
Megatron50Good Afternoon everyone21:02
floridagram<ahoneybun> heyo21:02
Megatron50hi floridagram21:06
Megatron50I'm new to IRC21:07
floridagram<ahoneybun> right it;s just ahoneybun lol21:07
floridagram<ahoneybun> the floridagram is a bot for IRC<->Telegram21:07
floridagram<ahoneybun> what part of florida are you in?21:09
Megatron50what about you?21:10
floridagram<ahoneybun> most of us are in South Florida, ie fort lauderdale - miami21:10
floridagram<ahoneybun> a few in DeLand and Melbourne21:10
Megatron50oh cool. I heard Fort Lauderdale is very nice place to visit21:10
floridagram<ahoneybun> its nice, has a great coffee shop we hangout at for Ubuntu Hour21:11
Megatron50Are the members here Linux experts?21:13
floridagram<KMyers> What is Limux?21:13
floridagram<ahoneybun> a few work on it as a day job21:13
floridagram<ahoneybun> 😆21:13
Megatron50sorry that should have been Linux. I think i have an M instead of a N :)21:14
Megatron50i was looking for a study group for CISSP21:15
floridagram<KMyers> What area are you in?21:16
floridagram<KMyers> Sorry, did not read above21:16
floridagram<KMyers> @itnet7 - do you know any CISSP groups?21:16
Megatron50no problem. I works in IT Security 21:16
Megatron50Compliance 21:17
Megatron50What about you?21:17
floridagram<KMyers> Software Engineer who does a lot with Security21:18
Megatron50I like this IRC so far21:20
Megatron50ahoneybun what do you do for a living?21:22
floridagram<ahoneybun> non IT related lol21:23
Megatron50it does not have to be IT related :)21:23
Megatron50how often does everyone meet?21:45
floridagram<ahoneybun> Usually 2-3 a month or at least aim for that21:47
floridagram<AdamOutler> When is the next one?21:47
Megatron50thanks. What is the focus of the meetings21:51
floridagram<AdamOutler> Topics of the day.  You name it.21:51
Megatron50oh cool21:52
Megatron50does that include politics lol 21:52
floridagram<AdamOutler> Not usually. Unless it involves Hillary's email server or something.21:53
Megatron50I'm glad i was not the IT guy responsible for that server :)21:53
Megatron50what did everyone do over the weekend?22:06
floridagram<KMyers> A few of us are at SouthEast Linux Fest22:06
Megatron50that sounds like fun. I just learning how to use Docker. It's really cool not having to download all the libraries to get a program to work. :)22:07
floridagram<itnet7> Not sure about CISSP study groups but Gainesville has a monthly security meeting that could probably point you in the right direction @Megatron5023:14
Megatron50that would be perfect sir. 23:34
floridagram<itnet7> If I hear of anything else I'll let you know. There was a really cool LUG up there too. I have been to a few of there meetingsb and events and had a lot of fun. Gator LUG23:43
Megatron50Thanks. i really enjoy knowledge sharing. It has always helped me in my career23:47

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