
xnoxLogan, we are discussing it right now. There is a list of questions we have and how we gonna do it.00:09
Unit193That might be surprising since openssh, bind9, and apache2 don't support it as-is.00:10
xnoxthere are dependencies and security considerations00:11
xnoxalso ruby2.400:11
Unit193Right, didn't mention that one.  Ruby 2.5 supports, but I'm presuming that's why do ko was asking #debian-ruby.00:13
Unit193(Err, fixed in 2.4, they're skipping directly to .5)00:13
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Unit193mapreri: Danke.07:33
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mdeslaurUnit193: do you want me to upload your irssi merge to artful?11:48
LaneyOdd_Bloke: hey, is there any chance of arm64/artful cloud images (in SS bos01)?13:43
elopiostgraber: hey, the failure on the snapcraft autopkgtest that's blocking your lxd SRU was a problem with the launchpad proxy14:44
elopioa re-run should help.14:45
=== koza is now known as koza|away
stgraberelopio: ok, cool, thanks15:10
abeatoinfinity, hey. there has been no response yet for the patch submitted to debian for lp: #1692494 , which should be the curse of action? Should I ping anybody about this?15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1692494 in klibc (Ubuntu) "klibc does not support reboot arguments" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169249415:17
mdeslaurUnit193: I uploaded your irssi merge, hope you don't mind15:20
mwhudsonnacc: let's go with "no"15:49
mwhudsonnacc: wait what?15:50
mwhudsonnacc: distribute fleet as a snap kthxbye ?15:50
Odd_BlokeLaney: We're building them; I think you'd have to bug IS to get them synced in.16:04
naccmwhudson: yeah, that might be a fine response :)16:07
mapreriUnit193: anytime (for syncs I react right after I see the mails, don't really have time to go hunt more complex sponsorships these days, but if you need please poke me)16:36
elopiotjaalton: hello. Can you help us putting snapcraft 2.31 in xenial, yakkety and zesty -proposed?17:00
elopioslangasek: Sergio is asking why click was not dput-ed. Are we missing something there?17:04
slangasekelopio: we are sprinting this week so hitting time constraints.  I will try to make time today17:04
elopioslangasek: ok, it would be nice if we can spend17:05
elopiothe weekend testing.17:05
elopiobut I understand. Please ping me if I can help with something.17:05
Skuggenelopio: Does it have snapcraft-specific users!? :P17:09
elopioSkuggen: sorry, I don't understand.17:10
SkuggenWe are a bit blocked from making "proper" MySQL snaps because we can't change file ownership and drop process privileges17:11
elopioSkuggen: yes, I know :( That's still on discussion in the forum.17:12
elopioSkuggen: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snappy-and-users-and-groups/33117:15
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Skuggenelopio: Right, primarily #161988817:40
mwhudsonnacc: did you look at celery yet?18:49
naccmwhudson: i'm working on it now, but about to travel home18:49
mwhudsonnacc: cool18:50
mwhudsonnacc: where are you guys?18:50
naccmwhudson: it needs several updated deps too (billiar, sphinx-celery)18:50
mwhudsonnacc: hooray18:50
naccmwhudson: so i'm having to iterate a bit :)18:50
mwhudsonnacc: want help? (i'm travelling today to though so....)18:50
naccmwhudson: i'm happy to churn on this for a bit -- if i don't make much progress on monday, i'll ping you -- if that's ok by you schedule wise?18:52
mwhudsonnacc: sure18:52
hallynhuh, chan is locked down now?19:12
hallynbug 1697043 - is there a known bug in debconf right now?19:13
ubottubug 1697043 in lxcfs (Ubuntu) "package libpam-cgfs 2.0.7-0ubuntu1~16.10.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169704319:13
Unit193mdeslaur: No that's quite alright, thanks very much!20:27
Unit193mapreri: And thanks, will do.  What do you feel about ruby?20:35
tdaitxpitti, regarding adding the pid to apport reports, I forgot to ask if the way I proposed is good enough... I wonder if it would be better to do that from somewhere else? for example, add_proc_info seems to set it from other means (os.getpid) but I'm not sure we need to cover those other code paths22:05

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