SkylakeMX http://imgur.com/a/KOWWv09:02
raga__SkylakeMX Should I click Continue?09:04
raga__SkylakeMX are you there?09:04
raga__SkylakeMX dude are you available?09:08
ObrienDaveif that's what you want to do, yes, it's safe to continue. are you SURE you want those partitions in those places?09:08
raga__Thats where he was guiding me09:08
raga__ObrienDave could You check09:09
ObrienDavejust got here09:09
raga__ObreinDave http://imgur.com/a/uuhbt. Shoud I click on Install?09:10
Nvidiotraga__: that looks ok to me. 8 is the old installation, 9 is the old swap09:10
hateballraga__: no luck with new BIOS then I take it?09:11
raga__hateball yes09:11
SkylakeMXraga__: it's correct, you can continue but it's always better to have someone confirm. but i'm pretty sure I know what you want ;)09:11
ObrienDavei concur on the installation09:11
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ragaClicked on install now09:11
Fallenouranyoen awake with me?09:17
Fallenourgot a quick ubuntu question09:17
hateball!ask | Fallenour09:17
ubottuFallenour: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:17
ObrienDavewe probably have a quick answer for you ;P09:18
ragaThe screen is flashing bad09:18
ragaIs it normal?09:18
ragaWhat to do?09:18
v4169sgrHi, looking for recommendations for a ubuntu flavour to install on an IBM Thinkpad T43 laptop with 2 GB RAM but a really small HBB [40 GB, split into 8 GB for / and 32 GB for /home]. It currently has 10.04 on it.09:18
ObrienDavelet it install, look for current graphics drivers09:19
FallenourOk so Im building openstack for this project, www.github.com/fallenour/panda, and I need to understand a quick piece on a config video, they want me to unbind mysql from localhost to , why would i do that?09:19
Fallenourwont that break keystone?09:19
v4169sgrIt has stock ubuntu 10.04 on it atm09:19
Fallenourim trying to ween myself off of mirantis and do things without training wheels09:19
ObrienDavev4169sgr, get 12.04 from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/ THEN go for 14.04 THEN 16.04 in THAT order09:21
v4169sgrThanks, looking to do a clean install09:22
v4169sgrWilling to start over - blatt over the top of all in /09:22
v4169sgrbut keep user data in /home09:22
ObrienDavev4169sgr, let each one install completely before attempting the next LTS release09:22
ObrienDavev4169sgr, as long as you don't format /home, it will be ok09:23
v4169sgrOn my stock 16.04 install on a PC, I see the system taking 15 GB space on /09:23
v4169sgrI don't have that much space on the T4309:23
Fallenouroh my brain09:24
v4169sgrso am looking for a small footprint install of ubuntu09:24
ObrienDavetry the minimal or go for xubuntu or lubuntu09:24
hateball!minimal | v4169sgr09:24
ubottuv4169sgr: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:24
v4169sgralright, something a little more user friendly :)09:25
v4169sgris my father's laptop09:25
v4169sgrso needs to be ok for him to use09:25
ObrienDavei recommend xubuntu09:25
v4169sgrxubuntu or lubuntu are good recomendations, will check those out09:25
azizLIGHTmy /var/log/kern.log file and /var/log/syslog files are getting huge and taking up a lot of space on my drive. can i delete or edit or trim them down to take up less space on my rootfs /09:25
v4169sgrxubuntu needs min 7.5 GB space, recommended 20 GB for expansion, which is reasonable. I have 8. So very tight09:27
ObrienDavea bigger HD comes to mind09:28
v4169sgrlubuntu seems much better09:29
ObrienDavethe thinkpad should should support a MUCH larger drive than 40GB09:29
ObrienDaveyou can get a 500GB for 30 or 40 bucks now09:30
v4169sgrCan you get one new that will be compatible (just slot in) with the T43?09:30
v4169sgrThe T43is seriously old ...09:30
ObrienDaveif it's SATA, yes. if it's IDE, that's a bit herder to find09:31
v4169sgrThe current HDD is a09:35
v4169sgrFujitsu Mobile MHV2040AH - hard drive - 40 GB - ATA-10009:35
v4169sgrnot sure if that is sata or ide09:35
ObrienDavehttps://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAAEE4M67305 IDE09:36
ObrienDavei think my old HP has a 160GB IDE. not sure what the capacity limit is for IDE09:38
v4169sgrok, think the answer is leave it alone09:38
v4169sgryes, seems ide drives are all small by today's standards09:38
v4169sgrI will look at lubuntu then09:38
v4169sgrand forget about expansion09:38
ObrienDaveyou should be able to find somewhere around 200GB IDE drive fairly cheap. use clonezilla to transfer the partitions09:39
ObrienDavewell, it's my bedtime. good luck and goon night09:42
hateballvaishali: ata-100 would be IDE09:43
v4169sgryes, agreed, and replacement ide hdds for t43 larger than 100 GB don't seem to exist09:46
peixotohello :)09:59
peixotodamn it, keepass! i am using keepass with keefox. when i launch keepass via keefox on Firefox, i get this black icon square on the taskbar. i don't succeed correcting this bug!10:00
jushurmaybe time to buy some new hardware?10:01
ragaI am in the terminal and it shows username@something ~$       . How do i change 'something'?10:01
v4169sgrwhy throw away rock solid IBM h/w :)10:01
Guest22266raga: edit /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname10:04
jushurraga: no dont do what Guest22266 said10:06
ragaI just did :(10:06
ragajushur, what should I do?10:07
cfhowlett!hostname | jushur please read10:08
ubottujushur please read: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.10:08
jushurcfhowlett: and if you read his initial question you will notice he did not ask how to change hostname..10:09
ragaCan anybody tell me how desktop environment and distros are different from each other?10:09
jushurraga: that is kinda a lot. and not realy a support question.10:10
v4169sgra distro is your operating system: everything in, on top of and under the hood10:11
cfhowlett!flavors | raga official ubuntu distros have a different desktop environment and different default apps.  under the hood, all the same10:11
ubotturaga official ubuntu distros have a different desktop environment and different default apps.  under the hood, all the same: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours10:11
v4169sgra DE is the eye candy stuff, the shop window10:11
jushurraga: if you do, echo $PS1 , in the terminal it will show you the current setting for it.10:11
ragajushur, I have changed both /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts to the same name10:12
jushurraga: that you can change, by putting a line in ~/.bashrc10:13
jushurraga: and i did say iit was wrong right?10:13
ragajushur So what should I do now?10:13
jushurraga: you asked how to change your bash prompth, not how to change your hostname10:13
=== evilnewbie is now known as beaver
* v4169sgr recommends fvwm :P10:15
vltHello. How can I add an icon to my unity desktop to run a program (shell script)?10:15
NvidiotAnyone around who can help with a Broadcom wireless issue? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2363268 has relevant info10:16
jushurraga: so what is it you want to do? change the look of the bash prompth or change your hostname of the computer?10:17
vltWhat do I have to put into ~/.local/share/applications/my_script.desktop to create a clickable icon to launch ~/my_script.sh?10:27
BluesKajHi folks10:30
oerheksvlt, step 1: use the full path of your script, /home/$USER/my_script.sh >> see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles10:30
oerhekshi BluesKaj10:31
BluesKajhi oerheks10:31
v4169sgrHaving issues with perf of ssd: please see https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236308710:46
NvidiotAnyone around who can help with a Broadcom wireless issue? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2363268 has relevant info10:50
Nvidiotissue = it doesn't show up at all10:50
vltoerheks: Thank you!10:51
vltHello. I connected an HP Laserjet M26a via USB and used the settings=>printers menu to add it. The printer was found but doesn't print; all jobs remain in the queue. How can I fix this?10:53
hateballvlt: make sure it's using the proper driver10:55
hateballvlt: sometimes it picks the wrong one automatically10:55
hateballvlt: you have foomatic, hpijs etc10:55
BluesKajNvidiot, have you looked at the broadcom-sta-common driver ?10:56
hateballvlt: ah, appears it needs additional firmware to work according to http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/laserjet/hp_laserjet_pro_mfp_m26a.html10:57
hateballvlt: you install that using hp-setup10:57
vlthateball: Thank you for having found this. I'll try that.10:57
hateballvlt: just run hp-setup and the wizard should fix everything for you10:58
BluesKajNvidiot, run lspci -vvnn | grep -A 9 Network to find your wifi card, just to be sure10:58
vlthateball: Damn, that wizard says "no devices found" (while cups did)10:59
hateballvlt: can you try specififying the device id?11:00
vlthateball: Where to find that id?11:01
vlthateball: lsusb?11:01
hateballvlt: run "lsusb" to see the device id11:01
hateballvlt: yep11:01
hateballthen hp-setup -i id:here11:01
vlthateball: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 03f0:932a Hewlett-Packard11:01
vlthateball: 001:003?11:01
hateballvlt: yea11:02
NvidiotBluesKaj: the thread I posted has the output of the lspci there. If I remember right the broadcom-sta-common one doesn't support the card I have?11:02
vlthateball: Still no devices found. Could it be a permission problem?11:02
hateballvlt: hmmm... I think it should be able to find the device regardless. I cant remember if it needs sudo to download the firmware11:03
limaliwhat's that side bar, that has changed it's color from brown?11:04
cfhowlettdownload, no installation, yes11:04
hateballvlt: suppose you can give sudo a go11:04
limalithe notification bar at the right side, reminds of wirless?11:04
limalicfhowlett: ?11:04
hateballcfhowlett: well yea, that was kinda implied ;p11:04
limalinotification bar has changed color from brown to silver? so hwo do I change it back ?11:04
hateballvlt: there is also hp-probe11:05
vlthateball: Searching... (bus=usb, search=(None), desc=0) \n error: No devices found on bus: usb11:05
vlthateball: Same with sudo11:05
hateballThat's really strange11:05
hateballvlt: And if you remove it from CUPS, and reattach it, does it reinstall ?11:06
vlthateball: hp-probe => usb => no devices found11:06
NvidiotBluesKaj: also, the bcmwl-kernel-source does work with the 3.13 kernel, showing that it IS the correct driver11:06
* vlt checks11:06
tcpdumpAnyone have any idea why the Ubuntu installer creates an extended partiton then puts your new volume inside the extended?11:07
