
kjackalGood morning Juju World!07:10
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cnfis there a way to lint bundle yaml files?10:20
cnfi keep getting "invalid charm or bundle provided", and i don't know what's wrong10:27
anrah_cnf: if you deploy with --debug Juju should show the error10:33
cnfanrah_: ah, that's slightly more useful, thanks!10:34
cnfhmm, my juju version has no option to reload spaces, it seems10:37
wpkIt's only in 2.210:37
roaksoax/query/win 810:52
cnfroaksoax: new to irssi, or just mistyping a lot lately? :P10:53
roaksoaxcnf: ha! happens to me all the time10:55
cnfyeah, i noticed :P10:59
* roaksoax pulls yet another roaksoax11:03
cnfjuju is doing weird shit with my network settings again :(11:37
cnfit works when MaaS brings it up, juju does stuff, and it no longer works11:37
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cnfwhy the hell is it adding post-up route add -net netmask gw metric 0 || true ?11:45
cnfthat makes no sense, and that subnet isn't even associated with that interface11:46
boolmanwhen deploying services on lxd containers, the machines get stuck in pending sometimes11:48
boolmanhow do I retry these without destroying my model?11:48
cnfboolman: for containers, i have not found a way11:49
cnfboolman: if you can, change a config value11:49
cnfand change it back11:49
cnfthat tends to trigger a retry11:49
cnfugh "no matching agent binaries available" :(11:50
boolmancnf: I will try that next time, thx11:50
cnfanyone here good with networking, especially in relation to juju?11:57
cnfhow long can a controller upgrade take? o,O12:20
cnfhmm. it's been upgrading for 40 minutes now12:37
BlackDexcnf: upgrading to juju 2.2?12:43
BlackDexThat took a while for me12:43
BlackDexi think it has something to do with the logs cleaning or something like that12:44
cnfyes, and it's juju being retarded again12:44
cnfjuju and networking bs, as usual12:44
BlackDexupgraded maas to 2.2 also already?12:44
BlackDexif so, dubble check your subnet/vlan spaces12:44
BlackDexsince they changed it from subnets to vlan for the space definitiion12:45
cnfno, because maas 2.2 breaks shit for me12:45
cnfand it can't even access mass12:45
cnfbecause it is being stupid12:45
BlackDexhaven't yet played a lot with it yet. So i can't tell if it works for me12:45
BlackDexthe only thing i know is that upgrading from juju 2.0 to 2.1 and then to 2.2 breaks whole networking for me12:46
BlackDexspaces are broken12:46
BlackDexcan't enrole a lxd with the correct interfaces12:46
BlackDexbut again, i havent looked at it that much, not debuged it or what ever12:47
cnfMaaS 2.1 > 2.2 spaces changed12:47
cnffromn layer 3 to layer 212:47
cnfwhich is why i am NOT upgrading MaaS at this time12:47
BlackDexit was broken from 2.0 > 2.1 for me already12:47
BlackDex2.2 didn't fixed it12:47
BlackDexi think i need to start over again12:47
BlackDexbut that is shitty for a production env12:48
BlackDexdoubt that you can backup juju, remove the controller, install a new one with the new version and restore the backup12:49
BlackDexto be as clean as possible12:49
cnfso juju assumes that the machine you use to run the juju command has the EXACT same network connectivity as the controller?12:58
cnfjam: poke?13:00
BlackDexcnf: No, not that i know13:00
BlackDexi have several juju installs where the controller does not have a storage network13:01
cnfstorage? i'm talking about storage13:01
BlackDexi'm just saying that it doesn't matter if the controller isn't connected to the storage network, it still works13:02
cnfo,O i'm not talking about storage networks13:02
BlackDexi know13:02
BlackDexi'm just stating that it doesn't matter!13:03
cnfof course not, because it's not relevant?13:03
BlackDexSo, the answer to your question is NO, it doesn't have to be the EXACT same network13:03
BlackDexif i'm correct, they don't even need to be on the same subnet, preverably they do, but as long as they can send commands to each other it will all be fine13:04
cnfyou misunderstand13:04
cnfjuju assumes it has the same routing to get to stuff like the MaaS controller13:05
cnfif it doesn't, upgrades fail13:05
BlackDexthat wasn't clear in your statement ;)13:05
cnfhmz, how the hell am I going to fix this mess :(13:06
BlackDexi don't know13:06
BlackDexthe failed juju upgrades i encountered ended up in a backup restore13:06
cnfwestcoast is 6 am right now, isn't it?13:13
cnfi guess jam will get here once i get home ^^;13:14
jamcnf: /wave13:31
cnfjam: i fixed my problem (with an UGLY UGLY hack)13:31
cnfjam: but do you have some time to debug it?13:31
cnfsee what caused it, and if it was me doing something wrong, or if i need to submet a juju bug?13:32
jamI can at least chat about it a bit13:32
cnfjam: so i just started a juju upgrade process13:33
cnfand my juju controller was trying to access MaaS on an ip that is valid from my laptop, but just doesn't work from the juju controller13:33
cnfand I can't find where it sets this, or where i can change it13:33
cnf(so i assigned the ip on the juju controller, and used ssh port forwarding to redirect as a temporary hack)13:34
jamcnf: so MAAS does have an address that the Juju controller can talk to it from, just not the one from your laptop?13:34
cnfjam: right13:34
cnfjam: it can talk to the maas controller on the maas network ( in my case)13:34
cnfjam: as a sidenote, in my case the juju controller runs on a KVM on the MaaS controller machine13:36
jamcnf: if you're on a kvm on the MAAS controller, wouldn't you have a gateway of the maas controller's IP on the KVM bridge, and the MAAS machine itself would route the traffic to the other IP ?13:42
cnfjam: no routing for it on that bridge13:43
cnfand it would not be on a kvm in production, anyway13:43
cnfso it's internal vs external ip for the MaaS controller13:43
cnfthe juju controller can only see the internal one13:44
jamcnf: so when you register the URL to talk to MAAS, I believe we only support a single URL, but that would be the place to set it13:50
cnfjam: register it where?13:51
cnfon the client?13:51
jamcnf: when you do "juju bootstrap" or "juju add-cloud", etc, we take the URL of the MAAS API13:56
jamthat includes the IP/hostname of the MAAS controller13:56
jamcnf: another option is to use DNS to give the MAAS controller a name and have that resolve to multiple addresses13:56
cnfjam: so you are saying i will have an eternal problem with this?13:57
jamcnf: I'm not sure how you made it work in the first bootstrap case, as we always just take "here is the URL for MAAS"14:02
jamI don't quite understand why Upgrade would be different than Bootstrap/initial deployment14:03
cnfjam: i don't know...14:03
cnfjam: but it's not an uncommon usecase, i think14:24
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lazyPowerbdx: wow, scaling for the win right?17:05
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Budgie^Smoreo/ juju world18:59
lazyPower\o Budgie^Smore19:00

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