
* zyga-ubuntu feels useless today08:01
zyga-ubuntu30C since early morning08:01
sborovkovogra_: Hi. Still trying to get splash screen working. I managed to load it to the RAM. Can read it with bmp info as well. bmp display though does nothing :-( I put image with wrong color depth initially and bmp display actually displayed that in the error message. But after fixing the image it does not complain about anything but does not show anything on the screen as well. Any ideas?08:28
ogra_sborovkov, not really, no08:48
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sborovkovogra_: oh well I will try using $splashscreen variable as well instead of bmp display. I am not sure how .env.in works - can I write this splashimage=fastload .... ; 0x100000; Or should I be adding loading the bmp into the memory to the bootcmd?08:51
ograi think you just want the var set (afaik u-boot actually checks for it)08:52
sborovkovogra: yeah but I need the code to load image into the memory somewhere09:00
ograsure, add some code that checks if "bmp info $splashimage" returns something ... if not, run a script to fatload ...09:02
sborovkovogra: what code is actually ran when it's starting? I was adding load to the bootcmd. Not sure if that might be too late?09:03
ograi'd add it to loadfiles09:04
sborovkovsplashimage=0x02000000 ... loadsplashimage=fatload ${devtype} ${devnum}:${bootpart} $splashimage /screenly.bmp && bmp info $splashimage; Meh. This code executes. Show info about image. But splash image is never displayed.09:12
ograty adding $filesize to the fatload catt09:13
sborovkovno, that gives absolutely same result. Displays that the same amount of bytes was read.09:19
ograwhere do you call bmp disaply btw ?09:24
sborovkovogra: I tried adding it to the bootcmd, and then to loadfiles. At the end of that command09:28
sborovkovalso I actually have that splashimage and splashsize variables defined...09:29
pedroniszyga-ubuntu: Chipaca: hi, I merged the use of numeric http statutes last night09:34
morphisfgimenez: ping09:39
zyga-ubuntupedronis: thank you09:39
* zyga-ubuntu is exhausted by the heat09:39
fgimenezhey morphis09:40
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morphisfgimenez: if you want you can give https://github.com/morphis/snapd/tree/f/raspbian-as-external a try now09:40
fgimenezmorphis: sure! will let you know how it goes09:41
morphisSPREAD_TRUST_TEST_KEYS=false SPREAD_SRU_VALIDATION=1 spread -v -resend -reuse external:raspbian-8-arm-32:tests/main/ still gives a few test failures when using that branch but most are because the branch is based on lastest master and we're testing 2.26.409:41
morphisrebasing on release/2.26 isn't that easy as it misses all the pkgdb changes09:41
mupBug #1632388 changed: console-conf wifi only setup on pi3 Ubuntu Core image not possible <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1632388>09:46
fgimenezmorphis: ok thanks, SPREAD_SRU_VALIDATION is for forcing snapd to be installed from "-proposed"? if that's the case maybe we could rename it09:50
morphisfgimenez: yeah, I abusing it a bit here09:50
fgimenezmorphis: np :)09:51
morphisfgimenez: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...morphis:f/raspbian-as-external#diff-6eea9b76e2bf27f60519f7b5c98333c9R22209:51
morphisfgimenez: but yeah, renaming might be good09:53
fgimenezmorphis: aha IMO makes sense if we rename SRU_VALIDATION to SNAPD_FROM_{ARCHIVE,PROPOSED,..} or something, if not the SRU implies ubuntu09:54
fgimenezmorphis: yep09:54
* zyga-ubuntu -> coffee11:00
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* Chipaca ~> lunch11:58
fgimenezmorphis: btw i'm looking into the errors of the suite running against staging on opensuse it turns out that this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/24872100/ is because of wrong quoting, go's version is fine12:14
morphissounds like a double quote12:14
fgimenezmorphis: yes, quoting all the string and evaluating it works, now i'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/24872106/ maybe the binary wasn't built with the testing keys, will dig further12:14
morphisfgimenez: that smells like you miss https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/345012:16
mupPR snapd#3450: packaging/{opensuse,fedora}: allow package build with testkeys included <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3450>12:16
morphisneed to fix these PRs later today12:16
