
SchrodingersScatarooni: some of my crons haven't been running either, it's a complete mystery to me but deep inside I blame systemd for no reason.00:23
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ox1dei have a tech support query00:47
ox1demy ubunto laptop and pc both have the same glitch - I will boot and the screen will activate for a moment and then go dark - boot seems to work but screen are blank00:47
ox1deany help here would be hot00:52
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
ox1dei have a tech support query00:57
ox1demy ubuntu laptop and pc both have the same glitch - i will boot and the screen will activate for a moment and then go dark - boot seems to work but the screens are blank00:58
kenrinInstall your video drivers01:00
ox1dekenrin: how? care to elaborate in pM?01:02
ox1dehow can i install video drivers when i cant interface with no screen visibility?01:06
kenrinDo you not get a terminal if you ctrl+alt+f1-5 ?01:06
kenrinI think there is also a vga failsafe you can do but not sure on that01:07
donofrioso I'm wondering about the "force read" mode url what am  I doing wrong here (about:reader?url=www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2017/06/teacher_retirement_deal_includ.html01:12
ox1dehow do i do a vga failsafe?01:14
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:18
kenrinThink that is it01:18
Bashing-omox1de: For trouble shooting purposes; prior to " vga failsafe " can you not log into the system in console ( at the login screen key combo ctl+alt+F1 ) ?01:19
LiI'm wondering how did Ubuntu bundle lack so many trivial yet very important things! example the suggestion to save opened files when the user decides to close it without making any changes!!!01:28
Libeing unable to right click and open the terminal in specific folder if nautilus view is set to list not icon!!!01:29
kenrinDoes nautilus not do the same thing in other distros ?01:30
Lihow using a simple-scan becomes such a mission impossible task to accomplish!!!01:30
Likenrin: I recall using it on fedora at least without such inconvenience01:31
kenrinmy natilus can open in terminal on list01:31
Liare you on xenial?01:31
Lithat is strange??? how do you do that?01:32
Liah I got it .. from the buttom side when the folder is not full of items .. that is doable01:32
Libut not when the folder is completely full ...01:33
kenrinyou can click on folders and do it too01:33
Bashing-omox1de: ^^ Did I loose you ?01:34
Liyes but it will cost me 1 more click01:34
ox1destill here01:34
oerheksright click and open the terminal in specific folder >> install nautilus-actions nautilus-admin01:35
ox1destill trying to solve the glitch01:35
Lion the long run those are billions of clicks01:35
kenrinWhy you clicking anyway.  I hardly touch my mouse01:35
Bashing-omox1de: xtk+alr+F1 doable to gain a console ? Can you login at the console ?01:35
Liactually very minor things but such improvements can make the OS much better one01:36
ox1deloged in- still dark screen01:36
oerheksLi time to install synaptic, more detailed softwarecenter, enough to explore, a distro is just a small set of tools.01:36
kenrinWell,  you don't like nautilus then complain to nautilus devs or use another file manager01:36
kenrinI don't see what ubuntu has to do with that01:37
Bashing-omox1de: ouch . Now I do not know what to advise .01:37
Liwell, for example when you close gedit it forcefully offers you to "close without saving, cancel, save as" then you MUST CLICK one of the given options .. while in Windows you just press N01:38
Lithat is just a small example why I should use the mouse Krenair01:38
Likenrin: I'm talking about the bundle as a whole, besides I saw nautilus doing fine on Fedora01:39
leftyfbLi: again, that's a gedit issue, not ubuntu01:39
leftyfbLi: also, if you close and hit ALT+w it will select close without saving01:40
kenrinLi I think you should be in ubuntu discuss,  but everyone you have said doesn't even relate to ubuntu01:40
Lino one would say it's a notpad issue not windows when it comes to microsoft.01:40
kenrinbecause microsoft makes notepad...01:41
leftyfbLi: Microsoft made notepad. It's not open source and it's only available in Microsoft Windows. So yes, it's a Windows/Microsoft problem. Unlike gedit in Ubuntu01:41
Lileftyfb: negative .. alt+w will force the same 3 exact choices01:41
leftyfbLi: you are wrong01:41
leftyfbLi: open gedit -> type stuff -> ALT+F4 to close -> ALT+w will close without saving01:42
Lileftyfb: I understand it's MS product but also gedit is cannonical choice to add on ubuntu, I'm talking about the whole things as one package01:42
leftyfbLi: is there particular issue we can help you with or did you just come here to complain?01:43
Lileftyfb: you made it try twice but I assure it doesn't work without forcing those three mentioned options01:43
Ligedit 3.18.3 here maybe you have something else01:43
Lileftyfb: are you annoyed by my complains?01:44
leftyfbLi: multiple people here are annoyed by your complaints. If you need help, ask your question and give details on the issue. Otherwise, file bugs using ubuntu-bug or file bug reports/feature requests on launchpad or the upstream project website.01:46
LiOh so you even know how others feel about my conversation! good skills, I suggest change your mindset and look to my "non-complaints" as positive productive conversation if someone wants to do something about it.01:48
Liin anyway, you don't need to reply if you don't see the point of what I'm talking about it.01:48
oerheksgrab the code, change the keys or behaviour and build your custom gedit01:48
Limaybe someone else not annoyed and would like to share view points with me01:49
dlamhow do you debug high load average?  any commands to see what's adding to it?  I got a webserver and I wanna see if it's getting bogged down serving pictures or something01:52
leftyfbdlam: htop01:52
leftyfbdlam: you'll probably need to install it01:52
dlamhmm yeah i got it already!  what part of it do i use?01:53
leftyfbdlam: type it01:53
leftyfbdlam: http://www.deonsworld.co.za/2012/12/20/understanding-and-using-htop-monitor-system-resources/01:53
kenrinProbably going to need to dig through apache access logs too01:54
oerheksmod_status is an Apache module which helps to monitor web server load and current httpd connections01:54
dlamya ya but I thought load average is more than just cpu and stuff01:55
dlamooo mod_status never heard of01:55
dlamyeah my 'htop' is 95% apache201:55
ox1dei am still glitched here02:01
learnme_This may be me being bad at scripting... but, I can't seem to run "sudo apt-get update" inside a .sh script. All I get is "E: Invalid operation update" what did I do wrong?02:04
nacclearnme_: pastebin the script, it's probably a typo of some kind02:05
leftyfblearnme_: sudo won't work in a script if it requires you to type a password02:05
rodddo you guys know of a tool to record you browsing a website and exporting it as a gif / mp4 / mov?02:05
learnme_leftyfb: yep, I'm aware. I figure I'd get a different error than what I mentioned if that were the case.02:06
leftyfblearnme_: it was just my initial perception. Not saying it's the solution02:06
learnme_leftyfb: mk. I appreciate the input02:07
leftyfblearnme_: as nacc suggestion, post the script to pastebin for us to take a look02:07
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nacclearnme_: what version of ubuntu (lsb_release -d)02:10
leftyfblearnme_: add -y to install02:10
learnme_nacc: ubuntu 16.0402:27
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nacclearnme_: seems to be working fine in a lxd 16.04 container. does have some interaction (e.g., add-apt-repository, sudo itself the first time)02:33
phiona i issued a sudo apt autoremove command and there was an03:07
phionaerror: timeout was reached. did i break the system?03:07
phiona i issued a sudo apt autoremove command and there was an error: timeout was reached. did i break the system?03:08
phiona i issued a sudo apt autoremove command and there was an error: timeout was reached. did i break the system?03:16
Bashing-omphiona: What results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' ?03:22
phionaBashing-om: prior to sudo apt remove command, i issued this sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:26
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Bashing-omphiona: " did i break the system? " ^^ to see .03:27
phionaand all went well03:27
phionaBashing-om: can i issue your command all on one line?03:33
Bashing-omphiona: While you may . will be best one-at- a-time .. to catch any possible errors the system posts .03:35
CameHi, New Here, Looking for a Linux solution to log/audit NTFS shares (who modified, deleted a file), I don't want to use a Microsoft Solution03:39
Jordan_UCame: By "ntfs shares" do you mean CIFS shares? If not, what do you mean exactly? What is your end goal?03:40
CameI have a Windows file server, with multiple users (on Windows) accessing this server03:41
CameI Should say SMB03:41
Jordan_UCame: It seems to me like a proper log/audit needs to be made from the server hosting the share.03:42
CameThat's what Microsoft say, but the logs will be huge, I told myself that a Linux server, like Nagios, can grab the data from the windows share server03:44
sadtacoI did a new Ubuntu installation and it detected my wifi USB fine but it won't connect to my wifi (I'm sure I entered the password correctly).  How can I troubleshoot this?03:45
Came:sadtaco iwconfig03:46
Camesadtaco: tape iwconfig wlan003:46
phionaBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24854265/03:47
Bashing-omphiona: Looking .03:47
sadtacono such device03:51
Jordan_Usadtaco: Please pastebin the output of "lsusb" which will tell us the exact model/chipset of your wireless dongle.03:51
sadtacoI can't paste it's on another computer with no internet03:51
sadtacoi do have a ... wlx.... long name IEEE 802.1103:52
sadtacoRalink Corporation RT537003:53
sadtacoThink I need drivers?03:53
sadtacoOhh someone had the same issue03:53
Jordan_Uphiona: Looks find to me. If you want to be absolutely sure then run "sudo apt -f install" (which you didn't successfully run due to the ';' before).03:54
Bashing-omJordan_U: - phiona - whats up with the " Error: Timeout was reached " any way to get additional info ?03:57
hi_im_triphello, i may have a serious problem and deleted or formatted the partitions including the partition i created to backup a girl's HD to install ubuntu for her for the first time, this is not looking good for her and she's freaking out on me now03:57
phionaBashing-om: the system is also very slow. closing an app seems to take about 30 seconds.03:59
Bashing-omhi_im_trip: . from a liveDVD(USB) what shows ' parted -l ' . All the partitions still present ?03:59
