
prelude2004chey guys.. can anyone here help me ..i have ubuntu 14.04 and i am trying to get syslog_ng working... getting Unable to initialize database access (DBI); rc='-1', error='No such file or directory (2)' but i have installed libdbi and libdbi-drivers00:03
prelude2004cnot sure what else to do00:03
Mr_BMWM, I tried to remake the boot drive again using Rufus in DD write mode with a redownloaded iso from Ubuntu's site (Server 16.04.2). Just tried the install again and the machine restarts when I choose 'Install Ubuntu Server'00:05
Mr_BNever had this trouble before installing Ubuntu. lol...00:06
Mr_BCould it be a hardware problem? Bios setting or boot flag? Tried 2 different images now and 3 different Iso creation tools at this point.00:07
Bashing-omMr_B: Acer machine where "trusted" must be enabled ?00:11
Mr_BBashing-om: Not sure what you mean. The machine is a Gigabyte H77M-D3H board with Intel i3 3200 cpu.00:13
Bashing-omMr_B: Then that ^ vendor lockin is not an issue .00:14
Mr_BOh, I see what you mean. ;)00:14
workisfunhi guys, I inherited another person's laptop and I'm trying to run `sudo apt-get build-dep emacs24` but I get Unable to find a source package for emacs2400:22
workisfunthen i tried running the command `software-sources` because of a stackoverflow answer but i get command not found00:23
workisfunnot sure what to do next unfortunately :(00:23
Bashing-om!info emacs24 xenial | workisfun00:26
ubottuworkisfun: emacs24 (source: emacs24): GNU Emacs editor (with GTK+ GUI support). In component main, is optional. Version 24.5+1-6ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 3031 kB, installed size 11860 kB00:26
dm_compcan someone explain this command? bzip2 --version 2>&1 < /dev/null | head -n1    what I don't get "2>&1 < /dev/null"00:26
workisfuni was able to install emacs25.2 but only with --without-x which i think is causing me not to be able to use the gui00:26
workisfunso i thought of installing the deps for emacs24 to get the dependencies00:27
workisfunby install i mean from the tar00:27
workisfunubottu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/213873/what-library-i-need-to-install-if-i-want-to-compile-emacs00:28
workisfuni found that it will work with allowing Source Code in the Software & Updates menu00:33
sierradumpDuring 16.04 installation, “Device for boot loader installation” - what exactly does that mean?  Does it want to know where I want ubuntu to install grub2, or is it asking where I want ubuntu to put my EFI files?00:39
Bashing-omsierradump: Not an easy answer . How many physical hard drives are connected ? How do you want to boot ? . grub should normally be installed to the device - sda as "a" device - .00:42
sierradumpBashing-om: I know where I want it… I am trying to install to USB external drive.  I just need to know what that question is asking me.00:43
sierradumpdo I poiint it to the GRUB /boot location, or do I point it to my ESP partition (You’re right… lots of variables…)00:43
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sierradumpok… or haha00:44
sierradumpif I pull my m2 drive out of my lenovo laptop… then run through the installer, then put the m2 drive back in … did I just mess up my windows 10 efi boot points?00:45
Mr_BSorry to spam up the channel with repeated text. However, if anyone might be able to help me get this machine to install Ubuntu server. For the life of me... Every time I get to the installation screen and choose 'Install Ubuntu Server' the machine restarts itsself. 3 different images and 2 flash drives later, multiple attempts at an install. Maybe there is a secret boot flag or one of my bios settings is incorrect? Thanks in advance.00:45
Bashing-omsierradump: If the device is EFI .. then the grub files are installed to both/each . You do want grub installed to the device - sudo parted -l - to know the device ID ( maybe like sdb in this use case ) .00:45
sierradumpBashing-om: thanks, you seem to know more about this than I do… Not sure if you remember but I was trying to install 5 identical Ubuntu 16.04 installations to qty:5 SanDisk USB 3.0 Disks.00:46
Bashing-omsierradump: If you are not going to use the hard drive as the boot medium - no harm done to remove the drive .00:46
sierradumpIm still struggling. haha'00:46
kenrinsierradump: you still doing that?   Why don't you use something like unetbootin or the mkusb00:47
sierradumpBashing-om:  I will want to put it back in in the future though… my goal is simply to install ubuntu to the usb…00:47
sierradumpkenrin: yeah! haha im pulling my hair out now because I need it done before tomorrows work day.00:47
Bashing-omsierradump: Yeah, that do ringa bell that we are attemptomg multi disk .. I presently do not have a lot to add . but to watch the device IDs ! they will change as USB devices are plugged in .00:47
kenrinI've used unetbootin before,  simple and easy to do00:48
sierradumpI have 5 SanDisk Micro USB 3.0 drives.00:48
sierradumpI need the following:  boot on UEFI or Legacy BIOS systems.  Ubuntu 16.04 Installation is Encrypted.00:48
sierradumpThats’s it.00:49
sierradumpSounds easy but it’s not!00:49
kenrinYou need encryption too? mmmm00:49
sierradumpI feel like im reinventing the wheel here so any outside opinions would be great.  Currently this is what I have…00:50
sierradumpAccording to this article, the UEFI / Legacy-Bios cross compatibliity is no issue.00:50
sierradumpI am following the Adding an ESP or GRUB-BBP to an installation with GPT00:51
sierradumpBut in order to know if i need ESP or BBP, I need to know what is happening during the actual Ubuntu installation haha… Specifically ““Device for boot loader installation”00:52
sierradumpI think what is happening is that Ubuntu is not installing the EFI or Grub stuff to the USB but instead the actual /sda as Bashing-om has pointed out…00:54
kenrinIs there any reason you can't chroot to the usb files and grub-install manually ?00:55
sierradumpSo, I have partitioned my USB stick as follows.   #1- /esp,boot (fat32)   #2- /Bios_Grub (blank) #3- /boot (because my #4 is encrypted).  #4- /encrypted LVM00:55
kenrinYeah you don't need all those partitions00:56
sierradumpkenrin:  yes… I don’t know how to do that haha, more specifically I don’t know where things belong?…. the article I linked to above has the grub-install command, but it told me to install to /sdb00:57
sierradumpkenrin: I agree…. Is there a different way to do this with Syslinux maybe?00:57
kenrinThere isn't an easy way to do it with the encryption00:57
sierradumpok, let’s just forget about encryption for now — that part I’m actually good at haha… I just need to understand the boot process...00:58
sierradumpdoes anyone know what the “bios_grub” flag does on a partition?  And would grub actually get installed to that parition?00:59
kenrinhere,  read this where it starts at "manual boot":  https://medium.com/@mmiglier/ubuntu-installation-on-usb-stick-with-pure-efi-boot-mac-compatible-469ad33645c901:00
kenrinit looks good and will help better than I can explain it01:01
kenrinI know it is for macs but it takes you through booting to the usb,  mounting the /boot efi and installing grub01:02
sierradumphaha, that’s the first tab in my browser...01:02
sierradumpcurrently - haha01:02
kenrinWell then follow it ;P01:02
sierradumpI figured if I followed that all the way down to where you actually converts it to the HFS partition I should be good right?01:03
sierradumpspecifically where he ends up at the grub CLI and has to manually hunt/peck for the right parition ahha01:03
earthsoundI'm missing a brightness overlay (such as this: https://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Brightness_control_Ubuntu.jpeg) when using laptop brightness keys. How can I get/reset the default overlay/notification?01:07
kenrinThere is following that or the other option just copy the boot files from a working system and editing like where he says "tweak the usb files" in this thread: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=233883601:08
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kenrinMight want to do the copy thing since you are doing this 5 times01:08
sierradumpkenrin:  ideally what I want to do is learn how to copy and where the files go, and what partitions are required… thjen I will literally just recreate that on the USB stick and as you said change the cfg files where necesseary.01:09
sierradumpProblem is I don’ tknow how to do that because I don’t know what partitions are requries and how to use them.01:09
sierradumpcopy thing! ding ding!01:10
Bashing-omsierradump: More reading :) https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_bootloader .01:10
Mr_BIntel i3 3200 with Gigabyte H77M-D3H, no graphics card; attempting to install Ubuntu Server 16 or 17. When I select 'Install Ubuntu Server' at the main screen, the machine just restarts and does not install. Anyone know how to counter this problem? Boot flags? Bios incompatibility?01:10
kenrinWell I hope that thread helps,  it looks pretty detailed and shows what partitions you need with an explanation01:12
sierradumpyeah I haven’t seen this one yet… It looks relevant and I appreciate that!!! I have like 30 tabs open at this point.  but it’s only going to take that one that connects all these dots. haha01:13
sierradumpI’m totally writing a guide when I figure this out.01:13
sierradumphaha… this guy hit the nail on the head;  “The official installer fails to install to usb drives. Perhaps it is only a matter of time before the installer is fixed and Ubuntu can be smoothly installed to a usb flash drive but -- who knows, fixing a bug may take several years and the opportunity of walking with your system in your pocket can't wait"01:14
Bashing-omsierradump: I say again when installing grub .. watch the ID for the location ... sdb/sdc/sdd/sde or whatever the present designation might be for the target install .01:15
kenrinSorry Mr_B:  I'm not ignoring you I just have no idea why your system would be rebooting at the install ubuntu01:15
kenrinI assume the secure boot is disabled and the AHCI mode is set otherwise it wouldn't have gotten to that point at all01:15
sierradumpkenrin: I owe you brownies!  I think this actually might have the answer… SOMEWHERE IN THE 45 POSTS THIS GUY MADE haha… “ STRATEGY. The standard Ubuntu installer is buggy: if you try to install to usb drive it uses the boot EFI partition of your internal HDD as boot partition. Therefore it overwrites your grub configuration and "breaks your system" -- but in a way that can be easily mended. The main strategy of my procedure is: 01:16
sierradumpthe installer, repair the system, then tweak the usb key and do that which the installer should have done. The latter is mainly done by copying several system files to the usb drive EFI partition and adding a basic grub configuration to it.”01:16
sierradumpI think that is the answer to my original question:  where does ubuntu put the installer files in relation to the “Device for boot loader installation”.  I asked because it wasn’t seeming to obey my direction, instead putting it on my intenal drive /sda.  Which is also why I wanted to remove my internal drive.01:17
sierradumpSo off I go again and thank you sir!01:18
=== Neo_ is now known as Neo
Mr_Bkenrin: No worries man, went out to take a break from this for a minute. Just made an Ubuntu 17 Server install usb. I noticed now with 17, right before it displays the install menu, one long beep from the speaker...01:45
Mr_BWondering what that means lol...01:45
kenrinSounded like hardware from the get-go.  O.o01:45
Mr_BRegular bios beep, splash page, long tone, install menu. Repeat :P lol... Yeah I was hoping it would at least run ubuntu server.01:46
Mr_BI don't know though, I guess it could be the computer I'm trying to make the usb disk on... somehow?01:47
kenrinIf the files are getting corrupted writing to it maybe01:48
kenrinThe only thing a search brings up is the usb or the iso is bad if it reboots like that01:51
DeaDSouLHi, is there a cable like the usb headers cable, but for the usb ports? not usb headers?01:53
Mr_BHmm... I've tried both of the flash drives I own lol. Kenrin, thanks but this is sad. Not sure what to do anymore. Guess I'll try to make the usb on another computer.01:54
kenrinWell if it helps I always use disk writer (GUI dd) and it has never failed unlike rufus,lili,unetboot,  whatever else.01:55
kenrinfor windows,  the only one that has never failed me is rawrite3201:56
Mr_BHmmm... okay. Universal USB installer had been pretty faithful to me in the past. Today I've tried Rufus, UUI, and Unetboot. Each was the same result. :P01:57
kenrinI've had bad luck with all of those01:58