fgimenezmorphis: yes! exactly that :) thx12:17
mupPR snapd#3487 opened: tests: reenable help test on ubuntu and debian systems <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3487>12:23
mupPR snapd#3488 opened: tests: prevent quoting error on opensuse <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3488>12:35
fgimenezmorphis: about the execution on raspbian it looks like external:raspbian-8-arm-32:tests/main/classic-ubuntu-core-transition makes the whole thing fail, it reinstalls the snapd package https://github.com/morphis/snapd/blob/f/raspbian-as-external/tests/main/classic-ubuntu-core-transition/task.yaml#L33 and seems to fail because of a missing "--force-yes"  http://paste.ubuntu.com/24872205/12:44
fgimenezmorphis: other than that, and considering what you mentioned about release/2.26 and master, things look good http://paste.ubuntu.com/24872209/12:45
fgimenezsorry the link to where snapd is installed without --force-yes is https://github.com/morphis/snapd/blob/f/raspbian-as-external/tests/main/classic-ubuntu-core-transition/task.yaml#L3412:47
Chipacafgimenez: standup?13:03
fgimenezChipaca: sure omw!13:03
morphisfgimenez: yeah have similar results13:05
morphisfgimenez: hm, force-yes doesn't exist on raspbian?13:05
fgimenezmorphis: yes, i needed it to install snapd before executing the suite13:05
morphisdid the same, is that how SRU_VALIDATION is supposed to work?13:06
morphismaybe we can tweak the code a bit more to install snapd if missed from either propose (for ubuntu) or just the archive13:06
morphisfgimenez: hm, apt-get on raspbian has support for -f -y13:14
fgimenezmorphis: mm from the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/24872205/ we are sending just "apt install -y snapd" in distro_install_build_snapd, probably from https://github.com/morphis/snapd/blob/f/raspbian-as-external/tests/lib/pkgdb.sh#L220, probably adding -f there should fix it13:20
morphislet me add that13:22
VamsiHi. I just installed snappy core on raspberry pi 3 and followed all the steps to install the demo snaps like "hello". However, after installation I assumed that just typing in the name of the snap is the command to invoke the snap. However, I get the following error:  -bash: hello: command not found13:56
VamsiHave I missed out on something while setting up the environment?13:56
ogratake a look in /snap/bin14:07
ograis there a "hello" ?14:07
ograsnaps can ship multiple binaries ... even daemons, so "typing in the name of the snap is the command to invoke the snap" is often enough not true14:09
ppisatiguys, is there an ETA for snapcraft 2.30/2.31 to land in xenial?14:14
ograkyrofa, ^^^14:14
Vamsiogra: I get an error saying that such a directory does not exit :|14:31
ograare you sure you are on ubuntu core ?14:32
kalikiana_Question: http:/v2/system-info gives me snap-mount-dir (ie. "/snap"). Is there an API that returns "/var/lib/snapd/snaps"? Or is it safe to assume that folder always exists?14:33
Vamsiogra: I logged into the pi that running on core from my notebook and installed the snap. So I believe I am on the core?14:37
ograVamsi, which core image did you install =14:38
Vamsithis one14:38
ograwell,  that definitely has /snap14:39
ogra(and should also have /snap/bin)14:39
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Vamsiogra: What happens when I am in the devmode?14:40
ograyou mean if you installed a snap with --devmode ?14:40
ograthen the security oprions for the binaries get turned off14:41
VamsiWhat I was doing was that I was following the "get-started" instructions as given in the link: https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/get-started/developer-setup14:41
ograogra@sabrelite:~$ snap install hello14:42
ograhello 2.10 from 'canonical' installed14:42
ograogra@sabrelite:~$ ls /snap/bin/hello14:42
ograthat should be identical on all ubuntu core installs ...14:43
kalikiana_ogra: Are both /snap and /var/lib/snapd/ guaranteed on all systems with snapd?14:44
VamsiSo here it was mentioned that i could have a development environment right on the pi itself and thus proceeded to install the classic environment... After which my host changed from vamsi3012@localhost to (classic)vamsi3012@localhost.14:45
ograkalikiana_, not sure on classic systems ... (especially on non-ubuntu ones) ... thats a question for the cross-distro guys i guess14:45
ograVamsi, AH!14:45
ograVamsi, ok, then you are in the classic environment14:45