hi_im_tripi was just trying to install ubuntu on this girl's macbook pro, something i've done literally hundreds of times, and this time by selecting "use lvm" and "completely erase and install" was checked off, but i thought that in the next screen i could choose which partition to it would erase(stupid me), but, even tho when i clicked install now, i immediately clicked go back when it gave a warning saying that by continuing the03:59
hi_im_trippartitions would be erased, now none of the mac hd partitions are visible and she had her dead mother's photos on there (only copy) and many other important files on a backup partition. it was all too fast to have actually written anything to the disks, so i should be able to recover her files yes?03:59
hi_im_triplet me check03:59
Jordan_Uhi_im_trip: Yes. First, if you have a drive larger than the drive you're trying to recover data from then *carefully* use dd or GNU ddrescue to make a full image of the drive. If you do not have a large enough drive, get one.04:01
Jordan_Uhi_im_trip: Most likely you will be able to fix this in a few minutes, but making the image first will take hours. This is still the right way to go.04:02
hi_im_tripfailure to communicate with kernel device mapper driver04:02
phionaBashing-om: Jordan_U: sudo apt -f install seems to be theres no problem. . im restarting now to see if it runs faster.04:04
Jordan_Uhi_im_trip: After making the backup image of the drive, you can use GParted or testdisk's partition recovery features. I've used testdisk many times and it works great but the UI is aweful and confusing (IMHO). I have no experience with GParted's recovery features, but I assume that the UI is better (see, less chance of making a stupid mistake).04:05
hi_im_tripit also says incompatible libdevmapper (unkwon version) and kernel driver (unknown version)04:05
hi_im_tripJordan_U, so no chance to use the live usb and gparted to recover?04:06
Jordan_Uhi_im_trip: Unfortunately I cannot help you more tonight. Good luck, and don't due anything hasty. *Slow down* and think carefully so that you don't take a recoverable situation and make it unrecoverable.04:06
hi_im_tripi do have another hd here, but apparently the only other usb port on here doesn't seem to work04:06
Jordan_Uhi_im_trip: There is a very high chance that GParted from the LiveUSB will be able to recover the partitions, but *DO NOT* try to do so without making a full drive image first.04:08
sadtacoOkay I'm having trouble installing these RT5370 wifi drivers.  I get "recipe for target '_module_/home/z/Downloads/DPO...' failed"04:08
Jordan_Uhi_im_trip: Slow down, do it right. Tell your friend that someone here said that the data is most likely recoverable but that you should be careful and so it may take some time to get it back in the most careful way.04:09
sadtacois starting with _module_ correct? That seems weird04:09
Jordan_Uhi_im_trip: Like maybe wait until tomorrow, when you're not as nervous. I understand that that might be a hard choice for you to make.04:10
Jordan_Uhi_im_trip: I need to leave now, sorry.04:10
hi_im_tripJordan_U, thanks so much for your help, can you kindly tell me the command to do the drive image, and will it work on the other hd if there is enough space but other files?04:11
psychoticwarriorwhats up04:14
hi_im_tripthe lvm2 pv file system shows up as 464.78GB in size and 464.78GB used and 0.00B unused in gparted04:15
sadtaco"You will never get this 2011-era driver to compile on the relatively new 3.16.0-xx kernel." pls no04:15
sadtacohttps://askubuntu.com/questions/568747/impossible-to-install-ralink-rt5370-driver-on-xubuntu-14-10 I get this same error but doesnt' look like there is a solution04:16
sadtacoThis was like the top rated usb wifi device on Amazon. I guess I should have looked into it better before buying :/04:17
psychoticwarriorwhats the problem with it04:17
phionaBashing-om:  Jordan_U: ok thanks. im running faster now.04:18
sadtacopsychoticwarrior, same problem in the link04:18
Bashing-omphiona: :)04:18
sadtacoDo you guys think if, on a windows laptop, I enable internet sharing, and connect its ethernet to this ubuntu computer whose wifi isn't working, that that would work? Guess I can try and see04:19
psychoticwarriorsadtaco try it out04:19
psychoticwarriorit may detect it04:19
sadtacoyes it worked yay.04:24
psychoticwarriorgood job sadtaco04:24
sadtacobut i can't apt-get update.  It gives some error about lock list04:24
sadtacoand I got some error booting about lvm04:25
psychoticwarriorcheck out /etc/apt/sources.list04:25
sadtacolet me see if I can get irc running on that PC..04:25
psychoticwarriorcheck out software manager04:25
psychoticwarriori think thats what its called04:25
Bashing-omsadtaco: wait a bit about the lock .. maybe "unattended-upgrades" is running .04:27
sadtaco-remote_Oh weird apt-get is working now04:38
zorbs0neare there any good programs for finding files in ubuntu.04:43
Bashing-omzorbs0ne: 'find' is the tool for that .04:44
zorbs0neBashing-om: I'm trying to find htacess.04:45
hi_im_triphow do i clone a drive with dd?04:45
sadtaco-remote_huh... now im pretty certain that ubuntu is somehow identifying this USB wifi wrong04:45
Bashing-omzorbs0ne: ' sudo find / -name htaccess ' .04:45
sadtaco-remote_the model number with the packing is different04:45
sadtaco-remote_so is the brand name04:46
rud0lfisn't htaccess supposed to start with a dot ?04:46
zorbs0nerud0lf: ah, missed the dot, thanks.04:47
zorbs0neBashing-om: thank you.04:47
AdenosineWhat are some good IRC client options for Ubuntu? I'm not super sold on xchat-gnome04:52
sadtaco-remote_https://www.amazon.com/Panda-Ultra-150Mbps-Wireless-Adapter/dp/B00762YNMG/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1497415902&sr=1-1&keywords=panda+usb+wifi I got this model.. should it really be saying it's Ralink RT5370?04:52
sadtaco-remote_ive always used xchat/hexchat04:52
rud0lfthere's terminal client, irssi04:53
rud0lfalso chatzilla addon for firefox04:54
Adenosinewhat's the deal with irssi? Why opt for a terminal?04:54
rud0lfi don't know how to answer that.. it's small, fast and sufficient04:56
rud0lfi use it since i have ubuntu installed04:57
Adenosineit's cool, feels kind of like vim but hard to navigate05:02
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
sadtaco-remote_apparently people with Ubuntu 13 don't have trouble with this device. But with 17.04 I am..05:11
sadtaco-remote_scripts/Makefile.build:294: recipe for target '/home/z/Downloads/DPO_RT5572_LinuxSTA_2.6.1.3_20121022/os/linux/../../common/cmm_data.o' failed05:12
sadtaco-remote_how can i check if it's the device that's not working... or if there is something wrong with my wifi settings?05:16
sadtaco-remote_With my android phone I can connect to the wifi fine. Just select the network, enter password, done, but..05:17
gurukr18Back after registering05:22
psychoticwarriorhow ya doing05:23
gurukr18Doing good thank you05:23
psychoticwarriorsounds good05:23
gurukr18It's been so long that i used irc thanks to official commitments that my nickname was junked :-)05:24
gurukr18Anyway , I'm trying to use pnfs on Ubuntu and tried mounting with the following option: -t nfs4 -o minorversion=105:25
gurukr18And i get error " operation not permitted "05:25
gurukr18Any ideas guys05:26
hateballgurukr18: Are you mounting using sudo?05:30
gurukr18I dialed in as root user itself05:30
gurukr18Proc/filesystem has nsf4 entry05:34
gurukr18And I'm also able to mount the fs as NFS 4 but when i user the minorversion switch i get the error05:35
gurukr18Should i specify in a different way05:35
sadtacoapparently my problem with wifi was a bug in 17.04 that randomizes MAC address by default...05:36
Maxim__hi, so what ftp client/way do you mrecommand? sftp? ftps? vsftpd? I want to grand access to specific users on specific folders, on apache2.06:36
YankDownUnderftp client, or ftp server...?06:41
YankDownUnderMaxim__, Ah. Right. I'm old fashioned. I stick with "old stuff"...mostly because it's mature and dependable with heaps of support.06:42
Maxim__YankDownUnder: old stuff means vsftpd?06:43
YankDownUnderMaxim__, Yeppers.06:43
Maxim__YankDownUnder: I don't quite understand how do I need to create virtual users and how to edit the user files to be:    user : chroot-folder ? the man pages don't really specify this06:45
Maxim__the chroot folder is NOT the user's home folder /home/user06:45
YankDownUnderMaxim__, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-vsftpd-for-a-user-s-directory-on-ubuntu-16-0406:50
Maxim__YankDownUnder: ok, but how can I do that user1 will have ftp access and jailroot on folder /var/www/html/website1 ? I can't set the permission on that folder to nobody , also the newly created user's root is /home/user/ and not /var/www....07:02
Maxim__maybe edit /etc/passwd07:04
sebsebsebThePortWhisperer: hi07:08
ThePortWhispererwhen i was installing ubuntu server it claimed "no default route" was found07:08
ThePortWhispererhow can i fix this07:08
Ben64give it network settings?07:09
ThePortWhispererit's also not getting the static IP it should from the DHCP server07:09
ThePortWhispererinstead of getting a addr it got
Ben64sounds like your network is not configured properly then07:12
ThePortWhispererBen64, i guess it's the config of the host only adapter07:13
ThePortWhispereri'll check07:13
vegombreihi i bought a gaming controller to play retro nes games, its usb controller lights up and stuff but doesnt work, i tested it with a windows machine and it worked there how can i fix this issue i have no clue what to do as im kinda noob at ubuntu07:13
* vegombrei Que-Passa ??07:14
cristian_cvegombrei: have ypu tried to configure it?07:15
vegombreicristian_c: how do i configure it? i looked in the system settings and theres no option for a controller07:15
cristian_c!info jstest-gui07:15
ubottuPackage jstest-gui does not exist in zesty07:15
cristian_c!info jstest-gtk07:16
ubottujstest-gtk (source: jstest-gtk): joystick testing and configuration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1~git20160825-2 (zesty), package size 133 kB, installed size 441 kB (Only available for linux-any)07:16
cristian_cvegombrei: ls /dev/js*07:18
vegombreils: cannot access '/dev/js*': No such file or directory07:18
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
cristian_cvegombrei: dpkg -l | grep joystick07:19
cristian_cvegombrei: is the controller connected to usb port?07:19
vegombreicristian_c: yes07:20
hateballvegombrei: if you unplug it, plug it back in, then run "dmesg" you should see what /dev it gets assigned07:20
vegombreicristian_c: yeah something happened a huge load of information and numbers07:21
vegombreihateball: what does this mean? shall i pastebin it to ya'll07:21
hateball!paste | vegombrei07:21
ubottuvegombrei: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:21