tcpdumpLike, wth does it do that?11:07
hateballtcpdump: are you dualbooting?11:08
tcpdumphateball: nope11:08
vlthateball: I removed the printer from CUPS, un- and replugged it.11:08
vlthateball: hp-setup and hp-probe still don't find it.11:08
tcpdumpJust Ubuntu server x64 - when you do a clean ubuntu install using the wizard it does that.11:08
vlthateball: What to try next?11:08
hateballvlt: did it repopulate itself into cups tho?11:08
tcpdumpSo if you want to extend your LVM drive you have to grow your extended part, then your logical volume.11:09
vlthateball: No, it's not listed.11:09
MarcGuayHi folks.  I'm running 14.04 w/ Skype 4.3 which will no longer be supported.  What's the best way to update to 5.3?11:09
tcpdumpalso, love the name hateball11:09
tcpdumpMarcGuay: dont use skype?11:09
vlthateball: It appears in CUPS's "Find new printers" result11:10
hateballvlt: That's odd as hell. And if you add it, can you see what port it uses?11:10
MarcGuaytcpdump: Is there other software which can communicate with skype users?11:10
tcpdumpMarcGuay: do a distro update.11:10
hateballvlt: for instance usb:// or hp:// or some such11:10
tcpdumpto 16.0411:10
vlthateball: usb://HP/LaserJet%20Pro%20MFP%20M26a?serial=...11:10
MarcGuaytcpdump: Not sure which messages are for me, you're suggesting I update ubuntu to 16.04?11:11
cfhowlettMarcGuay, per msoft, skype linux support dies on July 1st regardless of versions.11:13
* tcpdump feels like cfhowlett may have used the google machine.11:13
tcpdumpNot suprised.. its MICROSOFT11:13
MarcGuaycfhowlett:  The notice on the download page says "All Skype for Linux clients version 4.3 and older will be retired on July 1, 2017. To keep chatting, please install the latest version of Skype for Linux."11:15
MarcGuaySo 4.3 and older will actually stop working, but newer versions will work ok, regardless of support I guess.11:15
cfhowlettI stand corrected then.  thank you.11:16
cfhowlettthe web based versions work with linux no probem11:16
MarcGuaycfhowlett: If this install of 5.3 fails I guess I'll have to use that.11:17
BluesKajNvidiot,  have you considered the dkms build driver, broadcom-sta-dkms ?11:18
MarcGuayDownloaded the deb file from the Skype website and it installed fine, but next to the old version, rather than updating it.11:20
NvidiotBluesKaj: hmm, let me give that a shot. I'll disconnect from here because the wifi doesn't work and I need to download the driver :)11:20
hateballvlt: none of my devices have needed extra firmware so I am not too knowledgable about them11:24
hateballvlt: I am thinking if it is possible to just download the firmware somehow, without hp-setup finding the device11:24
hateballvlt: does hp-firmware find anything?11:25
Nvidiot2BluesKaj: the broadcom-sta-dkms fails with a build error :(11:25
BluesKajNvidiot2,  did you install dkms, sometimes it's not installed by default11:26
BluesKajforgot to mention that :/11:27
Nvidiot2it complains about alloc_netdev being undeclared11:27
Nvidiot2BluesKaj: any ideas?11:29
BluesKajNvidiot2,  odd, normally bcm drivers just work11:30
Nvidiot2Yeah. I think I'm hitting some weird incompatibility with the driver + the 4.4 kernel that I'm running. It works fine on 3.13, but I need the 4.4 kernel to get Kerberos to work11:30
BluesKajNvidiot2,  which ubuntu version?11:31
Nvidiot2the 'wl' module expects a certain interface but it can't find it11:31
Nvidiot2I'm running 14.04.5 LTS11:31
akikNvidiot2: what is the dependency between the kernel and kerberos? first time i hear something like that11:32
Lavinhogood morning11:33
Lavinhohow to put card local meo read dreambox ?11:33
akikLavinho: could you rephrase that, please?11:34
LavinhoHow do I get a dreambox to read meo card?11:34
akikLavinho: do you have ubuntu installed in your dreambox?11:38
Lavinhodreambox based linux11:38
akikLavinho: this channel is for ubuntu support only11:38
vlthateball: hp-firmware => "error:  No devices that support firmware download found."11:40
Nvidiot2akik: kerberos auth to a windows share with ntlm v1 disabled did not work with the 3.13 kernel but works fine with 4.411:41
hateballvlt: I see this https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/+bug/164665311:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1646653 in HPLIP "Ubuntu 16.04, can not add HP Laser Jet Pro MFP M26nw" [Undecided,In progress]11:42
hateballvlt: which means you'd need to install a newer hplip manually to solve that, I guess11:42
hateballvlt: you can also run hp-doctor to upgrade, it would seem11:45
SimonNLvlt: You must ensure latest HPLIP version (recommemded), or at least HPLIP 3.17.5 in order to use your printer with Ubuntu 16.04.11:47
SimonNLvlt: coming from http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install_wizard/index.html11:47
irwisscan you monitor ubuntu auto updates somehow? i fired up a vm, it decided to update stuff, i can see apt processes starting up and doing stuff, i can't see anything about what they're doing though11:49
vltSimonNL, hateball: Thanks!11:51
SimonNLvlt: you're welcome11:52
Nvidiot2Anyone around who can help with a non-working Broadcom wireless card? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236326811:52
vlt,v hplip11:52
SimonNLNvidiot2: my info page tells me you need  bcmwl-kernel-source11:54
vlthplip 3.17 is not even in Ubuntu 17.04 o_O11:55
Nvidiot2SimonNL: that's the one I installed and that doesn't work :(11:56
SimonNLvlt: uninstall it from package manager and download from      http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install/install/index.html11:56
SimonNLvlt: install info is there also11:56
Nvidiot2SimonNL: it gives the modprobe errors shown in the forum post :(11:56
vlt2017-06-01 10:09:16     hateball        But usually the answer is "all of them"11:57
vlthateball: :-D11:57
vltSimonNL: Thank you.11:57
SimonNLNvidiot2: rebooted after install ?11:58
hateballvlt: :p11:58
hateballvlt: I did say usually :p11:58
vlthateball: I know ;-)11:58
Nvidiot2SimonNL: it's not windows but yes, I've rebooted. Same error in dmesg but then on boot of the machine11:59
SimonNLNvidiot2: does driver manager not show broadcom drivers11:59
Nvidiot2SimonNL: how do I start that? I am not running the standard window manager12:00
SimonNLcould be somewhere in your menu. sorry I don't used ubuntu12:00
SimonNLNvidiot2: maybe driver-manager from command line12:01
hateballYou can use the ubuntu-drivers command from cli, thats what's underneath the GUI12:01
Nvidiot2ty, trying :)12:02
Nvidiot2yup, that suggests bcmwl-kernel-source for the wireless card. Doesn't work tho :(12:02
hateballNvidiot2: can you "sudo apt install dkms build-essential" first, to make sure you have everything you may need12:03
Nvidiot2hateball: both already the newest version12:04
xtubertkinter for python312:05
xtuberhow can I ask here?12:06
hateballNvidiot2: and you're just using the standard xenial kernel?12:06
hateball!ru | xtuber12:06
ubottuxtuber: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:06
hateballxtuber: I dont understand what you want to ask really12:07
Nvidiot2I didn't do a manual build if that's what you're asking12:07
hateballNvidiot2: well yeah, but if you're using a mainline kernel or something you wont have the headers needed for dkms to build12:07
akikhateball: i'm using a mainline kernel and dkms works fine12:08
Nvidiot2hateball: I have linux-image-virtual-lts-xenial installed, I assume that's the standard xenial kernel (which happens to be 4.4)12:08
SimonNLNvidiot2: in package manager make sure you have only bcmwl-kernel-source installed for that device. search broadcom in there12:11
SimonNLNvidiot2: if you find time for it.12:12
Nvidiot2SimonNL: dpkg -l | grep -i broadcom   only shows bcmwl-kernel-source as installed12:13
hateballakik: right, but you also have the sources then I take it12:13
hateballheaders, that is12:14
Nvidiot2yes, the related -headers package is also installed (which makes sense, because the build step works, it just fails after it's done building)12:15
SimonNLNvidiot2: I'm more a GUI kind of person. I'm not at all sure of that output.12:15
akikhateball: yes the three .deb packages that are needed and shared at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/kernel-ppa/mainline/12:15
Nvidiot2SimonNL: I checked synaptic, also there only bcmwl-kernel-source installed12:17
SimonNLNvidiot2: one other thing my info page tells me is if bcmwl-kernel-source does not work you could try firmware-b43-installer12:17
SimonNLNvidiot2: https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers/60395#6039512:18
Nvidiot2Tried that one, doesn't work :(12:18
SimonNLdevice broke comes more and more to mind.12:19
Nvidiot2It's something to go with the combination bcmwl-kernel-source and this 4.4 kernel that breaks I think12:19
Nvidiot2Nope, because the card works just fine if I boot into the 3.13 kernel12:19
BluesKajakik,  for some reason the url you posted 404's12:19
Nvidiot2with the same driver :|12:19
SimonNLhmm any way you couls upgrade kernel?12:19
SimonNLI'm on 4.10 on my laptop using same driver12:20
akikBluesKaj: ok somehow my irssi removed the tilde in front of kernel-ppa12:21
ragaHi https://imgur.com/a/inGTq. In the unkown cell, I am unable to check the first radio button. When I click on it and click on "apply changes" nothing happens12:21
ragaioria Hi12:22
ioriaraga, hi, how you doing ?12:22
SimonNLBluesKaj: could it be this. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=N;O=D12:22
ragaFine. I was unable to resolve the issue. Therefore I clean installed ubuntu 16 again12:22
BluesKajSimonNL,  I found it12:23
ioriaraga, sorry about that12:23
ragaioria https://imgur.com/a/inGTq. In the unkown cell, I am unable to check the first radio button. When I click on it and click on "apply changes" nothing happens12:23
Nvidiot2SimonNL: how do I switch to the 4.10 kernel then?12:24
SimonNLNvidiot2: sorry you will have to ask an ubuntu person12:24
ioriaraga,  the problem is nvidia driver or the cpu microcode ?12:24
ragaioria , cpu microcode12:25
ioriaraga,  why do you need it ? nvidia is working ?12:25
SimonNLNvidiot2: in mint it's using the update manager12:25
ioriaraga,  usually you don't need that12:26
ragaioria, in the NVIDIA X server settings, I see that nvidia is enabled. Is there any other way to check12:26
rud0lfhello.. i've installed app called anbox, then removed it.. it seems to failed to cleanup after itself, now systemd-modules-load complains about missing "ashmem_linux" and "binder_linux" modules.. how do i remove those entries manually?12:26
