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EldonMcGuinnessschrodingerssc.at us available!00:16
bazhangEldonMcGuinness, lets keep that to the chat channel00:17
EldonMcGuinnessAhh snickers, I thought I was in offtopic :P00:17
Fallenourquestion with ubuntu00:23
Fallenourfreenas vs ubuntu nas box, has anyone compared the performance? im currently looking at using sickbeard/couch potato + SABNZBD. Thoughts?00:24
n-iCeI feel ubuntu heavy00:25
n-iCenot fluid as it used to be00:25
Richard_CavellSo is anyone here virtualizing another OS within Ubuntu as host?  If so, what OS are you virtualizing?  I wonder if I'm missing out by not using another *nix00:26
Fallenourrichard_cavell: Im actually virtualizing ubuntu lool00:27
FallenourI do pretty terrible things to ubuntu, so I blow my messes away often00:27
Richard_CavellI'm running Ubuntu on the metal. But I wonder if I'm missing out by not installing VirtualBox and putting something else inside there00:27
SummerRainDoes anyone know if ubuntu 17.04 is stable already ? I was having issues with it for downloading repositories00:33
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SummerRainWas having hash mismatch00:34
n-iCeSummerRain: yes00:34
tgm4883SummerRain: no it's not until October00:34
n-iCeI just downloaded00:34
n-iCeno problems00:34
tgm4883or lol00:34
tgm4883I can't read apparently00:34
tgm4883I'm on 17.04 currently and don't have any issues00:34
SummerRainWell i was installing some apps with it and it did give me hash mismatches, when i downgraded to 16.x, it worked fine00:34
SummerRainit was opencv .00:34
oerhekssometimes a hashsum mismatch occurs when the server got updated, try again in a few minutes.00:34
SummerRainI tried 1 day later, did all that apt-clean and so on00:35
SummerRainchanged server etc00:35
SummerRainwas something between these lines "Failed to fetch opencv hash sum mismatch"00:35
SummerRainWhen i downgraded to ubuntu 16, it worked...00:35
SummerRainSo now im not sure if i should install ubuntu 17 on my PC00:35
SummerRainOr if i should wait...00:36
oerheksmaybe that opencv repo has no candidate for 17.04, we need the full errorlog for that00:36
SummerRainI dont have it anymore :(00:37
SummerRainIm not sure what to do now00:37
genii"hash sum mismatch" usually means the repo was being updated at the same time you were using it and the file you downloaded was compared to a hash sum of a newer file that was uploaded after you began00:38
SummerRainBut it happened 24h after the first time it did00:41
SummerRaini even cleaned and did all that procedure described on stack over flow00:41
SummerRainI should have come here when it happened00:41
n-iCelet's try lubuntu00:43
SummerRainBtw, are there any AMD drivers for radeon GPU's for ubuntu ?00:44
Bashing-om!amd | SummerRain00:45
ubottuSummerRain: Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD00:45
oerheksopenradeon and openamd-gpu/amdgpu-pro, depending on the card00:45
SummerRainradeon 685000:45
Fallenourwow thast geting old fast00:49
Fallenourseriously need to roll back that timeout timer00:49
FallenourRichard_cavell: No you arent missing much. honestly just use kvm, I personally think it offers a lot more flexibility that virtual box00:50
Fallenour,v NAS00:51
codygmanDoes anyone know how to refresh groups without logging out? I know it's possible because ages ago I did it. I cannot logout because of some work I need to complete.01:26
akikcodygman: you can activate a new group with newgrp01:27
akikcodygman: i don't know of any other way01:27
codygmanakik: Oh yeah, that's right... that will work01:27
j4ckcomhow can i install audacity Audio editor?01:53
Bashing-omj4ckcom: It's in the repo . enable the universe repo .01:58
Bashing-om!info audacity xenial | j4ckcom01:59
j4ckcomBashing-om: what you mean?01:59
ubottuj4ckcom: audacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.2-1 (xenial), package size 2784 kB, installed size 9128 kB01:59
Bashing-omj4ckcom: ' sudo apt install audacity ' . All there is to it .01:59
j4ckcomBashing-om:  audacity-data <— what is it?02:00
Bashing-omj4ckcom: '02:00
Bashing-omj4ckcom: ' sudo apt show audacity-data ' in terminal .02:01
Bashing-omj4ckcom: Nother tutorial : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems .02:34
j4ckcomthanks Bashing-om :)02:35
Bashing-omj4ckcom: Interesting world - minimal install . you will learn a lot :)02:36
j4ckcomoh good thanks :)02:36
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sirru5hHowdy everyone03:48