hateballvegombrei: installing jstest-gtk as cristian_c suggested should pick the device up automatically. but if it doesnt and you need to specify it's good to know what to pick, hence the dmesg thing07:22
vegombreihateball: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24855290/07:24
vegombreihateball: thanks, what are we looking at here thats a lot of numbers and its completely alien07:25
cristian_cthere is alsp a github project about to support dragonrise controllers07:27
hateballwell it looks like the kernel supports it just fine, just a matter of configuring it then07:28
MrokiiHello. Can I clone a bootable HD-Partition to a new HD and boot from that? Or do I have to do some adjustments?07:28
hateballvegombrei: did you install jstest-gtk ?07:28
vegombreicristian_c: whats github?07:28
vegombreihateball: nope, shall i sudo apt-get it?07:29
cristian_chateball: he can also test with sudo evtest, btw07:29
hateballvegombrei: sudo apt install joystick07:29
hateballcristian_c: yea, but that's not so new-user-friendly :)07:29
gulzarHi. I am behind proxy (with authentication). On a fresh installtion. I can use firefox after configuration. But if try to apt-get by export_proxy, it just keeps on trying to connect to .archive.ubuntu. .     .I need to use non proxy conection for this first(new install) apt-get update. After that I can do update,upgrade from proxy. How to get the apt-get work initailly? There is no synaptic. Can I use wget to download file, place them a07:29
hateballvegombrei: oh, and also "sudo apt install jstest-gtk"07:30
vegombreihateball: done ..07:30
vegombreihateball: shall i try and see if it works?07:30
GattymanHey there!07:31
cristian_cvegombrei: the application lets you to configure/calibrate the controller07:31
vegombreicristian_c: hmm ok .. so ill try run the retro nes thingy and be right back gimme a moment07:32
hateballvegombrei: you'll want to actually run jstest-gtk to see if the controller works, and possibly re-calibrate it07:34
MrokiiWhat's the best way to copy a bootable system from on HD to another. The last time I had to reinstall I just made backups of the important prefs and copied them back as needed. But I don't want to have to install all programs manually again and change all preferences by hand.07:40
cristian_cMrokii: from a live session?07:41
sebsebsebGattyman: hi07:41
cristian_cor the same running system?07:41
Mrokiichachasmooth: I have a live CD if needed. I can boot from that and copy the data. I realise that copying data from the HD I have booted with isn't the best idea.07:43
gulzarGot it working by editing visudo07:43
vegombreihateball: it worked, i mean i could calibrate it and stuff however when i start the nes emulator the screen goes blank but theres sound07:43
Mrokiicristian_c: I have a live CD if needed. I can boot from that and copy the data. I realise that copying data from the HD I have booted with isn't the best idea.07:45
Mrokiichachasmooth: Sorry, I chose the wrong nick. Wasn't meaning to send it to you.07:46
cristian_cvegombrei: you should read the nes emulator documentation07:53
vegombreicristian_c: lol I was just doing that07:54
vegombreicristian_c: i think i gotts install the emulators properly again im going thru a tutorial and following it step by step07:55
cristian_cMrokii: do you want just to clone a single partition?07:56
hateballMrokii: You can use something like Clonezilla if you want to make a full clone of a disk or the partitions07:56
Mrokiicristian_c: Yes, only one partition. Though I'm thinking about transferring the "home"-stuff to another partition, maybe later on, if that's possible afterwards.07:57
Mrokiihateball: I think I have a "Parted Magic" CD as well, so I could use that for clining, if that's a viable way.07:57
cristian_cJohnP answer07:57
Mrokiicristian_c: Thanks, I'll take a look.07:58
vegombreicristian_c: dude theres like a ton of stuff i had not installed im doing it right now07:59
hateballMrokii: iirc parted magic has clonezilla on it08:02
Mrokiihateball: Ah, okay. I haven't used it for a long time.08:02
hateballMrokii: clonezilla is just a nice frontend for partimage/partclone08:03
Mrokiihateball: Okay.08:04
hateballMrokii: otherwise you can just rsync to your backup location as well, but you'd need to reinstall grub into MBR when restoring if so08:07
Mrokiihateball: Okay, thanks. I'll have to investigate that.08:09
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:10
hateball!cloning | this is more like it08:10
ubottuthis is more like it: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate08:10
hateball... or not.08:10
Mrokiihateball: Thanks, I guess I'll find a good solution among these. :)08:22
hateballMrokii: yea it's all dependent on your usecase08:23
hateballfor a simple full system restore clonezilla is nice. but if you want to do individual files etc, then maybe rsync instead. and so on08:23
MrokiiI'm more going for a full system restore, but I'll investigate the options further and see what fits best. Thanks again for all the suggestions, hateball and cristian_c.08:26
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hundfredubuntu the linux for human beeings: it seems to be to hard for some human beeings, to type 'fsck -y /dev/sda1', even if it is printed on the boot screen :/09:07
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ikoniayou shouldn't type that09:12
ikoniacertainly not type it blindly09:12
Aliekezhihi, This is very strange : when I check with network-manager, I can see 2 times the same SSID : one secured and another one unsecured. When I check with iwlist scan, I see this SSID only as secured...How would you explain this difference ? Could that be a bug in network manager ?09:32
user218hello. when I scale any window more than 3 workspaces it freeze redrawing. Is any solution to fix this?09:32
hundfred ikonia what should you do instead?09:51
ikoniahundfred: in what respect ?09:51
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sadtacoIs there seriously no way to undervolt Nvidia cards on Linux?10:38
SCHAPiEmy Chrome and Chromium10:38
SCHAPiEdoesn't display any spaces, for some odd reason10:39
SCHAPiEand numbers look very weird10:39
hateballSCHAPiE: regardless of website?10:46
BluesKajHi folks11:02
kbobhello BluesKaj11:06
user218is anyway to fix this error when I try to make my window really big: "This window tried to create an absurdly large window  "11:07
BluesKajhi kbob11:07
qswzwoa I had a filename with an ending space, didn't know it was allowed11:17
qswztrailing space char11:17
qswznot mine, but downloaded from some email11:17
qswzI thought those would be trimmed automatically11:18
ppfwhy would they?11:20
qswzit's evil11:22
ppfit's just a filename?11:23
qswzhmm no a folder name11:24
ppfsame difference11:24
qswz'Dummy iOS Components '11:24
gulzarI am using ubuntu-touch emulator and it freezes if not used for a minute. Any way to prevent this?11:29
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch11:29
gulzarhateball: thank you11:30
trying3301I did a "sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x-x-generic" for the newest kernel because I was unable to autoremove it. Now when I try apt-get upgrade it doesn't install this newest kernel11:36
trying3301I guess I've blocked it. How can I unblock it?11:36
gulzartrying3301: apt-get dist-upgrade11:38
trying3301gulzar I did "apt-get dist-upgrade" and it ends like this:"Calculating upgrade... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."11:39
gulzartrying3301:  if uyou did this afte 'update' , 'upgrade' then you have latest11:39
gulzartrying3301: if you want bleeding edge, then wiki provides the steps11:40
trying3301gulzar when I was performing a routine update+upgrade I got errors and I had to remove the "4.4.0-80-generic" manually. It's not about bleeding edge. Thanks anyway11:41
apsknightHello Guys, I need little help in installing LAMP stack in my ubuntu.11:42
MrokiiHello again. I'm in the process of setting up my new hard disk (SSD) and have a question about the linux-swap-partition. On my old system-HD, "linuxxswap" is within another partition of type "extended". I wonder if this structure is necessary, as it seems that I can create the swap-partition without using some kind of extended-partition.11:44
gulzarMrokii: better not to use 'swap' parttion on SSD11:45
Mrokiigulzar: I've heard about that but I guess I do need some kind of swap-partition, don't I?11:45
gulzarMrokii: how much is your RAM?11:46
Mrokii8 GB11:46
trying3301I solved my issue with this:" sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.4.0-80-generic" and rebooting now.11:46
gulzarMrokii: and you ever felt that 8GB is less for your work?11:46
gulzarMrokii: then No. Swap is if 'suspend to disk'/ hibernate . And if heavy RAM usage like data analysis or using Chrome( :P) . Else swap is not needed11:47
Mrokiigulzar: I'm not sure. On my current HD I do have a swap-partition but I don't know if it ever gets used during regular usage.11:47
gulzarMrokii: I don't have swap with 8GB ram11:48
gulzarMrokii: regarding partiton schema. Please open, 'gnome-disk-utility' aka 'disks' and see the line 'Partitioning' after selecting your HDD/SDD11:49
gulzarif that line is GUID then you can have as many primary as you like (practically). IF Master Boot Record then you may need one extended , depending on how many paritions you  need11:50
Mrokiigulzar: I'm using Kubuntu / KDE Partition Manager at the moment, so the gnome utility isn't installed.11:50
gulzarMrokii: either, np11:50
gulzarMrokii: only the info is important11:50
gulzaris it 'MBR' or 'GUID/GPT/EFI'11:50
gulzaror type in terminal    'sudo fdisk -l'11:51
Mrokiigulzar: I'm looking for the info in kde partition manager11:52
MrokiiOh, okay, I'll try bash.11:52
MiaHello channel -- I would like to install ubuntu on my current Windows 10 machine. I've did a few installations using the "install alongside windows 10" option in the past so I believe I know how to install but here is the thing I need: I want windows 10 to be the default OS on this machine and I do not want to see the OS selection page, however I still would like a way to switch to ubuntu (by restart) on this machine somehow... How sho11:52
gulzarMia: yes possible, for that need to setup a key shortcut to show GRUB, else hide it all time. In Grub set windows as default11:53
Miagulzar: oh I see11:53
Miathat would be perfect! where can I find more information about this11:53
Mrokiigulzar: Wait, I remember that I used GPT when I created the partition scheme.11:54
MrokiiIf I remember correctly11:54
zeekhugewas wondering, why do all the package repos in apt use http and not https ?11:55
Mrokiigulzar: Yep, it's gpt, have just checked with fdisk11:55
gulzarMrokii: if GPT then no need of extended. Create as many partitions as you like as 'primary'11:55
Mrokiigulzar: Thanks.11:55
zeekhugeand they actually are http, not the case that they are getting redirected.11:55
