
^k^新  Ubuntu GNOME • 到底怎么永久设置dpi?  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484287 linux 对高分辨率的支持真是糟糕,到底是软件原因,还是系统原因?为什么总是有一些软件不适应high dpi,我在tweak中已经开启了high dpi支持,大部分软件都支持的很好,但calibre,texworks,octave等就是不行,字00:00
=== Kves is now known as Sevk
=== Sevk is now known as ^k^
=== Administrator_ is now known as zhxt
=== Administ1ator is now known as new
=== new is now known as new_fanfan
new_fanfan你好 有人嗎?01:53
^k^新  常用硬件支持 • 【核显驱动问题】inter i3-6100 +Ubuntu14.04.05 LTS  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484288 原因: 之前是安装的核心显卡驱动不是inter的官方驱动,屏幕在显示720p的视频会掉帧,eclipse写代码的时候滚轮滑动也会掉帧; 后来找了”intel-linux-graphics-installer_1.0.7-0intel1_amd01:57
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== Kves is now known as ^k^
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 http://i0.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g4/M05/0B/00/Cg-4WlI2qEWITUy0AACJZJYtt84AALrOwOuDYcAAIl8050.jpg 酒店毛巾的各种有趣玩法04:05
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
^k^新  启动和引导 • vmtools失效  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484289 多次试验,在虚拟机ubuntu中安装Gparted后vmtools立即失效,只有卸载了Gparted后重新安装vmtools才可以。求大神指点 统计信息: 发表于 由 沐风661 — 2017-06-20 13:3206:18
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
^k^新  系统安装和升级 • 求助: 双系统 win7 安装 Ubuntu 17.04 时手动分区只能添加两个  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484290 之前机械盘双系统安装 Ubuntu 时是使用的默认安装,新换 SSD 后就想手动分区安装,然后 win 上用 EasyBCD 添加 /boot 引导。 SSD 剩余 100+ G的空间用来装 Ubuntu, 有06:54
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 http://i3.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g3/M0B/00/08/Cg-4WFI2rgmIYOFrAAByW3bwx4AAALrIwCncbkAAHJz829.jpg 这货是怎么上去的,看你怎么下来09:05
=== Sevk is now known as ^k^
=== kk is now known as Sevk
=== Sevk is now known as ^k^
^k^新  服务器基础应用 • ubuntu 16.04 openldap 配置过程两个疑问,olcIndex和添加证书  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484292 https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/servergui ... erver.html 我是照着官方文档配置的。数据库选的bdb 第一个: 建Ldif文件: Create a file, call it uid_index.ldif, with the following contents: dn: o23:59
^k^ ─> lcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: uid eq,pres,sub Then issue the command: 运行语句: sudo …23:59

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