=== santa is now known as Guest47677 [14:42] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/d-i/iso-scan.git/tree/debian/iso-scan.postinst#n216 [14:42] db_subst iso-scan/success SUITE FIXME [14:43] $suite seems like what should be there [14:44] but shell makes my head hurt, so... [16:59] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/d-i/iso-scan.git/tree/debian/iso-scan.postinst#n216 [17:00] db_subst iso-scan/success SUITE FIXME [17:00] FIXME - should that be: $suite [17:01] In messing around I bumped into it. it is just cosmetic. I have no idea how to test it so don't ask me to try it [17:16] I don't think $suite is defined there, which is presumably why there's a FIXME comment above it rather than it just being fixed. [17:17] It'd need a bit of rearrangement to pass it up from analyze_cd [17:18] Which is likely to be fiddly because shell [17:19] k - I'll go back to looking at things that are actually bother me [18:17] http://paste.ubuntu.com/24918552/ /target/etc/apt # cat sources.list [18:19] main restricted universe multiverse is not consistent over cdrom/main repo/xenial-security [18:20] I am guessing cdrom only has main restricted. ok. that doesn't explain why "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial main" doesn't have restricted or universe [18:34] Jun 21 04:18:13 apt-setup: Using only basic sources for CD installation [18:36] this isn't a CD installation - it is ... whatever this is: [18:36] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/ [18:38] dd boot.img usb stick, put ubuntu-16.04.2-server-amd64.iso on a 2nd usb. [19:18] oh my. this may have something to do with the deep scan that takes me to the FIXME ....