[13:18] http://robert.ocallahan.org/2017/06/how-i-found-20-year-old-linux-kernel-bug.html [13:26] (sad face) This page isn’t working [13:26] ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE [13:27] x) [20:56] praisethemoon, elacheche Sa77a Chribetkom :) [22:21] yo Chikore ! ya3tik essaha :D [22:53] praisethemoon, How are you? [22:57] tired x) but hmdlh [22:57] and you Chikore ? [22:58] hmdlh :) Ch3amel fik Romdhane? [23:13] 3amel fia :'( [23:13] and u Chikore? x) [23:17] hhh labes chmazel, jom3a w kol chay yarja3 kil 3ada :P [23:22] hhh true x) [23:22] Bonsoir, [23:24] bonsoir davlefou sa77a chribtek :) [23:47] Wish you good night everyone!