Vamsiogra: there is no bin folder :|14:45
kalikiana_ogra: Any suggestion whom to ask?14:45
ograVamsi, i dont think you can see any snap stuff in there14:45
Vamsiyes. the classic environment14:45
ograkalikiana_, try morphis or zyga-ubuntu14:46
ograVamsi, right, that pretends to be a classic ubuntu installation (like ubuntu-server) and has no direct access to /snap ... you need to exit ... then you can execute snaps14:46
Vamsioh okay. And... um... where can I find a reference to these commands? I'd like to build my knowledge base on that.14:47
ograVamsi, this classic env is really only for building ... to install and run a snap you have built in there you should exit (ctrl-d) and do all snap stuff from the outside14:47
Vamsioh okay. Thanks :)14:47
ogra(also typing "exit" and hitting enter works)14:48
* Chipaca walks in on ogra talking dirty again14:48
* ogra throws little orangepi-zero's at Chipaca 14:49
VamsiSo just for to clarify my understanding: Classic environment to develop snaps on the host itself. And exiting this then enbles you to install the snap you just developed?14:49
* Chipaca uses a SoundBlaster 16 ISA card as a tennis racket to return it14:49
ograwith the --dangerous option14:50
ogra(to tell the system it is not from the store (i.e. sideloaded))14:50
Vamsioh okay.14:50
Vamsiogra: I am so used to developing on an IDE that I feel an idiot on the command line. Is there an IDE for developing snaps :| :|14:52
ograi dont think so ...14:53
ograi mean ... snaps are just a package format ... use your normal IDE and then copy the tree to the board and call snapcraft there ... or some such14:53
kyrofappisati, it's in proposed, testing looks good as far as I'm aware (though elopio will know more). I think it'll land soon14:56
elopioppisati: the SRU is ready, but they don't land things on Friday. So Monday.14:57
kyrofakalikiana_, I don't think /snap is guaranteed at least... I don't think fedora uses it14:57
ograthey could just wrok through the weekend ... then they could land things on friday too :P14:57
kyrofaBut I think that's less of a concern for us right now, since snapcraft won't run there as a snap anyway14:58
jdstrandogra: hey, I grabbed https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/linux-generic-bbb and am trying to build a local kernel in a classic chroot on bbb. is that expected to work?14:58
ograjdstrand, no idea, never tried :)14:58
kyrofa(thanks for pinging me ogra, I would have missed that)14:59
ograjdstrand, it creates a chroot (or even two stacked ones)14:59
ograthat might not work inside classic14:59
jdstrandogra: basically, I'm trying to simply go from linux-generic deb that I've got from somewhere else and making a snap14:59
ograjdstrand, hah, funny coincidence ... i'm just trying the same with a patched deb to add allwinner support15:00
jdstrandogra: the chroot operation and the bind mounts work, but I don't know everything that is needed15:00
ograthough i kept the kernel side for the WE ... i'm just done with the gadget15:00
jdstrand(as in, I don't know that the classic chroot has everything in it that the makefile is expecting in the chroot it uses15:00
ograjdstrand, well, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/kernel-snap-makefile/trunk/view/head:/Makefile is what it runs15:01
ograthe "all:" target just deboostraps a chroot and installs the debs in there15:02
ppisatielopio: cool, ta15:02
ppisatikyrofa: ^15:02
jdstrandogra: yeah, quite familiar with the script at this point (been playing with it since yesterday :)15:02
jdstrandbut the one you linked to is slightly different than your junk bzr branch I mentioned, so perhaps I should try that15:03
ograwell, if chroot and the mounting of /proc and /sys work i dont see why classic would get in your way15:03
ograjdstrand, oh, right ... we split the Makefile at some point and only kept the snapcraft.yaml15:03
ograbut there shouldnt be huge differences ...15:04
kyrofajdstrand, you're building a kernel on a bbb? Multi-day waitfest?15:05
jdstrandkyrofa: building as in extracting a deb and snapping that15:05
kyrofaOh, well :15:05
kyrofaNevermind :P15:05
kyrofaI was impressed with your resolve15:06
ograjdstrand, oh ... note that all these Makefiles assume the image PPA to be enabled on the host15:06
ograjdstrand, you want to add that to your classic env15:07
jdstrandogra: curious if you would expect this makefile with snapcraft run on classic snap rpi2 to produce a snap for bbb15:07