CuChulaindIs there an IRC channel where I can get help with xrdp. I have it working between the machines I'd like to use, is it possible to use it through ssh (I have openssh-server installed on the server machine)04:04
Bashing-om!alis | CuChulaind04:08
ubottuCuChulaind: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"04:08
CuChulaindBashing-om, thank you04:11
Bashing-omCuChulaind: :)04:14
white_magicanyone here familiar with ZNC irc bouncer?05:23
rajivmarsi have added a repository for installing arc-theme by using this command "sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Horst3180/xUbuntu_16.04/ /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arc-theme.list". now i wanted to remove it how do i remove it?05:35
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | rajivmars05:35
ubotturajivmars: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html05:35
rajivmarsubottu, ok thanks05:35
rajivmarsis this 'sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Horst3180/xUbuntu_16.04/ /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arc-theme.list" a ppa?05:40
rajivmarsubottu: is there any graphical way to remove repositories with associated keyring?05:42
ubotturajivmars: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:42
rajivmarsubottu: if i want to remove a particular repository from settings>software and updates. can is be possible. if possible, then please tell me how?05:45
ubotturajivmars: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:45
lotuspsychjerajivmars: read the ppapurge way, this way there will be no leftovers in your sources05:47
San_ILHello. Is there an option on lubuntu 16.04 to download a grub-1 installer? Grub2 doesn't work on my old laptop when I changed to SSD and after every update. I am manually installing grub-1 from puppy linux every time, maybe I can download an installer for lubuntu? Thanks05:57
cfhowlettSan_IL, grub 1 is dead, unsupported and outdated05:57
San_ILI understand, but it's only solution that boots my lubuntu :(05:58
San_ILthe grub 2 get's error everytime "Trying to read outside hd0" and I have found no fix yet. Grub-1 works fine05:58
San_ILmaybe somebody knows the packet name for grub4dos?06:05
lotuspsychjeSan_IL: have you tried latest 16.04.2 iso for lubuntu on your old machine?06:12
San_ILyes, running right now06:12
lotuspsychjeSan_IL: consider a new !bug perhaps for your error on grub2?06:13
San_ILI never done it before, maybe you can point me where can I post the bug?06:14
lotuspsychje!bug | San_IL06:15
ubottuSan_IL: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:15
San_ILthank you, will do.06:15
lotuspsychjeSan_IL: maybe usefull aswell? https://askubuntu.com/questions/397485/what-to-do-when-i-get-an-attempt-to-read-or-write-outside-of-disk-hd0-error06:17
San_ILHmm, thanks, will try these options06:22
updateslook at that------->06:43
rajivmarswhat it the latest version of kernel in ubuntu 16.04.206:51
rajivmarsi read in the release notes that ubuntu 16.04 i based on linux kernel 4.4. nut when i check by it says this "4.8.0-56-generic?06:52
rajivmarsi read in the release notes that ubuntu 16.04.2 is based on linux kernel 4.4. but when i check by it says this "4.8.0-56-generic?06:53
rolandbeowulfWhat exactly are you checking? Is it a local ubuntu 16.04.2 install?06:59
rajivmarsi have checked by this command "uname -r"06:59
rolandbeowulfis it a fresh install or what?07:00
rajivmarsits not afresh install07:00
rajivmarsi have upgraded by system from 16.04.107:00
rajivmarsrolandbeowulf: previously i was using 16.04.1. today i uprade my system and i see that happened after the upgrade.07:02
rolandbeowulfhmm, you're only supposed to see 4.8 installs on *new* installations07:04
rolandbeowulfat least from what i know07:04
rajivmarsbut i have not installed new copy. i have installed 16.04.1 15 days before now.07:05
rolandbeowulfThat is odd, perhaps the documentation is out of date?07:05
rajivmarsrolandbeowulf: what is the version of your kernel. will u please check it if u are using 16.04.207:06
rolandbeowulfCan't help you there i'm afraid, i'm on 17.0407:06
rajivmarsok. np:)07:06
rajivmarsis anybody using 16.04.2?07:07
Ben6416.04 can use 4.4 4.8 or 4.1007:08
rajivmarsBen64: why?07:08
rolandbeowulfThis probably wont solve whatever you need to to solve, but it might be worth throwing up a 16.04.2 VM and checking the kernel version07:08
rajivmarsBen64: the release notes says that 16.04 is based on 4.407:09
Ben64read the link i just posted07:09
glitsj16rajivmars: the 4.8.x kernels are from xenial-updates, nothing out of the ordinary..07:10
rajivmarsBen64: thanks for sharing that link. now i understand why its showing 4.8 instead of 4.4.07:14
