[00:05] Trying to write a file with write_files... data in file comes out as garbage... Help === X-Istence is now known as x58 [00:19] Trying to write a file with write_files... data in file comes out as garbage... Help [00:29] Trying to write a file with write_files... data in file comes out as garbage... Help [00:51] dgarstang: I'm out of the day, but if you could post your cloud-config or give me something to reproduce that would be best [01:07] powersj: Seems like you MUST encode b64 or gzip [03:02] security updates dontchaknow === frickler_ is now known as frickler === telling_ is now known as telling === sambetts_ is now known as sambetts === rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb [15:53] Anyone awake? [15:53] Zzzzzz. [15:54] I'm using write_files with content: content: {"chef_org":"foo_eu","chef_run_list":"role[\"eu-base\"],role[\"bastion-host\"]","chef_server":"chef.eu-infra.local","dns_domain":"eu-infra.local","service":"bastion"} ... However in the file all the double quotes have been replaced by single quotes. :( [16:02] dgarstang: first, it seems you figured out how to include content versus a blob or encoded text, is that correct? [16:03] here is an example I just ran with json as content: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24908960/ [16:04] make sure you have the '|' character before your content [16:06] dgarstang: you probably want to use the content: | to have direct content quoting, like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24908978/ [16:07] dgarstang: you can also play with cloud-init in single mode to make sure it's writing what you want (without launching a new instance) [16:43] rharper: yep, worked that out... thanks. had to use | [16:43] dgarstang: great! [16:44] btw... single mode? === sambetts is now known as sambetts|afk [16:46] that just runs a single cc_module [16:46] I find it useful for testing out user-data that applies for various modules [16:47] oic [17:07] Can I split runcmd over multiple lines? [17:57] runcmd is a list of commands, in general, for a multi-line shell, you'll need to collapse that into a single line using shell statement separators (like semi-colon) - "if grep -q foo /bar; then echo 'wark'; else echo 'no wark'; fi" [19:25] rharper: yeah but what if one of those commands between ; and ; is longer than a line? === rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz [23:01] rharper: 1687712 - I tried that one, but was unable to fully verify it [23:10] powersj: ok, any details or did the sru test case just fail ? paste of outputs? [23:10] bug 1687712 [23:10] bug 1687712 in cloud-init "cc_disk_setup: fs_setup with cmd doesn't work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1687712 [23:10] see my last comment in the bug [23:12] powersj: do you have the instance still up ? [23:13] can you see if the mkfs command ran at all ? I suppose [23:13] rharper: I do not, trying to finish LP: 1692087 before end of the day [23:13] Launchpad bug 1692087 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Zesty) "check_partition_layout has false positives when partitioned with gpt" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1692087 [23:13] rharper: what's best way to determine that? [23:13] heh [23:14] oh, well, if mkfs ran you should see a subP command output in cloud-init.log [23:14] for example, I even tried running the command by hand and got the disk to show up under /dev/disk/by-label [23:14] ah [23:14] also, you can do a dumpe2fs on /dev/sdc1 to see if has a fs on it (or even blkid on it) [23:14] I worry that /dev/sdc1 wouldn't exist for the fs_ command to do anything [23:14] ok I'll jot that down for tomorrow, I can try again for you [23:14] I think sdb1 might already come partitions [23:14] ok [23:14] in azure, sdb is that tmp disk right? [23:15] something like that [23:15] ephemeral storage [23:15] I wasn't going to use that and was trying to use an attached storage disk [23:16] you could also test with /dev/sdc [23:16] which wouldn't require partitioning [23:16] you can put a fs on a raw device