
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?13:03
cmaloneyrick_h: Are you going to have that bike totally re-built by the time the summer is over? :)13:04
rick_hcmaloney: almost. Don't think I'll do.both the fork and wheels but I might do new wheels before the summer is out13:04
* brousch can't keep up with rick_h 's obsessions14:08
rick_hcamping and biking atm https://goo.gl/photos/Lsvipm9hJGuRu9eA914:09
rick_hleaving for london friday and found a place to rent a bike and some trails to ride SW of london :)14:09
brouschAnd photographing14:09
rick_hyea, photography. Though I left it at home this weekend.14:09
widoxrick_h: I was just camping at the waterlook state park this weekend, my first time but it was pretty nice14:41
widoxits like 20,000 acres14:41
rick_hwidox: waterloo?14:41
widoxwith trails and such14:41
cmaloneyI wouldn't want to mow that14:41
widoxrick_h: http://www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/details.aspx?id=506&type=SPRK14:41
widoxnear Chelsea14:42
rick_hyea, waterloo rec area is good stuff14:42
rick_hwidox: you all tent it up?14:42
widoxoh, derp. s/waterlook/waterloo/14:42
rick_hwidox: yea, figured14:43
rick_hwidox: we've stayed in sugarload campground I think. There's a chain of them there across the waterloo pickney area there14:44
widoxah, we looked there first, but it was pretty crowed. we went to the portage lake area instead14:45
cmaloneyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTb1_w8hvqY <- The Pepper & Carrot comic that I auditioned for is up18:01
shakes808wordpress is selling their office18:39
rick_hcmaloney: mmmm, rocks20:17
cmaloneyConsidering I've had 0.2 minutes with a mitre saw I'm sure it'll end well.20:18
shakes808cmaloney: you are totally qualified for that line of work!!! You should call back before that job gets taken with someone with 0.21 minutes of experience! :)20:43
cmaloneyshakes808: Totes20:54
greg-gshakes808: we (Wikimedia Foundation) had our All Hands in the building a couple years ago. They can/could squish down everyone's desks into a tiny room on the side. Big open space for a party etc21:02
greg-gre automattic21:02
shakes808greg-g: right?!  if only a handful show up, downsize to accommodate.   but would be cheaper to just not have a location and everyone work remotely :)21:08
cmaloneySometimes folks need a place to do21:14
cmaloneyNot everyone has the luxury of carving out a place in their living space21:14
greg-gespecially in SF21:21
greg-g"working from home" usually advantages single young individuals, as well.21:23

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