rajivmarsturning on my laptop first time after turn off mode ,everything works good until i plugged in or plugged out, whenever i plugged in or unplug first time after turn on the, brightness suddenly goes to 95%. why is this happening? how to figure it out?07:24
J3553I'm having trouble expanding variables with spaces in bash files to run using rsync. If I echo the command from the bash script I can copy and paste it into terminal and it works, but as a command it fails, Can someone help with this please? eg NEWEST='/mnt/3tb/test/test2/' or NEWEST="'/mnt/3tb/test/test2/'" or NEWEST='"/mnt/3tb/test/test2/"'07:36
geirhafirst one is right, the other two are wrong07:36
geirhaJ3553: What's the command that fails, and what is the exact error message?07:37
J3553its in a bash file. I will pastebin it07:37
besdersHi folks, i have a problem with the hash of https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/xenial/current/xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64.squashfs. It dosn't match. Can anybody confirm this problem?07:41
Ben64besders: looks like you're correct07:43
besdersmh, thank you for the quick response07:44
J3553geirha: https://paste.ee/p/zQnHJ So if I copy and paste the echo as a command, it works: eg: rsync -aPAXxSunv --exclude='/proc /sys /dev /tmp /var/run /var/lock /media /mnt /root /home' --delete --delete-excluded --link-dest='/mnt/3tb/test/test1/' '/mnt/3tb/test/test2/' '/mnt/3tb/test/test3' But the expanding of the actual command in the script fails.07:45
geirhaJ3553: You failed to quote the variable expansions07:45
geirhaJ3553: And the EXCLUDES need to be an array07:46
J3553geirha: ok so can you please give me an example?07:47
geirhaJ3553: excluding=( /proc /sys /dev ); rsync ... "${excluding[@]/#/--exclude=}" --delete ... "$newest" "$backupname"07:47
geirhaJ3553: And you should make the variable names lower case to avoid accidentally overriding special shell variables or environment variables07:47
J3553so the way you suggest does that mean rsync will try to use the exclude paths as an array?07:49
geirha"${excluding[@]/#/--exclude=}"  will expand each element of the array as a separate argument, with --exclude= prepended to each, so in the example it ends up  "--exclude=/proc" "--exclude=/sys" "--exclude=/dev"07:50
jackdthello! Today after the boot I had a surprise: all of the gnome-shell extensions seem to be enabled via gsettings, but are disabled instead. gnome-tweak-tool is not able to enable them (they're all greyed out!). What can it be? Thanks... (screenshot of gnome-tweak-tool: https://pasteboard.co/27tX67uqU.png )07:51
J3553geirha: It seems to have gone from bad to worse :-/ https://paste.ee/p/BWJA807:56
geirhaJ3553: You didn't apply my suggestion. The most important part is the quotes07:57
geirhaJ3553: $newest is wrong, "$newest" is right07:58
J3553I tried with the quotes as well and it failed07:58
J3553ahhh ok07:59
geirhaJ3553: On the actual command, or just the echo? note that echo's output will be useless07:59
J3553geirha: This is the resulting command:08:01
J3553rsync -aPAXxSunv --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys --exclude=/dev --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/var/run --exclude=/var/lock --exclude=/media --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/root --exclude=/home --exclude=/.snapshots --delete --delete-excluded --link-dest=/mnt/3tb/test/test1/ /mnt/3tb/test/test2/ /mnt/3tb/test/test308:01
glitsj16jackdt: those gnome-shell extensions are under your $HOME dir? anything being reported when you run gnome-tweak-tool in a terminal?08:01
jackdtglitsj16: some of them are system-wide (installed via apt, no custom repos), other are under $HOME/.local subdirs. gnome-tweak-tool (even with --verbose) shows nothing08:02
jackdtWhat I don't understand is why they can't be enabled (this means that gnome-tweak-tool knows a system setting which forbids the enabling)08:03
geirhaJ3553: http://sprunge.us/WUNB08:03
glitsj16jackdt: on which Ubuntu version are you seeing this? I'm using GNOME 3.22 on 16.0408:03
jackdtglitsj16: I'm on 17.04 with Gnome 3.24.208:04
glitsj16jackdt: I don't think gnome-tweak-tool cares about where the extensions reside, at least not to enable/disable.. it won't let you remove system-wide ones installed via apt (that's normal behavior).. anything different when using gnome--shell-extension-prefs?08:05
jackdtglitsj16: /facepalm you see that little switch in the upper right corner of the view?08:07
glitsj16jackdt: :)08:07
glitsj16i do :p08:07
jackdtAn update must have disabled all the extensions at once u.u08:07
