=== sambetts|afk is now known as sambetts === shardy is now known as shardy_afk [14:04] this build fails on jenkins: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/4/ [14:04] but it works locally [14:04] any idea why anyone? === shardy_afk is now known as shardy [14:14] oh, found I guess. [14:15] what did you find [14:17] it was working locally because I was running unittests on a scaleway instance [14:22] ok, should be fixed [14:22] just have to wait until the build is retriggered [14:22] niluje: missing a mock? something like that? [14:22] exactly [14:22] k [14:28] annnd that's actually not good yet, there's still mocking issues :p [14:29] hehe [14:36] morning folks [14:45] powersj: I'm looking over the proposed changes failing https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x/73/console it's related to the branch smoser landed last night [14:45] he switched bash calls in unit test setup. trying to reproduce the issue here [14:47] blackboxsw: so that test uses what is in proposed, which shouldn't change unless he did another upload [14:50] hmm, ohh right, I just keyed in on the error traceback mentioning bash and made a quick assumption. right. Looking more closely [14:51] https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/5/nodes=metal-amd64/console [14:51] any idea why the permission denied here? [14:51] the mock seems ok to me [14:52] niluje: looking over the changes that landed there. it feels like the unit test is leaking a call . [14:54] i'm wondering if it's not because the tests are run as non root [14:55] when running tox locally I have a RuntimeError: Failed running ['git', 'describe', '--match=[0-9]*'] [rc=128] (, fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything. [14:55] lol ok [14:55] git remote add lp https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init && git fetch lp fixes the issue :p [14:55] my clone doesn't have all the tags [14:56] yeah have to have the tags so it can run maketarball which uses the tags to determine the version. [14:56] maybe it could be optional [15:00] * niluje found the error -_- [15:22] niluje: looks like you are mocking ' but get_data calls just "user_data/cloud-init" is that right? [15:27] that's the not the issue [15:28] I'm mocking the HTTP call correctly [15:28] but I'm using a requests adadpter to bind on a specific source port (required by the Scaleway API) [15:28] which requires to be root [15:28] so I also need to fake the bind [15:28] will be good in a second [15:34] annnddd it should work now. [15:34] sorry for the failing builds :( [15:35] thanks for the alert & fix [15:35] blackboxsw: is that you who retrigger the build? [15:35] or is it automatic? [15:36] retriggers* [15:36] niluje: I'll check the builder to see ( I can retrigger if you've already pushed [15:37] (I pushed) [15:37] if you push again, we check for new reviews every 15mins. [15:37] oh, ok [15:37] A week or two ago I tested jenkins blue ocean [15:37] I see your are using jenkins-job-builder [15:38] using a Jenkinsfile + blue ocean is really a nice alternative [15:38] https://s3.amazonaws.com/img0.recordit.co/QRyeaiscAS.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAINSRFOQXTN4DT46A&Expires=1497631105&Signature=SipNfzd6Mk1vE5DP8KjcCE1972g%3D [15:38] if you want to see what it looks like :) [15:39] (it was just a job to discover the features of the blue ocean interface, it basically does nothing) [15:40] wow that is a clean interface [15:41] yep [15:41] I do have a new merge review pipeline coming, I was hoping to have it up today, but ran into an issue with jenkins-launchpad-plugin. I'll try to resolve that Monday. [15:42] Essentially for every merge we will run this: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci-nightly/ [15:42] and with this setup, you only need to create a job from jenkins and fill a git URL [15:42] containing the Jenkinsfile [15:42] so since the job configuration is saved on git, you no longer have to use jenkins job builder :) [15:42] yeah that would be nice [15:43] can you show me the corresponding jenkinsfile powersj ? [15:43] http://paste.ubuntu.com/24873098/ [15:43] thx powers for the build kick [15:44] oO [15:44] is it the full jenkinsfile powersj ? or just a part of it [15:44] I thought they had to start with "pipeline {" [15:45] That's what I have inside the pipeline section right now. It isn't checking out from git, so I'm not sure if that affects it. [15:45] ok [15:45] I thought the first block inside a "stage" block needed to be a "steps" block [15:46] http://blackhole.brmzkw.info/2017-06-16/Jenkinsfile <- one of my tests with jenkinsfile [15:47] interesting [15:47] it does say "required" on the doc site [15:47] powersj: the "steps" section? [15:47] yeah [15:47] yeahh. build is passing. Thanks for your help [15:48] yep, without steps I had an error [15:48] honestly I'm totally blind when working with jenkins [15:48] they have the worst documentation possible [15:49] in case you are interested (because I lost some time to search how to do it): it is possible, in a pipeline, to interactively ask for administrator input (like "do you want to approve this build? yes/no" or "can you fill this text input so I can later use the content int he build? ") [15:49] I have Jenkinsfiles doing that [15:49] it is also possible to use the jenkins API to fill these inputs [15:50] that is cool, the thing I would like to figure out is parallel steps [15:50] wait for it :p [15:50] that way I can reduce our CI time [15:50] haha [15:50] powersj: http://blackhole.brmzkw.info/2017-06-16/JENKINS.md [15:51] (if you see errors feel free to report :)) [15:51] i wrote this documentation for my coworkers who discover jenkin [15:51] s [15:51] nice thx! [16:01] * powersj look's at proposed failures [16:16] blackboxsw: I am 90% certain it is due to me updating the version of pylxd on the system [16:23] blackboxsw: it is. we are currently playing games with the version of tox + pylxd + lxd because of some incompatibilities between the versions. The backported code does not work with the latest lxd + pylxd combo, even when running with a tox specified version of lxd. [16:24] bah [16:24] because we have two good clean runs of proposed I am going to say we are good, disable the job for now so we don't keep randomly running and failing and re-enable for the next proposed test. [16:24] bad timing in we had an upload to proposed + broken pylxd + major update to integration tests [16:26] powersj: I was wondering if this is also impacted by read-dependencies now attempting to upgrade system-packages each integration test run now as well [16:26] It may, but on an LTS I would hope it would not break [16:48] is it okay to delete a branch in my fork once it's been merged? [16:49] ajorg: should be fine there === sambetts is now known as sambetts|afk [21:34] ok 4 SRU bug verifications needed still [21:50] * blackboxsw is setting up an azure account [22:47] found two other bugs that were part of the SRU, but weren't listed in our trello card. adding them now === logan_ is now known as logan-