
floridagram<AdamOutler> Sorry02:35
floridagram<ahoneybun> Hector how does Action Launcher 3>17:28
floridagram<ahoneybun> ?17:28
floridagram<Hector Arista> It's unique from what I was use to. Thank you for showing me17:47
floridagram<ahoneybun> np17:48
floridagram<AdamOutler> My home automation announcers now say this when I get home.23:44
floridagram<AdamOutler> Adam Is Home.  Grace Be To All For He Has Blessed Us With His presence.  let It Be Known That Adam Has Arrived. Go, My Children, Singeth His Song From The Highest Mountain.  For He Is Adam And It Has Been Foretold By The Prophacy That He Shall Return On The Day When %weathertonight%.23:44
floridagram<AdamOutler> The last part gives the current weather, this fufilling the prophecy.23:44
floridagram<ahoneybun> yea I see23:45

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