jackdtswitched them on08:07
glitsj16jackdt: that could throw-off anyone, an update isn't supposed to change you're settings..08:08
glitsj16i've seen that happen on gnome 3.22 too on Ubuntu08:09
jackdtHonestly I'm on Ubuntu as a company's directive... I'm usually on Fedora (no hurt feelings xD)08:09
eversonHi all. Any iPhone users here? I'm on 16.04.2 LTS, and am considering purchasing an iPhone. Wondering how easy it is to copy photos taken on my iPhone over to my Ubuntu laptop. And if possible, would I be able to copy MP3 files onto the iPhone for listening? Thanks.08:10
glitsj16oh my feelings aren't linked with canonical in any particular way.. using archlinux as daily driver myself.. although I miss compiz, worked rather snappier than GNOME's mutter08:10
jackdtglitsj16: I love gnome-shell's workspace... most of my collegues don't like it, but I find it a "source of focus"08:14
glitsj16jackdt: indeed, I'm used to it by now, never expected GNOME to become so central (again) on Ubuntu08:15
J3553geirha: awesome. Thankyou that works.08:19
J3553geirha: However, I do not think it will work when directories have spaces in them.08:20
J3553as eg: "$newest" expands to the following without quotes: /mnt/3tb/test/test2/08:21
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glitsj16J3553: where do you see spaces in /mnt/3tb/test/test2/? :)08:24
glitsj16J3553: test with a small sample perhaps to make sure, but I'm pretty sure geirha's quoting style is solid, that's why he quoted "$newst"..08:27
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everson*bump* Hi all. Any iPhone users here? I'm on 16.04.2 LTS, and am considering purchasing an iPhone. Wondering how easy it is to copy photos taken on my iPhone over to my Ubuntu laptop. And if possible, would I be able to copy MP3 files onto the iPhone for listening? Thanks.09:02
Ben64everson: honestly, it's not easy most of the time09:04
mcphaileverson: I'm not sure there is a simple way to transfer MP3s. My wife has to boot into Windows to do this09:06
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mcphaileverson: IIRC, you can copy photos (but we just send them to my nextcloud server)09:07
codecutterhow do i remove line 5 and 8 - https://pastebin.com/yuKXXC3n09:22
eversonmcphail, Ben64 thanks for the feedback. I guess getting MP3s onto the iPhone isn't super important. It's more a want than a need. Being able to copy photos off of the iPhone and onto Ubuntu, however, is a must. But from what I can see online, this is now fairly straight forward with 16.04 - I simply plug the phone into the USB and it automatically detects it and opens its contents.09:24
codecutterpresumably that is not how you enable a port?09:26
senapshi, is there to figure out what is holding userspace? i have a 3.4 minutes boot time09:43
senapsand all 3 minutes is for userspace...09:43
ppfuse systemd-analyze09:44
paare static versions of the libraries distributed under some special package name, on ubuntu?09:45
pae.g., libjpeg.a09:45
ppfi don't think there's a general rule09:46
senapsi have used it,  sum of all the time written in there get's me to about 30 seconds. what is the other 2 minutes! :) i had ntp and nmbd services disabled, they aren't showing in the result but boot time is still the same :(09:46
mcphaileverson: just bear in mind that Apple have been openly hostile towards any attempt to use their devices from outwith their controlled ecosystem. Most open source devs have given up trying to reverse-engineer the obstructions. So Ubuntu support for the device may be disappointing09:46
ppfand in most cases packets will only ship .so's09:46
paso i if i want to link against libjpeg.a, i probably have to build it myself?09:47
geirhaany *.a files will be in the corresponding -dev package09:48
palet me check09:48
ppfyes, i stand corrected09:49
pabut i have it09:49
paand locate can't find libjpeg.a..09:49
codecutterany suggestions?09:50
geirhalocate's database hasn't been updated yet09:50
pano i mean i already had it09:50
geirhastill, probably installed after last update of locate's database09:51
pahm, it's indeed there09:53
eversonThanks mcphail appreciate the advice. I'm probably going to get an Android phone instead. Transferring photos is a key requirements and I don't want to have to hack around each time iOS is updated. I know it's off topic, but I'm looking for a compact smartphone with decent battery. Are you using an Android device? And if so, is the Ubuntu integration good?09:59
Ben64everson: yeah offtopic, might wanna try #ubuntu-offtopic  for that10:01
