
cjwatsoninfinity: acceptx() was pretty cute00:01
cjwatsoninfinity: Oh, and sendfilev() was awesome for benchmarks.00:05
cjwatson(or, charitably, for static file serving)00:06
mwhudsonoh hooray python3-defaults-3.5.3 source has a .bzr directory in it00:10
mwhudsonwait i uploaded that00:10
Unit193mwhudson: G'luck on DM!00:11
mwhudsonah the newest version i didn't upload also has it00:11
mwhudson(i was sure i didn't do anything bzr related in my uploads...)00:12
mwhudsonslangasek: quick review on http://paste.ubuntu.com/24852968/ ?00:14
slangasekmwhudson: if it builds, then sure? :)00:16
slangasekmwhudson: the reference to python3.6-minimal makes me sad00:16
mwhudsoni should do some testing before i rebuild 3000 packages against it i guess00:16
mwhudsonslangasek: yeah i don't understand what that's doing there00:19
slangasekmwhudson: the -minimal split as a whole never achieved its intended purpose and is now just an inconvenience in the archive... references to it from other packages are particularly heinous00:21
mwhudsonslangasek: i see00:21
cjwatsonreferences to it from python3-defaults seem a bit less heinous than from elsewhere, seeing as it has a python3-minimal itself00:22
cjwatsonthough I don't know what it's doing in Build-Depends00:22
cjwatsonsome kind of bootstrapping hack given the :any ?00:23
mwhudsonslangasek: have lunch appt in 8 minutes going to see how much pycxx i can understand in that time :)00:23
slangasekyeah, possibly00:23
cjwatsonthat would be a "don't remove -minimal without doing careful cross-build tests" flag for me00:23
slangasekright, if anything I would promote it to python3.6:any instead00:24
cjwatsonyeah but I wonder if that complicates bootstrapping due to non-cross-installable dependencies or something00:24
slangasekcould be00:24
slangasekanyway, I'm certainly not advocating that it must be changed as part of the transition00:25
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slangasekmwhudson: pycxx, this autopkgtest is hateful and clearly could never have worked anywhere; shameful00:37
slangasekmwhudson: one-line change to add cxx_exceptions.cxx to setup_makefile.py, alongside cxx_extensions.py; must rebuild and install since the autopkgtest (properly) tests the installed package; and now I'm afk, feel free to turn this comment into a patch or something00:41
sarnolddiff --hand-waving-on-irc  :)00:43
mwhudsonslangasek: ok01:00
mwhudsongood thing i had lunch instead of coming to the same conclusions01:00
sarnoldyou really can't go wrong with lunch01:00
mwhudsontis true01:01
gsilvaptApologies for the long delay, nacc and infinity. I'll be testing this soon (need some more reboots)01:03
gsilvaptinfinity and nacc: Regarding the command you suggested, it says fuseblk.01:25
gsilvaptMeaning I'm toasted for this...01:25
sarnoldgsilvapt: what the heck kind of filesystem -is- that?01:50
sarnoldyeah not many fuse backends seem like they'd be up to package builds01:51
tarpmansarnold: guessing it's ntfs via ntfs-3g01:55
Unit193fat32 better?01:58
blahdeblahIs this sarnold trigger word bingo?  Let me try.03:11
sarnoldnumber field sieve? sounds like fun!03:12
blahdeblahdrat - foiled again!03:12
blahdeblahSome launchpad server upgrades under way; expect some minor delays on builds and diffs04:32
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ginggsjamespage: ceph build failure with --no-parallel https://launchpadlibrarian.net/323860925/buildlog_ubuntu-artful-armhf.ceph_12.0.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu17.10.1+ppa12_BUILDING.txt.gz09:10
jamespageginggs: yep that's the one09:45
jamespageany ideas on cause?09:45
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ginggsjamespage: no, sorry10:10
cpaelzerdoko: Hi,does python3-ldb-dev ring a bell on bug 1614936 ?10:12
ubottubug 1614936 in ldb (Ubuntu) "package python3-ldb-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/pyldb-util.pc', which is also in package python-ldb-dev 2:1.1.24-1ubuntu3" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161493610:12
cpaelzerdoko: I hoped you might be able to help clarifying the right approach, so I subscribed10:13