rud0lfi googled and ashmem and binder are strictly anbox's modules12:26
ioriaraga,  don't worry about that (for now) , just test your nvidia driver  if it's working good ..... paste   sudo lshw -c Video12:27
SimonNLvlt: any progress ?12:27
ragaioria , https://pastebin.com/SCQGU7J712:28
ioriaraga,  ok, are you experiencing some kind of problems ?12:29
Nvidiot2SimonNL: ok, ty for your help :)12:29
ragaNope. Its been only an hour since I fresh installed ubuntu12:29
BluesKajraga,  optimus! hybrid graphics, you should have mentioned this12:30
rud0lfnvm, found it :)12:30
ragaBluesKaj , I didn't get that?12:30
BluesKajyou have 2 gpus12:30
ubottuUbuntu uses nvidia-prime to support optimus videocards.12:31
ioriaraga,  ok ... if i remember correctly, yesterday your pc was booting not with systemd but with init/upstart12:31
ragaioria : yes12:31
ioriaraga,  but now, resetting your system it's a bit hard to find out why ...12:31
BluesKajioria,  he has optimus graphics , probly needs bumblebee12:32
ioriaBluesKaj, why not prime ?12:32
ragaioria, I have been here since the past 6 hours. Everybody adviced me to do a clean install, so I did12:32
BluesKajprime is installed by default or should be ioria12:32
ioriaraga i see ...12:33
vltSimonNL: http://termbin.com/f0ft12:33
vlthateball: ^12:33
ragaioria, Yesterday also, everybody was saying to reinstall ubuntu12:33
ioriaBluesKaj,  i think so ....12:33
ioriaraga ok.....12:33
vltSimonNL, hateball: "error: /home/run/.hplip/hplip-3.17.6-plugin.run file does not match its checksum. File may have been corrupted or altered" every single time.12:33
BluesKajI didn't advise you to reinstall ubuntu raga, but you did so anyway and how did it help?12:33
ioriaraga  in few words .... /sbin/init it's a link to your pid 1 ...12:34
Nvidiot2thx for the help everyone, got to go12:34
ragaBluesKaj, yes you did not. But today morning also, everybody was telling me to do so12:34
ioriaraga  ls -l /sbin/init .... what gives you ?12:34
vltSimonNL, hateball: The printer is detected now by `hp-setup` but installing the required proprietary plugin fails :-/12:34
ragaioria lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Feb 15 20:40 /sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd12:35
BluesKajraga,  sometimes you have to think for yourself...logic12:35
ioriaraga  yes, now you're using systemd ...12:35
ragaBluesKaj , I am just a newbie, I thought everybody here was quite experienced and therefore went with there advice12:36
ioriaraga  you're soing good, don't worry12:36
BluesKajwell, one thing that will probly work now is sysemd12:36
BluesKajsystemd even12:36
SimonNLvlt: you probably still need that plugin12:36
vltSimonNL: Yes, I’m pretty sure. But the installation fails.12:37
hateballvlt: you'll need to be using sudo to install the plugin12:38
ioriaraga  you probably booted with the wrong grub setting, or maybe something weird happened .... the advice for newbies is to stick with official pkgs12:38
peixotowho use keepass with keefox?12:38
BluesKajraga,  one thing to remember,  alot of uders have their fav methods and ia they can't think od a solution they suggest a reinstall12:38
ragaioria, I mentioned yesterday that the grub menu was coming in black color12:38
ragaBluesKaj, Thanks for the advice. Will follow in future :)12:39
ioriaraga  i don't know what is black colour .... can you explain  a bit ?12:39
ioriaraga  if you dual boot, you must have a grub screen12:39
ragaioria, IDK the grub menu suddenly started appearing in black color instead of purple12:40
ragaioria, https://askubuntu.com/questions/541402/gnu-grub-version-2-02-beta-2-9-while-booting-from-usb12:40
ragaioria, this was what was written on the grub menu12:40
SimonNLPlease run 'hp-plugin' as normal user to install plug-ins.   Visit  http://hplipopensource.com  for more infomation. vlt from your paste12:42
ioriaraga  so, instead of the grub screen , you had the grub prompt , like this:   grub>_    ?12:42
vlthateball: I also tried sudo. Same error. But there's an additional dialog that tells me to "run 'hp-plugin' as normal user to install plugins". This fails again with the checksum error.12:43
vltSimonNL: How to find out whether HP considers me a "normal user"? :p12:43
ragaioria everything was same like the grub menu. The options were the same. Only at the top grub... was written and it was in black color12:44
ioriaraga  ok, i don't think the colour could be an issue ... something else happened12:44
iamjawaAnyone here?12:45
=== nyuszika7h_ is now known as nyuszika7h
ragaioria, BluesKaj, Thanks for your help. I have got to go. Bye :)12:46
ioriaraga  piece of advice: everything you do on your pc is logged or registered :12:47
ioriaraga  the main files to paste are:  /var/log/syslog; dmesg, and history12:47
ragaioria what are the commands?12:47
ioriaraga  and /var/log/apt/history.log12:47
ioriaraga  they are files, not commands12:48
ragaSo I need to open using nano or sublime or something?12:48
ioriaraga  e.g:  cat   /var/log/apt/history.log12:48
ragaGot it12:48
ioriaraga  use the 'cat' command12:48
ioriaraga  it's faster12:49
ragaOk got it. So in future if I face any issues, I can post the logs here12:49
ioriaraga yes12:49
ragagot it12:50
SimonNLvlt: only thing I can think of right now is download hplip again and try installing it again.12:50
ioriaraga no problem, you're on the good track12:50
ragaioria :) Thanks for the guidance . Bye. I have an evening class12:50
ioriaraga bye12:50
user1337Hello #ubuntu, is it possible to disable service restart on package upgrade? (for example mysql package upgrade triggers service restart, sometimes it is better to handle those manually)12:51
akikuser1337: you could disable the service before the upgrade12:52
user1337akik: ok, but there is no way to disable this feature except rebuilding a package without that post scritplet? (or is there some other mechanism which triggers it)12:53
akikuser1337: no i mean something like "sudo systemctl disable service"12:53
user1337akik: so you think that would prevent post-upgrade scriptlet (or however it is called) to restart service? (I can probably check this in source package)12:54
akikuser1337: yes i think so. i ran into this same problem on debian12:54
akikstopped the service, updated the package and wondered why it started automatically12:56
vltSimonNL: Solved.12:56
vltSimonNL, hateball: I had to download the plugin manually from https://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/auxfiles/HP/plugins/12:57
SimonNLvlt: \o/12:57
vltThen I had to download it again because I had saved it to ~/.hplip from where `hp-plugin` deleted it during installation.12:57
vltThen I ran it again, pointed the installer to a different download location and then finally it worked.12:58
vltThanks, SimonNL and hateball, for your help!12:58
SimonNLvlt: shouldn't be like that but hey who cares.12:58
welkerI am running an automated ubuntu 16.04 installation via kickstart which works fine. But as soon as I add a %packages section with an %end tag I recive the following error: Package unknown %end. It seems to have a problem with the %end of %packages. Any ideas?13:05
welkerthe same syntax works in centos. I assume its a ubuntu thing13:05
hateballvlt: good that it is at least working13:07
hateballvlt: too bad it wasnt a smoother ride13:07
tmwsiyIs there a recovery path for rollingback kernel or manaully upgrading zfsutils to
tmwsiyon 16.0413:11
ioria!info zfsutils-linux xenial13:12
ubottuzfsutils-linux (source: zfs-linux): Native OpenZFS management utilities for Linux. In component main, is extra. Version (xenial), package size 286 kB, installed size 797 kB13:12
tmwsiyright but it is broken in the LTS release and has been13:14
tmwsiylook at comment from Jan 1713:14
ioria!info zfsutils-linux yakkety13:15
ubottuzfsutils-linux (source: zfs-linux): Native OpenZFS management utilities for Linux. In component main, is extra. Version (yakkety), package size 286 kB, installed size 790 kB13:15
tmwsiylooking for LTS :)13:15
tmwsiyI am just going to compile and see how it goes13:15
tmwsiycd ..13:16
tmwsiylnice to see how helpful this channel has become :)13:17
ioria!info why don't you use the yakkety hwe stack ....13:18
ubottu"don't" is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakke13:18
ioriatmwsiy,  why don't you use the yakkety hwe stack ....13:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:22
ioriatmwsiy,  i mean the yakkety kernel on xenial ....13:27
pakcjorandom question of the day: (for 500 points), what is required to switch from grub background into plymouth theme without a glitch?13:39
ioriapakcjo, do you have glitch ?13:40
pakcjoioria: yes, screen goes black for about a second or half second13:41
ioriapakcjo, nvidia ?13:42
ioriabtw, glitch != blank13:42
pakcjoioria: nope, it has a generic via card13:43
pakcjoioria: noted, glitch wasn't the best word13:43
ioriapacbard, via card  ? a  bit old , i think ?13:43
pakcjowonder if nomodeset and gfxpayload=keep may help13:44
ioriapacbard, your system specs ?   cat /proc/cpuinfo and   sudo dmidecode -t 213:45
pakcjoioria: not in the system at the moment, sorry. I'm just trying to gather ideas for testing later13:46
vimal2012After boot, I am dropped to grub commandline (no menu).  I have to manually type "configfile (hd0,gpt6)/boot/grub/grub.cfg" to bring the menu.  How to solve this problem?13:46
ioriapakcjo, via card could be an issue and require a /etc/X11/xorg.conf set....  maybe you could try a lighter version13:47
ioriavimal2012, reintall grub ?13:48
vimal2012I tried "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi/ --bootloader-id=grub  && sudo update-grub2"13:49
vimal2012Still problem persists13:49
ioriavimal2012, from livecd ?13:49
vimal2012I will try from livecd13:49
ioriavimal2012, yes, and paste sdo parted -l13:49
ioriavimal2012, yes, and paste sudo parted -l13:50
akikvimal2012: i've used this "sudo grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi --boot-directory=/boot --target=x86_64-efi"13:50
vimal2012parted output https://paste.debian.net/plain/97062613:52
ioriavimal2012, 105 is very small13:53
ioriavimal2012, at least 500 mb13:54
vimal2012and output of mount | grep sda https://paste.debian.net/plain/97062713:54
ioriavimal2012,  df -H13:54
vimal2012df -H http://paste.debian.net/plain/97062813:56
ioriavimal2012,  it's ok13:56
=== ianychoi_ is now known as ianychoi
ioriavimal2012,  sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt13:57
vimal2012ioria, It is already mounted on /.  Should I run this command?13:58