eversonBen64, ok noted, thansk10:01
Ben64but not sure what you mean by compact10:01
eversonBen64, about the size of an iPhone SE (120x60x10) but yeah I'll ask in offtopic channel :)10:02
J3553glitsj16: Thanks, Sorry was pulled away. I did a test comparison. You and geirha are right :-) It expands to include it in '' if the path has a space, but if not it does not expand to have the ''. Seems strange to me that it doesnt expand to '' all the time, but it definitely works.10:36
J3553geirha: Thanks for your help. Script works well :D10:37
karosshiiiibeen stuck on this screen for about 10mins. Progress bar is still moving tho10:59
karosshiiiisomething wrong or is this usual?11:00
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IceBearHi, when having something along 'APT::Periodic::Enable "0";' in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/file: upon removing that file, do I need to restart unattended-upgrades.service or anything to make those changes effective?11:02
hateballkarosshiiii: 10 minutes is quite much, assuming you are not booting a potato. Pressing ESC should show you what is behind the splash11:03
karosshiiiithx, 3.4ghz i7. Checking the disc for problems now but getting the same screen. will try esc11:04
hateballkarosshiiii: you can try editing the boot options and removing "quiet splash" to see what actually happens during boot11:04
hateballkarosshiiii: depending on what GPU you have you may need to use...11:05
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:05
geirhaJ3553: This should help on understanding the issue http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Arguments11:08
BluesKajHiyas all11:18
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fish-gutsI need to install java 6 on ubuntu 16.04 alongside java 8. I have successfully done this on one machine. On the other it has dependency failures that I cannot resolve without uninstalling one java version.  Any pointers?11:35
ioriafish-guts, you installed 6 on xenial from ppa:webupd8team/java  ?11:38
fish-gutsioria, nope directly downloaded the package fro launchpadlibrarian11:40
ioriafish-guts, ah11:40
ioriafish-guts, no idea then11:40
ioriafish-guts, maybe paste the erros you got11:40
fish-gutsopenjdk-8-jre-headless:amd64 (8u131-b11-0ubuntu1.16.04.2) breaks tzdata-java and is installed.11:41
ioria!info tzdata-java xenial11:48
ubottuPackage tzdata-java does not exist in xenial11:48
TabmowHi, with this partition setup - https://pasteboard.co/1m2F7r88.png - If I want to increase me /boot partition (as I'm tired of not being able to install kernel updates etc.), is it doable via gparted livecd?11:49
uboneafter creating a new connection with networkmanager, where is the configuration stored?11:52
scottjltabmow: doable, but a pain. you'd have to shrink your logical partitions, and the lvm partition, and the extended, then increase boot. best to just reinstall if you can and make boot bigger from the start. 1g minimum.11:53
LighthammerQUESTION: is there a fundamental difference between running a binary from within the localised path eg : "/somedir$   binaryName" or running it with [./] as "/someDir$  ./binaryname  " ?11:53
scottjlTabmow: tbh i never install separate /boot any longer. i make a /root of 32G and then separate for /home, /opt, etc. as needed.11:53
scottjlLighthammer:  no11:54
fish-gutsioria, as I said, it works fine on one machine, that what dazzles mes11:54
ioriayep, but idk your ather machine setup ...11:55
fish-gutsidentical OS, 16.04.211:55
SimonNLubone:  /etc/networkmanager11:55
fish-gutsbut different cpu type (Intel i7 vs AMD64)11:55
Tabmowscottjl, yeah - most my data is on my NAS so reinstalling won't be a big pain. Maybe it's worth it. Unfortunately I went with the 'default' and that is what it gave me. I know it's not best practice but 1 big / partition would probably be easiest for me tbh.11:56
ioriaTabmow, you can, for now, purge some kernels ... and get updates11:56
scottjlTabmow: yeah. unfortunately the default pretty much sucks. i run hundreds of production servers in a commerical environment with 32G / and have no issues. never worry about running out of space in /boot, / /usr etc. only things that get broken out from that are special-need cases.11:57
scottjlhaving /boot separate partition is a hold-over from needing binaries in the first 2G for old crap bioses that couldn't handle it.11:58
fish-gutsI'll try a different approach - i'll remove openjdk 8 and install oracle java, maybe it'll work then11:58
akikscottjl: does grub support /boot being in a volume group?11:58
ioriafish-guts, or try the ppa11:58