Mr_BUp until this most recent usb installer with ubuntu 17, its making the long beep now.01:58
Mr_BLol ^01:58
Mr_BI'll try your suggestion. :)01:58
Mr_Bkenrin: Yo dawg. I installed a quadro fx1700 and now the installation process is progressing.......02:09
Mr_BSpent hours on this lol and by chance.02:09
GrivDoes the kernel Radeon driver need to be uninstalled before installing fglrx?  I'm running 17.04 server and installed fglrx and it hung up while restarting.  I had to go into "safe mode" to uninstall the driver, which restored normal function.02:15
Bashing-om!amd | Griv02:15
ubottuGriv: Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD02:15
kenrinfglrx is dead02:16
Bashing-omGriv: There is no FGLRX in 17.04 .02:17
GrivWell, that explains that problem.02:17
Bashing-omGriv: Uh Huh . AMD is working hard to give us what we - ubuntu - asked for .02:18
GrivGood deal.  So here's the real problem I was trying to solve.  I run the Boinc manager for Einstein@Home and it's not recognizing my graphics.  I'm still searching through their help for solutions.  Any ideas?02:19
kenrinThat is a tough one griv.  Debian has a wiki page for boinc that may help with the xhost commands02:22
kenrinOtherwise their forums would be your best bet02:22
Bashing-omGriv: As much as I would care too . Out of my range of experience here . not a clue :(02:23
GrivThanks!  I'll give a look.02:23
Jordan_UGriv: Are you running Boinc Manger from a local X server or remotely?02:33
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
_plasmaI'm having trouble in Ubuntu Zesty getting xsetwacom --list to show my Pad device for my MobileStudio Pro. I'm on 4.10.0-22-generic. dmesg reports the device as input: Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 Pad as "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-6/1-6.1/1-6.1:1.0/0003:056A:034E.000B/input/input18" but the Pad doesn't show up in xsetwacom. Also xinput lists id=18 as "Bluetooth 3.0 Keyboard"02:43
GrivAh - I was missing openCL02:43
_plasmaany ideas?02:43
_plasmahttps://pastebin.com/6s6jtSLG is my xinput output02:44
* Mr_B Flips everyone off! Peace among worlds! How funny is that.02:56
tgp1994Hi everyone, hoping I can get some help with wireless... I have a BCM4306 r3 wireless card. It seems to be detected, I've installed the firmware-b43-installer package and it did its installation, although modprobing for b43 says it does not exist. I've essentially followed the wiki to the letter, what am I doing wrong?02:58
amosbirdHi, I just made a xkb config for my keyboard https://la.wentropy.com/Tppy . how can I make it applied?03:04
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=== nihilstache is now known as justache
k_sze[work]On Ubuntu 14.04.5, why is it that when I do `apt-get install libboost-all-dev`, I get a bunch of messages like "Depends: libboost-dev but it is not going to be installed"?03:57
rolandbeowulfhave you tried apt-get -f install?03:59
k_sze[work]rolandbeowulf: yes04:00
k_sze[work]It doesn't do anything.04:00
kostkonk_sze[work], make sure you have enabled all the repos in software & updates04:02
k_sze[work]kostkon: I looked in /etc/apt/sources.list and I don't see anything suspicious.04:08
kostkonk_sze[work], what does   apt-cache policy libboost-dev   say about it04:09
k_sze[work]500 http://hk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages04:09
k_sze[work]odd, libboost-dev is in section 'libdevel', but libboost-atomic-dev is in section 'universe/libdevel'04:11
k_sze[work]libboost-all-dev (the meta package) is in section 'universe/libdevel'04:12
k_sze[work]is that going to affect anything?04:12
JustfixmywifiWhat is a good android emulator for linux?04:14
thewilloCan I change the default desktop env manager and or select which one I want at login?04:22
thewilloI want to use lxde when coding and unity when using computer casually04:22
thewillowell, not coding so much as compiling04:22
thewilloLike, I want it to automatically log me in to lxde, but then if I log out I can select which DE to use... right now it auto-logs to unity and the resource usage is higher than I want when compiling my project, which takes massive resources and I barely have enough RAM04:24
roobithewillo: Am I correct in assuming you already understand how to install a different desktop and log into that desktop appropriately?04:24
thewilloroobi: I don't know how to select the other desktop in the default DE manager04:25
thewillobut I know more than that question suggests04:25
roobithewillo: After installing say GNOME-3, if you click the Unity Logo next to your login name... you will be shown a list of available desktops to use.04:25
thewillooh okay04:25
roobithis is assuming your are using LightDM04:25
thewillothat's all i need to know04:25
thewilloLightDM is the default for mainline ubuntu right?04:26
roobibut GDM and LightDM (the desktop managers themselves... which load you into your selected environment) are basicaly the same04:26
roobiYes it is04:26
thewillookay, then that icon thing is all i needed to know04:26
spider_xJustfixmywifi: have you tried Genymotion?04:26
thewillothanks roobi04:26
roobithewillo: np <304:26
Justfixmywifispider_x: Don't you have to pay to use it?04:27
spider_xdepends what your purpose with it is04:27
spider_xthey have a free student license, if you just want to use it to learn04:27
tgp1994I don't suppose anyone might know why broadcom wireless modules are missing from the modules folder on my system...?04:29
JustfixmywifiTrying it.04:30
Justfixmywifitgp1994: Are they proprietary?04:31
tgp1994Justfixmywifi: I believe so, b43 according to the wiki04:31
tgp1994This is just stumping me, it's like I'm missing a really simple step even though I'm certain I've been following the wiki to the letter. modprobe b43 just simply won't work, saying it can't find it.04:33
kenrindid you install it?04:34
JustfixmywifiSorry, I can't help you.04:34
Bashing-om!bcm | tgp1994 This ??04:34
ubottutgp1994 This ??: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:34
Justfixmywifi couldn't fix my own wifi.04:34
tgp1994Bashing-om: Righto04:35
Bashing-omtgp1994: Sorry. that is all I do know .04:35
tgp1994Justfixmywifi: Misery is best shared with others, or something like that04:36
Justfixmywifitgp1994:  In the end what I learned is that for $3 you can buy a wireless USB card and that it is great insurance.04:43
tgp1994Hm... I wonder if modprobing may not be enough, and a reboot might fix it...04:47
k_sze[work]erm, there is no manifest for Ubuntu 14.04.5 server amd64?04:51
k_sze[work]At least, I don't see on here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/04:52
sarthorHI, is there freescreen big clock with weather report for ubuntu (FREE)04:55
sarthorFull Screen*04:56
en0Always with the bots05:04
tgp1994What do you know, I rebooted and the b43 module did not magically appear in my kernel's lib folder...05:04
sirru5hhowdy everyone05:05
en0Bots bots bots whats up Sirru05:07
K_K_Nhi all, does anybody know how to whitelist applications to display on the system tray on ubuntu 16.04?05:08
K_K_Nthe info I find on the net on how to change is not on my ubuntu install05:09
GreenDimondBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24839191/05:09
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Himm .. that is corrext . should be booting the -79 kernel . why does the Xorg file say -45 ? .. what shows ' uname -r ' ?05:11
GreenDimondBashing-om: 4.4.0-79-generic05:12
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Yikkue .. then are we looking at an old log file ? ' ls -al /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .05:14
sirru5hnot much En005:15
GreenDimondstill removing tuxonice05:16
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GreenDimondBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24839222/05:18
ko_loit has been the 4th time my Xorg freeze05:20
ko_loon ubuntu trusty05:20
ko_loI have this is my xorg.log [mi] EQ overflow continuing.  700 events have been dropped.05:20
ko_lothat doesn't sound nice :(05:20
GreenDimondBashing-om: TuxOnIce has been completely removed now using that way05:21
ko_lothe process end up in zombie mode, preventing even a reboot05:22
ko_loI'm quite confuse and lacking genium idea to fix this05:22
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Well, a cirrent x file . 1st though , what does the GPU manager think ? cat ' /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' to a pastebin and we have a look .05:23
ko_loand the log has been replaced by the new one.. so I don't even have the traceback again05:23
GreenDimondBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24839263/05:24
Bashing-omGreenDimond: reading.05:24
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Yuk " Is nvidia loaded? no " still reading .05:26
Bashing-omGreenDimond: well, we know ^ we have a problem; so what does X think ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' ?05:28
GreenDimondBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24839283/05:29
Bashing-omGreenDimond: so far so good " 44.206] (II) LoadModule: "nvidia" "" :)05:30
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Bad bad " (EE) [drm] Failed to open DRM device for pci:0000:01:00.0: -19 " ... Why ? what have we to work with ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ?05:33
GreenDimondBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24839302/05:33
Bashing-omGreenDimond: That too looks good . let's update. clean up the system and see what the package manager thinks . ' suso apt autoclean ; sudo apt autoremove ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' . then we go again looking at installed modules .05:38
Bashing-omsuso/sudo ** .05:39
Bashing-omGreenDimond: You can tell I am getting overly tired .05:39
GreenDimondis ok :)05:39
GreenDimondBashing-om: Done.05:40
GreenDimondIt didnt do much05:40
GreenDimondIn fact I dont think it did anything05:40
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Wow fast system . no errors ?05:40
GreenDimondBashing-om: Yes fast system (8-core, 8gigs memory) ;D No errors, nothing changed, nothing installed, nothing removed, nothing upgraded.05:41
GreenDimondThere are a few things that dont have release files in the PPAs but those are no biggie and not related05:42
eightieskhildis there an application like Adobe Primere for Ubuntu?05:42
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Ok. ' dpkg -l | grep linix ; ls -al /usr/src/ ; ls -al /lib/modules/ ' . looking for why nvidia driver does not build .05:43
Bashing-omGreenDimond: typo '.05:44
Bashing-omGreenDimond: ' dpkg -l | grep linux ' .05:45
GreenDimondpastebin doesnt get everything...05:45
Bashing-omGreenDimond: we can run it as three entries .05:46
GreenDimondBashing-om: Auto pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/24839342/ manual pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/24839345/05:46
GreenDimondI think I need to reboot05:47
GreenDimondRemoving TuxOnIce still did nothing :P (not that I expected it to)05:50
GreenDimondBashing-om: I must go. I will be back in ~8 hours05:51
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Lessen ya dome somethin latest .. TuxOnIce still on the system .05:51
GreenDimondyeah. you _are_ tired..05:51
GreenDimond xD05:51
GreenDimondbut yeah dunno why its still in list05:52
GreenDimondbut i gtg05:52
GreenDimondso cya05:52
Bashing-omGreenDimond: " ii  linux-generic-tuxonice             ' from a PPA . may have to re-install it ??05:53
Bashing-om!info tuxonice | xenial05:53
ubottuxenial: Package tuxonice does not exist in zesty05:53
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=== makedonalddrumpf is now known as eightieskhild
Guido1Hello, Since the last time I used WiFi I had some crashes, boot repairs and updates. Now Xubuntu says that the WiFi adappter is not ready. It is a dual boot with Windows 10. How can I solve it?06:19
sebsebsebGuido1: try re setting the wifi some how,  and that WINDOWS 10  is also on the machine isn't really that relivent06:20
sebsebsebexcept for generally testing wifi hardware that it otherwise works06:20
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:20
Guido1sebsebseb: with windows it works, thought maybe something like blocking the hard drives for WiFi. How do I reset the Wifi?06:21
sebsebsebGuido1: I mean just generally try and set it up again, what ind of wifi is it anyway make06:21
sebsebsebGuido1: could be some updaate got installed that broke it though, but that shoudn't happen06:21
Guido1sebsebseb: it says that the adappter is not ready for use06:22
sebsebsebGuido1: where?06:23
sebsebseband what chip set is it, boradcom intel something else e tc?06:23
Guido1sebsebseb: when I go to the network symobol on the right top where it lists the conection. WiFi is enabled. Think it is intel06:24
