=== sambetts|afk is now known as sambetts [15:07] wow all the tests failed yesterday O.o [15:14] blackboxsw smoser rharper dpb1 Our open build service project: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools:Next/cloud-init [15:34] powersj, i am now 'smoser' user there. [15:35] smoser: added [16:32] powersj: ok, will join [16:32] powersj: cool [16:33] smoser: should all things going through subp be disconnected from tty? (disconnecting from tty is easier than I thought - the main trouble was that I was scared to defy the warnings in the subprocess documentation, no need for a cat process) [16:33] it's incompatible with capture=True, so I thought about having it be the behavior for capture=False. [16:43] powersj: ok, I'm raharper there === sambetts is now known as sambetts|Afk === sambetts|Afk is now known as sambetts|afk [16:45] rharper: added [16:45] ajorg, i'd think generally that we would not want a tty. [16:45] tx [16:45] but that seems a scary change. [16:49] smoser: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24857815/ [16:55] agreed, it's a bit scary. easy to get something wrong [16:55] i can drop it for now while working on other patches [16:56] do you have a typo there ? [16:56] p.stdout ? [17:01] haha [17:01] yes [17:01] dum de dum [17:02] * ajorg runs unit tests like a good boy before re-posting [17:03] * ajorg ... and watches tests.unittests.test_util.TestSubp hang because subprocess is hard [17:03] back to the drawing board [17:03] ajorg, yeah, we really dont want to be "in the middle" if we can avoid it. [17:04] smoser: there's no way to disconnect from a tty without being in the middle [17:04] because if you're not, isatty will find your tty [17:06] blackboxsw: looks like the failures of integration tests occurred after your commit was accepted. [17:07] the control file that gets generated looks a little different, before: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857896/ after: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857898/ [17:07] Looking now for actually differences [17:09] oh, 'cause I'm neglecting to write the input... [17:14] blackboxsw: to reproduce, checking out master and doing ./package/bddeb -S should be all you need [17:14] powersj: yeah I'm on a yakkety lxc right now, found 3 missing deps that need to be pulled in. [17:14] thanks [17:14] .. and sry [17:15] no worries, I am hoping our new CI pipeline will fix all of this :) [17:15] tox + build + short integration + centos will be nice :D [17:17] * powersj goes and review's smoser's branch [17:19] powersj, thanks. i just updated comment. [17:20] https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/325679 [17:20] blackboxsw, ^ you too would be nice. [17:20] that 'fastestmirror' thing is pretty useless [17:20] useless/obnoxious/makes a caching-proxy useless [17:22] reviewing now [17:23] smoser: okay, this works: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24857958/ [17:26] ajorg, i guess i'm ok with it if we add an argument 'notty=False' [17:26] and then the yum install can set that to True [17:26] and toherwise takes old apth [17:29] Sure, we can make this optional. I'm okay with that. [17:32] * powersj goes and looks at proposed tests [17:42] * ajorg waves at ilianaw [17:42] * ilianaw waves back [17:51] well, here is a week attempt at disabling mirrors [17:51] http://paste.ubuntu.com/24858093/ [18:07] smoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/325679 minor review comment added. [18:07] blackboxsw, thanks. [18:11] blackboxsw, you want me to drop the 'pairs' ? [18:13] smoser: not critical to drop as it shows what you intend if things get complex in the future (cmd != package_name) so it's ok to leave as is as guidance for me if we have to go that route . It's just unneeded logic at the moment so it always gives me a moment's pause as we don't really need that little complexity currently. [18:14] if it were a lot of complexity/logic that was added for something that we don't currently need I'd say drop it as we are over-engineering the solution, but this is just a couple lines in a script so it's good [18:15] mostly that comment was just so we could have a discussion.... aaaaaaand ✔ [18:15] :) [18:15] k [18:15] i updated mp with your file suggestion [18:15] thx [18:16] but i think yours had wierd logic [18:16] so read mine [18:16] http://paste.ubuntu.com/24858229/ [18:16] thats what you had [18:16] you were looping over each file in the list and building the bad_files sllist [18:16] so... lots more work than necessary [18:17] i did this [18:17] http://paste.ubuntu.com/24858234/ [18:23] umm whoa , bad diff. right [18:23] shouldn't have nested that inside the loop , just declare bad_files outside. [18:23] checking followup [18:24] yes yes, thanks [18:24] +1 [18:24] that was careless [18:24] k [18:25] click approve and i'll pull that. [18:31] powersj, youcan then change the jenkins jobs to do the ./tools/run-centos [18:32] Awesome! Once we get bddeb going again I can go back to the pipeline and get it going [18:37] powersj, do you knwo why it is failling ? [18:38] i just started looking, i'm confused. [18:38] I posted this a little bit ago: the control file that gets generated looks a little different, before: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857896/ after: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857898/ [18:38] but that doesn't make any sense [18:39] the error was "E: Please add apropriate interpreter package to Build-Depends, see pybuild(1) for details at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/pybuild.pm line 192." [18:53] no it does not [19:02] hmm so diff between deps is the new one has has procps and python-contextlib2 list in Build-depends now. [19:03] I pulled