jamespageginggs: figured out the other i386 issue (ish)10:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1697908 in gcc-6 (Ubuntu) "i386 compilation hang with rocksdb (via ceph)" [Undecided,New]10:22
jamespagehave a patch series to try with10:22
rbasaknacc: \o/10:26
jamespagehow do I persuade proposed migration to look at autopkgtest results for reverse-depend packages in proposed as well?10:31
jamespageI have a stack of autopkgtest fixes in proposed, but py modules are testing against the release pocket10:32
rbalintjamespage: i have a script for generating links for autopkgtests with additional dependencies10:34
rbalintjamespage: let me push it somewhere10:35
jamespagerbalint: great - thanks!10:35
LaneyIf a package breaks another one, that sounds like Breaks to me10:36
rbalintjamespage: https://git.launchpad.net/~rbalint/+git/autopkgtest-retry10:42
rbalintjamespage: it needs editing and parsing the yaml in python is slow10:42
rbalintLaney: in theory, yes, but in practice adding Breaks for every other package which happens to be broken is unmanagable10:46
LaneyIf you add extra triggers into autopkgtest runs, you risk causing a package to migrate without the thing you added a trigger on, which would end up breaking real users.10:53
rbalintLaney: what is then the proposed way of getting two (n) packages migrated which pass autopkgtest together only?11:03
Laneyrbalint: As you would with a normal package upgrade - you add the right relationships to ensure that users can only have working combinations of packages installed11:04
LaneyIf you're seeing failures that are fixed by adding extra triggers then autopkgtest is pointing you to a bug11:05
rbalintLaney: will the Breaks trigger autopkgtest with the right version from proposed?11:05
LaneyThe triggers translate into pins11:06
LaneySo yes11:06
LaneyIt's an option to use the workaround that you're suggesting if you decide that it's not a realistic bug, but I think it should be considered after thinking about fixing the packages.11:07
rbalintLaney: i assumed that if i add an extra trigger the original package will migrate only together with the triggering version11:11
rbalintLaney: at least this would make more sense to me than asking for temporary deltas with Breaks11:12
Laneywhy is it temporary?11:23
LaneyAnd no, because you're filing those requests outside of britney.11:23
rbalintLaney: not all Breaks are recorded between packages and keeping the ones which surfaced only for the short period of -proposed migration may not be really useful11:30
Laneyrbalint: The fact that a combination of packages doesn't work together doesn't change just because the situation is in release instead of proposed.11:31
rbalintLaney: i agree11:33
rbalintrbalint: if you pick all versions of all packages ever been in zesty (release) during the development for zesty and test every combination of them with autopkgtest which are co-installable considering Breaks Conflicts etc rules would those tests pass?11:35
rbalintLaney: ^11:35
LaneyI'm not getting into a discussion about an absurd situation11:36
LaneyYou understand what I'm saying, and I have to go work on codec installation now, so see you later11:36
jamespagerbalint: ta13:30
psusiso what the heck does dpkg mean when it says a package is in a very bad inconsistent state?  been seeing a lot of bug reports lately about upgrades throwing this error on grub.14:10
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bdmurrayxnox: I added some info to that systemd bug 162139614:56
ubottubug 1621396 in systemd (Ubuntu Yakkety) "systemd-resolved crashed with SIGSEGV in dns_packet_is_reply_for()" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162139614:56
xnoxbdmurray, and the russian text says that systemd-resolved was modified since the error occured.14:59
xnoxthus crash; upgrade; then report.15:00
xnoxbdmurray, thanks a lot. because i raised an eyebrow at that crash report15:00
bdmurrayxnox: No problem.15:02
bdmurrayxnox: Its possible apport should do something better / different here.15:05
bdmurrayxnox: I reported bug 1697959 about the report containing "fake" information.15:41
