
jac_cplanehow do I push a centos7 charm to the charm store?   when I push it only the trusy charm shows up.00:48
jac_cplanewhen I look at the charm in the charm store https://jujucharms.com/u/cplane-team/oracle-12c/00:49
jac_cplaneit shows juju deploy cs:~cplane-team/trusty/oracle-12c-4  instead of juju deploy cs:~cplane-team/centos7/oracle-12c-700:49
jac_cplanecharm pull cs:~cplane-team/centos7/oracle-12c-7  works as expected.00:53
jac_cplanewhat is the difference between charm release and charm [push, publsh]  Does release just provide meta-data for a type like "stable" ?  or is there something more it does01:16
lazyPowerjac_cplane: thats exactly it. push just pushes the object. release sets the charm revision on a channel02:38
lazyPowerjac_cplane: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-charm-store#entities-explained covers this in detail02:38
jac_cplaneHi I'm struggling to get a Centos Charm to work - following lenovo centos fixes http://fengxia.co.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/python2%20charm.html.19:32
jac_cplaneis there any other resources ?19:32
jac_cplanedoes the juju team have any way to support centos ?19:33
tvansteenburghjac_cplane: your best bet is to ask (either here or on the mailing list) specific questions about specific errors or problems that you are encountering20:39
tvansteenburghjac_cplane: mailing list is better in my opinion - more people will see it20:39
jac_cplanecan you point me to the mailing list?  thanks20:39
jac_cplanerunning into this problem20:40
jac_cplaneTraceback (most recent call last):20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected   File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-rac-master-0/charm/hooks/leader-elected", line 10, in <module>20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected     basic.init_config_states()20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected   File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-rac-master-0/charm/lib/charms/layer/basic.py", line 221, in init_config_states20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected     from charms.reactive import set_state20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/charms/reactive/__init__.py", line 20, in <module>20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected     from .bus import set_state  # noqa20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/charms/reactive/bus.py", line 27, in <module>20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected     from charmhelpers.cli import cmdline20:40
jac_cplaneunit-rac-master-0: 13:09:42 INFO unit.rac-master/0.leader-elected ImportError: No module named cli20:40
jac_cplaneif i ssh to the machine and type python - i can manually import that module20:40
jac_cplaneI've printed out the path here20:41
jac_cplane['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-rac-master-0/charm/hooks', '/usr/lib64/python27.zip', '/usr/lib64/python2.7', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages', '/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-rac-master-0/charm/lib', '/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-rac-master-0/charm/lib']20:41
tvansteenburghjac_cplane: juju@lists.ubuntu.com20:44
jac_cplanePython 2.7.5 (default, Nov  6 2016, 00:28:07)20:45
jac_cplane[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)] on linux220:45
jac_cplaneType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.20:45
jac_cplane>>> import os20:45
jac_cplane>>> import sys20:45
jac_cplane>>> print(sys.path)20:45
jac_cplane['', '/usr/lib64/python27.zip', '/usr/lib64/python2.7', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages']20:45
jac_cplane>>> from charmhelper.cli import cmdline20:45
jac_cplaneTraceback (most recent call last):20:45
jac_cplane  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>20:45
jac_cplaneImportError: No module named charmhelper.cli20:45
jac_cplaneright. one sec20:46
jac_cplane> from charmhelpers.cli import cmdline20:47
jac_cplaneyes - no problem.  I've done this before.  sorry - going on little sleep here20:47
tvansteenburghso that's if you ssh to the unit i assume?20:47
jac_cplaneyes - ssh into the unit.  as root20:47
jac_cplaneseems there is a routine to reload to the python runtime.  I wonder if that needs to be changed20:48
jac_cplanethis module runs before this section of code is executed def reload_interpreter(python):20:49
jac_cplaneI'm guessing that some env is not set properly20:49
tvansteenburghjac_cplane: have you used the `juju debug-hooks` command yet?20:50
tvansteenburghjuju debug-hooks rac-master/020:51
jac_cplanewell - i can tell you that the charm works properly before I do a charm build20:51
jac_cplaneok - let me try that20:51
tvansteenburghonce the tmux session starts, open your leader-elected hook file and put a pdb break point in it, save it and exit20:52
tvansteenburghthen execute the hook directly to debug it20:53
jac_cplaneok - will do20:53
tvansteenburghis your charm source in github or somewhere i can look at it?20:54
jac_cplaneyes - https://github.com/cplane-networks/dvnd-juju/tree/master/oracle-12c20:54
jac_cplanewe can run the charm locally in a bundle  using  the ../oracle-12c syntax.   but when I do a charm build --series centos7  to push it to the charm store is when it breaks20:55
jac_cplanetyring to find the path of least resistance is to just provide the local charm to my customers or to figth to put it in the charm store.20:56
tvansteenburghjac_cplane: the error is from a rac-master charm - where's the source for that?20:58
jac_cplanesource is here https://github.com/cplane-networks/dvnd-juju/tree/master/oracle-12c20:59
jac_cplanedo you think if i just eliminate the reactive/oracle-12c.py then it wont bring in all of the reactive frame-works.    I believe the problem is in the reactive framework changes for python2 on centos721:07
jac_cplaneIf I just comment that out in the charm will it pass?21:07
tvansteenburghjac_cplane: if you're not using reactive then you don't even need charm build21:07
jac_cplaneoh - awesome21:08
jac_cplanewe are only using reactive to display when the charm is installed21:08
jac_cplanebut it seems that reactive is not supported on centos.21:09
jac_cplanehence this mess21:09
jac_cplanelet me try to strip that and push it to the charm store.21:09
jac_cplaneotherwise - I'll come back and see if we can debug this.21:10
jac_cplanedeleting the relation seems to have fixed the problem.  will push to the charm store and rerun test.  thanks21:54

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