scottjlakik: i think so but not 100% sure. i don't use LVM. my / are straight up plain 32G partitions. i save LVM/ZFS for data drives11:59
Tabmowscottjl, yeh, understandable.11:59
ioriafish-guts,  can you paste apt-cache policy tzdata-java ?11:59
Tabmowioria, true - I will do.11:59
fish-gutsioria, https://pastebin.com/rYwusbM112:00
fish-gutsioria, nm, i got it working by installing oracle java 8 and opendjk-612:08
fish-gutsthanks for your help :)12:08
ioriafish-guts,  ok12:08
ioriafish-guts,  np12:08
blackdalekMy friend has Ubutnu 15.04 and wants to upgrade to 16.04 but he says computer tells him upgrade is not supported.12:17
hateball!eolupgrade | blackdalek12:17
ubottublackdalek: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:17
Tabmowscottjl, ioria: looks better - http://paste.ubuntu.com/24916702/ - :)12:23
ioriaTabmow, yeah12:23
scottjlthink i missed something there. but you're welcome. lol12:24
TabmowFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on12:25
Tabmow /dev/sda1       236M   59M  165M  27% /boot12:25
scottjlah you cleaned out old kernels12:25
TabmowDeleted all the old rubbish - I'll add a pre-step to my update scripts to delete all old kernels besides the running one and last previous kernel. That way I shouldn't need to worry about it.12:26
TabmowAlthough I still might update to 17.04 soon so in that case I'll do a fresh install and setup my partitions properly.12:27
scottjlor delay 4 months and go to 17.10. ;-)12:28
TabmowHaha true, I'm on 16.04 now cos as I get older I'm more, if it ain't broke don't fix it!12:29
TabmowSo I'll probably be here for another few years haha12:30
slamzyHi guys, got issues with SSL handshake where target host has ".local" string in domain name, could this be the cause ?12:30
haymi_i have ubuntu 16.04 and when i am trying to use wifi it stops working evry some minute  i am not sure how many minute but in cable it woks proporly is  there any   method to fix?12:31
BluesKajinteresting networking development here for Artful 17.10  https://www.pastebin.ca/383426512:34
haymii  am using ubuntu 16.o4 but the wifi stops suddenly aftr some minute wred connections is works perfectly except wifi is ther any method to fix12:41
dostoyevskyHey, I just did: rm /bin/sh & cp /bin/bash /bin/sh12:44
dostoyevskyis this going to break my system on reboot?12:44
dostoyevskys/&/&&/ even12:44
iseneNow why would you do that?12:45
dostoyevskyisene: /bin/sh has no completion...12:45
iseneBut why not leave it and make bash your working shell whenever you need completion?12:47
Picidostoyevsky: /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/dash on Ubuntu systems... but I agree thats a very weird thing to do.12:47
dostoyevskyisene: I am just used to do ``sudo sh'' when I want to install something12:47
iseneYou should "re-symlink" it to dash12:48
dostoyevskyso I don'T want to relearn it for just ubuntu12:48
Picidostoyevsky: What do you install using sudo sh??12:48
iseneJust make an alias for "sudo sh" in your bashrc, then12:48
isene^^^What Pici asked :-O12:49
dostoyevskyPici: Right now I had to fix the python installation... because normal users didn't have rights to go to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/12:51
dostoyevskyit seems that once you restrict your umask to 077 a lot of install scripts will just reuse it when installing new system-wide software...12:52
thirasmy hosts file doesn't help me to resolve a domain12:52
thirasi've insert ip and domain into hosts. get a reboot. still solves from remote12:53
thirasnsswitch's relevant line is "hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns"12:53
laceylaneyHI guys. URXVT terminal automatically inserts "~" symbol at random. Anyone know why this would happen :?12:54
Picidostoyevsky: normal users of course don't have access to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/, and if you're installing scripts there you're doing things the wrong way.  Python packaging really shouldn't intermingle with OS packaging.  Use virtualenvs or have users install to their home (pip install --user ...)12:55
laceylaney~~~~ ...Since sending my last message URXVT has automatically added those 4 symbols by itself. Is there any way to stop it from happening :?12:58
HounddogHi, i am having issues with too many open files. How would i go about closing stale file descriptors instead of restarting the server?13:04
J3553I have created configs with snapper (distro Ubuntu) however, I want to stop some of them auto running. I have put 'TIMELINE_CREATE="no"' into the respective configs but they keep making new snapshots. Any guesses as to what I am doing wrong?13:12
