
sovereignentitykernel 4.4.0-64 errors out I have to 4.4.0-62 to log in04:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
apwsovereignentity, file a bug against linux and get that information into it, in particular include the error06:16
smb-64? sounds a bit backwards, -79 is current06:38
apwa good point06:44
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=== Binary is now known as Binary_Rain
=== cachio_afk is now known as cachio
zxliuI take it there haven't been many customers lately?21:11
zxliufor the paid support packages21:12
zxliuif the samples aren't working they can't get hooked21:12
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=== ayan is now known as Guest99099
=== Guest99099 is now known as ayan
zxliunope doesn't boot t22:33
zxliuit was a broken helper most likely22:48

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