superhornyomg im so hot06:24
sebsebsebGuido1: try to disalbe yourself properly, then re enable06:24
Guido1sebsebseb: how?06:24
sebsebsebGuido1: clicking on someting I guess ?06:25
sebsebsebsuperhorny: I am chilly06:25
superhornyi have ten foot long dick06:25
Guido1sebsebseb: you mean de activate and activate in the menu in the right top?06:25
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu06:25
superhornysomeone called me a troll06:25
superhornyi find that offensive06:25
sebsebsebGuido1: yes try that if you can06:26
Guido1sebsebseb: already did. no succes06:26
Guido1also did a reboot06:26
sebsebsebGuido1: try a re boot even, yes I know that sounds like Windows, but still06:26
Guido1sebsebseb: did that as well06:27
RockyRaccoonThe ol' have you tried turning it off and on again?06:27
Flannelsuperhorny: This channel is for Ubuntu-related technical support.  Please stay on topic.  Thanks.06:27
sebsebsebGuido1: hmm  may not apply to your wifi hardware,  but if you can get the additional drivers program up, might be something there for it06:27
superhornyFlannel: are you a Ubuntu expert? I require assistance06:28
Guido1sebsebseb: how can I check the driver and update them?06:28
sebsebsebGuido1: there a graphical program  for hardware drivers in standard Ubuntu, possibly not in xubuntu.  also it may not be that relivent anyway since if you got Intel then probably nothing there  Intel has wifi pretty much built in I think the support06:28
superhornyI am attempting to program a computer running Ubuntu to do some stuff.  I can't find a VB.NET interpreter or compiler for it though06:29
sebsebsebGuido1: using a ethernet cable and disablign wifi, putting ethernet on, re enableing wifi, might help,  but I can't really try and help you that much more to be honest06:29
sebsebsebmay be soeone else who can though later06:29
superhornyVB.NET is like the industry standard for high level programming. surely there is one?06:29
Guido1sebsebseb: ah, you mean the third party drivers. there is only the processor or so mentioned06:29
sebsebsebGuido1: yep thought that woudn't be much good, since intel06:29
sebsebsebwell you could check what it is really is by doing lspci I guess06:30
sebsebsebin terminal06:30
hateballGuido1: the cli command for restricted driver management is: ubuntu-drivers06:30
sebsebsebsuperhorny: not sure if your geninuely asking now, but yes to  some extent,  .net has come to Linux now, and via Microsoft,  making the old Mono progject pretty much obsoulte as well06:30
sebsebsebsuperhorny: Iw ould suggest keeping away from Microsoft technologies such as .net  even if it workks with Linux,  and using Python or C or whatever instead06:31
superhornysebsebseb: do you have a link or a hint as to the search terms to use?  yes, i'm genuinely interested06:31
Guido1sebsebseb, hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24839491/06:32
RockyRaccoon.Net core in linux06:32
sebsebsebnah but there was some magazine special edition about Linux with .net I belilve, was looking at things yesterday06:32
Flannelsuperhorny: mono-complete is the mono package in Ubuntu, their website is http://www.mono-project.com/06:32
RockyRaccoonAlso you can have asp.net run in linux06:32
superhornyI have a complex piece of software written in VB.NET, it interfaces with another copy of same software over the internet, and each end interfaces with an Arduino board over RS232 to control some various "gadgets"06:33
* sebsebseb woudn't recommed any of that, snce there are better ways to make software for Linux distros, much better :)06:33
hateballGuido1: if you run "rfkill list" does it show your wifi chip as blocked?06:33
superhornyand by gadgets i mean cybersex related things that I better not describe in this channel06:33
superhornyVB.NET is the only language I have any experience interfacing with serial ports with, so rewriting is not happening even if I had time06:34
Guido1hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24839496/06:34
Flannelsuperhorny: mono-complete is the mono package in Ubuntu, their website is http://www.mono-project.com/06:34
Guido1hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24839496/06:34
Guido1hateball: so not bloked, jet not working06:38
hateballGuido1: can you scan networks at all?06:39
hateballGuido1: and you havent unticked wireless in the network-manager or something like that?06:39
Guido1hateball: you mean scanning for wifi? Not with linux. If I switch to windows yes. cabel works on both06:40
Guido1hateball: I only see a switch in the taskbar. Wifi is switched on.06:42
hateballGuido1: could you pastebin the output of "dmesg"? Maybe there's some issue loading the chipset firmware06:45
Guido1hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24839537/06:46
hateballGuido1: hmmm, doesnt look like anything is wrong, other than your drive reporting read errors which isnt great06:50
GWMI have a Lenovo Y700 laptop and it has a optimus hybrid solution, running a KDE variant of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Kernel 4.8.0-54) and I have a problem with it, all my laptop function keys works great, vol+/-, disable touchpad, airplane et al, all but the two buttons to increase and decrease screen backlight06:50
GWMAnyone got any ideas on how to remedy this situation?06:50
Ben64GWM: a kde variant of ubuntu 16.04? what is it06:51
Guido1hateball: with windows it works. So would assume that the addapter is fine. So what can I do?06:51
superhornyGuido1: there is only one thing left to do06:51
GWMKDE-Neon, but it's plasma 5.10.1 on top of LTS 16.04, I got better chances at a good reply here than on a mostly dead forum06:52
superhornySHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS06:52
Ben64GWM: well that isn't ubuntu so unfortunately it is not supported here06:52
GWMDoes it matter that I had the same issue on Kubuntu 17.04?06:54
tgp1994I feel like such a fool... So I was in here a while ago having issues with the b43 kernel module being missing. Turns out I didn't even have the linux-generic metapackage installed, and due to that, the image-extra package was also not installed... So no kernel module...06:54
Ben64GWM: since you're not on kubuntu, no06:54
* superhorny wonders if grumble is on every channel06:55
Guido1hateball: any more ideas?06:55
hateballGuido1: can you try restarting network-manager? sudo service network-manager restart06:55
Guido1hateball: wait a moment06:56
Guido1hateball: still the same. Now I do have a bluetoth symbol in the taskbar as well so.06:57
hateballGuido1: ok, try reloading the module "sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi && sudo modprobe iwlwifi"06:58
hateballGuido1: then "dmesg |grep iwl"06:58
hateballSee if it complains about being unable to load firmware or so06:58
Guido1hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24839591/06:59
hateballGuido1: hmmm, that seems to load just fine. is it a 2.4ghz or 5ghz network?07:03
hateballI have the same chipset and it works just fine for me, so....07:03
hateballGuido1: how about "sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi && sudo modprobe iwlwifi 5ghz_disable=1" to force it to only use 2.4ghz07:05
Guido1hateball: think 2,407:05
Guido1no change07:06
Guido1hateball: still not working. so think 5ghz can back on or maybe restart the adappter again?07:07
=== jamie_2 is now known as jamie_1
Guido1hateball: i could imagen that some pakages atre broken - had to run fsck /dev/sda5 several times at startup07:08
hateballGuido1: Like I said, your drive reports read errors07:09
Guido1hateball: don't knnow if that caused some damagee at the files linked to the wifi07:10
hateballGuido1: You can run "sudo apt install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" to get a more detailed view of that07:10
hateballGuido1: Well if the fsck ran successfully that shouldnt be the issue07:10
hateballGuido1: can you see any networks if you "iwlist scan" ?07:10
Guido1hateball: I had too run it manualy07:11
Guido1hateball: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24839669/07:11
Guido1how do i switch the 5ghz back on?07:14
Guido1hateball: how do i switch the 5ghz back on?07:21
hateballGuido1: oh just modprobe -r && modprobe, and it will use default options07:24
Guido1hateball: missing parameters07:25
hateballGuido1: well, iwlwifi is the module, just as before07:26
Guido1hateball: so iwlwifi modprobe -r && modprobe07:28
hateballGuido1: not sure that it would matter... but you can also try (after iwlwifi is reloaded) to "sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off07:28
hateballGuido1: no, sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi && sudo modprobe iwlwifi, just like earlier07:28
hateballGuido1: power off turns off power managment, which can sometimes cause trouble07:29
Guido1hateball: sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off doesn't help07:30
hateballGuido1: Then I don't really know what else to try I'm afraid, and I have to go afk for a bit now07:30
Guido1hateball: thanks anyway. maybe lateer sopmeone else has an idea. would be quite usefull on a laptop ...07:31
Guido1hateball: was there a wifi config which ccould be corrupted?07:33
hateballGuido1: Do you have other networks you can scan for? Like a hotspot from your phone or so07:33
Guido1There are several networks in the flat07:33
hateballAh, then that wont be it either07:33
hateballGuido1: well there's normally no configs at all07:33
Guido1hateball: the adapter sais that it is not ready07:34
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
Samuel-swhere is manual page for system calls on ubuntu? there is no manual page for limits.h? how can i install C man pages?08:43
amosbirdhi, could anyone help me with xkb settings? This is my keyboard layout file https://la.wentropy.com/nSNM  . The modifier settings and second groups settings don't work..09:15
SkylakeMXanyone seeking help?09:19
billydazcan anyone here assist with running a virtual OS on my ubuntu headless server09:24
billydazi am having issues with the interface09:25
billydazbecause at the moment i am running 8021q on the interface09:25
SkylakeMXbillydaz: i'm not sure, maybe https://askubuntu.com/questions/6/how-to-set-up-a-headless-server helps you out?09:27
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
MortezaEHello. Synaptic has a problem on my laptop. Apparently It can't download packages automatically for some weird reason.10:30
MortezaEBut if I manually download packages to /var/cache/apt/archives it install them10:31
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:32
ZSkyWould you know how to get the IP from a log with bash?10:55
ZSky www.example.com:80 - - [11/Jun/2017:09:50:42 +0200] "GET ....10:55
ZSkyI'd like to keep
ace_mehi all10:56
ace_mewhen I run a cron under a "user" acount which run a console command from a website, I expect to see the log file created with the owner set as user:www-data as the folder specify but I get the file created as user:user10:59
ikoniaace_me: console command from a website ???10:59
ikoniawhat does that even mean10:59
ace_meikonia is a "php whatever.php"11:01
ace_mesorry for not beeing more light in expressing the question11:01
ikoniaace_me: so basically you want to execute a php script from a local directory ?11:01
ace_methat would solve this issue ?11:02
ikoniaace_me: no, I'm asking "is that what you are trying to do"11:02
ace_meor a issue wioth this def ?11:02
ikoniayou're trying to use cron to execute a php file from a local directory on the same host ?11:03
ikoniais that what you are trying to do ?11:03
ace_meI run / schedule a laravel command through php artisan schedule:run and that command is taking an array of cron php commands which have to be run and execute it probably under the current user11:03
ace_meand yes this is on a web server on same host11:04
ikoniaace_me: so the cronjob is executed as the user that is doing the work, therefore the output will be created by that user11:04
ace_meso I assume schedule:run calls under the current user a php othercomand:somemethod under a user:user11:04
ikoniait will be executed as the user who owns the cron11:04
ace_meand yes... laravel is creating a log file under user:user11:04
ikoniathat's the correct behaviour then11:05
ace_meand later the website is unable to write logs and that's not ok11:05
ace_menot sure what hack to apply11:05
ikoniaso fix the permissions then ? change the user running the job ? set sgid/suid11:05
ace_meanother cron under root to change with chown all log files ?11:05
ikoniaanother cronjob would be bad as it would depend on timings not clashing11:06
ace_meI tried adding -u www-data to that cron ikonia but that is creating a file log with www-data:www-data11:06
