
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
=== szilard is now known as szilard_Ericsson
=== JanC is now known as Guest53242
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
* slangasek waves15:02
tdaitxare we doing mumble or hangouts? can't find the hangouts link in the cellphone's calendar15:04
xnoxbut it's not working for a few of us today =(15:05
xnoxphilroche, works now15:07
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jun 15 15:08:07 2017 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:08
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:08
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round15:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx xnox chiluk mwhudson)15:09
slangasekbdmurray infinity chiluk cyphermox caribou robru sil2100 slangasek pitti mwhudson doko xnox barry tdaitx15:09
slangasekplease hold15:09
* infinity holds.15:10
Odd_BlokeShould have run it through Mumble first.15:10
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e doko bdmurray slangasek infinity sil2100 cyphermox tdaitx xnox mwhudson rbalint)15:10
slangasekslangasek doko infinity xnox cyphermox rbalint tdaitx mwhudson bdmurray sil210015:10
rcjVote passes: meeting held15:10
slangasekis that better?  it looks better15:10
cyphermoxmissing rcj, Odd_Bloke, philroche, fginther?15:10
slangasekcyphermox: by manager order for this week15:11
tdaitxI wouldn't say better, just more up to date15:11
philrocheand tribaal15:11
slangasek * discussions about custom server image deployment for a customer15:11
slangasek * discussions about ruby in main for 18.0415:11
slangasek * hitting the python3 migration with sticks15:11
slangasek * NEW processing for Kubuntu, OpenStack packages15:11
slangasek * a bit of process-removals15:11
slangasek * on PTO tomorrow15:11
cyphermoxI knew I was frogetting someone15:11
doko- sprint, traveling back15:11
doko- two swap days15:11
doko- investigate binutils issues on AArch6415:11
doko- backport binutils issues for xenial15:11
doko- GCC updates15:11
infinityTwo-day week due to sprint and swap day:15:12
infinity - Worked/working on reviewing X HWE stack for the next xenial point release15:12
infinity - A bit more work on glibc15:12
infinity - AA and SRU reviews and general AA tasks15:12
xnoxPrepare WSL submission15:13
xnoxUpload xe-guest-utilities into artful; requested customer feedback15:13
xnoxsystemd sru validation15:13
xnoxsystemd merge from debian + more bugfixes15:13
xnoxs390x bug triange15:13
xnoxPrepare spec to remove resolvconf from default install15:13
cyphermoxis that a .. meaning you're done?15:13
cyphermoxold syntax...15:13
cyphermox - next week is my last week before vacation...15:14
cyphermox - HIGHLIGHT: netplan SRU of 0.23 to X, Y, Z + SRU verification in progress15:14
cyphermox - HIGHLIGHT: netplan is now used by default to configure networks when installing server via d-i.15:14
cyphermox - Fixed up internal license checking bug in grub2's fdt for SB on arm6415:14
cyphermox - HIGHLIGHT: revised SecureBoot patches everywhere:15:14
cyphermox   - improved Secure Boot, improved chainloading (booting Windows from Grub)15:14
cyphermox   - fixes for incorrect prompting to disable Secure Boot when using DKMS modules15:14
cyphermox - helped lubuntu update their seed and metapackage for lubuntu-next15:14
cyphermox - fix broken NSS certdb for evolution I noticed in a passing upload15:14
cyphermox - fix system-config-printer python module paths15:14
cyphermox - verifying multipath-tools bug on ppc64el (missing dm- modules) (LP: #1673350)15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1673350 in hw-detect (Ubuntu Yakkety) "dm-queue-length module is not included in installer/initramfs" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167335015:14
cyphermox - in the above, noticed some more cases of prep-bootdev issues (LP: #1681932)15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1681932 in grub2 (Ubuntu Artful) "fails on multipath: cannot find /dev/sda1" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168193215:14
cyphermox - verifying SRU fbx64.efi removal from /EFI/ubuntu (LP: #1684341)15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1684341 in grub2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "EFI fallback binary should not be installed in --removable mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168434115:14
cyphermoxwaiting for review in unapproved:15:14
cyphermox - netcfg: xenial, yakkety, zesty15:14
cyphermox - hw-detect: xenial, yakkety15:14
cyphermox - grub2/grub2-signed: xenial, yakkety, zesty15:14
slangasekno rbalint?15:15
cyphermoxhe's rebuilding.15:15
cyphermoxI mean, rebalinting.15:15
tdaitx* new apport hook for openjdk-8 to capture hs_err log files on crashes and modified conffiles on all reports (LP:#1696886)15:15
tdaitx* checked openjdk-9 freetype error: 1.2k reports last month15:15
tdaitx* +1 maintenance: set schedule+plans with Luckas, reviewed documentation, setup+checked new environment (why isn't there a LXC-based "sbuild"?)15:15
tdaitx* small reproducer for LP: #164763815:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1647638 in apt (Ubuntu) "W: APT had planned for dpkg to do more than it reported back" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164763815:15