ElectroidCan someone please execute "echo $(which java | sed 's/bin\/\java/bin/g')/../" and give me the output, I'm not on Ubuntu myself and I wanted to test my java jdk detector.13:17
=== olmari_ is now known as olmari
J3553dw found it. it was in there twice, also under "#create hourly snapshots"13:22
IceBearHi, when having something along 'APT::Periodic::Enable "0";' in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/file: upon removing that file, do I need to restart unattended-upgrades.service or anything to make those changes effective?13:23
Melioratorhi all, i am getting a black screen whilst booing, with a fresh install of 16.04LTS on a USB stick, I don't even see grub! The first thing i see is the login sceen, no matter which drivers I try! I also tried editing the grub config with nomodeset instead of splash and quiet kernel options ...any other ideas?13:45
sebsebsebMeliorator: ok could be aa faulty usb13:48
sebsebsebMeliorator: the usb itself, or your burn of contents of the iso to it13:48
sebsebsebput that to side13:49
sebsebsebyou already  installed13:49
sebsebsebMeliorator: or wait no y9ou didn't its the live usb ?13:49
sebsebsebif it's a usb stick, and your booting live session make a new one, and grub won't show on that anyway.  just plymouth etc13:49
sebsebsebif its a real install,  could just be a bad install, or  realted to your hardware13:50
SimonNLMeliorator: try pressing left shift during boot.13:53
SimonNLMeliorator: until you see notification in top left side of screen saying "entering grub"13:54
vipulgupta2048Hey, I need to ask something about Xubuntu ? is anybody there?14:10
SwedeMike!ask | vipulgupta204814:11
ubottuvipulgupta2048: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:11
vipulgupta2048On my login screen,there are 2 options indicating options Xfce session and Xubuntu session . What is the difference14:12
ioriavipulgupta2048, https://askubuntu.com/questions/296597/what-is-the-differences-between-xfce-session-and-xubuntu-session14:14
vipulgupta2048ioria,yes I read that,already  but I wanted to ask if there is any difference except the appearance ? Are any features or settings different ?14:17
vipulgupta2048Personally I felt they are the same,I had the xubuntu session more customised.14:18
ioriavipulgupta2048, i can't tell for sure,  maybe you can add some details ....14:19
ioriavipulgupta2048, i mean, what's your issue  ?14:20
vipulgupta2048No issue, I was just thinking which is better and so on.14:21
ioriavipulgupta2048, i see14:22
ioriavipulgupta2048, if you have low ram, choose xfce14:23
vipulgupta2048ioria,No ram is not an issue.14:24
vipulgupta2048My issue was the battery life so switched from Ubuntu to Xubuntu.14:25
ioriavipulgupta2048, disable some services, low the brightness, use the integrated card, .... so on14:26
ioriavipulgupta2048, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/improve-battery-life-linux14:27
vipulgupta2048ioria,after I switched to Xubuntu for battery life only. Now everything is fine. My system gives about 3hours of uptime.14:28
ioriavipulgupta2048,  ok14:28
vipulgupta2048Honestly I tried everything to conserve and extend battery life in Ubuntu but nothing showed a appreciable change.14:29
vipulgupta2048I like Xubuntu better. More customisable, lighter.14:30
ioriavipulgupta2048, yeah, xfce is great, the support term is shorter, btw14:30
sondahello everyone... hi have installed ubuntu 16.04 LTS  on my lenovo thinkpad ... but the wifi is too slow.. i mean i get max up to 1 mbps.. though on my mac i get up to 16 mbps.. could that be any driver problem?15:16
Onepamopaok, can someone tell me how to run quagga's bgpd on ubuntu ? installed it, added bgpd.conf, service bgpd start and nothing15:18
nchambersOnepamopa: is there anything in its logs/the syslog?15:20
Onepamopabgpd.service: Unit is bound to inactive unit zebra.service. Stopping, too.15:21
OnepamopaI don't need zebra15:21
OnepamopaI've run quagga on freebsd w/o zebra15:22
Onepamopaso how do I exclude zebra ?15:23
sondahello friends... any one know a fix for slow internet on ubuntu 16.04 LTS15:28
sondaits just 540 kbps..15:29
sondaor is there a newer version of ubuntu where all such wifi problems are fixed15:29
Onepamopanchambers, I removed the before/after sh*ts from the .service file, now it starts, creates a session, receives some announces, but doesn't send its own15:36
OnepamopaI tried connecting via telnet and remove / add announces - the log doesn't show anything15:36
RotwangHi, on ubuntu 16.04 what is responsible for running /etc/init.d stuff?16:08