ikoniaace_me: right, because that is the user11:07
ikoniait will create output as the user running the cron11:07
ace_mewhich is not ok from the point of view of cron running11:07
ace_meso I am in between 2 logics11:07
ace_menot sure how to fix it11:07
ikoniaI don't understand why this is a problem (I've already given you suggestions)11:08
ikoniarun this as the usr you want to own the log files11:08
jinkAdd user to www-data group, have the output directory owned by www-data group and add setgid on that directory.  That's wnat ikonia suggested.11:08
inerkickHello. I got an old airtel huawei e1731bu-1 dongle(modem). Kindly help to unlock this so that I can use other network and make use of dongle.11:10
ace_me getent group www-data shows me www-data:x:33:user that means user is part of that group ? jink?11:10
ace_mex and 33 are other user :) ?11:11
ikoniainerkick: take it to a hardware unlocking service11:11
ikoniainerkick: it's normally a firmware flash that they need to do to unlock it11:11
inerkickI tried it,11:11
inerkickI live in a rural place, so hardly very less people know it11:11
ikoniainerkick: sorry, we can't help11:12
inerkickoh ok11:12
[worksti]hello, my ubuntu lts 16.04.2 server always shows a load average around 4.5 lately. its a quadcore with 4 more virtual cores, so octacore, i guess, but its not really DOING anything; the cpus are all at 5-10% at most, so im wondering what is causing this surprisingly high load average12:14
[worksti]any hints on how to debug it ?12:14
twoj_Can somebody answer NAT question?12:14
synthetiqquestion:  which log file can i look at on an Ubuntu Server running plex to see which process is creating DNS requests?  every minute exactly, my plex server is asking bind for plex.tv, even though i have enabled caching.  any way to see which process/log is doing this?12:16
synthetiq[worksti], did you install htop and see any processes using that?   sudo apt install htop12:16
[worksti]synthetiq: i have htop installed, and i see processes, but they are all at single digit cpu load12:19
synthetiq[worksti], well, i'm looking at my server and literally the only thing that registers higher than 0.0% is htop when it polls (1.5%)12:24
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
twoj_quick nat question anyone?12:48
Southern_Gentlemtwoj_, ask your question12:50
w9qbjtwoj_: ask it12:50
Southern_Gentlemsurprised no one represented ubuntu at Southeast Linuxfest12:51
BluesKajguess canonical is becoming choosy about Linux "Events/Shows"12:57
Southern_Gentlemlol canonical has never been to shows its usually a local group12:57
dchapmanAre pulseaudio questions on topic?13:01
hateball!ask | dchapman13:02
ubottudchapman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:02
dchapmanhateball: I'm aware of IRC etiquette and asking, but I don't want to ask an off-topic question.13:02
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions13:05
BluesKajdchapman, just ask your pulseaudio quextion13:06
BluesKajquestion even13:06
dchapmanPavucontrol lists no cards available for configuration, yet I have sound and volume controls for devices. Secondly I have a USB headset, and the volume control on the panel applet won't let me control it.13:08
dchapmanI do in fact have sound, so I'm puzzled.13:09
dchapman16.04 LTS btw13:09
BluesKajdchapman, open alsamixer in the console, which chip is shown in upper left...if it's an intel then it can run just fine without pulseaudio13:11
dchapmanCard: HDA Intel Mid. Chip: RealTek 88713:12
dchapmanALC887 rather13:12
BluesKajyup, so you don't need PA unless you plan to stream several sound sources at once or use FF browser above version 50 ..FF has decided to use PA as it's webaudio plugin13:14
BluesKaja backward step if I ever saw one13:14
dchapmanBluesKaj: Ok, thanks. I don't use FF. Do I just kill PA?13:14
BluesKajyup, you can even remove or pureg it if you like ...if needed you can always reinstall from the repos13:15
dchapmanBluesKaj: Is it necessary to remove, or can I stop it from starting and keep it on standby in case some app needs it.13:15
BluesKajdchapman, TBH I'm not sure13:16
dchapmanBluesKaj: Okie doke. Guess I'll fiddle with it.13:17
BluesKaji guess if itisn't active there's some other issue with it , because it should be active by default, dchapman13:17
=== mikecmpb_ is now known as mikecmpbll
mekhamii'm having a strange issue. i use /usr/bin/setxkbmap -option "caps:swapescape" but every once in a while this reverts. i've noticed my keyboard loses power for a second, and then it's back to caps being caps and escape being escape. any idea what could be going on here? other thani need a new motherboard14:21
BluesKajmekhami, maybe there's a glitch in the KB shortcuts daemon14:23
GreenDimondI keep trying to remove TuxOnIce and every time I run something to remove it another thing gets removed (meaning it wasnt completely removed before)14:35
GreenDimondMaybe I finally got it all...14:36
wisheWhen i plug in headphones my sound works in the headphones but the mic does not. I can see the input in pavucontrol but there is no noise being registered. What can i do to diagnose it? I have looked in alsamixer and all levels seem fine, nothing is muted14:46
GreenDimondwishe: USB or jack?14:47
wisheGreenDimond: jack. When i plug it in, it asks me to choose headphones, headset or microphone. I choose headset because it is sound and mic, the sound works fine but the mic is silent14:48
wisheI tried the headphones with my phone so i know there is nothing wrong with em14:49
GreenDimondwishe: Normally jack headphones have 2 jacks, one for sound and one for mic14:49
GreenDimondI could be wrong though :P14:49
wisheNot on my laptop, it is a joint jack14:50
GreenDimondAh okay.14:50
GreenDimondIs the mic muted on the headphones itself by chance?14:50
GreenDimondI meant on the physical thing14:51
GreenDimondI know my headphones have a switch to mute the mic14:51
wisheGreenDimond: There is a button on them, I tried pressing it :P14:53
wisheThere is something wrong with my audio setup, maybe there is a way to reset to defaults14:54
GreenDimondThe only way I know is reinstalling completely but dont take my advice because I dont know this stuff too well :P14:55
GreenDimondLet's see if anyone can help me :/ So around a month ago, I got a new Nvidia GT 710. When I started to use it, I found out I was using the neuvaeu drivers instead of the Nvidia drivers (so my PC was crashing a lot and Blender didnt have CUDA). So I changed it, and my screen res got messed up and couldnt be changed and my 2nd monitor got disconnected. So I went back to the neuvau drivers. A month later I was fed up with the crashes so I randomly14:55
GreenDimondtried the nvidia drivers again and it worked. No idea how or why. Now, ~a week later, my res got messed up again and monitor disconnected again and switching to neuvau drivers no longer works. Bashing-om helped me get rid of changes I made, and we discovered that I am supposedly booting kernal -45 even though I have -79 installed. Some things seem to think otherwise though. I thought TuxOnIce might be the problem, but either I cant remove it14:55
GreenDimondcompletely or properly, or it isnt the problem. Help is appreciated!14:55
=== R2AMO is now known as Infra_HDC
AliceMeowWould it be safe to remove avahi-daemon from my ubuntu?15:24
scottjlif you don't need zeroconf, yes.15:25
scottjltry turning it off for a week or so and see if you have any issues15:25
scottjlif you suddenly can't find your printer or nas units, then turn it back on15:25
oerheks_disable is easy https://askubuntu.com/questions/761292/how-to-disable-avahi-daemon-in-ubuntu-16-04-lts15:26
AliceMeowI'll keep it disabled for now then. thank you! ^_^15:28
GreenDimondshould I say my question again?15:32
GreenDimondor just wait patently?15:32
jmnoz /boot is always filling up on upgrades15:35
jmnozwhat do I do15:35
scottjljmnoz: remove old kernels.15:35
scottjlGreenDimond: if someone knows the answer, they'll likely respond. good chance no one here knows how to help you.15:36
scottjlor i should say no one currently watching. i don't.15:36
GreenDimondHence, why I must wait for Bashing-om to return :P15:36
GreenDimondSeems like the only guy who was able to help15:36
GreenDimondI'll say the q one more time just in case15:37
GreenDimondLet's see if anyone can help me :/ So around a month ago, I got a new Nvidia GT 710. When I started to use it, I found out I was using the neuvaeu drivers instead of the Nvidia drivers (so my PC was crashing a lot and Blender didnt have CUDA). So I changed it, and my screen res got messed up and couldnt be changed and my 2nd monitor got disconnected. So I went back to the neuvau drivers. A month later I was fed up with the crashes so I randomly15:37
GreenDimondtried the nvidia drivers again and it worked. No idea how or why. Now, ~a week later, my res got messed up again and monitor disconnected again and switching to neuvau drivers no longer works. Bashing-om helped me get rid of changes I made, and we discovered that I am supposedly booting kernal -45 even though I have -79 installed. Some things seem to think otherwise though. I thought TuxOnIce might be the problem, but either I cant remove it15:37
GreenDimondcompletely or properly, or it isnt the problem. Help is appreciated!15:37
scottjlmy current rigs are all ati15:38
jmnozhow is removing old kernels manually considered acceptable15:38
jmnoznot trying to be hostile just curious15:38
scottjljmoz you could make /boot larger. pick your poison15:38
scottjli generally don't even break /boot out into a separate partition these days.15:39
naccjmnoz: does `sudo apt autoremove` remove any kernels?15:39
jmnoznacc: i'll try thanks15:39
jmnozscottjl: good call15:39
jmnozscottjl: i went with installer defaults15:39
jmnozfor 16.04.215:39
naccjmnoz: if it does, then you can set to be on via unattended-upgrades (iirc). If it doesn't then probably at some point you installed a specific kernel package in addition to the metapackage. And so the autoremove can't remove the specific kernels, because they are set as 'manually installed'.15:40
jmnoznacc: i don't know what "est to be on via unaattended-upgrades" means15:41
jmnozit does clean some kernels though15:42
SemiNusI believe wine is broken15:42
scottjlisn't that normal for wine?15:43
SemiNusI never had any problems with the wine package15:43
SemiNusthere is an unresolved dependency this time15:43
andrcmdrHi. Is there a command to find out which components of /bin/sh (dash) are there?15:43
tgm4883SemiNus: pastebin the error15:44
SemiNusafter installing wine I ran:15:44
stevenshouldnt the mysql-server package provide a mysql table?15:44
andrcmdrIf that's the right way to even say it.15:44
SemiNusthis is the problem => https://dpaste.de/QrVA/raw15:44
jmnozi will come in here again in 6 months and ask about my /boot being full15:45
HMPhey, does anyone know how to get this working on ubuntu? https://www.amazon.com/ANEWISH-AC600Mbps-Wireless-802-11ac-10-4-10-12/dp/B01M08W63E/15:46
tgm4883SemiNus: you're using the wine package in the repo? What version of wine is that/15:46
tgm4883heh, 1.415:47
SemiNusVersion: 1.4.1-415:48
SemiNusam I supposed to install something newer?15:48
SemiNusis this the right time to test snappy?15:48
SemiNusor snap15:48
tgm4883SemiNus: what version of ubuntu15:49
AliceMeowHey I have another question15:49
AliceMeowSince support for unity is dropped should I switch to gnome3 on my ubuntu 16.04?15:50
tgm4883AliceMeow: support for unity on 16.04 will exist until 202115:50
HMPany ideas? not sure what this uses15:51
AliceMeowHMP: Someone actually answered your question in your link :)15:51
HMPare you referring to the search "github gnab rtl8812au" one?15:52
HMPlook at the comments, is it that or is it the rtlnew or whatever it is15:52
HMP"Edit: I had put the wrong search in before ("github lwfinger rtlwifi_new")."15:52
HMPI'm assuming the 8812 is the one I'm looking for?15:53
AliceMeowI think its the new one15:53
HMPHow do I even install this15:55
AliceMeowYou'll have to compile it15:55
mrchairmanHow can I restart gnome from the command line in ubuntu 16.04?15:56
EriC^^mrchairman: sudo systemctl restart gdm  (all programs will close)15:57
mrchairmanwish me luck brother15:57
stevenshouldnt the mysql-server package provide a mysql table?16:05
scottjla table for what?16:06
stevenI dont know :D I am trying to figure out whether my issue is ubuntu or ansible, but I get an error "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'mysql'"16:07
stevenso I am just double checking whether the default mysql-server should have that database or not16:08
stevenand I meant to say database, not table ..16:08
scottjlyes it should have a mysql database set up by default16:08