tdaitx* working on and testing required dependencies for SRU LP: #169435815:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1694358 in jtreg (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] update jtreg in 14.04 LTS to 4.2-b05" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169435815:15
tdaitx* putting apport merge-proposal for adding a _PID key under test15:15
tdaitx* struggling with the wifi15:15
tdaitx* finding out on a day-to-day basis what else I didn't reinstall/reconfigure/re-something in my enviroment after a clean Zesty install + Artful upgrade15:15
tdaitx* keeping up with my Portland coffee addiction15:15
philrocheslangasek: Balint is on swap day15:16
slangasekoh wait, not that guy ;)15:16
slangasek.. and he's off this morning!15:17
tdaitxhmm, on second thought... maybe the coffee addiction should have gone into the highlights15:17
slangaseksil2100 not here15:17
cyphermoxtdaitx: did you manage to fix your wifi troubles?15:17
tdaitxsil2100 is also off today and tomorrow15:17
slangasektdaitx: for future greppability please put 'HIGHLIGHT' on the same line with the highlight15:17
tdaitxslangasek, ok15:18
slangasekany of the cloudy folks want to add their $.02 today?15:18
gaughenmaybe we should include in our dev summary a review of the coffee shops in downtown pdx15:19
tdaitxI will copy cyphermox next time ;-)15:19
rcj * livecd-rootfs and live-build were accepted into trusty-proposed to bring cloud image builds into livecd-rootfs for all supported releases15:20
rcj * Starting a discussion of moving to netplan in cloud-images for 17.10 and later15:21
slangasekrbalint: hi! just in time to give your status :)15:23
tdaitxcyphermox, fix the wifi? not yet it seems, still got some lockups with the external adapter, even with a strong signal, wpasupplicant wouldn't do any auth after that =/15:23
rbalint* sudo merge and SRUs: LP: #1686803, LP: #169758715:24
rbalint* fixed crash autopkgtest to let sudo migrate LP: #169338715:24
rbalint* convert dash to use debhelper sequencer #86466015:24
rbalint* final PIE rebuild ordering in PPAs: ppa:rbalint/pie-arm64-{0,1,2}, Steve performed the no-change uploads15:24
rbalint* convert reiser4progs to debhelper 10 sequencer to fix last PIE FTBFS #86479415:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1686803 in sudo (Ubuntu Artful) "sudo returns exit code 0 if child is killed with SIGTERM" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168680315:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1697587 in sudo (Ubuntu) " Please merge sudo (main) 1.8.20p2-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169758715:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1693387 in crash (Ubuntu) "crash's autopkg tests fail without -updates and -security pockets" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169338715:24
slangasekany questions over status?15:25
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB15:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else this week?15:26
slangasek[TOPIC] Bug triage15:28
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bug triage
slangasek[LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-aa-tracking-bug-tasks.html15:28
gaughenany bugs on this list that we need to discuss?15:29
gaughenI see the first bug on the list isn't assigned to an individual15:29
slangasekyes, I triaged it to the team15:29
slangasekmaybe we want to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+assignedbugs instead? :)15:30
cyphermoxthere's something else too, related to that rls-aa-*15:30
gaughenOMG slangasek that list is scary!15:30
gaughen7 year old bugs!15:30
gaughenare we really going to fix those issues? or should we close some of this cruft as won't fix?15:31
cyphermoxfyi, we've been discussing the tem used for the desktop team to track MIRs (team subscription), this may mess up the reports a bit until it's all fixed up15:31
cyphermoxmostly a matter of desktop-bugs vs. desktop-packages.15:31
slangaseksome should be unassigned, some should be closed15:31
slangasekbut I'm not sure it makes sense for us to go through that in realtime right now15:31
gaughenagreed, slangasek15:32
gaughenbut definitely a list we should walk through15:32
slangasekalthough, I did think LP: #1696970 should be assigned to xnox15:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1696970 in systemd (Ubuntu Artful) "softlockup DoS causes systemd-journald.service to abort with SIGABORT" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169697015:32
slangasekneither gaughen nor xnox objects15:34
gaughenassign it to rbalint15:35
slangasekxnox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/162431715:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624317 in systemd (Ubuntu Artful) "systemd-resolved breaks VPN with split-horizon DNS" [High,Confirmed]15:36
slangasekand I think that's it for today15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jun 15 15:38:29 2017 UTC.15:38
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-06-15-15.08.moin.txt15:38
slangasekthanks, all!15:38
gaughenthanks slangasek!15:38

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