gulzarMrokii: and no swap. If swap needed, then you can use 'swap file'11:56
a1exaswhile attempting to fsck the drive with suspected errors i have  a notice that filesys is mounted and am i really sure, and if i  unmount i got the message Permission denied while trying to  open /dev/sda511:56
a1exasplease help solve this problem11:57
gulzarMia: https://askubuntu.com/questions/785757/how-to-hide-grub-unless-key-is-pressed    , can do similar searches online11:58
gulzara1exas: if running any disk check utility better is to use a live disk to avoid any problem11:58
gulzara1exas: your question is unclear11:59
Miathank you gulzar for all the gelp11:59
gulzarMia: anytime, enjoy linux11:59
a1exasgulzar: i have been trying to run it from live USB and got the same errors12:00
a1exasgulzar: so I will try to rephrase it for you12:00
muteboyHi, I have problems with sound on my Ubuntu/Gnome. Getting sound from videos, music, games, YouTube, but there is no sound/volume indicator in the system tray. Sound section of system settings shows no output or input devices.12:00
Mrokiigulzar: Okay, thanks. I'll go without a swap partition for now and see how it goes.12:00
a1exasgulzar: i need to check a filesystem of a linux disk and if i try it say that it is mounted or if i umnount it if say i don't have permission12:00
a1exasgulzar: doest my answer make it more clear for you now?12:01
gulzara1exas: from live, don't open any partition. Just boot to live and do the checking, don't open file manager12:01
digdeephi, i tried to install ubuntu 17.07 on dell xps 15 9560. I made a bootable use drive, it is able to boot, but there is no GUI at all, black screen.12:01
gulzara1exas: you may 'sudo umount' and not just umount12:01
a1exasgulzar: how is that? do you have any step by step instructions in mind?12:01
digdeepmore detail here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/924610/how-to-install-ubuntu-16-04-on-xps-15-956012:01
gulzara1exas: which tool to fsck?12:02
a1exasguzlar: well this disc is not where system is installed, is this still a necessity to boot from live usb or not?12:02
gulzara1exas: then no12:02
a1exasgulzar: i don't understand sorry, what is a 'tool to fsck' ? what do you mean by that12:03
gulzara1exas: you can check from running system12:03
a1exasgulzar: ok so i first do sudo unmount /dev/sda5 or whatever else id this drive has right?12:03
gulzara1exas: which command are you using for fsck?12:04
gulzara1exas: yes if not in use, then umount it12:04
a1exasgulzar: my limited experience tells me to use fsck -A or whatever12:04
gulzara1exas: Ah ok12:04
a1exasgulzar: general file errors check12:04
a1exasgulzar: i have a damaged files stored there i suspect it can solve it perhaps12:05
a1exassudo: unmount: command not found12:05
Mrokiia1exas: yes, it's "umount".12:06
gulzara1exas: done?12:06
a1exas0x41: Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt.12:07
a1exas1) Remove dirty bit12:07
a1exas2) No action12:07
a1exaswhat is better? i believe 1 but i have no knowledge12:07
gulzara1exas: now this depends on you, I can't tell anything. In my case I had .trash from Mac so I removed it. I have no idea bout your data12:07
a1exasgulzar: i have an acronis .tib archive stored there which became 'corrupted'12:08
gulzara1exas: which partition is that? ext4/ntfs/fat ?12:08
a1exasext4 but it was ntfs12:08
a1exasubuntu installer converted it12:08
a1exasthan i got an issue with freezing12:08
a1exasso i have a lot of hard reboots in between12:09
gulzara1exas: how you installed it? whcih option selected? 'alongside windows' ?12:09
a1exasgulzar: i don't remember it clearly now but i remember i split it to two or something, however on that drive it was installed on was some data stored (mainly that archive) which is still there but I have probs because software think it is corrupted)12:10
a1exasany idea which operators I should use for fsck in that case?12:11
a1exasthat is what it gives me now, but I believe it wasn't done it's job so to speak12:11
a1exas/dev/sda5: 41087 files, 19896285/32413000 clusters12:11
gulzara1exas: these things are difficult to help on chat. For now remember, before isntaling, format the partition always.  make backup and select 112:11
a1exasok thank you I will try again to see if that what i didi just now was helpful in any way12:12
a1exasthanks again12:12
gulzara1exas: playing with data can be dangerous, I should have went with '1'12:12
a1exasgulzar: oh i am sorry it says filesystem type: msdos12:19
a1exasin the properties dialogue12:19
a1exascan I convert it to ext4 without loosing data on it?12:19
k_szeDoes anybody know if hybrid graphics is possible on a *desktop*? Let's say I have a mini tower and I have a Skylake Core i7 CPU and a NVIDIA GTX1080 card.12:23
gulzara1exas: no12:24
gulzara1exas: take backup and then format12:24
gulzara1exas: for msdos, go to MSWin and do chekcing there12:25
a1exasi am not sure my windows can see it even!12:26
gulzara1exas: why not? if its msdos, then windows can see it12:26
hateballk_sze: Not in the same X session, no12:26
a1exaslast time i checked it wasn't12:26
a1exasand also my linux live usb acronis thing also can't see it12:26
gulzara1exas: live disks may need special package to mount them12:27
gulzara1exas: please show your partitions, take screenshot12:28
a1exasi don't want even load to windows to check, haha12:33
gulzar_a1exas: lazzy12:33
anchnkhello, is it possible to have a title bar on the rxvt window within i3 ? I am not sure it's a setting related to the wm or to the program itself ?12:41
muteboyHi, I have problems with sound on my Ubuntu/Gnome. Getting sound from videos, music, games, YouTube, but there is no sound/volume indicator in the system tray. Sound section of system settings shows no output or input devices.12:46
muteboyI've searched Ubuntu Forums, tried various things. It's not the dummy thing.12:47
gulzar_muteboy: you can try installing indicator12:57
oaulakhwhy my windows partition not opening? http://i64.tinypic.com/33ud93l.png13:00
oaulakhanyone http://i64.tinypic.com/33ud93l.png13:00
chris_99Hi, i'm just wondering if anyone has had issues with firewire and old camcorders, i just added a pcie card '06:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6306/7/8 [Fire II(M)] IEEE 1394 OHCI Controller (rev c0)' but i can't for the life of me seem to get the camcorder to enumerate (it's a dcr-trv340 hi-8 camcorder), i can see /dev/fw0 and /dev/fw113:03
chris_99but both 'cat /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw1/model_name' and fw0 just return Juju13:04
Mrokiigulzar_: Do you happen to know how I can install grub2 on one of the partitions I created on the new disk? I've seen something like "grub-install /dev/[harddisk]" and "grub-mkconfig -o /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg" (with the path probably needing to be changed to the "mnt"-folder on the new hard-disk...)13:42
akkonradI have again this issue: after update my ram is not fully used, I have 16 GB but only 4GB now are used (and I have few apps running now, including java IDE and Chrome browser). usually it should take around 12 GB .my browser is slow, IDE is slow - what could that be?13:46
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* qswz has 4G and is fine13:48
qswzyour cpu or disk could be slow too13:49
kristhianwho here uses noVNC?13:55
sadtaco-remoteIs there a way to downgrade from 17.04 to 16.04?  I'm having issues but invested so much that I don't want to just reinstall fresh13:59
Jack_Sparrow__What issues14:00
dewwsadtaco-remote: i've never tried it myself, but from the way you wrote that, i suspect you didn't backup before upgrading. Again, I never tried this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto14:00
sadtaco-remotei need to build something ethereum related and it's made for 15.10-16.04.  libcryptopp-dev is replaced with libcrypto++-dev, for example14:01
sadtaco-remotedeww, never upgraded. Fresh install14:01
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: run it in a container running 16.0414:02
Jack_Sparrow__I always install fresh, but I have /home on a spare partition14:02
PipeItToDevNullI would agree with leftyfb , just use a VM14:04
leftyfbnot a VM14:04
leftyfba container14:04
sadtaco-remotehttps://pastebin.mozilla.org/9024595 here is the conflict I'm getting14:06
sadtaco-remoteThis was after installing a .deb of libcryptopp-dev14:06
Ran__Hi there, I'm trying to instal ubuntu server 16.04.2 LTS and for some reason after the installation is done it boots to GRUB command shell.14:07
Ran__Any ideas on how can I get it to auto-boot the OS?14:07
a1exassorry, probably this is very comon issue but maybe someone can point me to the most relevant instruction today of how to set up a distance communication between two ubuntu machines14:08
a1exasI am interested in graphical GUI access to them as my knowledge of a terminal is still very limited14:08
a1exasI am also want it to be secure enough, and oh yes both machines have an dinamic public ip addresses14:08
leftyfba1exas: teamviewer.com14:10
a1exasleftyfb: oh and I don't want to use any external software for that, I want to minimize any proxy between the two machine, or other adversaries14:11
leftyfba1exas: VNC + poking holes in firewalls14:11
hateballVNC by itself isnt secure, tunnel it over SSH14:11
leftyfba1exas: or VNC + ssh/VPN tunnels14:12
a1exasleftyfb: fell this is a broad recommendation, can you took me down to any specific example of how I should set it up?14:12
leftyfba1exas: but you did say no "terminal". But that severely limits your functionality/security beyond a 3rd party tool that does it all for you14:12
Southern_Gentlemvnc over ssh14:13
leftyfba1exas: remmina vnc client allows you to specify SSH credentials to tunnel over ssh14:13
leftyfba1exas: you'll need to poke a hole in your firewall at the remote location to allow for ssh14:14
leftyfba1exas: I would suggest using an SSH key and not password authentication14:14
dungaalexas: vnc + vinagre14:14
leftyfbI would also suggest installing fail2ban on the machine running ssh to the outside world14:14
a1exasdunga: is this all (i know vnc included already somehow) is accessible though software centre?14:15
a1exasleftyfb: what for?14:15
dungaalexas: vinagre must be in software centre too14:15
leftyfba1exas: security. Limit the amount of constant attacks14:15
a1exasleftyfb: allright, but let me get there first to make the two work together, please14:15
leftyfbdunga: remmina is installed by default and does VNC over ssh. No need to install vinagre14:16
a1exasso where should I start exactly?14:16
leftyfba1exas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring14:17
dungaleftyfb: looks like alexas is sorted. Port forward on the router. Install Fail2ban for security and Bob is your uncle14:17
leftyfba1exas: actually, this looks better: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openssh-server.html14:17