scottjllook in /var/lib/mysql, do you see a mysql directory in there?16:09
scottjlyou should see that, and performance_schema16:09
stevenyeah and the one I've created but using the cli client and show databases; it doesnt show.16:09
scottjldoesn't show?16:10
GreenDimondAnyone know how to change which kernel my PC boots with?16:10
stevendoesnt show16:10
scottjlwhat doesn't show where?16:10
GreenDimond /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/driver is this my graphics card?16:13
GreenDimondBecause if it is, it also says "The device is not bound to any driver. Skipping..."16:13
GreenDimondayayay I don't like this e_e16:14
gsilvapthello all. I'm trying to run wrap-and-sort but the command does nothing. Not even with the -v option and there is something to sort. Yes, I'm the correct directory. Any suggestions?16:21
pheizaxhi kunwon116:27
pheizaxkunwon1, look man - I just want to say I'm sorry16:27
pheizaxkunwon1, I dunno what I did - but I'm really sorry that I did not call you a jackass the second I joined ##politics-appeal - I mean I should have know better - next time I will do it as soon as I get the chance16:28
scottjlpheizax: wrong channel?16:29
GreenDimondAnyone know what time Bashing-om usually gets on?16:29
GreenDimondAnyone know how to change which kernel my PC boots with?16:35
cristian_cGreenDimond: I don't know what ypur pc is16:36
GreenDimondA desktop PC with Xubuntu 16.0416:36
akikGreenDimond: you can set it in /etc/default/grub according to what you have installed16:36
akikGreenDimond: GRUB_DEFAULT=16:37
Southern_GentlemGreenDimond, output of uname -r16:37
cristian_cah, ok, now I've figured out the question16:37
GreenDimond4.4.0-79-generic is what it says16:37
Southern_Gentlemshould tell you what kernel you are running booting with16:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:37
GreenDimond<Bashing-om> GreenDimond: Himm .. that is corrext . should be booting the -79 kernel . why does the Xorg file say -45 ? .. what shows ' uname -r ' ?16:38
GreenDimondThen the kernel isnt the problem :/16:38
GreenDimond<Bashing-om> GreenDimond: Yuk " Is nvidia loaded? no " still reading .16:39
GreenDimondBashing-om> GreenDimond: Bad bad " (EE) [drm] Failed to open DRM device for pci:0000:01:00.0: -19 " ... Why ? what have we to work with ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ?16:39
GreenDimond^and that I think is the problem16:39
cristian_cGreenDimond: is your problem related to a particular kernel not booting?16:39
GreenDimondI dont think so16:40
GreenDimondI will put the question again :P16:40
cristian_cGreenDimond: no, stop16:40
GreenDimondokay xD16:41
cristian_cGreenDimond: have you tried all the kernel located in grub?16:41
mikunoshi guys I have updated my pc with the MSI H270 motherboard. I need to install the Killer 2500  Network Drivers in my Ubuntu 16.04 box because the network is Unclaimed. I have loaded the alx drivers with the sudo modprobe alx and then  echo 1969 e0b1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/alx/new_id and the network works but at the reboot I need to execute these command again. Is there a way to load them at the boot?16:41
cristian_c*all the kernel versions16:41
GreenDimondcristian_c: I dont think the kernel is the problem16:41
GreenDimondbut it still could be...16:41
GreenDimondbut I doubt it16:41
GreenDimondThe problem is that Nvidia isnt loading16:42
cristian_cGreenDimond: ok, did the same kernel boot in past?16:42
GreenDimondfor some reason16:42
GreenDimonddont know. never checked16:42
GreenDimondI would think so16:42
cristian_cGreenDimond: have you installed nvidia closed drivers?16:42
GreenDimondI do have the proper nvidia drivers16:42
GreenDimondbut nvidia doesnt load so it cant use them16:42
cristian_cmikunos: is killer 2500 supported only by alx driver?16:43
mikunosseems to me yes16:43
GreenDimondcristian_c: nvidia not loading is the problem, but we dont know why its not loading.16:43
cristian_cGreenDimond: has the issue appeared after installing nvidia closed drivers?16:44
GreenDimond(by 'we' I mean Bashing-om and I - we were trying to figure it out and then I had to go)16:44
GreenDimondcristian_c: Nope. Just random. Out of the blue.16:44
GreenDimondOriginally it happened after I installed my new GC, but then a month later I tried the nvid drivers again and they worked (til now)16:45
cristian_cGreenDimond: have you installed ubuntu since a few days?16:45
GreenDimondNew install? No.16:45
cristian_cmikunos: what connedtion are you using now?16:45
GreenDimondAnd I would rather not.16:45
mikunoscristian_c I am using my notebook16:45
cristian_cGreenDimond: can ypu open a terminal?16:46
GreenDimondits open16:46
GreenDimondcristian_c: Just tell me what to run and Ill run it16:46
cristian_cmikunos: ok, can you get a working connection for the mobo now?16:47
cristian_cGreenDimond: type: sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:47
GreenDimondcristian_c: already have it16:47
cristian_cmikunos: ok, on the msi mobo, type in a terminal: sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:47
cristian_cGreenDimond: type: sudo apt-get update | pastebinit16:48
mikunosI have already the pastebin16:48
mikunosinstalled in my pc16:48
cristian_cmikunos: type: sudo lshw | pastebinit16:49
GreenDimondcristian_c: I said I already have pastebinit...16:50
GreenDimondoh update16:51
GreenDimondcristian_c: sudo apt-get update | pastebinit16:52
GreenDimondcristian_c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24842343/16:52
cristian_cGreenDimond: issue could be related to your several ppas16:53
GreenDimondcristian_c: doubt it. I have had this many for a while now16:53
cristian_ci don't know if some of them could include packages shared with xorg / nvidia stuff16:54
cristian_cGreenDimond: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit16:55
mikunoscristian_c now?16:55
GreenDimondcristian_c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24842359/16:56
mikunoscristian_c http://paste.ubuntu.com/24842360/16:56
mutsyHi there. I am running ubuntu on a macbook air, but in the beginning startup time was really fast. Now it takes 48 seconds.. I don't see my startup manager. I just see a purple screen and eventually some system startup log. Because I can't see the startup screen I can't use option to boot from usb either ... anyone knows how to fix this?16:59
GreenDimondcristian_c: <Bashing-om> GreenDimond: Ok. ' dpkg -l | grep linix ; ls -al /usr/src/  ; ls -al /lib/modules/ ' . looking for why nvidia driver does not build .   that is as far as we got before I had to go, want me to do that for ya?16:59
ioriamikunos, you probably need the yakkety kernel16:59
mikunossudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-kernel-team/ppa   ioria17:00
ioriamikunos, don't do that17:01
BluesKajmutsy, how many partitions including swap?17:01
mikunosok ioria17:01
ioriamikunos, first, lspci -nn | grep -i eth17:01
mikunos03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros Device [1969:e0b1] (rev 10)17:01
ioriamikunos, ok, uname -r   and cat /etc/issue17:01
mutsyBluesKaj: https://ptpb.pw/f5Bp17:02
mutsyBluesKaj: 3 [;17:02
mikunosioria 4.4.0-79-generic17:02
ioriamikunos,  cat /etc/issue17:02
mikunosUbuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \l17:02
ioriamikunos,  so, you can install the yakkety stack https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:03
ioriamikunos,  basically,   sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.0417:03
mikunosok ioria17:03
mikunosand then?17:04
GreenDimondHi Bashing-om!17:04
BluesKajmutsy, check /etc/fstab and make sure all partitions have entries17:04
ioriamikunos,  reboot, and you eth should work oout of the box17:04
mikunosok let me test it17:04
ioriamikunos,  you can also try a yakkety livecd17:04
mikunosthe sound doesn't work too17:04
Bashing-omGreenDimond: I am back ... any progress on the resolution ?17:05
GreenDimondNo :( I think I got TuxOnIce completely removed.. I hope...17:05
ioriamikunos,  your card it's not supported by 4.4 kern17:05
mikunosso is there a way to use the yakkety to recognize it?17:06
GreenDimondBashing-om: I did find a "The device is not bound to any driver. Skipping..." in one of the logs17:06
Bashing-omGreenDimond: ' sudo find / -name tuxonice ' show anything left ?17:06
mutsyBluesKaj: https://ptpb.pw/mL_t17:07
GreenDimondBashing-om: running that just sits there not doing anything17:07
GreenDimondI have to do ^C to get it to stop17:08
GreenDimondits just searching the entire system nvm17:08
GreenDimondBashing-om: /usr/lib/pm-utils/module.d/tuxonice17:09
GreenDimondfind: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied17:09
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Uh Huh .. it be searching amd see what it can "find" . takes time :)17:09
Bashing-omGreenDimond: That is a fact . ignore that ^ .17:09
GreenDimondBashing-om: Well thats all it "found" :)17:10
cristian_csudo lshw shows alx driver loaded for qualcomm atheros ethernet chip17:10
BluesKajmutsy, looks normal, check with system monitor if your swap apace shows up or if you gparted check there and make sure swap is on17:10
BluesKajswap space*17:10
Bashing-omGreenDimond: K; then what now ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' ?17:10
mutsyBluesKaj: system monitor?17:10
GreenDimondBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24842436/17:11
BluesKajmutsy, alt+F2 type system monitor17:11
mutsyBluesKaj: http://i.imgur.com/bHfPrFj.png17:13
mutsythis? ;o17:13
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Looks good - ket's get rid of the druft, however . "rc" == removed but config files remain . Run : dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P .17:14
BluesKajmutsy I had a similar boot problem a while ago the system was searching for a swap, which was somehow turned off . Once it was turned on the system booted in 20 secs17:14
GreenDimondBashing-om: Done.17:15
Bashing-omGreenDimond: ' uname -r ' now shows what for the booting kernel ?17:16
mutsyBluesKaj: mh and .. I don't  see the swap listed in my latest screenshot .. so it is turned off?17:16
GreenDimondBashing-om: still 4.4.0-79-generic17:16
BluesKajmutsy, do, df -h in the console17:17
mutsyBluesKaj: https://ptpb.pw/xrp-17:18
oerheks_GreenDimond, what is this ppa ??? linux-image-extra-4.4.0-72-generic-tuxonice 4.4.0-72.93~ppa117:18
cristian_cEriC^^: hi17:19
GreenDimondoerheks_: Look at this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/24842487/ :P that one is old17:19
mutsyBluesKaj: but .. before continueing; when I google this problem of purple screen people tell stuff about grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, which I have to be set at "text"17:19
Bashing-ommutsy: BluesKaj " mh and .. I don't  see the swap listed in my latest screenshot .. so it is turned off?" >> ' swapon --summary ' ??17:19
BluesKajoops mutsy forgot, df -h doesn't show swap17:19
oerheks_GreenDimond, oh oke, carry on17:19
BluesKajmutsy, do you have gparted installed , if so check there17:20
Bashing-omGreenDimond: K, let's see what we get when we purge the driver and re-install . ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' reboot to see what we have .17:20
mutsyBashing-om: output of "swapon --summary": https://ptpb.pw/Mayc17:21
mutsyBluesKaj: ^17:21
mutsyBluesKaj: it does it in gparted17:21
mutsyBluesKaj: http://i.imgur.com/0j4Swib.png17:22
Bashing-ommutsy: Swap is active .. and for some reason you are pounding on it . Got a lot going on ?17:23
BluesKajmutsy, ok right click on swap and make sure swap is turned on17:23
mutsyBluesKaj: when I do right click it shows "swapoff" means it is turned on right17:24
GreenDimondBashing-om: rebooting17:24
mutsyBashing-om: idk .. I just used default ubuntu install ;p17:25
mutsyBashing-om: should be good right17:25
BluesKajmutsy, no that,eans it's turned off , click on the swapoff to turn it on17:25
mutsyBluesKaj: oh .. ok17:25
mutsyBluesKaj: huh? it says: deactiving /dev/sda317:25
mutsyBluesKaj: mmhmm oke is it fixed now?17:26
BluesKajmutsy, this may or may not solve your problem17:26
Bashing-ommutsy: Well . mine : http://termbin.com/zyzp . I am not even touching swap with a bit going on in my system .17:26
GreenDimondBashing-om: No dice.17:27
mutsyBluesKaj: so should I reboot to check?17:27
BluesKajmutsy, it should not have deactivted anything, go back and make sure it's not17:28
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Yukkieee pooo ! . Let's look at what X thinks - driver did not buold still ? ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .17:28
mutsyBluesKaj: well .. the "format" option was disabled and when I clicked on "swapoff" it did make it available along some other options. I assume it is on?17:29
GreenDimondBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24842538/17:29
Bashing-omGreenDimond: reading once more :)17:29
BluesKajit should say swapon. mutsy17:30
GreenDimondBashing-om: [    33.878] (EE) NVIDIA: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. Please see the17:30
GreenDimond[    33.878] (EE) NVIDIA:     system's kernel log for additional error messages and17:30
GreenDimond[    33.878] (EE) NVIDIA:     consult the NVIDIA README for details.17:30
GreenDimond[    33.999] (EE) [drm] Failed to open DRM device for pci:0000:01:00.0: -1917:30
GreenDimond[    33.999] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory17:30
GreenDimond[    33.999] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for modesetting17:30
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Nope ! .. what are we doing " Linux 4.4.0-45-generic x86_64 Ubuntu " ?/ booting an old kernel again ?? or what ?17:30
cristian_che said isse is not kernel related, btw17:31
GreenDimondI said it MIGHT not be kernal related17:31
GreenDimondBashing-om: No idea why it is booting with that doing the uname -r gives the -7917:32
Bashing-omcristian_c: GreenDimond :: Presently the nvidia driver does not build . Undetermined the why .17:33
cristian_che has got 375 version of nvidia driver17:33
mutsyBluesKaj: but .. shouldn't I do something about GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub?17:33
cristian_c+ nvidia prime17:33
GreenDimondI have the drivers 'n all, but they arent loading17:34
Bashing-omGreenDimond: well. when was that ^ file generated ' ls -al /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .17:34
GreenDimondBashing-om: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20375 Jun 12 10:26 /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:34
Bashing-omcristian_c: log file shows that the driver fails to build .17:34
cristian_cI've only looked at dpkg -l | grep nvidia, sorry17:35
Bashing-omGreenDimond: I be the one cross eyed ! " Linux yellowjacket 4.4.0-79-generic" . You are booting the latest .. sorry . I go back to reading .17:35
Bashing-omcristian_c: Any ideas here are welcome . I am coming up with blanks thus far  besides cleaning out the cruft .17:37
cristian_cBashing-om: he has got also several ppas17:37
GreenDimondI am hoping for a solution that doesnt require reinstalling my system :P17:37
cristian_cbut I don't know if they are involved in these issues17:37
GreenDimond^I doubt they are17:38
GreenDimond But then again, I could be wrong.17:38
BluesKajdamn gparted can be confuding that swap state is not an indicator, it's a bloody switch, swapoff actually means it's turned on17:40
Bashing-omcristian_c: Whike I cogitate : ' cat /sys/module/nvidia/version ' returns positive ?17:40
cristian_c_> GreenDimond17:41
GreenDimondNo such file or directory.17:41
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Well . no big surprise, just confirms the driver does not build - how about ' nvidia-settings -h | head -2 ' ?17:43
* oerheks_ wonders what those PPA's are17:44
GreenDimondBashing-om: nvidia-settings:  version 361.42  (buildd@lgw01-18)  Tue Apr  5 14:33:28 UTC17:44
BluesKajBashing-om, dkms porbs?17:44
cristian_coerheks_: blender, makehuman (?), minetest-dev (I underline 'dev'), tuxonice17:45
GreenDimondI need to remove the tuxonice one17:46
cristian_cjava and chrome ppas don't affect the issue, surely17:46
GreenDimondyou are missing one17:46
KANGZZZHey I have a Signature Edition laptop from lenovo and I have tried other distros on it but what always seems to happen is grub gets overwritten. I have no idea if this is something in the BIOS or if it is related to the windows install. I just want to know if I wipe Windows out, it'll let me do a dual boot if i clean install. Thanks.17:47
GreenDimondthe thomas-scheix is for Blender17:47
cristian_cah, no, stable  not dev, sorry17:47
GreenDimondIt is dev17:47
KANGZZZForgot to add, it boots into linux fine but after some reboots, grub disappears17:47
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Could be, but re-installing dkms was the verry 1st thing we did .17:48
cristian_cGreenDimond: oerheks_ Bashing-om installd also this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/ubuntu/webupd817:49
GreenDimondI still doubt the PPAs have anything to do with it17:49
GreenDimondI dont know what that one is o_O17:49
BluesKajBashing-om, ok17:49
cristian_cHit:10 http://ppa.launchpad.net/nilarimogard/webupd8/ubuntu xenial InRelease17:49
Bashing-omcristian_c: I do not know what to think ! should be " nvidia-settings:  version 381.22  (buildd@lgw01-19)  Tue May  9 21:38:5317:49
cristian_cit includes a bunch of generic packages17:49
GreenDimondoh I think I got youtube-dl from that one17:50
GreenDimondAnd ofc it didnt work17:50
GreenDimondI will remove it I think17:50
GreenDimondNo idea what the webup8 is eitehr17:51
cristian_cthey look like including packages not existing in official repos, so they do not seem affecting the issue, sorry17:51
BluesKajwhat about sudo apt install nvidia-38117:51
akikGreenDimond: webupd8 is a web site17:51
Bashing-omGreenDimond: My reasoning remains . If ya do not use it - get rid of it .. we like clean systems :)17:52
Jordan_UKANGZZZ: Unless you're dual booting, the default for Ubuntu's grub is to not show the menu at boot. Are you actually having any problem booting your Ubuntu installation?17:52
GreenDimondso... any ideas on what I should do?17:53
cristian_c(apart nvidia-power-indicator, prime-indicator, and prime-indicator-plus)17:53
Bashing-omBluesKaj: 375 version is what nvidia recommends too, and is what the system defaults to attempting to install :(17:53
BluesKajBashing-om, so the 375 driver doesn't build17:55
GreenDimondwat do? >~<17:55
KANGZZZJordan_U, no, i just have to always restore the grub loader and it is fine after but it is kind of annoying. I'm unsure if this is a BIOS feature or a Windows feature... if the latter then I guess I'll wipe the windows and get a clean install.17:55
Bashing-omGreenDimond: We know the module does not build, we do not know where the faulure is . what shows ' lsmod | grep nvidia ' in a pastebin .17:55
GreenDimondEverything was working fine until Saturday morning17:55
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Yeah . per the log file . no workie .17:56
GreenDimondBashing-om: You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.17:56
dusthow to increase /boot as its too small and yes i tried to delete as much as possible17:56
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Ouch ! .. what in the world ? Faukure at the system level . I too run 375 and my result : http://termbin.com/m9ry .17:58
GreenDimondWhat's that mean?17:59
BluesKajwrong kernel module ?18:01
Jordan_UKANGZZZ: My guess is that you have a UEFI based machine that is (for some reason) losing its UEFI boot entries. Without any boot entries a UEFI based machine will load EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI from the EFI System Partition, which is where Windows puts a copy of its UEFI image. If you copy shim.efi there instead, then Ubuntu's grub should boot by default even without any UEFI boot entries set.18:02
KANGZZZJordan_U, yes this is UEFI. How can I copy that there.18:02
Jordan_UKANGZZZ: You can list what UEFI boot entiries you have by running "sudo efibootmgr". Normally you'll have an entry for Windows and an entry for Ubuntu, and Ubuntu will be the default. My guess is that if you boot from a LiveUSB when you are having this problem you'll find that you have neither entry.18:03
Jordan_UKANGZZZ: sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI18:04
makri have a bash script that checks whether a file is existing or not periodically (if [ -e "/this/is/the/path/file" ];), is it possible that if-clause reports a false if the file is there but the system is under heavy (io)-load?18:05
KANGZZZJordan_U, alright thanks I'll check that out later18:05
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Thanks but confirmed: dkms, headers, src, and libs are installed . Purged and re-installed the nvidia driver several times . none build !18:07
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Presemtly I be looking to see if we have a nvidia install log file we can consult for any hints .18:08
oerheks_maybe that minetest-dev is the troublemaker18:08
GreenDimondoerheks_: Nope18:09
oerheks_GreenDimond, i read that too much, silly ppa's are not the problem18:09
Bashing-omGreenDimond: While I seek . what results ' sudo modprobe nvidia ' ?18:09
GreenDimondBashing-om: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_375': Required key not available18:10
GreenDimondoerheks_: Minetest is a game xD It is not causing this, I assure you :)18:10
GreenDimondUnfortunately, it is a game that requires 3D graphics, aswell as Blender, so I cannot run either application because of this problem :(18:12
BluesKajBashing-om, a puzzler for sure :/18:14
GreenDimond^An annoying one at that18:15
GreenDimondLeave it to my computer to give me a extremely difficult problem to deal with >~<18:17
BluesKajGreenDimond, do you have secure boot turned on in your uefi/bios? apparently this is what's causing the error18:18
GreenDimondBluesKaj: About that. I want it off, and every time it asks me, I select to turn it off, but it still asks me to define a pw and such, but I never see the secure boot.18:18
GreenDimondSo I assume its off18:19
BluesKajGreenDimond, have gone into your uefi/bios and turned it off there ?18:21
BluesKajbecause it will show in the uefi/bios if it's on18:21
GreenDimondBluesKaj: Not like that, no. Usually when I am changing drivers it gives me a window to turn it off.18:21
GreenDimondShould I try like that?18:22
BluesKajnope you have turn iot off in the uefi/bios18:22
GreenDimondso should I reboot and try it that way?18:22
BluesKajthen save and exit18:23
Bashing-omBluesKaj: :)) .. plumb forgot about secure boot ! .. Yeah could well be !18:24
BluesKajBashing-om, it's problem across a lot of distros18:25
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
* BluesKaj hopes GreenDiamond can boot now18:27
GreenDimondSomething still looks odd, but my 2nd monitor is on and the res looks OK18:28
GreenDimondThe boot was set to 'Windows' instead of 'Other OS'18:29
BluesKajbut was secure boot still on18:29
GreenDimondCouldnt find an option for on or off18:30
Bashing-omGreenDimond: ^^ inquiring minds want to know :)18:30
GreenDimondCouldn't find an option for on or off18:30
GreenDimondshould I look again?18:30
GreenDimondUm, new problem.18:31
GreenDimondEverything is too small ._.18:31
Bashing-omGreenDimond: No Idea as to what to look for . secure boot is implemented so many different ways .18:31
GreenDimondEverything seems smaller...18:34
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Once we are sure that the firmware ducks are all in a row . we can try purging/re-installing the driver once more .18:34
GreenDimondWhat do you want me to do18:35
BluesKajstrange, I used to have secure boot in my laptop uefi/bios, but since I removed windows, it's no longer available18:35
BluesKajtry to install the recommended nvidia driver18:36
nook24Hi, did someone know a DHCP server with an web interface? I guess if i provide my  devs ssh access this will fail... I know about webmin but i'm looking for something simpl like on a default router from your ISP, just show leases and the subnet, maybe static addresses, thats all...18:37
leftyfbnook24: why do they need a web interface?18:37
lordcirth_workIf I define an export path in /etc/exports twice, with different hosts/options, is this exactly equivalent to putting those hosts & options on the same line?18:38
GreenDimondShould I do this? sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall18:38
nook24leftyfb, i dont want to explain the whole team how the configs are working... they will comeback to me for every change i fear18:38
scottjllordcirth_work: you'll have 2 exports.. the options will only apply to their respective hosts18:39
=== Binary is now known as Binary_Rain
BluesKajGreenDimond, are thos e the commands someone suggested..then it's different than what we do on kde/plasma18:39
scottjllordcirth_work: you could export one filesystem ro to one set of hosts, and rw to another set18:39
GreenDimondBashing-om: What say you?18:39
Guy1524hey guys, I made a hard link and now I want to remove it, how do I delete it w/o deleting the src file18:40
lordcirth_workscottjl, that's what I mean, I just wanted to check that putting <path> <hosts>(ro) \n <path> <hosts>(rw) is equivalent to <path> <hosts>(ro) <hosts>(rw)18:40
scottjljust remove the link, not the original file18:40
scottjlas long as one inode still points to the "file" the data will still exist18:41