ograelse you dont get the initrd scripts15:07
jdstrandogra: oohhh!!!15:07
jdstrandthat's probably it15:07
ograthe snap LP builds have that set by default. i totally forgot about that15:07
jdstrandI could boot a kernel but it would drop into the initramfs15:07
ogramissing the core initrd scripts15:07
ogra(or using a very old version at least)15:08
jdstrandogra: so classic or the chroot that the makefile generates needs it?15:08
ogracp /etc/apt/sources.list chroot/etc/apt/sources.list15:08
ograthe outer env needs it in the sources.list15:09
ograthe Makefile calls the above cp15:09
jdstrandright, but I made some modifications to the makefile to add to the chrrot's sources.list15:09
jdstrandjust wondering if that is enough15:10
ogra(i should perhaps adjust the makefile to call add-apt-repository instead15:10
ogra(instead of blindly assuming it is set in sources.list)15:10
jdstrandogra: ok, this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image/+packages15:10
jdstrandok. I'm cautiously optimistic now :)15:11
jdstrandogra: thanks!15:11
ogragood luck ... :)15:11
ogra(i'm around for any additional questions ...)15:11
jdstrandogra: I thought you were off yesterday and today. I saw you chatting here so thought I'd ask. sorry if you are off and just lurking15:12
ograi was off yesterday, yeah15:12
ogranot today though15:12
jdstrandok, good. glad I didn't bother you :)15:13
ograGRR ... so the allwinner u-boot binaries can only be built with gcc-6 ... and indeed we dont have a gcc-6-cross backport in xenial15:16
ograthis will result in awful snapcraft.yaml hackery to create an artful chroot to do the build in :(15:16
ogra(and indeded all boards i want are also only supported in 4.11+ ... more hackery :/ )15:17
ogra(on the kernel side that is)15:18
bdxkyrofa, elopio: would you mind shedding some light on what the next steps for the ruby plugin might be? I've thought of some things to test and wanted to run those by you guys also.15:48
elopio bdx: well, next step from my point of view is to fill those integration tests :) That will give us a clear idea of what works.15:50
bdxI want to test for the existence of the compiled binary files: erb, gem, irb, rake, rdoc, ri, and ruby15:50
elopioI'll give it a try today with my travis test subject.15:50
bdxfollowing the build step, I feel like the thing I want to test is "do the things I built exist?", right?15:51
elopioalso, that only those and nothing else is left in the install directory.15:52
mupPR snapd#3489 opened: tests: add bluetooth-control interface test <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3489>16:24
jdstrandogra: hey, well, I don't have a kernel yet with the new Makefile, but I think I'm close.18:13
jdstrandogra: this is what I see in the classic chroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24874108/18:13
jdstrandogra: before I added to ENV := ... FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=yes18:14
jdstrandogra: so I am trying that again. hopefully with that I'll get a snap and with the ppa initramfs tool I'll get a bootable system18:14
jdstrandogra: is FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=yes safe? it seemed to have the same end result (though not the same mechanism) as what I saw in the buildd logs for your linux-generic-bbb18:15
jdstrandI'm guessing it is. we don't want to flash anything, and I did have a booting kernel before (it was the initramfs that was the problem)18:16
jdstrandogra: if you are interested for Makefile improvements, I did:18:17
jdstrandand in 'all:18:17
jdstrandecho "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/snappy-dev/image/ubuntu xenial main" >>chroot/etc/apt/sources.list18:17
jdstrand$(ENV) chroot chroot apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 78E1918602959B9C59103100F1831DDAFC42E99D18:17
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jdstrandogra: btw, that FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=yes with the initramfs from the image ppa did the trick. thanks for your help20:40
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ryebotHey guys, anyone else getting failures trying to install the core snap? http://bit.ly/2syZ2Rp21:51
mupPR snapcraft#1367 opened: catkin plugin: add support for ROS Lunar <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1367>23:03
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