sadtaco-remotehttps://pastebin.mozilla.org/9024595 can someone help me with this? I'm trying to install some packages for build dependencies made for 16.04 but I'm on 17.04.  If I install one, it conflicts with the other.14:18
akkonradqswz, I don't think that it's CPU - it's not showing any weird usage, only when I'm doing something. And when  I only start all my apps (IDE, Chrome and some more) it should already be ~ 12 GB and it's 3 times less instead.14:19
dungasadtaco-remote: sudo apt update && sudo apt install -fy14:19
leftyfbdunga: that could potentially be dangerous14:20
leftyfbthe -y part14:20
sadtaco-remoteI tried that one already. Same error14:20
sadtaco-remotewithout the -y but yeah14:20
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: post the error to pastebin14:20
sadtaco-remoteI did?  Is there something else I should post?14:20
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: also, if it's a matter of trying to build against a package that has been replaced, again I suggest to do this in a container14:21
sadtaco-remoteThat's the error I get trying to install the requirements pre-build.14:21
sadtaco-remotedo you mean.. build a binary in a container then copy it to 17.04?14:21
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: sure. Try it14:21
sadtaco-remoteand yes libcryptopp-dev was replaced with libcrypto++-dev14:22
sadtaco-remoteleftyfb, I've never done that and it sounds very involved.14:22
dungaleftyfb: you are right. I usually do these things after a good backup.  Some error messages do not make much sense to me anyway so I do the y part14:22
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: sudo apt-get install lxc ; sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n somename -- -r xenial14:23
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: then sudo lxc-start -n somename14:23
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: sudo lxc-ls --fancy # will list the container, it's status and ip address14:24
sadtaco-remotejust "ubuntu"? Not a specific version?14:24
sadtaco-remote'Because I think it needs to be done in 16.04 or earlier14:24
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: notice the -r for release14:24
dungaleftyfb: lxc container. I never used that one. When you mentioned container I thought that would be a docker container. Something for me to read about tonight14:26
leftyfbdunga: docker is based on lxc14:26
leftyfbwell, it used to be14:26
leftyfbthink it's taken on it's own life since then14:27
dungaJust started docker recently. I reading said they moved away and are now using libcontainer14:27
dungaYou learn something new everyday14:27
sadtaco-remoteand how would i transfer from the container to outside of it?14:27
lifeboyU 17.04: Scan for a new bluetooth device doesn't show the device (a headset).  I see "org.blueman.Mechanism[902]: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused" in syslog. How can I fix this please?14:28
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: scp ... or technically the filesystem is mounted on your system in /var/lib/lxc I think14:28
sadtaco-remotemkay. So not an image then14:28
lifeboyI have install both bluez-manager and the default bluetooth applet.  Not even bluetoothctl finds the device. All other devices (mobile phones, other laptops find and pair straight away)14:29
sadtaco-remotehttps://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ is there a way to search in here? I need to see what version of cuda it has14:29
leftyfbsadtaco-remote: search for what?14:30
sadtaco-remoteA way to search for packages, so I can select the package and hopefully see the version14:30
sadtaco-remotesearch on the web rather than apt-cache search14:30
hateballsadtaco-remote: https://packages.ubuntu.com/ and pick release14:30
sadtaco-remoteand get package details for a given distro repo14:30
hateballsearch away14:30
lifeboyHere's /var/log/syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24856992/14:31
KeyJooHi, how to configure Python's module tkinter in Ubuntu?14:33
lifeboyWhen I restart the service a few times, sometimes the device shows up14:37
lifeboyWhen it does show up, I can't pair with it however.14:37
lifeboyThen the error is "Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed"14:37
lifeboyupdated messages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857038/14:41
MrokiiHello. If I create a new boot-HD-partition manually, how do I set up/install grub on it? Do I need a "bios boot partition" to install grub to, as one tutorial I found says?14:48
cage_raphelhi there.. i am a newbie to ubuntu.. need some help running updates here. when i run sudp aot-get update i get the following error in the terminal  W: Target Packages (partner/binary-amd64/Packages) is configured multiple times in /etc/apt/sources.list:48 and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xenial-partner.list:414:51
cage_raphelpls help!!14:51
pk64_mobileI used to package mpv and used libavcodec-ffmpeg-dev, I see that is a transitional package? What do I use in it's place?14:54
pk64_mobileI have libavcodec-ffmpeg56 built and libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra5614:55
lifeboyAnybody that can help with a bluetooth connection error when attempting to pair? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857104/14:56
pk64_mobileah ok https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/amd64/libavcodec-ffmpeg-dev/7:2.5.4-1, depends on teh 56 version14:57
en1gmadoes the 16.04 LTS release update to 16.04.1 and 16.04.2 when 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'?14:59
en1gmai mean when 16.04 LTS and 16.04.2 LTS both perform update and upgrade are they basically identical14:59
Frickelpiten1gma: yes15:08
Frickelpiten1gma: only difference so far, when you fresh install 16.04.2, is the Kernel. .2 uses the HWE-Kernel default afaik15:10
ace_mehi all! I try to install bower on a 12.04 ubuntu and I get a Not a package /tmp/npm-1497452110287/1497452110287-0.11392073426395655/tmp.tgz Err when I am running sudo npm install -g bower,15:21
naccace_me: 12.04 is eol15:24
ace_medo i have chances to upgrade it ? it weill work ? I have some web sites there15:26
nacc!eolupgrade | ace_me15:26
ubottuace_me: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:26
naccace_me: if you have web sites on it, you should definitely be more aware of when security issues stop being supported ...15:27
ace_meis a vps nacc15:28
ace_meupgrade should work from there too I suppose15:28
SuperSeriousCatRemember to do a snapshot pre update15:29
naccace_me: yeah, it should work fine15:29
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sadtaco-remoteleftyfb, well I need to install Nvidia drivers as part of the dependencies to build this package.. and it seems there's a known problem in LXC with that15:44
sadtaco-remoteactually may have found a workaround15:44
fadavihello there. there's some problems in status of wpa_supplicant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857385/ anyone can help? any same issue?15:53
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sadtaco-remoteHm.. I tried that trick to trick Nvidia driver into thinking there is a monitor for each GPU, because it only allows overclock in its utility for GPUs that are attached to a monitor, by editing xorg.conf. But it didn't seem to work. Did that "exploit" get fixed in newer drivers? ;/16:19
fadavihello there. there's some problems in status of wpa_supplicant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857385/ anyone can help? any same issue?16:22
stephanlapHello guys. rsync is driving me mad. I'm trying to exclude a diretory named "/mnt/old/home", but it just doesn't work. this is what I use: 'sudo rsync --quiet --stats --progress --numeric-ids -a --exclude="/mnt/old/home/" /mnt/old/ /mnt/new.16:27
stephanlapAny thoughts why this doesn't work as expected?16:27
jjesadtaco-remote: sudo nvidia-xconfig --enable-all-gpus --cool-bits=2816:30
Jordan_Ustephanlap: '/' in this case signifies the "root of transfer", not the root filesystem. So I believe that the pattern "/mnt/old/home/" would match a file at the absolute path "/mnt/old/mnt/old/home/" for that particular command.16:33
Jordan_Ustephanlap: See the "INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES" section of the rsync man page.16:34
leftyfbstephanlap: --exclude=home16:34
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sadtaco-remotehm I'm trying to find that binary I made in the lxc container.  In /var/lib/lxcfs/ I see a number of things but not the disk16:40
stephanlapJordan_U, leftyfb: Many thanks! I think this was the problem. I would have never guessed that.16:42
hardradaFresh ubuntu installation seems slow. why ?16:44
zuiss1hardrada: check free memory and cpu16:48
Jordan_Ustephanlap: You're welcome.16:52
lifeboyI can't get Bluetooth to work on Zesty (17.04) on an Asus Vivobook.  Here are my logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857038/16:53
lifeboyI get Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed16:54
sadtaco_I installed 17.04 and it seems very sluggish. On an r5 1500X and 1070. But meh oh well.16:54
hardradaI just installed ubuntu, but opening programs / folders etc seems to go slow. Why is that?. I got more than good enough pc for it.16:55
lifeboyI've searched high and low, but can't find much on why this is not working.16:55
sadtaco_ah i fiigured it out.. i needed to list the dr as sudo in /var/lib/lxc16:58
sadtaco_hardrada, tbh I think its underlaying desktop environment is slow. That's all I can figure. Or something is wrong with 1717:02
lifeboysadtaco, what hardware are you running on.  I run on an i3 Quad core and it purrs like a kitten.17:05
lifeboyno speed problems whatsoever17:06
lifeboyAh, I see, you did say an  R5 1500X17:07
hardradaYeah i never had issues with speed on other ubuntu versions. Only this one. strange. Ill be back later. got to check some things out.17:08
energizerHow can I fix this apt problem? https://dpaste.de/4fUt/raw17:17
naccenergizer: what version of ubuntu?17:18
energizernacc: 16.1017:18
sadtaco_Anyway I tried building that genoil miner in a 16.04 lxc container.  The build worked perfectly fine, but then when I try to copy the dependency to my 17.04 host system and run it I get "./ethminer: error while loading shared libraries: libethcore.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"17:18
naccenergizer: because presumably you are either using a PPA or mixing releases?17:18
sadtaco_I tried copying the whole build folder that has that file and such a directory down from it, but still no. I guess it's missing from PATH or something?17:18
naccenergizer: there is no postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.3 before 17.0417:18
energizernacc: yeah there's a ppa17:19