vimal2012Anyway, I ran "sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt"13:58
ioriavimal2012,  you need / (sda6) mounted on /mnt not elsewhere13:59
vimal2012edit /etc/fstab?13:59
ioriavimal2012,  nope, ls /mnt13:59
regedithttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24808088/ what's going on with my ubuntu install?14:00
vimal2012ls /mnt output http://paste.debian.net/plain/97063114:00
ioriavimal2012,  for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done14:01
ioriavimal2012,  sudo chroot /mnt14:02
ioriavimal2012,  mount -a14:02
ioriavimal2012,  grub-install && update-grub14:03
vimal2012grub-install (with the same arguments I used previously)?14:03
ioriavimal2012,  grub-install && update-grub14:04
vimal2012I just ran "grub-install".14:04
vimal2012Installation finished. No errors reported14:04
ioriavimal2012,  update-grub again, and check the entries14:04
vimal2012update-grub ran successfully14:05
ioriavimal2012,  let's try a reboot14:05
ioriavimal2012,  yes, other than that maybe a kernel issue14:06
vimal2012ioria, Thank you, After rebooting, grub menu appeared. Why the problem occurred previously?14:11
ioriavimal2012,  ok, good work, i'am not a guru, maybe you can recall something you did, or explore your logs (like, histoyy, or /var/log/apt/history.log to find out)14:12
ioriavimal2012,  or maybe a windows updates14:13
JrWebDev im trying to change the date on my virtual machine.  my vm guest is Xubuntu 16.04.2  i tried using timedatectl to set the time and sudo date --set="" and even tried modifying the vm bios time (virtualbox) ,  i also disconnected the network adapter and yet it still goes back to todays current date...when i change it only last for 5 seconds and switches how da heck do i stop it?14:17
ioriaJrWebDev, usually, the command is sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata    but what you wanno do exactly ?14:19
YankDownUnder...almost would appear as though the virtual machine is NOT reading from the hardware of the host machine...14:20
JrWebDevi wanna totally trick my vm into thinking its another date.  i need it for my web application so i can run tests that will occur once the current date changes to a specified date14:20
regeditanyone please? can't seem to install ubuntu... http://paste.ubuntu.com/24808088/14:20
ioriaJrWebDev, so disable system ntp, and set manully date ?14:21
JrWebDevhow would i do that?14:22
JrWebDevim using the xubuntu version14:22
CoderEuroperegedit, take it away with you, that : https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/14:22
JrWebDevthe one with the mouse icons14:22
ioriaJrWebDev, stop/disable autmtic clock settings and use the cli  (like date -s "2 OCT 2017 18:00:00") to set time/date14:23
JrWebDevive done that and it still goes back after 5 seconds14:24
ioriai see14:24
JrWebDevive used timedatectl set-time '' and sudo date --set=''14:24
JrWebDevstill doesnt change14:24
JrWebDevonly for a few seconds14:24
JrWebDevi wonder how developers test and debug when their code is specified with time14:25
JrWebDevi would think this was be a common thing to do14:25
ioriaJrWebDev,  in chroot i guess, not sure14:25
ioriaJrWebDev,  if your clock set is unchanged, you still have some automatic settings ups14:26
JrWebDevjust wish i knew what to kill so that nothing automatic happens...14:27
JrWebDevset the time and boom use that time14:27
ioriaJrWebDev,  timedatectl set-ntp 014:29
JrWebDev ive also done that too14:29
JrWebDevand reboot the machine14:29
waltmanI'm running 17.04 as my desktop. The first time you try to access your ssh key after a reboot a window pops up asking you for your password. Yesterday I was logged in remotely and was trying to ssh and it was just hanging. I realized it was displaying the password screen locallly instead of remotely. Is there any way to tweak that?14:30
JrWebDevi also did some VBomManage to reset the bios clock for the vm14:30
waltmanI wasn't even sure where that would be documented.14:30
ioriaJrWebDev,  ok, try to stop/disable    systemd-timesyncd14:31
JrWebDevokay so systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd and then do all that other stuff?14:32
ioriaJrWebDev,  after stop, sudo systemctl disable systemd-timesync14:32
ioriaJrWebDev,  set manually the clock with date -s14:34
JrWebDevokay got it14:34
JrWebDevlet me try that ill be back14:34
ioriaJrWebDev,  gl14:34
akikwaltman: do you mean that by using the cli command ssh, a gui window opens up?14:36
nicomachushi all. GIMP is crashing on me at some random times. Which logs can I check to see what's going on?14:39
yarddogwhat is the command to install bogofilter? it asks for more info than apt-get install bogfilter14:40
SkylakeMXnicomachus: did you check ~/.config/gimp or something like that?14:40
selinuxiumHi all, having a problem monitoring a process in Monit. Getting 'Execution failed'  Any Monit users about that could help?14:41
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
tmwsiydoes ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop of the same version always have  the same kernel availible in the repositories?14:43
nacctmwsiy: yes, they are the same repository.14:44
obinoobHi I'm having a LOT of troubles with ajenti and python please check my gist in order to see output of apt-get -f install https://gist.github.com/fccpt/6ae2dcd3abcb646844d8a3052240ea9714:46
obinoobI need to clean up this mess I believe that I've damaged some important files...14:47
naccobinoob: pycompile comes from python-minimal, is it installed?14:49
obinoobnacc: not sure that must be under /usr/bin ?14:50
naccobinoob: is the python-minimal package installed? pycompile would be there, yees14:50
obinoobnacc: no there is nothing there besides python3.6   python3.6m14:51
naccobinoob: what version of ubuntu?14:51
obinoobnacc: 14.0414:52
naccobinoob: there is no python3.6 in 14.0414:52
naccobinoob: so.. you installed one yourself?14:52
obinoobnacc: yes14:52
naccobinoob: yeah, you probably broke your system :)14:52
obinoobnacc: pretty much14:52
naccobinoob: did you also try to make 'python' run python3?14:52
nicomachusSkylakeMX: doesn't exit.14:52
obinoobnacc: I've python available14:53
obinoobnacc: Python 3.6.1 (default, Apr 22 2017, 00:00:00)14:53
nicomachusSkylakeMX: I have ~/.gimp-2.8 but there are no logs in there that I see14:53
obinoobso this is the output form apt-get install python-minimal https://gist.github.com/fccpt/d881e0de3f6ad2d81f398651c7147d7e14:53
naccobinoob: 'python' should *never* return python 3 as the version14:54
obinoobnacc: ok so need to repair python install14:54
obinoobnacc: any tips?14:54
naccobinoob: that's what 'python3' is for.14:54
naccobinoob: reinstall your system? i honestly don't know what you did to it14:55
obinoobnacc: can't, really can't14:55
naccobinoob: well, you broke your system pretty fundamentally14:55
obinoobI guess some ajenti install stupid script did it14:56
tgm4883obinoob: why can't you reinstall?14:56
obinoobnow I'm screwed, far way and no boot image etc its a client server14:57
obinoobthats why :(14:57
tgm4883obinoob: wait, you ran an unknown install script on a client server?14:57
dsh-i got a new laptop and i would like to copy my ssh (~/.ssh) keys to my new laptop14:58
obinoobIt wasn't unknown it from ajenti14:58
dsh-but if i copy them unto a usb stick i can't see the files like config, id_rsa etc14:58
obinoobit should be fine but no...14:58
naccobinoob: so ... ask ajenti for support14:59
dsh-i mean i can't see them on my new laptop, i see them fine on my old one, even if i chmod the files14:59
tgm4883obinoob: then go through the install script and see what they did and reverse it, or call up ajenti for support, so don't use dumb admin panels14:59
obinoobtgm4883: lesson learned14:59
obinoobbut now I doubt there is anything they can do15:00
tgm4883obinoob: I don't suppose it's as easy as just switching /usr/bin/python back to version 215:02
naccobinoob: did you run the script in a test bed or staging server first?15:02
obinoobnacc: well that was my stupid mistake I've a vm running here and I just supposed it should be ok15:03
obinoobtgm4883: I would appreciate some expert help ;)15:04
tgm4883obinoob: a VM? revert to snapshot?15:04
obinoobtgm4883: the VM is local the server is not15:05
tgm4883I wonder if you could just 'rm /usr/bin/python ; ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python'15:06
tgm4883i mean it's a super shot in the dark, considering you have no idea what they did and I'm just going off that python is returning version 3 according to nacc15:07
naccobinoob: right, so just to be sure `python -V` returns some 3.6 version?15:07
obinoobnacc: -su: /usr/lib/command-not-found: /usr/bin/python3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory15:11
tgm4883um, that's not good15:12
eyJhbAnybody experienced a drop from 1 Gbit to 100 Mbps on intel ethernetcards? Using a Lenovo x230, just compiled the newest e1000e driver, and still only 100 mbit. Windows uses the gigabit just fine15:24
akikeyJhb: try to use ethtool to change the mode15:26
eyJhbakik, it says something like 'cannot advertise speed' when I try15:27
eyJhbEven though ethtool lists 1000 mbits as a option15:28
akikeyJhb: does it offer to disable autonegotiation?15:28
eyJhbNot as far as I know, how would I go about disabling that?15:28
akikalthough i somehow remember there would not be a need for autoneg on gigabit15:28
akikeyJhb: "autoneg off"15:29
eyJhbakik, this is the ethtool info - http://paste.ubuntu.com/24808521/15:29
akikeyJhb: that says the speed is 1000 Mb/s15:30
eyJhbYeah, but it isn't working at those speeds15:31
eyJhbOnly 100 Mb/s15:31
akikeyJhb: which protocol do you test with? there's a test software called iperf15:31
eyJhbiperf will get '935 Mbits/sec' when testing to the server. But when downloading files with eg. ftp locally, only around 100 Mb/s. Same machine on windows, around 1000 Mb/s15:32
eyJhbWhich seems weird...15:33
akikmegabits or megabytes with ftp?15:33
eyJhbAround 100 megabytes, around 1000 megabits15:33
eyJhbI think 115 megabytes/s15:34
eyJhbOn windows15:34
eyJhb10 megabytes/s (MAX) on Linux15:34
eyJhb7.3 megabyte/s currently... As far as I remember, it has worked perfectly before!15:35
BrowserHello, I have plugged in a barcode reader but it doesn't get any port assigned when it is detected. dmesg | tail -n 10 shows the next lines: https://paste.linux.community/view/37bfdcad . Any ideas? Thanks15:35
akikeyJhb: sorry my mind is empty now :)15:36