ubottubug 1697959 in apport (Ubuntu) "late package version collection can cause confusion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169795915:41
pittibdmurray: back then, ev was pretty adamant about "I want all sorts of broken bug reports on errors.u.c.", apport has specific code to ingore UnreportableReason: for errors.u.c.15:43
pittiperhaps it's time to reconsider :)15:43
bdmurraypitti: I recall those discussions from when we were in London.15:44
kyrofaHey rbasak, can we get snapcraft into proposed for x y and z?15:56
kyrofabdmurray, click is now in proposed. Can you help me get snapcraft there as well?16:28
bdmurraykyrofa: Could you check with arges or rbasak first since its their SRU day?16:33
kyrofaarges isn't here, I pinged rbasak over 30 minutes ago16:35
bdmurraykyrofa: okay, I'll have a look in about an hour16:43
kyrofabdmurray, I appreciate it, thank you16:44
slangaseksmb: why is your network device so broken? :)16:51
smbslangasek, It would be both for me KVM and Xen. But I am just updating to the latest ISO. Maybe it is just that which was broken. :)16:52
slangasekthough, you were already on the latest version of systemd16:53
smbYeah, just want to be sure it really still happens. If not, then meh16:54
slangaseksmb: do you have radvd running somewhere such that you *should* be getting public IPv6?16:54
smbslangasek, no radvd (no ipv6 for my home network). One thing I want to change at some point but never get to16:54
rbasakkyrofa: sorry, I'm nominally EOD at 1800 UTC+1, and it would have been too big a chunk of review to do last thing for me anyway. I've been deep inside the certbot SRU today.17:01
rbasakbdmurray: thank you for looking17:01
* rbasak wonders why snapcraft isn't a classic snap17:03
kyrofarbasak, it is17:03
kyrofaBut it's not stable yet, still in beta17:04
rbasakSo why the need for SRUs?17:04
rbasakI see.17:04
kyrofaAnd there's no real established pattern for transitioning deb users to snaps17:04
kyrofaDon't want to leave them in a lurch17:04
rbasakI did wonder about that. snapcraft sounds like the perfect candidate to lead the way on that :)17:05
naccshow us the way, kyrofa! :)17:05
kyrofaHa! Well, once it's actually stable and well-tested, I'm sure we'll chat about it17:07
cjwatsonAnd LP builders don't yet support installing snaps, so would have problems installing snapcraft17:10
smbslangasek, Bah, so fwiw I am still broken ... or rather my installation(s)17:12
cjwatsonIt'd also make our development setups depend on snapd in lxd, which would perhaps be excessively exciting17:13
slangaseksmb: right, so maybe this needs some poking around in the kernel state of the device to understand why networkd isn't considering it 'configured'17:14
smbslangasek, possibly. would be nice if it was not just me though. even more so as I am not around the rest of the week17:15
slangaseksmb: what does 'ip link' look like on this box?17:17
smbslangasek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857940/ (after timing out and then working normally except for the failed service)17:18
kyrofacjwatson, excellent points indeed17:20
slangaseksmb: ok, nothing looks abnormal there to me17:21
kyrofaAnd the simple fact that snaps don't run everywhere that debs do. You wouldn't be able to use snapcraft on travis anymore either17:21
tsimonq2Hmmmm... can I use syncpackage with PPAs?19:28
slangasekif you're syncing /from/ a ppa /to/ the main archive, you must not do a binary sync19:29
tsimonq2I'm looking to sync from Debian to a PPA19:29
slangasek(I don't recall of LP itself has a way of enforcing this as a security policy)19:29
slangasekyeah, that's doable19:29
* tsimonq2 isn't seeing it in the manpage...19:29
slangasekoh. you probably can't use the syncpackage command, sorry - you can do it with copy-package from ubuntu-archive-tools19:30
tsimonq2Ah ok19:30
tsimonq2slangasek: I can't figure out how to use this with Debian... hint?19:41
infinitytsimonq2: copy-package --from=debian --from-suite=sid --to=ppa:adconrad/ubuntu/ppa --to-suite=artful hello19:46
infinitytsimonq2: Adjust to taste.19:46
tsimonq2infinity: gracias.19:49
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