procps down from Depends into Build-Depends. lemme see where contextlib2 comes from [19:03] from test-requirements.txt so it now gets pulled into the control.in template [19:04] good: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24858565/ [19:04] bad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24858566/ [19:06] it is a bug somewhere. [19:07] but it doesnt like the python3 at the end. [19:19] so we need to make sure python dependency is ordered before test-requirements as it was in the original control file maybe? [19:19] ${python}, [19:19] ${test_requires}, [19:19] ${requires} [19:20] well, moving it in that list fixes it [19:20] "fixes" [19:20] wow strange workaround [19:21] i was experimenting with jinja [19:40] blackboxsw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24858833/ [19:40] that is working for me now.. hacky still, but got trhough it [19:42] smoser: looks fine, so you wanted to make it readable again (with proper indents, one line per dep) [19:44] I've just pushed ci-deps-fixes branch, wanted to add a --ci-deps optional param to read-dependencies to pull in everything ci wants (make, sudi, tar, devscripts etc) It'll also default the python version to the python binary that's calling us via sys.version_info. [19:44] this way ci can just : python3 tools/read-dependencies --distro ubuntu --install --ci-deps [19:45] I'm testing it now to make sure it solves the integration test issues on fresh containers [19:45] what I had also done in that branch was pull "python" package version up to the front of Build-Requires [20:14] blackboxsw, --ci-deps ? [20:15] well, bleh. bonding on rhel7 is frustrating ... the bonding module loads and creates a bond0 device but ifup on bond0 doesn't configure it; ifup on the slaves is skipped, so I can't see how the bond is ever going to come online; further, the docs show the use of networkmanager [20:15] maybe just ci or continous-integration? Was trying to take a step toward your "goal" suggestion a bit. [20:16] given that we want to setup all CI dependencies on a fresh container in order to run any build/test scripts, the --ci-deps parameter would install system packages for all requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt plus the additional base needs make, tar, sudo, devscripts [20:17] so basically on a fresh container we can now perform the following: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24859055/ [20:29] blackboxsw, i just didn't know the 'ci' [20:29] it conflicts . someone chose a bad name for 'continuous-integration' [20:29] when clearly 'cloud-init' had owned the namespace of 'ci' [20:29] :) [20:29] ci-ci [20:30] heh. I just reread your goals suggestion.... "test" "build" as options [20:30] https://gist.github.com/smoser/19e65095b342e98fd4d6466e4d4fa1ac [20:30] there i had 'test-distro', 'test-tox', 'build', 'run' [20:31] blackboxsw, so in my hack patch above... i couldnt figure out how to pretty indent. i'm lacking jinja foo [20:33] yeah /me changes it to --test-distro [20:33] those names make sense [20:36] blackboxsw, do you have something like... really close ? [20:36] cause i think what i have in that hack is at least enough to get us building again [20:36] smoser: the branch it pushed it's tested and runs [20:36] was writing up a review request now [20:38] ah. i didnt see you push a branch [20:39] and didnt see at https://code.launchpad.net/%7Ecloud-init-dev/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+ref/master/+activereviews [20:39] so i assumethat is coming [20:41] i'd like to grab all the 'Approved' at that link, but want to have c-i functional before i do [20:41] was writing test instructions. will just post as is and work out testing instructions shortly after [20:42] sure [20:45] pushed for review. [20:45] https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/325693 [20:46] adding test instructions for a fresh system. [20:52] blackboxsw, tools/run-centos can use --test-distro [20:52] right ? [20:52] although test-distro isn't necessarily build [20:52] but i think that is what we have right now [20:56] smoser: yes run-centos can use it. [20:56] changing that now [20:56] in the branch [20:57] /paste.ubuntu.com/24859315/ [20:57] http:///paste.ubuntu.com/24859315/ [20:57] almost [20:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/24859319/ [21:01] blackboxsw, 2 minor reponses. [21:01] looking [21:02] i have to run. [21:02] i'm ok if you or rharper want to squash that and push it [21:02] to get us passing tests again [21:02] but i have to run [21:03] i'll check back in in a few hours and get it then if you dont. [21:03] thanks! [21:13] smoser: pushed [21:13] thanks [21:13] testing again now [22:09] powersj: did you install sbuild on the jenkins ci environment? [22:11] I see we are running it, but it's not available in default yakkety lxcs [22:14] Yes I installed it but we're not running yakkety [22:18] found out what I missed, the initial apt update [23:24] ok merged to master [23:24] https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/Cloud-init/job/cloud-init-integration-y/227/ is running the test [23:25] powersj: I'm also thinking of something along these lines https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/Cloud-init/job/cloud-init-integration-y/227/ for server-team-ci [23:25] to ensure all deps are installed prior to build runs [23:28] meh I only updated my local maste 227 is bound to fail [23:29] well check back in later. dinner calls [23:53] blackboxsw, good ? [23:53] i see https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/Cloud-init/job/cloud-init-integration-y/227/ [23:53] * smoser will check back in in hour or so [23:56] given it built and is running tests we should be good to go