leftyfbBrowser: there's probably some driver/module you need to find and load for it15:36
akikeyJhb: maybe try another newer mainline kernel?15:36
eyJhbakik, might try that! But seems weird that it should make a difference15:37
eyJhbCurrently on 4.4.0-79-generic15:37
akikeyJhb: yes, is it a newer or older machine?15:37
eyJhbLenovo x230, so... In between15:38
eyJhbi7 3000 series, so.. Depends, but not old15:38
akikeyJhb: is local hard disk usage also slow? is it a hdd or ssd15:38
eyJhbSSD, I'll try to copy a file15:38
eyJhb400 megabyte/s internally15:40
CyricGuys i suspect i hit a bug... I have two pcs with ubuntu 16.04 and nvidia, where i use the CUDA drivers, for Tensorflow...15:48
Cyricthe firstone work fine with kernel #5415:48
area51pilotdoes anyone know how to import an ubuntu server VM into Xenserver ... trying to figure out the fixup process15:49
Cyricthe second one only work with #36.... when i upgrade to 52 53 or 54 , on the login15:49
Cyricpage it will prevent me to login by throwing the login page again15:49
tgm4883Cyric: please don't use enter for punctuation. Put everything in one line15:50
eyJhbakik, any other ideas?15:52
Cyrictgm4883: ok sorry for that... anyway is not the first time that i see similar behaviour... it also happened with another pc and a similar configuration.. any kernel above 36 was not working with cuda... now i froze the kernel update...so i kind of solved it for me..but may be interesting for someone else..15:53
akikwyggler2: well not so many. maybe try with an older ubuntu release's live session. at least it's easy to test15:54
akikwyggler2: usually ftp has given me the best speeds so i won't even ask you to test sftp :)15:55
akikhmm those were for eyJhb but he left15:55
v4169sgrFolks, is it normal to take ~ 1 hour to transfer 5 GB via rsync -av from an internal SSD to an external HDD via USD 2.0 on 16.04?15:56
kenrinSure,  upgrade to a usb 3 drive15:57
v4169sgrThanks, is that limited by hardware? How can I tell which USB interface I am using?15:58
v4169sgrbtw this is an external freecom 2 TB HDD formatted ext 4 with erxisting files etc on it15:58
Cyricv4169sgr: is it blue the usb connector?15:59
kenrinIt varies,  but generally you won't get more than 20-30mb/s on usb 215:59
v4169sgr@kenrin: I am seeing 1/10 of that15:59
v4169sgron usb 215:59
kenrinmy usb 3 flash drive does about 120-140mb/s writes15:59
Slartv4169sgr: rsync has some options that will make it faster... but usb 2 is slow.. although not that slow15:59
Slartv4169sgr: do you get the same speeds when just transfering a 5GB file?16:00
v4169sgryes I think I have big issues with IO perf on my machine16:00
kenrinIt will be slower if it is a ton of small files16:00
v4169sgrI am transferring a mix of large and small files16:00
Slartv4169sgr: also, what is the filesystem on the usb stick?16:00
v4169sgr@Slart, not  a USB stick, an external HDD, formatted ext 416:01
v4169sgrjust for backups16:01
Slartv4169sgr: ah.. my bad, making assumptions =)16:01
v4169sgrthis is my general isse:16:01
v4169sgrso I am seeing other effects too on my brand new 16.04 system with an SSD16:02
v4169sgrthe slow file transfer is just one of them16:02
JrWebDevhow do i change the time on ubuntu server.  i want to change it permanantly regardless of internet time16:03
Slartv4169sgr: tried running rsync without encryption? something like rsync -e "ssh -c arcfour"16:03
v4169sgr@Slart: I don't think "rsync -av" does encryption? Think you might mean "z" ?16:04
v4169sgror compression for that matter lol16:05
Slartv4169sgr: hang on.. reading man pages.. it's quite possible you're right.. that was a suggestion I saw in a forum16:07
rohan_flag0JrWebDev: use `time`16:14
Picirohan_flag0: the command is date, not time.16:14
JrWebDevive used date and timectl and yet it automatically goes back to current date16:14
kenrindisable NTP then16:15
kenrintimedatectl can do it16:15
kenrinset-ntp false,  iirc16:16
Slart"sudo service ntp stop" doesn't work?16:19
rohan_flag0Stop ntp and disable it from startup.16:20
kenrinprobably does the same thing16:20
rohan_flag0Also yes date. Pici sorry. Got confused16:20
JrWebDevi get ntp.service not loaded16:27
JrWebDevim  using ubuntu server16:27
JrWebDevbut i need to change the time so that i can test my web application16:28
ioriaJrWebDev, no joy yet ?16:29
=== thinkt4n_ is now known as thinkt4nk
JrWebDevioria, no not at all..no service was loaded..meaning it didnt exist16:31
JrWebDevi forgot what the command was but yeah the one you gave me16:31
ioriaJrWebDev, try systemd-timedated16:31
JrWebDevcant believe theres no easy solution...you would think developers all over the world would be changing time to test their apps idk16:32
ioriaJrWebDev, dual boot ?16:32
JrWebDevwindows 10 host ubuntu-server 16.04.2 guest (virtualbox)16:33
ioriaJrWebDev, if you have already disabled the services, no idea ... sorry16:35
frozenrouterHaving a problem with cpu frequency while using multithreaded games on ubuntu. After a short time playing the game, the frequency on all cores drops to 800MHz, limiting gpu usage, and dropping framerate significantly. Any Advice?16:36
JrWebDevyeah ioria this is tuff16:37
blkadderJrWebDev The date command doesn't work?16:40
blkadderdate --set "08 Jun 2017 HH:MM"16:41
JrWebDevblkadder, it works for like 4 seconds16:58
JrWebDevthen goes straight back....probably because i have ubuntu server with a mate desktop environment...idk?16:58
ioriaJrWebDev, try this: http://data.agaric.com/set-date-and-time-virtual-machine-independent-host-machine16:58
JrWebDevioria, i did the same one16:59
JrWebDevwell one just like it...let me just try again and see16:59
frozenrouterJrWebDev: Could a service be setting the time based on network, since it goes back after a small delay?16:59
blkadderOh interesting it does that to me too in Virtualbox.16:59
JrWebDevi turned off the network adapter16:59
JrWebDevso no internet involved at all17:00
JrWebDevand changed it yet still17:00
blkadderJrWebDev, Did you try ioria's suggestion?17:00
JrWebDevmight be because virtualbox is looking at my host's time but im not gonna adjust my host cause itll cause too much problems17:00
JrWebDevi did before... but ima try again17:00
blkadderI'm going to try it too.17:01
blkadderSee what happens17:01
RektisI upgraded from an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to 16.10 non-LTS. Now my keyboard and mouse aren't working anymore. Someone told me it could be because of udev or xorg input drivers. How can I fix them, without being able to use keyboard and mouse?17:01
frozenrouterRektis: Do you have an ssh server running on the computer you upgraded?17:02
frozenrouterHave you tried a spare keyboard/mouse?17:02
ioriaRektis, do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? on in xorg.conf.d ?17:03
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
JrWebDevokay ill be back gotta reboot my vm17:04
RektisIt's a laptop (Thinkpad X200). I tried the integrated keyboard and the mouse pointer thingy, and a spare mouse. Nothing works on the upgraded Linux. I tested them on a Live Ubuntu and it worked there.17:04
Rektisioria: I don't. In fact, I don't know what that is. It's my first time using Ubuntu.17:04
frozenrouterRektis: You could use the live disk to edit a config file if somebody can let you know what to try editing17:05
ioriaRektis, we can try to update/upgrade via chroot  livecd17:05
ioriaRektis, a clean install whould be faster bw17:05
frozenrouterOr, you could try switching to a tty (Control-Alt-Fx), and see if that responds to keyboard input by switching17:06
ioriathat would be great17:06
ash_workzwhy is inet_aton named such?17:06
naccash_workz: really a question for a C channel, right?17:07
ash_workzbut thank you17:07
ioriaa > n17:08
ash_workzthank you :)17:08
ioriadot notation > net addrs17:10
RektisI just finished preparing a live USB Ubuntu. I could either try fixing it or do a clean reinstall.17:10
Rektisfrozenrouter: Control-Alt-Fx doesn't work.17:11
ioriaRektis, first, ask yourself why you want yakkety (eof july)17:11
BluesKajend of life17:12
ioriaRektis,  yakkety ends in july17:12
ioriaBluesKaj, tx17:12
Rektis16.10 is Yakkety?17:12
RektisThat was accidental. I tried installing the latest release. The USB stick now has 17.something.17:13
CoderEuropeZesty was a non-event after yakkety17:13
ioriaRektis,  maybe better a lts, with the yakkety hwe17:14
ioriaRektis, or play with not-lts , but for now, try zesty17:15
RektisOkay, so reinstall it is.17:15
RektisDon't LTS versions have outdated software?17:16
blkadderLTS is about stability.17:16
blkadderNot the latest versions.17:16
RektisThe LTS I tried worked, but I want the latest software.17:16
kenrinthen LTS isn't for you17:16
BluesKajnew/latest isn't necesarily better, but to each his own17:18
JrWebDevsame crap17:19
JrWebDevidk if its cause of my mate desktop environment17:19
kenrinHey JrWebDev: I saw you gave additional information that you did not before17:19
JrWebDevmaybe theres 2 date time thingys going17:19
kenrinDid you disable the vbox guest time ?17:19
JrWebDevaccording to what ioria gave me yes...i modified the .vbox file and added the extra line17:20
blkadderJrWebDev, Worked for me.17:20
blkadderI am guessing you didn't do it properly. :-)17:20
JrWebDevwell let me see17:20
blkadderWhere did you add it?17:20
CoderEuropeWhy does he want the *latest* software, please (again) ???17:20
kenrinthe vboxmanage setextradata ?17:20
blkadderYou need to add it in the proper section.17:20
JrWebDevinto the <extra17:20
JrWebDevdarn i gotta go back to the site17:21
blkadderUnder the <ExtraData> section.17:21
JrWebDevi added it to <ExtraData>17:22
kenrinfor the right VM name ?17:22
JrWebDevinbetween <ExtraData> and </ExtraData>17:22
JrWebDevyees its the proper one17:22
blkadderThat's the proper place17:22
JrWebDevwell now my VM guest is not a full clone17:23
JrWebDevits a linked clone not sure if that has anything to do with it17:23
blkadderDid you do it with Virtualbox and the VM off?17:23
kenrinThen set that same thing for whatever it is linked to17:23
JrWebDevno i didnt blkadder i did while it was on but then i rebooted17:23
blkadderJrWebDev, That's probably your problem.17:23
blkadder** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.17:24
blkadder** If you make changes to this file while any VirtualBox related application17:24
blkadder** is running, your changes will be overwritten later, without taking effect.17:24
JrWebDevso i guess a total shutdown and then start it up again..its already in there17:24
JrWebDevthats weird, its still there17:24