naccenergizer: PPAs are supported by ppa owners, not here17:19
sadtaco_If "make -j8" on the container system had added something to PATH, wouldn't that have been returned from the make process?17:19
naccsadtaco_: 'copy the dependency'?17:19
sadtaco_libethcore.so is at "cpp-ethereum/build/libethcore/libethcore.so".  While the make target is "cpp-ethereum/build/ethminer"17:20
sadtaco_the shared library, not dependency17:20
naccsadtaco_: i have no idea what you're trying to do, but it seems wrong17:21
sadtaco_I could not build it on 17.04...17:21
sadtaco_others suggested I build it in a 16.04 container and try copying the binary17:21
naccsadtaco_: ok, but it's clearly a dynamic (not static) binary17:21
naccsadtaco_: so copying it is not sufficient -- you still need to install its dependencies17:21
sadtaco_well I can't in 17.04 because its dependencies got replaced...17:21
naccsadtaco_: then you can't run it in 17.0417:22
naccsadtaco_: run it *in* the container. or build it statically17:22
sadtaco_container can't access the GPUs..17:25
energizernacc: ok now on 16.04 https://dpaste.de/WUXc/raw17:31
sadtaco_So like.. "make SHARED=0 CC='gcc -static'"?  Eh it says it built some things that "find" doesn't find. and same error after copying the ethminer binary17:31
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naccenergizer: you are installing by glob? (postgresql-9.5-postgis-*)17:35
naccsadtaco_: you would need to ask the upstream community if they support static builds and how17:36
naccenergizer: still using a ppa?17:36
naccenergizer: it doens't matter where you use the ppa, the ppa is not supported here, but by the ppa owner17:36
energizernacc: no ppa17:37
naccenergizer: e.g., there is no postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.3-scripts in ubuntu17:37
ronitmiesterdo empathy works for facebook17:37
energizernacc: ok can you help me install postgis of any kind without a ppa on either ubuntu version17:38
naccenergizer: sudo apt install postgis?17:39
naccenergizer: dunno, never used it17:39
energizernacc:  postgis : Depends: libgdal1i (>= 1.9.0) but it is not installable ......17:39
energizercan anybody help me install postgis? i get the above error17:52
tewardenergizer: when you do `sudo apt-get install -f` does it resolve the dependencies at all?17:53
energizerteward: no17:53
tewardif not, then what happens when you do `sudo apt-get install libgdal1i` ?17:53
energizerteward: E: Package 'libgdal1i' has no installation candidate17:54
tewardenergizer: what OS?  16.04?  17.04?17:55
energizerteward: 16.1017:55
muteboyHi, I have problems with sound on my Ubuntu/Gnome. Getting sound from videos, music, games, YouTube, but there is no sound/volume indicator in the system tray. Sound section of system settings shows no output or input devices.17:57
muteboyindicator-sound is already the newest version (12.10.2+16.04.20160406-0ubuntu1).17:57
tewardenergizer: the core problem is postgis wherever you're installing it from depends on the *older* version of the gdal libraries, and doesn't have an update.  I don't see an updated version of the packaging either, are you installing postgis by removing the PPAs in question, and then just doing `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install postgis`17:59
xanguamuteboy: gnome shell/desktop does not use indicators, you have to click on the top right icon to show the volume icon17:59
tewardand if that *still* doesn't work, you're out of luck and need to talk to the PostGIS people.17:59
muteboyxangua: when I do that, there is a volume slider, but no icon next to it. Moving the slider has no effect on the volume of sound.18:01
EleanorEllisMy root partition ran out of space while installing software. I have increased the size of the root partition but now x won't start so the system boots into emergency mode. I have tried booting in recovery mode to run dpkg but dpkg cannot find resolve any repositories. I have tried enabling networking in the recovery menu but this doesn't make any difference.18:10
EleanorEllisApologies for posting twice but my post didn't appear in my irc client last time. My root partition ran out of space while installing software. I then increased the size of the root partition but now the system won't start the GUI. I have tried booting into recovery mode and running dpkg to fix broken packages but it can't resolve the addresses of the repositories. I have tried enabling networking in the recovery menu but this makes no di18:13
naccenergizer: sorry, was afk -- let me try and reproduce18:16
naccenergizer: in 16.10, postgis does not depend on libgdal1i, as it doesn't exist in 16.10. Again, are you using a PPA or some other resource (note, just not installing the package from the PPA won't be sufficient. you have to purge the PPA from the repository list)18:18
naccenergizer: in 16.10, postgis depends on libgdal2018:18
BluesKajEleanorEllis, you may need to reset the / and /home partitions' mountpoints , but I'm not sure which partitioner gives those options except the ubuntu installer manual partitioning phase18:20
energizernacc: "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | grep post" gives nothing.18:21
naccenergizer: apt policy postgis in a pastebin, please18:21
Jordan_Uenergizer: Did you previously have a ppa installed? Did you purge it with ppa-purge? Just removing its entry is *not* enough as any packages you installed from that ppa will stay installed, unless you uyse ppa-purge.18:24
naccJordan_U: +118:24
naccenergizer: fwiw, i spun up a clean 16.10 env and postgis is installing fine18:25
energizernacc: i just ppa-purged and may have it working, will soon see18:25
rajivmarshow do i download ‪different themes for ubuntu 16.04?18:26
lotuspsychje!themes | rajivmars18:27
ubotturajivmars: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:27
rajivmarsubottu, are these themes work with unity?18:28
ubotturajivmars: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:28
oerheksrajivmars, open synaptic, and search for *theme*, tons of them18:28
oerheksand unity-tweak-tool can be a help too18:28
EleanorEllisSorry for posting multiple times. Earlier my chat client was not working properly. My root partition ran out of space while installing software from apt. I have enlarged the partition but now the GUI will not start and the system boots in emergency mode. I have tried booting in recovery mode and running dpkg to fix broken packages but it doesn't resolve the addresses of any repositories. I tried enabling networking in the recovery menu bu18:30
lotuspsychjeEleanorEllis: what ubuntu version are you on?18:31
EleanorEllislotuspsychje: 16-0418:31
naccEleanorEllis: how did you 'enlarge' the root partition? what tool?18:32
eelstrebori disabled the openvpn server on my pc but it still enables the server on a reboot - what i did: mv /etc/init.d/openvpn /etc/init.d/openvpn.disabled18:32
lotuspsychjeEleanorEllis: with an ubuntu usb installer you could re-install and preserve your /home?18:32
nacceelstrebor: what version of ubuntu?18:32
nacceelstrebor: moving that init.d file likely doesn't do anything18:32
nacceelstrebor: systemctl disable openvpn18:32
lyciathelycanrochello, i was wondering if anyone could help with gamepad problems?... if it isn't too much trouble18:32
nacceelstrebor: *with sudo perhaps18:32
Epx998Is there a guild on netbooting against the full server iso? so we get all the drivers.18:32
lotuspsychje!ask | lyciathelycanroc18:32
ubottulyciathelycanroc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:32
eelstrebornacc, i'll giove that a try18:33
EleanorEllislotuspsychje: My ubuntu will not write to USB. That is one of the problems I am also trying to fix18:33
energizernacc: yeah i think its ok now, thanks for the helping hand18:33
lifeboyI can't get Bluetooth to work on Zesty (17.04) on an Asus Vivobook.  Here are my logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24857038/  I get Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed18:33
EleanorEllislotuspsychje: If I reinstall, won't I lose all my packages?18:33
lotuspsychjeEleanorEllis: how did you install in the first place then?18:33
EleanorEllislotuspsychje: From a LiveCD18:34
lyciathelycanrocbasically xpad driver seems to read my controller but somewhere it changes to a generic one and doesn't work18:34
Jordan_UEleanorEllis: How did you enlarge the root partition?18:34
lotuspsychjeEleanorEllis: depends wich option you choose at setup, you can choose install next to ubuntu, to save your /home18:34
lotuspsychjeEpx998: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might know that one18:35
EleanorEllisJordan_U: I enlarged the root partition with gparted by removing a partition I no longer needed, then resizing the extended partition and the system partition.18:35
Epx998ah yes ubuntu-server18:36
EleanorEllisJordan_U: Of course I did that while running from a LiveCD18:36
EleanorEllisJordan_U: Does how I enlarged the partition make much of a difference?18:39
BluesKajmaybe auto remove and autoclean pperiodically could have helped keep your / partition to a minimum size18:43
Jordan_UEleanorEllis: Yes, or else I wouldn't have asked. Many people try to change just the partition table without then resizing the filesystem for example.18:44
EleanorEllisBluesKaj: I have been doing that. The reason it grew so big was that I installed a lot of video editing software at once to try different packages. Yes carelessness, I know. However, that doesn't help me fix the problem.18:45
Jordan_UEleanorEllis: What partition did you remove? Was that partition listed in your /etc/fstab ?18:45
EleanorEllisJordan_U: It was a swap partition. I will just go into fstab now and make sure it has been removed. There is another unrelated partition I need to remove anyway18:46
Jordan_UEleanorEllis: Failing to mount volumes listed in /etc/fstab will cause you to drop to an emergency shell, so hopefully removing any entries for volumes that no longer exist will allow you to boot normally again.18:47
BluesKajEleanorEllis,  think Jordan_U just id'd your problem, missing entries in fstab can really muck up your boot18:47
eelstrebornacc, that worked and now i have to find out why the box isn't auto connecting to the router anymore - i think i ran into this issue some time ago so now i have to find out how i fixed it18:51
lyciathelycanrocbasically xpad driver seems to read my controller but somewhere it changes to a generic one and doesn't work, starts calling my afterglow prismatic xbox one a 'logic3', any idea how to get it working?18:52
EleanorEllisJordan_U: BluesKaj: I do't think the missing partition was the problem as the currently running ubuntu also has the missing swap partition in fstab and it booted fine. I think the problem is more likely to be broken packages because apt-get couldn't finish properly18:54
EleanorEllisBut for good practice, I have corrected fstab anyway18:54
