
DammitJimhow do you guys move mp3s to your iphone from your linux system?16:30
maxolasersquadIs your phone not recognized when you plug it in?16:41
maxolasersquadIt's been a while, but last time someone had an iPhone and I needed it to work with Linux, I just plugged it in.16:42
maxolasersquadBeen awhile though.16:42
floridagram<ahoneybun> @KMyers says to buy a real phone lop16:42
floridagram<AdamOutler> No.  iPhone uses a weird proprietary database system which is managed by iTunes.  There is a Linux package which allows communication and transfer of music to, but I'm not sure about from.16:46
maxolasersquadTwo idea for getting this to work at https://askubuntu.com/questions/799414/how-to-move-files-from-ubuntu-to-iphone16:52
floridagram<SivaMachina> -senses rage building in someone from the  the mention of icrap devices-18:59
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