JrWebDevokay let me try again17:24
kenrinI always thought you were supposed to use the command,  like it says here: https://www.forbesconrad.com/blog/virtualbox-linux-guest-incorrect-time-on-windows-host-solution17:24
JrWebDevlet me try that too kenrin17:25
blkadderI think it is supposed to have the same effect.17:25
JrWebDevgotta reboot17:25
blkadderOne you are directly editing the xml config file the other you use a command.17:26
blkadderDirectly editing worked for me.17:26
blkadderBut using a command provides less rope for you to hang yourself with. :-)17:26
bender|my esc key is damaged, and it's going to be a few weeks before I get a new keyboard, so is there a way to remap the esc key to print screen key in ubuntu?17:28
TBotNikAll: No help from #kubuntu so repeating here: Having ap-get install errors. Posted at: https://pastebin.com/eMZhYxBc Tried running all the fixes but they do nothing.  Any ideas here, what I need to fix? On Kubuntu 14.04, with server packages installed.17:30
multifractalSorry for noob question. I know nothing about networking. I've been looking for an app to do "airdropping" of files between ubuntu/debian machines. But then I thought: can I simply scp them? Say I have 2 laptops in my wifi network running ubuntu, and I know their IP addresses. Can I just scp my files back and forth?17:34
rdhmultifractal, yes.17:34
BobKornbender|:  esc key is damaged ... remap the esc key to print screen ?17:34
multifractalrdh: lmao OK thanks. that's so much better than getting some stinking app.17:36
rdhmultifractal, not difficult to set up your filemanger to use ssh, like scp, for easier usage.17:36
multifractalrdh: nautilus?17:38
kenrinor a nfs share17:40
rdhmultifractal, if your using the default filemanager, yes.17:40
frozenrouterBobKorn: This web page seems to show how to bind keys in the way you need: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2008/09/15/faq-how-to-disableremap-a-keyboard-key-in-linux/17:43
BobKornfrozenrouter: thanks17:44
frozenrouterNo Problem17:45
Dimitri_Hello Guys! I need some help. I was working with Linux in a virtual machine. (VirtualBox) since yesterday i see that message. if i run fsck some of my data gets deleted. how to save my data? http://i.imgur.com/FH2tdZT.png17:45
DJones!elementary | Dimitri_17:48
ubottuDimitri_: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.17:48
DJonesDimitri_: Because Elementary isn't an official release/flavour of Ubuntu, you'll need to ask their own support channel, its not supported in here17:49
Dimitri_DJones, but its still ubuntu17:49
Dimitri_DJones, just imagine u had the same problem with your ubuntu. what would you do? or at least try to do17:50
DJonesDimitri_: Not quite, its based on Ubuntu (in the same way that Ubuntu is based on Debian), but its not supported by the Ubuntu developers because its not known what changes the Elementary people make from standard17:50
tgm4883if it's still ubuntu, why didn't you just install ubuntu?17:50
Dimitri_tgm4883, i dont like the interface17:50
DJonesDimitri_: I use Ubuntu, so I'd ask here, if I used Elementary, I'd ask in their support channel17:51
kenrinor at least try ##linux17:51
tgm4883Dimitri_: there's lots of interfaces for ubuntu. You should definitely ask in the elementary channel though since you're running that17:51
Dimitri_tgm4883, but i am not even in the interface its preload17:53
tgm4883Dimitri_: you're right, and your root partition (which is elementary) has errors.17:54
Dimitri_tgn4883, is there any linux rescue disc which can save data from linux based partitions?17:55
Dimitri_tgn4883, im anyway thinking bout switching to xubuntu17:56
tgm4883!tab | Dimitri_17:56
ubottuDimitri_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:56
Dimitri_anyone any idea how to savelinux based partitions?17:58
tufy3Hi. Does anyone know a video editor which supports importing subtitles?17:59
CoderEuropetufy3, have you tried omgubuntu for video-editors ?18:01
tufy3CoderEurope: most video editors don't support subtitles and it's hard to install them one-by-one to see if they support it18:02
CoderEuropetufy3, you dont know unless you try omgubuntu18:02
tufy3CoderEurope: ok I'll18:03
rdhDimitri_, any livecd linux will allow you to mount your partition and save data you need.18:03
Dimitri_rdh, i hope so18:04
Dimitri_rdh, how to do that?18:06
crazycoderhow can i convert mkv in dvd ?18:08
kenrinmkv is a container18:10
kenrinSo you won't be converting anything with that18:10
kenrindvd is optical media,  so you won't be converting anything there either..18:12
rdhDimitri_, use the elementary image, if it has a 'try without install', and access your partition from there.18:12
RektisI'm trying to install Ubuntu 17.04 from an USB stick, but get an error saying that "GRUB couldn't be installed on install/dev/dm-0" and that it's a fatal error.18:18
YankDownUnderRektis, It appears as though the install is trying to install "grub" on something other than /dev/sda18:19
kenrinLooks like the fakeraid thing18:20
YankDownUnderAh yep.18:20
RektisWhen I try to let it install on /dev/sda and click "OK", nothing happens.18:21
YankDownUnderkey to this error is: "install/dev/dm-0"18:21
kenrinMight need to install it to /dev/mapper/whatever18:22
kenrinor either make a separate boot/EFI outside of the fakeraid.  Not sure,  never used that18:22
RektisYankDownUnder: It doesn't even let me press "OK" for that.18:23
YankDownUnderRektis, Did you do "automatic partitioning" or did you manually do the partitioning...?18:23
YankDownUnderRektis, Since ya ain't got nothing to lose, go for the "manual" partitioning...18:24
RektisI also selected LVM, if that matters.18:24
blkadderRektis, That's where the dm-0 comes from.18:25
RektisIt also doesn't let me abort the installation.18:25
YankDownUnderRektis, "To each his own" - that being said, do you really require LVM, or was it just something to give a whirl?18:25
RektisThe latter, I don't need it.18:26
RektisBut installing it worked for the LTS version I installed earlier.18:27
YankDownUnderRektis, You can attempt to kill the install by trying: CTRL+ALT+F1 => and then typing: sudo reboot18:27
YankDownUnderRektis, 17.04 is still NEW...still buggy...18:27
RektisIt wants me to login.18:28
blkadder"I want the latest software." :-)18:28
YankDownUnderRektis, Should be able to just use "ubuntu" as the username (if I remember correctly)18:29
RektisIf I used an LTS instead, how outdated would my programs be? Is that even tied anymore?18:31
ioriaRektis, tied to what ?18:32
ioria!latest | Rektis18:32
ubottuRektis: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:32
Rektisioria: Are the versions of programs you can get still tied to what version of Ubuntu you use?18:33
blkadderUnless you want to roll your own, yes.18:33
YankDownUnderRektis, LTS => Long Term Support. LONG term support.18:33
blkadderAnd if you roll your own, you are very much on your own.18:33
ioriaRektis,  there are 'upstream' versions and the ubuntu versions (adapted and checked)18:34
blkadderRektis, You need to understand what it is that you want to accomplish with what software.18:34
RektisBasically, I just want the 1.5 versions of the software Freeplane, but packages for LTS Ubuntu only have 1.3 versions, which are missing features I need.18:35
ioriaRektis, on zesty, freeplane is 1.5 ... let's install zesty, then18:39
blkadderOr you can use the backport that they provided. :-)18:40
Rektisblkadder: Do backports generally exist? Seeing as only 9 people downloaded it, doesn't seem like many people use them, which would lead to people rarely making them.18:41
ioriaRektis, issue with lvm ? how did you make the iso ? have you md5sum the iso ?  are you connected while installing  (should be optional,  btw) ?18:42
blkadderRektis, It will depend on the software.18:42
Rektisioria: md5sums overlap and I am connected to the internet while installing. I downloaded the ISO from the official ubuntu site and installed them on an USB stick with the Universal USB stick installer thingy.18:51
ioriaRektis, and not working ? (i mean stuck at grub)18:56
RektisYes. I get an error at installing GRUB.18:57
ioriaRektis, can you try without lvm selected ?18:57
RektisI'm trying, but it doesn't even let me start right now. Maybe it's still downloading stuff.18:58
ioriaRektis, single boot ? nothing on it anymore ?18:58
RektisYes, single boot. What do you mean by "nothing on it"? There's the scraps of the LTS version and all the times I failed installing 17.04, I guess.18:59
ioriaRektis, did you choose 'erase disk and install ubuntu' ?19:00
Dimitri_What to do if linux says that a document must be cleaned ( i cant access that document)19:00
kenrincleaned?  what kind of document?19:00
ioriaRektis, can you reboot and start again the installation ?19:00
RektisI'll try.19:01
Dimitri_kenrin, its a py file. yeah its the german translation.19:01
ioriaRektis, btw, i suggest 'rufus' for the iso19:01
ioriaRektis, https://rufus.akeo.ie/?locale=nl_nl19:02
kenrinSo python?  Might want to try in #python or ##programming19:03
Dimitri_kenrin, i cant access that file it isntthere in the files manager. wait i gonna check out the english trainslation19:04
SummerRainHow do i change which OS is default in dual boot? and how do I reduce the choose time?19:06
SummerRaini remember there was some file to edit19:07
SummerRaingrub or such19:07
kenrinDepends what bootloader you got19:07
SummerRainwell i just installed lubuntu 17.0419:07
kenrinSo probably /etc/default/grub19:08
Bashing-om!grub | SummerRain19:10
ubottuSummerRain: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:10
SummerRainI just want to edit the file to pick the default OS19:11
SummerRaingksu gedit didnt work19:11
Dimitri_kenrin, ls: cannot access 'main.py' . structure needs cleaning19:11
kenrinOh,  that is a file system issue.  Will need to unmount and fsck it19:12
Dimitri_kenrin, if i fsck it, it will delete main.py19:13
Dimitri_kenrin, in fact its a virtual device so no real sector faults can appear19:13
Bashing-omSummerRain: The file manager in lubuntu - I think - is PCManFM : confirm : ' dpkg -l PCManFM ' .19:14
SummerRainNo package found19:14
acetakwasI have uninstalled Apache completely, but I see a page that ssays: "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page"19:15
kenrinRecovering files with FS errors is a bit over my head.  Best bet is to let it delete on fsck and re-get the main.py from whatever package or from your backups19:16
ioriaSummerRain, dpkg -l pcmanfm19:16
SummerRaini opened the grub file19:16