EleanorEllisBy the way, does noatime make a difference for the swap partition?18:55
akikEleanorEllis: no18:56
eelstreborhmm, lsusb says my yubikey is inserted but the personalization tool can't see it19:03
lyciathelycanrocbasically xpad driver seems to read my controller but somewhere it changes to a generic one and doesn't work, starts calling my afterglow prismatic xbox one a 'logic3', any idea how to get it working?19:20
ppflyciathelycanroc: no idea, but have you tried xboxdrv yet?19:22
ppfxpad never worked well for me19:22
lyciathelycanroci tried xboxdrv, no success sadly, xboxdrv hasn't been updated for a long time from what i heard though19:22
MWMamdgpu-pro is killing me.  http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx <-- got to the end of these instructions and a restart before the problems started19:40
elpsyAnyone ever encountered the apt-get update issues with AWS's repos? "An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?)"19:40
elpsyI'm considering just removing the repos and adding the default ubuntu ones but I'm not sure if AWS needs their repos for networking/VM management.19:41
MWMboot times are way up and my rdp client reports that it needs to start a new display.  Then kde5init or krunner crashes right away.  sometimes I get an error about OpenGL 219:41
lyciathelycanroc<bumped> xpad driver seems to read my controller but somewhere it changes to a generic one and doesn't work, starts calling my afterglow prismatic xbox one a 'logic3', any idea how to get it working?<bumped>19:49
tomreynlyciathelycanroc: said driver is still getting updates https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/input/joystick/xpad.c#L18420:03
tomreynmaybe your version lacks the device id20:03
lyciathelycanroc@tomreyn i added a version i found with my controller that supported dkms and it behaves the same20:06
lyciathelycanroctomreyn: i added a version i found with my controller that supported dkms and it behaves the same (sorry if it notified twice just realised i wrote it wrong)20:08
leemoxUnfortunately, Windows decided today to remove the Linux partition (this is a family computer and unfortunately one person needs Windows). I'm trying to restore something using TestDisk. Most of all I care about files. TestDisk kind of sees a partition in "Quick search", but in the next step no. I chose "Deeper Search". I would like to make sure I'm doing well.20:12
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merpnderpWould ubuntu be a good linux to stick on a raspberry pi and just forget about?20:17
merpnderpBe running a few services and a webserver on an intranet.20:18
Bizzehleemox: windows didnt just remove the partition, you, or someone else, removed that partition20:18
tgm4883merpnderp: no20:18
tgm4883merpnderp: you should never just "forget about" a webserver on the internet20:18
tgm4883doesn't matter what the OS is20:18
merpnderptgm4883: I said I was running it on an intranet.20:18
tgm4883oh, my eyes fail at reading apparently :)20:19
merpnderptgm4883: And can't I set up automatic updates :)20:19
tgm4883yea that should work20:19
merpnderptgm4883: I'm so concerned about running services on the internet, I just use lambda and google functions20:19
leemoxBizzeh: No, Windows propably resize his own partition. Big update. Even documents on Windows moved to Windows.old.20:21
stephanlapHello. Can somebody help with a problem regarding fstab, a home-folder on a different partition and directory structure?20:27
stephanlapI am not quite sure I've down it correctly.20:28
Jordan_Uleemox: Windows doesn't just delete partitions automatically, for that matter it wouldn't resize a partition automatically even if there were free space already.20:28
naccstephanlap: pastebin your fstab and describe your problem in detail20:29
KrapulatHello, OpenSSL in Ubuntu 16.04 doesn’t have the cipher “DES-CBC3-SHA”. Is it possible to add it or do I need to remove the openssl package and install it from source?20:30
Jordan_Uleemox: Please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and "sudo parted -l".20:31
leemoxJordan_U: Ok, give me 5 minutes.20:32
tomreynKrapulat: openssl ciphers lists it on 16.04 lts for me20:32
foistHow can I create a keyboard shortcut that will paste the contents of my clipboard, but append three ` characters to the beginning and end?20:33
Krapulattomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24859163/20:33
tomreyn!info openssl xenial20:34
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.8 (xenial), package size 494 kB, installed size 991 kB20:34
stephanlapnacc: Just a moment. It may be a problem of not using chown correctly, not fstab. the problem is this: I used rsync to copy my home-folder to a new partition and also to copied my system-files to another partition. After rebooting I got a black screen when I tried to log in. I thought that, by copying everything, the permission rights were correct. but I got a black screen and tried to use chown to set myself20:34
stephanlapas the owner of my user-folder (chown stephan:stephan /home/stephan), after which the desktop bootet fine. but I think that only changed the permissions for the folder, not for its contents. Is my assumption correct?20:34
tomreynwhich version do you have there, Krapulat ? dpkg -l openssl20:34
naccstephanlap: that's correct, you need to use the -R flag20:34
stephanlapnacc: Okay, I will try that.20:35
naccstephanlap: or rsync with preserve owner,group20:35
Jordan_UKrapulat: Are you really trying to use Triple DES? If so, why? (It has been broken for a *long* time)20:35
Krapulattomreyn: 1.0.2l-0~ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org20:35
stephanlapnacc: I might have forgotten that, not sure. But I will try chown first.20:36
KrapulatJordan_U: Because I have a mail client that uses Outlook 2007 on xp20:36
naccKrapulat: that is not an Ubuntu version, that's from ondrej's ppa20:36
tomreynKrapulat: you are not using ubuntu's openssl20:36
tgm4883sounds like a reason to leave outlook 2007 in the dust20:36
naccand I would be *really* hesitant to use openssl from a PPA20:37
tomreynalso xp20:37
nacc*windows :)20:37
tgm4883tomreyn: +120:37
lyciathelycanrochow ro reply on here? i don't think i done it right20:39
tgm4883!who | lyciathelycanroc20:39
ubottulyciathelycanroc: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:39
leemoxJordan_U: https://pastebin.com/3Qe82mP120:40
Krapulatnacc, tomreyn: Is it no possible to have PHP from ondrej’s ppa and ubuntu’s OpenSSL?20:40
naccKrapulat: you'd need to pin correctly20:40
naccKrapulat: by default, adding a PPA will use all packages from that PPA, and ondrej's is ahead of ubuntu's20:40
naccKrapulat: if i had to guess20:40
tgm4883Krapulat: Will use the *latest* package20:41
nacctgm4883: yes, thanks, sorry!20:41
tgm4883not necessarily the one from the PPA20:41
tomreynlyciathelycanroc: you were responding to me, but i don't really have anoithing to sdd other than wishing you luck. i don't htink i can help you with identifying the controller's hardware IDs, identifying the issue, customizing the driver, building the driver once and building it repeatedly via dkms.20:41
naccKrapulat: are you wanting to use php5 on 16.04 or something?20:41
Krapulatnacc: I use ondrej’s ppa because I need PHP5.6 + PHP7.120:42
lyciathelycanrocit's annoying i can't find my gamepad issue anywhere..20:42
naccKrapulat: it's possible ondrej's package also depend on his version of openssl, i really don't know. you can try installing the ubuntu openssl of course (sudo apt install openssl=<version>)20:43
Jordan_Uleemox: It looks like the Windows partition has not been resized, which is good because that would have risked overwriting the data in your delted ext4 partition.20:44
Jordan_Uleemox: I'm not entirely clear what the two screens shown in https://pastebin.com/QvTAvY8q represent, but the first looks correct.20:46
Jordan_Uleemox: One thing to look out for is that testdisk may restore partitions with different numbers (or make a large extended partition and throw what are currently primary partitions into it as logical partitions), which could cause problems for both grub and Windows. So after restoring with testdisk, make sure that the existing Windows partitions are still have the same partition numbers.20:48
Krapulat!info libssl-dev xenial20:50
ubottulibssl-dev (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.8 (xenial), package size 1108 kB, installed size 5478 kB20:50
tomreynKrapulat: you could probably just download ondrej's deb-src (apt-get source openssl) and change the makefile os it doesn't drop this cipher suite. the comments above (it is a bad idea to support this cipher suite in 2017, as it was for the past couple of years) still apply.20:53
Krapulattomreyn: and then install it from that source?21:00
tomreynKrapulat: https://askubuntu.com/questions/28372/how-do-i-get-and-modify-the-source-code-of-packages-installed-through-apt-get21:02
sadtacoI'm getting a "failed to start xorg server" when I try to log in or something.  Been trying to mess with Nvidia driver settings to get it to think each GPU is attached to a monitor because that's a requirement for overclocking each one.21:03
sadtacoDoesn't allow you to overclock GPUs that aren't attached to a video output21:03
tomreynKrapulat: obviously you'll need to do this whenever the package updates.21:03
Krapulattomreyn: ok, thank you21:06
tgm4883so much extra work to support an unsupported OS and mail client21:09
sadtacoI really hate to have to buy 16 of these hdmi emulator plugs21:10
sadtacomight be better off running windws21:10
sadtacoI've been googling all day trying to figure out how to fool the nvidia linux driver into thinking there are displays attached. No luck.21:11
tomreynKrapulat: i missed to point out that at least in the ubuntu packages (not sure about ondrej's) SSLv3 support is disabled at build time, too (since SSLv3 is broken). and the cipher you are trying to make work is an SSLv3 cipher.21:12
tomreynKrapulat: see the 1.0.2g-1ubuntu1 changelog at http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/o/openssl/openssl_1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.6/changelog21:13
dogmatic69_hi all, I rebooted my pc today and it refused to boot. just a blinking cursor21:14
dogmatic69_Any ideas?21:14
tomreyndogmatic69_: you changed something which made it stop working.21:14
qzoDid it get stuck on GRUB or after?21:14
dogmatic69_running recent 16.something21:14
dogmatic69_tomreyn: I cleared up some docker stuff, not sure if that has done anything.21:15
dogmatic69_old docker images and volumes21:15
dogmatic69_no changes to the boot at all21:15
tomreynprobably not, unless that included your live kernel or overwrote the MBR21:16
dogmatic69_I can see the whole drive fine in live disk21:16