BluesKajyeah, I'd better back of here, this ubuntu drivers auto install is something new to me... Bashing-om?18:41
scottjllordcirth_work: i've never tried combining all that into one line. would be more confusing to read anyway. just break it up into 2 lines.18:41
lordcirth_workscottjl, Well, I've seen it the other way round, all one one line, and I assumed that 2 lines would work but wanted to check.  So that's a yes.  Thanks!18:42
Bashing-omGreenDimond: I have full faith in sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall in ubuntu . It is a system thing .. and the system is some kind of smart .18:42
scottjllordcirth_work: well when i've done that, i've just done it in 2 lines, not had any issues.18:42
scottjllordcirth_work: afaik you can have as many lines as you want.18:42
lordcirth_workscottjl, I assumed that but wasn't sure18:43
GreenDimondBashing-om: So yes? Do sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall18:43
scottjllordcirth_work: just type "exportfs" by itself on a line. it will show you all your exports. you should have multiple lines18:43
lordcirth_workscottjl, multiple lines for the same path, is the question18:43
Bashing-omGreenDimond: We can try , sure 0 see what nopw results . Keeping in mind - as we can find no other . the firmware may still be blocking the install .18:44
scottjllordcirth_work: yes. i've done multiple lines for the same exported path, each with different sets of hosts and options.18:44
scottjllordcirth_work: it's just cleaner to read.18:44
scottjllordcirth_work: i suppose the parser ignores the white space anyway. silly humans and their formatting for readability18:45
lordcirth_workscottjl, well, it's not just a whitespace difference, there's the path repeated or not18:45
hyperknothi, about two weeks ago a file "50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist" appeared in my apt.conf.d folder on all my 16.04 hosts. the only line difference seem to be "${distro_id}ESM:${distro_codename}";18:50
hyperknotdo I need to enable it for 16.04 as well? isn't it something for 12 LTS?18:51
GreenDimondThings seeming to be abnormally smaller just might be a result of my 3 days of everything larger18:51
Bashing-omGreenDimond: can ya tweak in nvidia-setting ??18:51
Bashing-omGreenDimond: .. try and see .. maybe we can write 2 days of effort off to firmware ?? what shows now ' lsmod | grep nvidia ' ?18:54
scottjlhyperknot: that ufc-dist file was created because an update tried to copy it in but noticed you had one already there. you need to resolve the differences between 50unattended-upgrades and that file by hand.18:54
hyperknotscottjl: that's clear. my question is that should I add ESM to Ubuntu 16.04? that's the only difference18:55
GreenDimondBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24843073/18:56
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Perfect !18:57
GreenDimondAnything else?18:57
scottjlhyperknot: no reason not to.18:57
hyperknotscottjl: ok, thanks18:57
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Ya tell me . Happy camper at this time are you ?18:58
GreenDimondYus :318:58
GreenDimondTysm Bashing-om :D18:58
GreenDimondAnd ty BluesKaj :D18:58
BluesKajGreenDimond, glad it works :-)18:59
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Sorry it took what it took - another reminder to check the firmware !18:59
GreenDimondIs okay, I had time to spare :)18:59
Bashing-omGreenDimond: Bet now when ya read the log file .. all is ducky there :)19:00
GreenDimondLooks like it :D19:01
* BluesKaj wonders how poor mutsy made out, haven't seen him login19:02
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Mutsy -  Same . I also keep an eye out :P19:03
Bashing-omBluesKaj: - mutsy - no news is good news ?19:04
GreenDimondalright tysm guys! ima go now19:04
DocMAXis it possible to update gstreamer 1.0 to the latest version in ubuntu 16.04 lts?19:05
DoYouKnowhi. is there a way to move everything back to my main screen in ubuntu19:05
DocMAXit has 1.8 and i want 1.1219:06
BlitzerHoundHow do I tell what graphics card I have?19:07
FuchsBlitzerHound: lspci | grep VGA19:07
leftyfbDocMAX: gstreamer 1.12 seems to be ready for te next release of Ubuntu due out in October. Can't seem to find a ppa for it otherwise. There's always source (not recommended)19:08
BlitzerHoundOh cool19:08
BlitzerHoundSo this isn't necessarily to do with ubuntu specifically, but what do I do with this information? I'm trying to figure whether I can run a game or not before I buy it19:12
BluesKajBashing-om, dunno I was wrong about gparted swapon/off , think he turned it off, it's a switch not an indicator of it's status. Altho that might not be the problem at all19:12
donofriohow do I display gateway from bash19:14
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Ehat I saw  for mutsy was pounding swap for no known reason .19:14
funyunhi. can someone help me uninstall/remove this package?19:14
Bashing-omdonofrio: Try ' route -n ' .19:15
leftyfbfunyun: sudo apt-get remov kodi19:15
leftyfbfunyun: sudo apt-get remove kodi19:15
donofrioBashing-om, bingo tnx19:15
funyunleftyfb: i installed from deb file19:15
leftyfbfunyun: sudo apt-get remove kodi19:15
funyunleftyfb: apt-cache policy kodi is still the same19:17
xzhi there, I just created LIVE USB persistent stick with Ubuntu 16.04; having some problems with apt-get - it doesn't see packages like python3-pip or libopencv-dev which I believe should be downloadable19:17
BluesKajBashing-om, his boot time was up to 48 secs ,and I had the same probllema week ago, and it was swapoff that was causing the system to stop and search for it.during boot, it fainally gives up and just boots .19:17
ioriafunyun, because you installed a ppa19:18
xz should I be adding universe, or modifying in any way sources.list?19:18
leftyfbioria: that shouldn't still show it's installed19:18
funyunioria: do you know how i can remove it all?19:18
leftyfbfunyun: try: sudo apt-get remove --purge kodi*19:18
ioria!ppa-purge | funyun19:18
ubottufunyun: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:18
iorialeftyfb, idk19:19
funyunleftyfb: no change19:19
BluesKajBashing-om, checked /var/log/syslog and saw the "could not find swap" error, or words to that effect19:19
ioriafunyun,  get red of that19:20
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Same : I redid swap .. and forgot that the UUID would change :( - took a bit to remember .19:20
funyunioria: do you know how i can find the repo name?19:22
xzI added universe, that seems to fix the problem19:22
ioriafunyun,  maybe it's not a ppa ...19:22
=== Archrover is now known as Archrover_
ioriafunyun, ls  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odroid.list19:24
tgm4883funyun: what's the output of 'dpkg -l | grep kodi'19:24
funyuntgm4883: rc  kodi                                  16.1+hk2ubuntu7                            arm64        Open Source Home Theatre (executable binaries)19:24
tgm4883funyun: that's not installed19:25
funyunioria: that exists19:25
ioriafunyun, i'd say remove it ?19:25
tgm4883I dont' think i'd remove that19:25
leftyfbfunyun: what are you running this on?19:26
tgm4883leftyfb: he's running it on an odroid19:26
funyunleftyfb: an odroid c219:26
tgm4883it's an embedded arm device19:26
tgm4883which is why I wouldn't remove that repo19:26
tgm4883the kodi package isn't installed, so I'm not sure what else funyun is trying to do19:26
funyuntgm4883: when i try to install kodi. it keeps giving me an error about that package. the people in #kodi said i have to figure out a way to completely remove it before i can re-install kodi19:27
tgm4883show us the error19:27
ioriatgm4883, cache policy returns the same version19:27
tgm4883funyun: the full error in a pastebin19:27
tgm4883ioria: so?19:28
BluesKajfunyun, make sure you choose the arm kodi version19:28
ioriatgm4883, so i can't install the official ver19:28
tgm4883ioria: Oh, we're trying to get back to 15.2, not upgrade to 17.3. All I saw in the backlog was that we're trying to uninstall 16.1, which is currently uninstalled19:30
tgm4883FWIW, I still don't see where in the backlog we're trying to downgrade19:31
ioriatgm4883, idk  if kodi is available for amr6419:31
tgm4883ioria: From what he's saying, it sounds like he's trying to upgrade to the odroid version (since he's talking to the kodi guys and he has that repo instlled, I'm making an assumption here). I still think we need to see the error message he's getting19:32
funyunyes i was trying to downgrade. but now kodi 17 is working so i will give that a shot. thanks ioria and tgm488319:32
ioriatgm4883, right19:32
tgm4883ioria: and that cache policy indicates that arm64 packages do exist19:32
ioriatgm4883, ok19:33
ioriafunyun,  gl19:33
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=== coffeeguy is now known as `8core
foca__Hey guys...Could anyone tell me if teamviewer use wine to run in ubuntu ?19:44
leftyfbfoca__: it does in the background. You do not need to install or configure wine at all.19:45
BluesKajfoca__,  https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux/19:45
foca__but even it running in the background, could be possible some virus get through it using wine folder ?19:47
BluesKajfoca__, after it downloads just click on the file and it will install19:47
leftyfbfoca__: HIGHLY unlikely. You'd have to really make an effort to get a virus on there and then moreso it make it function.19:47
foca__I unistalled wine in my ubuntu 'cause I read that some ransomwares were access some hosts using wine app19:48
leftyfbfoca__: You'd be hard pressed to find any malware that will function within wine19:48
leftyfbfoca__: I'd say unless you are doing really bad things, then you should be safe with wine. And certainly installing teamviewer from the deb packages from it's site.19:49
kostkonfoca__, it uses its own wine bottle, so even if you install wine yourself, your wine will not affect teamviewer19:49
kostkonyou may replace "your wine" with "your wine folder", same meaning more or less19:50
foca__Right guys thanks for help me. I'll keep using teamviewer with no worries. Thanks19:51
tgm4883I think the point above is that running in wine still has access to your home directory19:59
tgm4883but I'll agree with the others above that you should be fine running their deb20:00
mikunoshi guys, my sound card doesn't work! I cannot see any device in the sound setting panel. I have upgraded my pc with the MSI H270 M3 but I cannot see any audio device. what have I to do?20:05
kostkonmikunos, namely you replaced your mobo?20:08
mikunosyes kostkon20:08
kostkonmikunos, try the following. Delete the folder  ~/.config/pulse,  then logout and log back in. Do you know how to access ~/.config?20:09
mikunoskostkon yes20:10
mikunoskostkon let me try it20:10
kostkonmikunos, ok20:10
mikunoskostkon done!20:12
kostkonmikunos, works now?20:13
mikunoskostkon http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1497298429.png20:13
leftyfbmikunos: reboot20:14
mikunoskostkon done20:17
mikunossame result20:17
kostkonmikunos, any output from  aplay -l   also   lspci | grep -i audio20:18
mikunoskostkon http://paste.ubuntu.com/24843594/20:19
mikunoskostkon http://paste.ubuntu.com/24843612/20:20
mikunosthere is not any sound card! :o20:20
kostkonmikunos, what version of Ubuntu are you on?20:20
kostkonmikunos, uname -a  will tell you whether you are using 4.4 or 4.820:21
mikunosLinux dev 4.4.0-79-generic #100-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 17 19:58:14 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:22
kostkonmikunos, you could try installing the latest hwe for 16.04 although i can see it's a gaming mobo and probably it uses some new high fidelity dac of some kind for audio. I am not sure whether it is supported in linux at least in 4.8, the kernel version that the latest hwe will give you20:23
kostkon!hwe | mikunos20:23
ubottumikunos: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:23
jtvesterhi :-)20:30
jtvesterdoes any of you know why e.g. "touch /home/user/somefile" does absolutely nothing when run as a udev script?20:33
JerbotE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?20:35
Jerbotresponse to apt-get update20:35
leftyfbJerbot: use sudo20:35
JerbotI did use sudo20:36
leftyfbJerbot: what version of ubuntu? desktop or server?20:37
Bashing-omJerbot: " is another process using it? " another instance of a package manager running ?20:38
leftyfbJerbot: what version of ubuntu?20:38
Jerboti only opened terminal after starting ubuntu20:38
Jerbotnow the message no longer persists20:39
Jerbotnow it is back.20:39
Jerbotapt-get install ...20:39
Bashing-omJerbot: maybe "unattended-upgrade" running in the background ?20:40
JerbotMaybe startup was getting in the way20:40
Jerbotokay.  well i hope so20:40
