
Guido1Since the last time I used WiFi I had some crashes, boot repairs and updates. Now Xubuntu says that the WiFi adappter is not ready. It is a dual boot with Windows 10. How can I solve it?07:54
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:56
Guido1moetunes: Looks liek i should follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WirelessTroubleshootingProcedure . Step 2 and 6 results in https://paste.ubuntu.com/24830584/08:05
moetunesgive it a try08:06
Guido1What have I to do now?08:07
moetunesrfkill shows it's not blocked08:10
Guido1moetunes: What do i have to do after the comment on the page?08:10
Guido1If I switch WiFii on, it says "apparaat not ready"08:11
Guido1moetunes: it worked a while ago. So maybe something got broken. (If i boot into windows, wifi works)08:13
moetunesthere doesn't seem to be many people having issues with that wifi device08:14
diogenes_Guido1, you can try: sudo service network-manager restart08:17
moetunespost 12 here might be the one https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2082305&page=2&s=6dd2ef534e690da83541250dd44ae50c08:19
Guido1Hello, when I start seamonkey, I can use it, but it seams not to close probaply. So at a restart of the system I get initromfs. Also I can't open another internet program as linux thinks it's seamonkey. Libre office doesn't show up by starting. trying to start it blocks a later start from seamonkey. after a reeboot i get initromfs. What can i do?10:17
juliankHey, we installed 16.04.2 here and were wondering how to not immediately turn the screen off after locking?14:08
=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
diogenes_juliank, install dconf-tools and dconf-editor14:18
juliankdiogenes_: And what would I set in dconf?14:23
diogenes_juliank, go to org > xfce > power management14:25
diogenes_and there you will find much more power settings than in the default manager14:25
juliankdiogenes_: The only stuff in org > xfce is is "mousepad"14:26
diogenes_juliank, then search for power14:28
juliankdiogenes_: Apparently the settings are stored in .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml14:29
juliankand /xfce4-power-manager.xml14:29
juliankOr not, not sure?14:29
juliankIn any case, not in dconf14:30
juliankBut I'm not sure how that would solve the problem anyway, AFAIUI the lock screen is handled by lightdm14:31
juliank(and not as user)14:31
xtuberhi all. I have the xubuntu 17.04 and I have a computer monitor with sound speakers. I want to tune the Volume Control for streaming all sound stream with hdmi of my monitor15:29
xtuberhow can I do this?15:29
diogenes_xtuber, sudo apt install pavucontrol15:46
xtuberReading package lists... Done15:48
xtuberBuilding dependency tree15:48
xtuberReading state information... Done15:48
xtuberpavucontrol is already the newest version (3.0-3build1).15:48
xtuberThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:15:48
xtuber  linux-headers-4.10.0-19 linux-headers-4.10.0-19-generic15:48
diogenes_xtuber, run in terminal: pavucontrol15:49
xtuberI did it. Here has open the Sound Control. In it I should to tune each program to out its sound from hdmi15:51
xtuberbut I installed the stardict and it by default speaks out words with built-in out15:53
diogenes_xtuber, go to configuration section15:53
diogenes_there you choose the profile you want like hdmi+analog15:54
diogenes_hdmi only15:54
xtuberI have't here "hdmi only". I set up "built-in - off"15:56
xtuberdiogenes_, after it my stardict has some sound but it not words16:03
diogenes_xtuber, I don't use hdmi so no huge experience with it16:07
xtuberdiogenes_, thanks16:09
xtuberanybody use the Stardict here?16:30
kaosuCould a few people on Xubuntu 17.04 tell me the output for sha1sum /usr/sbin/tcpd ? I want to verify that chkrootkit is falsely identifying it as infected.17:22
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
EDinNYWhat gui program allows me to balance right and left sound?23:07
redblade7EDinNY: pulseaudio mixer?23:58
sinewavEDinNY: try alsamixergui23:58
redblade7that's what i meant23:58
redblade7"pulseaudio volume control"23:58
redblade7it also gives you access to stereo mix23:59
redblade7and the ability to mute certain programs23:59

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