skizyedo you have a flash drive or something plugged in that it might be trying to boot from?21:16
dogmatic69_but it wont let me "re-install", says it cant detect any OS21:16
tomreyn!rescue  | dogmatic69_21:16
ubottudogmatic69_: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode21:17
dogmatic69_I have tried recovery mode with no luck21:17
EriC^^dogmatic69_: type "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"21:17
EriC^^in the live session21:17
dogmatic69_ok, give me 5 to fire it up again. I am on my laptop here.21:18
dogmatic69_Has to happen the day before my assignment is due :(21:19
dogmatic69_not sure what is up, now live disk is saying it cant run gfx properly21:25
EriC^^does ctrl+alt+f1 work?21:26
acresearchhello people, what is the difference between apt and apt-get?21:26
naccacresearch: apt is newer, has a friendlier UI/feel, they are both just frontends to dpkg21:26
naccacresearch: use apt preferentially, just to get used to it21:26
acresearchnacc: i don't use any GUI, so you mean use apt in command line right?21:27
acresearchnacc: apt for update upgrade and everything else21:27
naccacresearch: yes, there is still a 'UI' in the sense of responses, subcommand names, etc21:28
naccacresearch: that is UI != GUI21:28
acresearchnacc: ok i get it thanks you :-)21:29
naccacresearch: np21:29
dogmatic69_ looks like its booting into live this time, fingers crossed...21:33
dogmatic69_wtf, I clicked try ubuntu and its dropped me into a term session asking for login21:35
dogmatic69_and now that is gone.21:35
YankDownUnderdogmatic69_, "can't run gfx properly" - has something changed with your graphics card or settings in BIOS for your graphics card? Changed cables? Moved cables? Just wondering...especially after reading back a bit...21:37
dogmatic69_nope, I have only unplugged my two disks for raid so they dont get accidenttly wiped.21:38
YankDownUnderYeah...that's always a good thing...21:38
dogmatic69_I dont understand why it has a gfx issue, because its loads up fine and then only fails when I click try21:38
dogmatic69_and also, it just worked like 20 minutes back.21:38
acresearchpeople i have a question: how many people are there who full time directly work on ubuntu?21:39
tomreyndogmatic69_: you probably accidentially hit the graphics card while unplugging your disks, and it's not seated properly now.21:39
YankDownUnderdogmatic69_, You've done a "cold boot" on the machine? Like powering it completely down and letting it sit for a few minutes - and then powering it back up?21:39
dogmatic69_yes, I have unpluged and booted.21:39
dogmatic69_tomreyn: doubt it. will try that in a sec21:40
dogmatic69_the installer loads fine21:40
dogmatic69_its just the 'try ubuntu' that is failing21:40
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:41
dogmatic69_like I said, the live boot did work the time before. not sure the dvd could have been modified since.21:42
bobomahello. Debian update vlc to 2.6.1 a good while ago. When will ubuntu follow?21:44
dogmatic69_ok, got it working. I think there is a bug in the live disk. go trhough some install steps then exit and it works.21:46
dogmatic69_will get that pastebin now21:46
naccboboma: where do you see this in debian? experimental has 2.2.6-121:46
dogmatic69_except the mouse did not load...21:47
bobomanacc, stretch has it21:49
bobomanacc, sorry, i see now that it is 2.2.621:49
boboma;( my bad21:49
dogmatic69_EriC^^: termbin.com/xevr21:50
naccboboma: right21:50
bobomanacc, but 2.2.6 is the recent one21:50
bobomaso why is ubuntu that far behind? It landed in debian 2 weeks ago21:51
causativeI have a problem:  50% of the time when I single click, it registers as a double click.  It's not the mouse (tried different mice, tried changing USB port, tried restarting).  Where should I look next?21:51
naccboboma: 2.2.6 is in 17.1021:51
nacc!latest | boboma21:51
ubottuboboma: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.21:51
naccboboma: also vlc is available as a snap21:52
bobomai run 17.10 and i have 2.2.421:52
bobomahow comes you have a different version?21:52
naccboboma: do you mean 17.04?21:52
naccboboma: 17.10 isn't out yet21:52
bobomawell, right i mean 17.04. Mixing up numbers21:52
Sleakerjust wanted to confirm what shows up on the LTS Enablement stack wiki.21:53
naccboboma: yes, that is also not latest, by the same faq21:53
Sleakerthe last kernel revision update for 14.04 is the 14.04.5 release with kernel 4.4 correct?21:53
SleakerIE: 18.04 wont get backported.21:53
naccSleaker: correct.21:53
bobomanacc, i see but it's bad anyways. 2.2.4 has security issues21:53
naccSleaker: your terminology is a bit funny, but yeah, that's accurate :)21:54
bobomaits a uncool policy that keeps security issues open..21:54
Sleakerliterally the wiki terminology.21:54
naccSleaker: 'kernel revision update'21:54
naccboboma: ... file a bug and report is a security issue?21:54
Sleakerperhaps meant kernel version and just typed odd21:54
naccboboma: vlc is in universe, it's community supported, meaning it doesn't get security team updates21:55
Sleakerversion/revision. I use svn too much :_/21:55
bobomanacc, yes security issues21:55
naccboboma: at least, not regular ones21:55
naccboboma: use the snap if you want the latest21:55
Jordan_Uleemox: Were you able to restore your partition using testdisk?21:55
bobomasnap is crap. the window decoration is strange and the video is just 1/4 of the size of my screen21:55
naccboboma: file a bug with the vlc folks then21:56
naccboboma: as I believe they are the ones that create the snap21:56
bobomai will see what i can do. thx21:56
olspookishmagushello, I'm facing various relocation error: /usr/lib/i386-linux/gnu/libapt-pkg.so.5.0: symbol ... version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference21:58
olspookishmagusI can't do almost anything, any advice how to bypass this?21:58
naccolspookishmagus: has it always happened? did you try removing/building your own glibc?22:00
olspookishmagusnacc: nope just did a do-system-upgrade, some trouble with systemd-sysv left the whole remaining chain unconfigured22:03
olspookishmagusgood thing I have dpkg and udisksctl available22:03
naccolspookishmagus: so you just did a release upgrade? from what to what?22:04
olspookishmagusfrom trusty to zesty :D22:04
naccolspookishmagus: yeah that's not supported22:05
naccolspookishmagus: and wouldn't have been an option from the do-release-upgrade options22:05
naccolspookishmagus: you should go 14.04 -> 16.04 -> 16.10 -> 17.0422:05
olspookishmagusmy arch is: i686 and I'm not seeing i686 packages !?22:05
olspookishmagusI will try with the i386 package22:06
dogmatic69_tomreyn: I have tried rescue boot again with the same result, after some normal boot logs I get a cursor and it just blinks endlessly22:07
naccolspookishmagus: i686 is (was?) an alias to i386 I think. But the arch on ubuntu packages is i386 (at least since precise)22:07
Jordan_Uolspookishmagus: Such an upgrade is not supported, and the result of such an upgrade won't be supported here either. Re-install (You can even re-install while preserving /home/, even if it's not on a separate partition).22:07
naccolspookishmagus: do you really need to be 32-bit?22:08
olspookishmagusnacc: this is an old old PC22:08
naccolspookishmagus: ok, so yes, possibly22:08
olspookishmagusJordan_U: ok, so I should take my troubles elsewhere on this matter right?22:08
olspookishmagushow do I reinstall over?22:09
naccolspookishmagus: more than likely your issue is that your install didn't complete successfully22:09
olspookishmagusdownload the latest zesty iso, burn, etc etc ?22:09
olspookishmagusnacc: please refer from discussing the unsupported matters22:09
naccolspookishmagus: you're now asking how to install ubuntu?22:10
Jordan_Uolspookishmagus: When you boot the installer it should list re-installing as an option (as opposed to wiping before installing). I don't remember off hand the exact language used for the option.22:10
olspookishmaguswhere does apt store it's files to install?22:10
Jordan_Uolspookishmagus: If you boot the LiveUSB into the "Try before installing" mode then you can take screenshots and send them to us if you have any questions. I would recommend Xubuntu or Lubuntu for older machines.22:11
olspookishmagusI'm already on Xubuntu22:11
olspookishmagusatm, had some progress by installing packages found in /var/apt/archives/22:16
olspookishmagusthanks everyone for your help, looks like I will resolve this22:16
olspookishmagusif there's a root shell, there will be a way xD22:21
olspookishmagusafter upgrading all apt related packages and libstc++ packages and libc packages22:34
olspookishmagusI merely did: find /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb -exec dpkg -i "{}" +;22:34
EleanorEllisI am about to install an updated version of RubyRipper from https://github.com/bleskodev/rubyripper      Is there a way I can do this so that it stays updated when the source changes on github?22:44
oerheksEleanorEllis, tons of indicators, so you can trigger a new build, like this https://askubuntu.com/questions/321884/is-there-a-git-indicator-to-get-notification-on-commit-pull22:45
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EleanorEllisoerheks: Thanks. That would just be notifications and I would have to build the software manually. Is there a way to automate the build or is that a really bad idea? It strikes me as only the same risk as using a ppa22:47
oerheksjenkins could do that, dunno if there are more suitable tools. yes, that question pops up in my mind too, do you want automated build/deploi22:48
EleanorEllisoerheks: Well it's only a single machine and I don't imagine there will be that many updates but the question interested me22:49
EleanorEllisoerheks: Yes I wanted automated build and installation on my desktop when the source code is updated22:50
Jordan_Uolspookishmagus: For future reference, "dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb" would be exactly equivalent as in both cases it's the shell, not find or dpkg, that is expanding the glob into a list of files.22:50
oerheksEleanorEllis, jenkins on 16.04 , and the github plugin https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-jenkins-on-ubuntu-16-04 +++ https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/better-integration-between-jenkins-and-github-github-jenkins-plugin22:52
oerheksnot that hard, just don t open ssh to the www22:53
EleanorEllisoerheks: Thanks22:54
sirru5hHowdy everyone22:59
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bray90820Is there any way I can turn off Mic input on my bluetooth speaker so I can use A2DP23:39
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SwamI'm completely new at this, and I haven't been able to figure it out. If I boot from a usb, is there any way to access a wireless network?23:59

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