Jerbothow do I install git-bash on ubuntu?  Apt-get install git-bash?20:40
Bashing-om!info git-bash xenial | Jerbot20:42
ubottuJerbot: Package git-bash does not exist in xenial20:42
leftyfbJerbot: it's not an official package20:42
akikJerbot: they are two separate packages on linux20:44
leftyfbakik: git-bash is a project20:44
akikleftyfb: what do you mean?20:45
leftyfbakik: https://openhatch.org/missions/windows-setup/install-git-bash20:46
akikleftyfb: yes you don't need git-bash on linux. you can do everything with git and bash that are in the repositories20:47
leftyfbI know :)20:47
Jerbotyeah i know they're separate but what's the commands to get the two20:50
Jerbotakik:  so are those built in?20:50
leftyfbJerbot: bash is built in. git needs to be installed20:50
Jerbotis there like a terminal emulator that is better than the default one?20:50
leftyfbJerbot: after that, just open a terminal and use git as your normally would20:50
akikJerbot: sudo apt-get install git20:51
leftyfbJerbot: better is subjective. I personally prefer terminator20:51
Jerbotwhen using gitflow on ubuntu, do i need to install any app besides git?20:51
akikJerbot: gitk is nice20:52
leftyfbJerbot: sudo apt-get install git-flow20:52
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Bearlindohi i have a question i dont want ubuntu but when i installed it my harddrive goes into another system and now i cant install windows back again. Does someone now a way for me to format my harddrive back to ntfs so i can install windows again21:03
YankDownUnderBearlindo, The "Windows Installation" should take care of that, IF you're going to do a fresh installation...21:09
oerheks_indeed, unless you want to keep some partition, then you would neet to boot ubuntu live once more to delete partitions with gparted21:11
netcrimeHello. My problem is that I install Ubuntu 16.04 on my Dell laptop and after restart it doesn't find any system on machine. If i insert USB drive and run install again it suggests to overwrite exisitng ubuntu. Anyone familiar with this problem? How to fix it ?21:12
Jerbothow do you install terminator?21:14
Jerbotdo you know if there's a live-reload css function that can be used in ubuntu?21:14
Guido1Since the last time I used WiFi I had some crashes, boot repairs and updates. Now Xubuntu says that the WiFi adappter is not ready. It is a dual boot with Windows 10. How can I solve it?21:14
nacc!terminator | Jerbot21:14
nacc!info terminator | Jerbot21:15
ubottuJerbot: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.90+bzr-1705-1 (zesty), package size 333 kB, installed size 2217 kB21:15
YankDownUndernetcrime, http://linuxpitstop.com/repair-grub-boot-loader-on-ubuntu-linux/21:15
Bearlindooerheks_ i dont want to keep anything i just wanted the hole damn drive back to ntfs. the windows disc says unrecognize system type21:19
netcrimeYankDownUnder: thanks. repairing something..21:19
leftyfbBearlindo: please see #windows for support. The fact that you had/have Ubuntu on the drive currently is completely irrelevant21:20
oerheks_windows should ask you to continue somehow, unless it is xp21:20
oerheks_boot ubuntu live once more to delete partitions with gparted21:21
akikBearlindo: if you boot an ubuntu live session you can erase the partitions with "sudo sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdx"21:21
leftyfbhe doesn't need to boot to any live cd's21:22
leftyfbthe Windows installer will be completely content wiping the entire drive no matter what is on it currently21:22
akiklet's be helpful21:23
leftyfbthat is helpful ... boot the Windows cd, install Windows. Any further support for this process belongs in #windows21:24
oerheks_with xp you might need to disable AHCI first too..21:24
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funyunhi. i have a strange problem hopefully someone can help with. everytime i plug in my device, it knocks out all wireless signals from my router.  here's exactly what i did. setup my device for the first time while connected to ethernet. once set up, i went into my router settings and assigned a perm ip to that device. everything worked perfect. then i moved that device and plugged it into a different21:30
funyunethernet cable connected to the same router. that's when it knocked out all wireless. only wired devices can access the internet until i remove the ethernet from the device21:30
funyunnow it knocks out wireless no matter what cable i plug it into21:31
nicolehow do I copy files to current folder21:32
kenrincp /path/tp/files .21:32
nicolenot typing anything after the filename gives me an error21:32
kenrinthe "." is for current working dir21:33
ppf. is always the current path21:33
kostkonnicole, cp obviously needs a source and a dest to work21:33
nicoleI couldn't find info about this on the man21:34
* vlt remembers good old DOS times where a source argument was enough21:34
tomreynfunyun: that 'device' is what?21:34
funyuntomreyn: odroid21:34
tomreynrunning which OS and version?21:34
funyunubuntu mate21:35
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Guido1Hello, Since the last time I used WiFi I had some crashes, boot repairs and updates. Now Xubuntu says that the WiFi adappter is not ready. It is a dual boot with Windows 10. How can I solve it?21:36
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=== `8core is now known as coffeeguy
=== coffeeguy is now known as `8core
tomreynfunyun: ok. based on your descrition i would say the router is a problem. sure, the odroid triggers it somehow, but the router should not allow any device to bring down its AP. and it's more of a ##hardware topic than it is ubuntu related.21:38
funyuntomreyn: okay thanks21:39
tomreyngood luck,. it doesn't souind easy to diagnose it.21:40
tomreyn!wireless | Guido121:42
ubottuGuido1: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:42
jayjoif I'm running something as a system service, where will it print errors? syslog?21:43
jayjoWhere should I look if it's not printing errors to /var/syslog21:43
tomreynjayjo: /var/log/syslog21:44
oerheks_journalctl -xe21:45
Guido1ubottu: doesn't realy help22:01
ubottuGuido1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:01
Guido1tomreyn: Doesn't realy help22:02
randymarsh9is it frowned on to allow remote login with root?22:03
Guido1tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24830584/22:03
naccrandymarsh9: yes, generally22:03
randymarsh9if i wanted to copy/move/edit files back and forth between my computer and remote server a good way to do that is using scp right?22:04
randymarsh9i can do that through ssh but scp is simpler right?22:04
naccrandymarsh9: sure, that's one way. rsync is another. and there are others.22:04
naccrandymarsh9: scp is over ssh22:04
randymarsh9ok great22:04
geirhascp is ssh22:04
randymarsh9sure, but the scp client i have is all through a gui22:04
randymarsh9thus, simplifying things22:04
naccrandymarsh9: your client is unrelated to the protocol22:05
naccrandymarsh9: so you just meant instead of the 'ssh' command?22:05
naccrandymarsh9: the ssh command is not used for copying files22:05
randymarsh9i understand that22:05
randymarsh9i'm talking about using an scp client to transfer files22:05
randymarsh9without the root login enabled i will have limited copy/move/edit access to the remote server22:05
geirhawell, do you need access to the entire server?22:06
randymarsh9what is the simplest way around this so that i can easily edit files wherever they may be?22:06
randymarsh9geirha: let's say i only need full write to /var/ and /etc/22:07
randymarsh9files that i want to edit will be in those two directories most likely22:07
geirhaSo you're writing your own configuration management system22:08
randymarsh9i just want to be able to make changes to a file on my local machine using the editor of my choice then upload them dirctly to the correct directory22:11
naccrandymarsh9: just ssh to the remote server and edit them?22:14
naccrandymarsh9: what you're suggesting seems rather roundabout22:15
naccrandymarsh9: also, you definitely don't remotely need write access to /var (the entire /var)22:16
randymarsh9nacc: editing files through ssh is easier than using vs code and transfering the files?22:19
randymarsh9okay thanks!22:19
akikrandymarsh9: using sshfs you can mount the remote server to your local machine and use any editor22:19
naccrandymarsh9: imo, yes. or as akik said. scp'ing system configuration files back and forth is almost certainly the wrong approach.22:20
naccrandymarsh9: use an actual deployment workflow, IMO22:21
randymarsh9akik: i'll check it out thx22:21
akikrandymarsh9: although it doesn't help you with permissions22:21
Dave_Elecguys i am using ubuntu 14.04 and when i try to install themes it will draw dotted boxes around menus. does anyone know a fix?22:40
RonaldsMazitishow do I lock screen on closing lid using gnome 322:42
RonaldsMazitisI tried sudo nano /etc/systemd/logind.conf22:42
RonaldsMazitischanging HandleLidSwitch=lock22:43
RonaldsMazitissudo systemctl restart systemd-logind22:44
RonaldsMazitisit did not work22:44
naccRonaldsMazitis: i believe if using a GUI, that systemd's login management is preempted (see `man logind.conf`) -- you'd configure it at the gnome level22:46
naccRonaldsMazitis: maybe under power management or something?22:46
Dave_Elecguys i am using ubuntu 14.04 and when i try to install themes it will draw dotted boxes around menus. does anyone know a fix?22:49
RonaldsMazitisnah no settings under power manager22:49
RonaldsMazitisit says that it will block under privacy settings22:50
RonaldsMazitisbut it does not22:50
funyuni have an odroid (like rPi) connected to a monitor. can i open a gui app on that monitor remotely via ssh?22:50
blackrabbitwhere I can find OpenCL Runtime for Intel Core and Intel Xeon Processors22:50
fqpis it possible to use java plugin in firefox 53.0.3 on ubuntu 14.04 ? icedtea-7-plugin with openjdk-7-jre dont seem to work.22:54
oerheks_blackrabbit, maybe this answer is any help https://askubuntu.com/questions/850281/opencl-on-ubuntu-16-04-intel-sandy-bridge-cpu  or this page with ppa for 16.04 and 17.04 https://laanwj.github.io/2016/05/06/opencl-ubuntu1604.html22:57
blackrabbitoerheks_, thanks I just have very old CPU22:57
oerheks_oh, below the 2nd gen intel, it is not working then..22:57
Guido1Hello, Since the last time I used WiFi I had some crashes, boot repairs and updates. Now Xubuntu says that the WiFi adappter is not ready. It is a dual boot with Windows 10. How can I solve it? https://paste.ubuntu.com/24830584/22:57
oerheks_windows10+fastboot can prevent the use of wifi/bt/usb22:59
RonaldsMazitisnobody knows how to lock screen on closing lid in gnome 323:02
RonaldsMazitisusing gdm instead of lightdm23:02
Guido1oerheks_: how can i solve that?23:12
glitsj16RonaldsMazitis: not by flipping a setting somewhere no.. You could leave logind.conf's default HandleLidSwitch=suspend and then override systemd-suspend script with one of your own scripts that lock the screen (using xdg-screensaver lock for example) .. might look ugly, but it works very well23:12
Guido1oerheks_: th realtak adapter is inside the laptop. don't know if on an internal usb port23:13
Guido1oerheks_: should the reeboot option of windows help just as it does with the harddrives?23:13
oerheks_Guido1, it is a windows option somewhere, or available on shutdown23:14
Guido1oerheks_: would reboot help instead of shutting down? (That's what I have to do to remove the blok on the shared NTFS partition)23:15
Guido1oerheks_: can I check if windows causeses the problem right now?23:16
oerheks_not sure reboot is enough. if you find the option, you could see if that was the culprit. it is the most common cause for non available devices with 'fastboot'23:17
Guido1will look for that. someone had a command too check if it is bloked and it has no hard or soft block23:18
Guido1oerheks_: "The fast startup setting doesn’t apply to Restart. You need to shut down and then start your PC again for fast startup to take effect."23:22
skypcehi guys23:22
skypcealternative to xdg-open?23:22
skypcei use ubuntu i cant open a program with xdg-open23:22
oerheks_gnome-open /path-to-file ?23:27
oerheks_or tell what program is not working?23:27
skypceHi oerheks_23:29
skypceit is for playonlinux23:30
skypceplayonlinux has release a new update with xdg-open as default23:30
skypcebut now not open applications23:30
oerheks_oh, it is a wine issue ..23:34
glitsj16RonaldsMazitis: just tested with setting HandleLidSwitch=lock in /etc/systemd/logind.conf.. Works as expected in a GNOME session (also using gdm) .. this is on 16.04, what session are you running and on what version of Ubuntu?23:34

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