geniiacetakwas: Next time use -purge19:16
leftyfbacetakwas: the files probably stick around. Just delete them19:16
SummerRainHowever, it says GRUB_DEFAULT = 019:16
acetakwasI have done these:19:16
ioriaSummerRain, set to 1, sudo update-grub19:17
acetakwasapt remove --purge apache*19:17
acetakwasautoremove; autoclean19:17
acetakwasALl that stuff19:17
acetakwasI have done: rm -rf /etc/apache19:17
acetakwasrm -rf /usr/bin/apache19:17
acetakwasSdtill Apache's page comes up19:17
SummerRainIs there anyway to change the keyboard layout??? my keyboard is messed up!19:17
leftyfbacetakwas: /var/www/html/19:18
Bashing-omSummerRain: If you are running (l)ubuntu release 17.04 it is there : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu . Check spelling and letter case .19:18
SummerRaini picked pt-br , but its actually pt-br abnt-2 that i should have.19:18
acetakwasleftyfb::  What do with that? Delete it?19:18
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leftyfbacetakwas: that's where the index file is and docs I think. Are you replacing apache with some other web server?19:18
acetakwasleftyfb::  Yes. NGINX. I am troubleshooting NGINX19:19
acetakwasI did not install Apache19:19
acetakwasJust obiterating it.19:20
leftyfbacetakwas: if you're seeing those files, then nginx is working. Unless apache is still running and nginx isn't19:20
SummerRain@ioria ty19:20
Bashing-omSummerRain: Try ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ' to remap the keyboard .19:20
SummerRaingoing to try  it now.19:20
acetakwasleftyfb::  There is currently no web server installed.19:20
leftyfbacetakwas: sudo lsof -i :8019:20
leftyfbacetakwas: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache219:21
SummerRainGRUB_DEFAULT=1 didnt work19:22
SummerRainit picked the next in the list.. is there anyway, i could use a String there19:22
acetakwasleftyfb::  Something surprising based on your command19:23
ioriaSummerRain,  can you explain again your issue , then ?19:23
leftyfbacetakwas: apache2 was still running in memory?19:23
acetakwasI have also uninstalled NGINX, but the service still starts and stops successfully19:23
SummerRain@ioria i want windows 7 to be the default OS in grub loader19:23
SummerRainDOnt kill me for that, please.19:23
acetakwasDo I need to reboot the server?19:23
leftyfbacetakwas: sudo apt-get remove --purge nginx19:23
acetakwasDone that19:23
leftyfbwith purge?19:24
acetakwasThe service still starts and stops19:24
leftyfbacetakwas: sudo apt-get remove --purge nginx* apache2*19:24
acetakwasleftyfb::  By default I always run apt-get remove with purge19:24
acetakwasleftyfb::  Done that.19:24
leftyfbacetakwas: what version of ubuntu?19:24
ioriaSummerRain,  how is set 'windows' in  the grub menu ? as 2° choise ?19:25
SummerRain@ioria as the default choice19:25
SummerRain@ioria currently w7 is the last in the list19:25
SummerRainbecause theres memtest and ubuntu advanced options in the middle..19:25
ioriaSummerRain,  last how ? 2° ? or what ?19:25
Rektisioria: Got the GRUB-error again, without installing LVM.19:26
leftyfbacetakwas: if you used purge and wildcard and they're still around, then something was customized/changed or broken19:26
ioriaSummerRain,  3°, 4°19:26
SummerRain@ioria,  i didnt count19:26
ioriaSummerRain,  count it19:26
SummerRainhowever, i remember last time, i wrote a string on it19:26
SummerRaincant i do that?19:26
ioriaRektis, re-do the stick with rufus ...19:27
ioriaRektis, were you using raid ?19:27
acetakwasleftyfb::  https://paste.ofcode.org/PJbMhEzemXTK5vbQ9etQby19:29
acetakwasI ran locate nginx19:29
leftyfbit's still there19:29
leftyfbdid you compile from source?19:30
leftyfboh wait19:30
leftyfbacetakwas: sudo updatedb ; locate nginx19:30
acetakwasleftyfb::  My bad. I should have done that.19:30
acetakwasleftyfb::  Same thing: https://paste.ofcode.org/pJVLWD4F8BnftDNegKrXV819:33
acetakwasI did not compile from source.19:33
acetakwasI only have php and python setup on the server19:33
acetakwasIt's an AWS instance.19:33
leftyfbacetakwas: sudo apt-get remove --purge nginx*19:33
leftyfbrun it again if you say you have already19:34
acetakwasPackage 'nginx' is not installed, so not removed19:34
acetakwasleftyfb::  ^19:34
acetakwasThat's the most informative line from the result.19:34
leftyfbthen I don't know what you did to keep all the files there even though you removed it19:35
leftyfbthat's not how it's supposed to work19:35
leftyfband I've never seen that before19:35
acetakwasI'll have to keep troubleshooting.19:36
acetakwasNothing was done on the serve though, it's a fresh instance.19:36
acetakwasOnly the PHP always returns blank pages.19:36
acetakwasAnd that's all I am trying to get fixed.19:36
leftyfbif it's a fresh instance and you're having this much trouble with it, then it's probably best to wipe it and start over19:37
JrWebDevi did it all.  and stil cant change the time19:51
JrWebDevjust keeps going back19:51
JrWebDevi need a nuke button19:51
wyseguylooking at buying a laptop. I have heard thinkpads are the best for linux support and have had my eye on this one... any thoughts on picking a different model? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lenovo-ThinkPad-laptop-T510-Intel-Core-i5-15-6-HD-WebCam-DVDRW-128GB-SSD-Pro-/401274559064?hash=item5d6dd3da58:g:NSYAAOSw3v5Ynnv6#viTabs_019:53
oerheksJrWebDev, sounds like this http://www.webupd8.org/2014/09/dual-boot-fix-time-differences-between.html19:54
CoderEuropewyseguy, Whats your budget ?19:54
wyseguyCoderEurope, i would like to stay under 50019:54
oerheksor http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/time-differences-ubuntu-1604-windows-10/19:54
CoderEuropewyseguy, http://bit.ly/System76ebay19:54
wyseguyCoderEurope, the things that matter to me are having an ethernet port, good looking screen, long battery, works perfect with linux, percision trackpad input19:55
jercan i blacklist a version in apt? ie., there's an erlang 20.0rc2 package and i don't want to be notified of any updates with 20.0rc in them19:55
CoderEuropewyseguy, system76 is yor man.19:56
yarddogwhat is the command to install bogofilter? it asks for more info than apt-get install bogfilter19:56
CoderEuropewyseguy, get that ?19:56
wyseguyCoderEurope, ya looking into it19:57
CoderEuropewhat timezone are you in wyseguy ?19:57
Bashing-om!pinning | jer19:57
ubottujer: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:57
jerBashing-om, thanks19:57
wyseguyCoderEurope, pst19:57
Bashing-omjer: :)19:58
kenrinIsn't system76 just rebranded clevos ?19:58
CoderEuropewyseguy, so system76 are your local guys then. good luck !19:58
CoderEuropekenrin, is that based on XPirience ? Do you have a system76 laptop ?19:59
kenrinSomeone recommended one a while back and when I looked into it the original clevos were the same unit and cheaper19:59
CoderEuropekenrin, They've changed20:00
CoderEuropekenrin, http://s76.co/galago20:00
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wyseguyCoderEurope, thanks, any flagship models, or tried and true? I typically dont buy new20:02
tgm4883CoderEurope: how is that changed?20:02
JrWebDevOERIAS, ill lok into it20:04
kenrinCoderEurope: So that unit is just a rebranded N130BU Clevo with some locked down BIOS ?20:05
CoderEuropetgm4883, I just know - theres one on the wayz : https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1g9xhi/ubuntu_ultrabook_141_galago_ultrapro_system_76/?ref=search_posts20:05
CoderEuropekenrin, no !20:05
kenrinSeems like it20:05
CoderEuropestop jhating an america made company, please !20:05
CoderEuropekenrin, you didn't answer my question ?20:06
tgm4883Just trust you, got it20:06
CoderEuropekenrin, have you a galago Pro ?20:06
kenrinWhy would I buy a rebranded unit,  I could just get a N130BU20:06
CoderEuropekenrin, therefore you have no frame of reference for an opinion , dude - you're irrelevant to the system76 debate !20:07
kenrinI'm just asking what is different?20:07
tgm4883none of this is support, can we move it to #ubuntu-offtopic20:08
CoderEuropekenrin, I'd buy you one,but you seem jewish.20:08
wyseguyim on a chromebook 2 with galliumos, works perfect, just no ethernet port, have to use a usb dongle20:08
CoderEuropeokay #ubuntu-offtopic it is.20:08
kenrinLets take it to ##hardware and get real opinions20:09
Rektisioria: It works now. Thank you so much!20:09
old1101how can I install this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glew/2.0.0-3 on linux mint?20:33
Bashing-om!mint | old110120:33
ubottuold1101: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)20:33
old1101okay, I just assumed it was a apt/ppa problem20:35
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eyJhbHello, I'm experiencing a very weird issues. Suddenly my download speed with ftp is around 5-6 MB/s, but my upload speed is 115 MB/s. If I switch to windows, both upload and download are 115 MB/s.. Using Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with 4.4.0-79-generic, Intel 82579LM with the latest compiled drivers from intel20:51
eyJhbiperf yields same results20:51
eyJhbTested cables, different computers (both ubuntu with a intel gigabit ethernet card and e1000e driver)20:52
dashhowdy. trying to get an old LTS (precise) system onto xenial and hitting a couple small bumps. First off, anybody know of a convenient fix for the multitude of "insserv" warning messages and initctl trying to connect to upstart?21:00
naccdash: so you first upgraded 12.04 to 14.04, right?21:02
dashnacc: of course not, i'm an expert21:02
dash(guilty as charged, I didn't. :)21:02
dashI don't mind reverse-engineering some do-release-upgrade stuff if needed. I've just never had to21:03
naccdash: well, that's not a supported path (12.04 -> 16.04) :)21:03
dashnacc: I know, hence my asking on IRC about it :-p21:04
naccdash: meaning, you probably have misssed all the packages that try to fix this transition already21:04
phormathi. i googled for the list of default software included with ubuntu 16.04 lts (64-bit), but could not find any. as far as i remember there must be LAMP included by default, but there is none of it in .manifest. where's the list? (url)21:04
naccphormat: do you mean ubuntu server? ubuntu itself (desktop) does not have a LAMP included by default. And LAMP is not *installed* by default even on server.21:04
dashnacc: Suggestions for what to look at for that?21:05
naccphormat: then i have no idea what you mean by 'included' by default21:05
naccdash: i'm not sure21:05
dashnacc: OK21:06
dashThat's just an annoyance, the real problem I'm having is that it drops to initramfs at boot because it doesn't detect the LVM vg21:07
dash'vgchange -a' at the initramfs shell fixes it, but I'm curious what happened there21:07
naccdash: probably upstart -> systemd transition. which might again have been fixed/caught by 12.04 -> 14.04 -> 16.0421:07
dashnacc: yes yes obviously21:08
naccdash: is this a server or desktop?21:12
dashnacc: little bit of both21:13
eyJhbAnyone interested, newest e1000e has a bug in it...21:13
phormatnacc: so, what you're saying is http://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.manifest is the correct list of default software for ubuntu desktop 16.04 lts 64-bit and there is no LAMP in Ubuntu Desktop by default?21:13
naccdash: which makes it a desktop :)21:13
dashnacc: sure ;)21:13
naccdash: if it was a pure server, you could probably remove upstart21:13
naccdash: but a desktop will break (upstart manages the sessions, iirc)21:13
dashnacc: yeah i was seeing that, greeter depends on upstart21:13
dashwhich is pretty special, i gotta say21:13
naccphormat: that's just the list of packages on the iso21:13
naccphormat: none of that is the 'default software'21:14
naccphormat: and there is *absolutely* not a LAMP configuration on a desktop21:14
naccphormat: that would be a terrible desktop21:14
naccphormat: terrible default desktop21:14
dashLAMP stands for lighttpd, angular, mongodb, python... right?21:14
naccdash: trolling?21:15
dashnacc: it would only be trolling if i thought anyone would take that seriously21:15
naccdash: ok :)21:15
kenrinIn this channel people will21:15
naccdash: right, it's trolling for this channel, so please don't :)21:16
phormatnacc: so, i guess i have to / can use some terminal command to generate a list of software that i installed with the OS?21:16
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dashnacc: right, sorry. i used to op in a high traffic channel and oughta know better21:17
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naccphormat: i really don't follow yet whatyou're after. What you have installed on your instance is unrelated to what is installed by default (and you never said clearly you mean installed or available to desktop)21:18
naccphormat: so maybe state what are you trying to do?21:18
naccdash: np21:18
dashnacc: if i was trolling i'd be asking ubuntu questions in ##ubnt ;-)21:18
phormatnacc: it's possible i used that web interface to compile the installation image and included LAMP. would dpkg --get-selected give me the list of software i installed together with the OS? i was initially after the list of default software included with Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 lts, but i can't find any.21:23
naccphormat: 'compile the installation image'? it's possible you did this? What do you mean??21:26
naccphormat: there is no such flag to dpkg21:26
naccphormat: 'default software included' is still very unclear to me. Do you mean *installed* by default? Or *available* on the ISO?21:26
phormatnacc: ok, let's say i mean "available on the ISO".21:27
naccphormat: that's the list you found21:28
naccphormat: i believe21:28
GWMHi, I recently installed a variant of Ubuntu in a UEFI/GPT dual boot with Windows scenario, and when I booted windows for the first time it re-wrote the bootloader and removed GRUB, how do I get it back?21:31
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tomreyn!dualboot | GWM21:44
ubottuGWM: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:44
tomreyn^ for a general overview of how to set it up properly21:44
tomreyn!recoveringgrub | GWM for now21:45
ubottuGWM for now: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:45
EriC^^GWM: try to get the run time boot menu of the pc and choose ubuntu, then when it boots type "sudo grub-install"21:45
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phormatnacc: maybe i did get through all this myself: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-0421:47
phormatit was a while ago. i was almost sure LAMP was there by default with the Desktop.21:48
naccphormat: none of that is about the ISO or about what is "there by default" (again, you're not being specific enough in those terms)21:50
naccphormat: i 100% guarantee you that no ubuntu desktop has apache installed by default21:50
phormatok. great.21:50
naccphormat: ubuntu server also does not, but is present on the server iso itself21:50
phormatof course, sir21:53
TBotNikAll: Repeating: Having ap-get install errors. Posted at: https://pastebin.com/eMZhYxBc Tried running all the fixes but they do nothing.  Any ideas here, what I need to fix? On Kubuntu 14.04, with server packages installed.21:58
tomreynTBotNik: (sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-cache policy) | pastebinit22:00
tomreynTBotNik: actually, show "apt-get -f install" as well22:01
TBotNiktomreyn: It's running but pastebinit is not installed and can not because of errors.  Will pipe to text file and then paste.22:05
tomreynTBotNik: use termbin.com with netcat then22:05
tomreynTBotNik:  (sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-cache policy; sudo apt-get -f install) | nc termbin.com 999922:07
multifractalI'm trying to set up a simple pipeline for file sharing within my home wifi network. I scp'd a jpeg image over from my ubuntu 16.04 laptop to my friend's macbook air. It transferred OK, but when we opened it up on the macbook it was just a bunch of trippy colours. Why did it get corrupted?22:08
JustFixMyWifiI can't get my keyboard right under lubuntu.22:09
JustFixMyWifiThe mapping is correct, but no ãâéè , etc..22:09
tomreynmultifractal: did it actually get corrupted during transfer? check file sizes (in bytes) and run sha256sum on the file on both ends22:09
TBotNiktomreyn: Never finishes, always aborts, so no output, since never reaches the capture/pipe part of the cmd22:10
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tomreynTBotNik: okay, so i guess you do need to copy and paste then22:13
jostHi! I have added a VPN connection using the network manager, and it's working, I can access addresses on the remote network. But for some reason, DNS is not working. When using `dig @<IP of internal DNS server> <domain>`, everything looks fine - but when just using `dig <domain>`, it resolves to a public IP. I want the private IP. What do I need to configure to make this work? I want to prefer local (= in DNS addresses.22:16
jostI have XUbuntu 17.04, with dnsmasq installed22:16
multifractaltomreyn: oh actually they have the same MD5 signature22:16
multifractalsince they have the same md5sum, why would the jpeg not display correctly on the mac?22:20
tomreynmultifractal: it's a matter of the image data processor (file viewer) then.22:21
tomreynmultifractal: two options: either the file is a correctly formatted image file, and the OS X viewer fails to properly interpret it (software bug or lacking feature), or it's a broken file originally and the linux viewer just happens to have error correction allowing it to overcome the corruption.22:23
multifractaltomreyn: yes thanks, i just opened it in chrome, rather than the default image viewer, and it displayed correctly.22:23
tomreynmaybe load it in gimp and export (not 'save') it from there, this should fix invalid data, if any. it may also result in loss of quality (if the input format is a lossful compression).22:26
TBotNiktomreyn: Output dumped at: https://pastebin.com/eWXj3H2M22:28
faugusztinjost: have you tried filling out DNS servers and search domains ? https://i.stack.imgur.com/wzoLH.png22:29
faugusztinjost: you might be as well hit by bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/116943722:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1169437 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "network-manager does not configure local resolver or dnsmasq to use the nameserver addresses received from the VPN server" [Medium,Fix released]22:31
faugusztinjost: look at #42 and #44 for possible fixes if needed22:31
tomreynTBotNik: that's a lot of third party repositories. the webmin ones are for debian sarge, which is not ubuntu trusty.22:32
tomreynand the drbl.sourceforge.net just say "stable", which can be anything.22:32
TBotNiktomreyn: Think I found out this was all coming from my upgrade to mysql 5.7, but not sure!22:33
tomreynaccording to apt-get -f install you have these package states: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 316 not upgraded."22:34
harovalihi, is ther a way to make the thunderbird attach file  dialog look richer in options, looking like the nautilus navigation file tool ?22:35
harovaliin particular i'm looking for the magnifying glass button22:36
harovaliI tried the ubuntu-tweak too, but can modify the file attach window22:36
tomreynTBotNik: the netbeans IDE package is not really related to gir1.2-rb-3.0, but gir1.2-rb-3.0 is causing issues during the netbeans installation you attempted earlier.22:36
TBotNiktomreyn: Gonna knock out the dbrl as that is suppose to install and run clonezilla, which I have never gotten to work on any of the 200+ machines I run.  I know i'm not twisting my mouth right, but still don't need it if not gonna work!22:40
TBotNiktomreyn: Rebooting!22:44
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quidnuncWhy does my analog audio output not show up (and not work) in pavucontrol until I plug in my headphones?23:34
SomeJuani installed ubuntu 16.04.2 the other day and specified during the installation to log into unity automatically without having to go through a display manager23:39
JustFixMyWifiCan someone help me fix the accentuation issue? The mapping is right but I can't get them done right.23:39
SomeJuanno I installed kubuntu and want it to automatically log me into kde but not sure how23:39
kenrinunder kde settings login screen there should be a setting23:41
SomeJuanproblem is, i'm in unity (not kde)23:41
kenrinWhat displaymanager ?23:41
kenringdm ?23:41
SomeJuanlightdm but i don't even get there23:42
SomeJuanmy installation takes me right into the unity windows environment without having to login23:42
kenrinSo disable the unity autologin first23:43
SomeJuani can look around but not sure where to go to do that23:43
kenrinshould be under settings > users23:43
SomeJuanok, let me take a look real fast23:44
SomeJuanthanks, i'm in kde now23:46
SomeJuanreally appreciate it kenrin23:46
SomeJuanhave a good one guys23:46
kenrinPretty sure that guy wasn't using lightdm23:47
kenrinbut whatever23:47

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