Rotwangas I understand only systemd is used but something is executing stuff in /etc/init.d I'm guessing it is a particular unit file16:09
tewardRotwang: SystemD plus a compatibility layer to fallback with oldstyle init.d stuffs (sysv, upstart) if init files haven't been migrated over yet16:10
naccRotwang: depending on the context, /etc/init.d isn't used at all16:10
tewardat least AIUI16:10
naccRotwang: when the initscript sources lsb-init-functions (or something similar) it ends up jumping into systemd16:10
Rotwangnacc: thanks, I'll look into that16:12
naccRotwang: /lib/lsb/init-functions is the sourced file16:12
glachasI  tried sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer but got the error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/24917905/16:12
naccglachas: not an ubuntu package, ask the repository owner16:13
kempohi. how can i write a *.imgc raw hdd image to my usb drive?16:15
aantooniohello, using ubuntu 14.04. How come system monitor shows network traffic on wireless and nethogs is not? I have constant traffic downloading according to system monitor of 35KB who is lying??16:15
EriC^^kempo: sudo dd if=/path/to/img of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync16:15
tcpdumpAnyone ever use live555ProxyServer?  Does anyone know if that is truly just proxying packets, or if its transcoding or muxing?16:16
kempoEriC^^: this doesnt work for imgc files16:16
BluesKajkempo, if it's binary data it will work with dd, just make sure you have source and target paths correct in the command16:19
nacckempo: i don't think an imgc file is a 'raw hdd image'. What generated it?16:19
nacckempo: 'HDD raw copy tool'?16:21
bytesaberI use ssh -w to build a ptp link.   With Ubuntu 16 i haven't had much luck.  Establishes, but I can't ping across it.   Any new security or restrictions I"m not considering?16:21
bytesaberalso connecting as root (testing)16:21
kemponacc: yes16:23
EriC^^kempo: if it's a filesystem or a partition table + partitions and filesystems it should work with dd16:24
uxfiany1 from India?16:24
nacckempo: http://www.cryer.co.uk/file-types/i/imgc.htm specifically says to use the tool to restore it to a drive16:25
naccEriC^^: i think they would need to tell the generating tool not to compress, potentailly they didn't16:25
nacckempo: then again, it says this is a windows utility ...16:26
naccuxfi: not relevant in this channel16:26
EriC^^nacc: oh i see16:26
kemponacc: hm ... lame ..16:26
uxfisorry im new here16:26
nacckempo: not sure why, if you're on ubuntu, you wouldn't just use dd to create a disk copy16:27
nacckempo: as in, why did you choose to make a imgc file?16:27
naccuxfi: it's fine, just ask a support question if you have one16:27
yellabs-r2hello all, what is these day's the best to use for virtual machines ?16:43
akikyellabs-r2: polls are for other channels. do you have a support question?16:46
aantooniobump, using ubuntu 14.04. How come system monitor shows network traffic on wireless and nethogs is not? I have constant traffic downloading according to system monitor of 35KB who is lying?16:46
yellabs-r2polls ? the question was very simple, whats the best software for virtual machine - hypervisor16:48
naccyellabs-r2: 'best' is a poll.16:48
naccyellabs-r2: you gave no technical basis on which to judge your workload.16:49
naccaantoonio: nethogs is showing no traffic at all?16:50
yellabs-r2let me refrase that -  i need to install openstack in a vm , any software that can help me to achieve that ?16:50
akikyellabs-r2: if i'd tell you virtualbox, somebody else would say vmware and the third xen16:50
naccakik: and i'd say none of those and just use virt-manager :)16:50
aantoonionacc: nope16:50
naccakik: or lxd ;)16:50
naccyellabs-r2: conjure-up16:51
naccyellabs-r2: https://conjure-up.io/16:51
naccyellabs-r2: installs openstack on a single system using lxd containers16:51
rajivmarsturning on my laptop first time after turn off mode ,everything works good until i plugged in or plugged out, whenever i plugged in or unplug first time after turn on the, brightness suddenly goes to 95%. why is this happening? how to figure it out?16:52
yellabs-r2nacc looks good, thanks16:52
akiknacc: does that support multiple lxd hosts too?16:52
rajivmarsanybody please help me to figure ot my problem with screen brightness.16:54
bobomahello. I have a problem with ubuntu 17.04. and it's libreoffice. It constantly kills the desktop and throws me back to the login screen. Is this a known problem?16:55
se1_I never had that problem on 17.0416:55
se1_Take it you did a search?16:56
akikrajivmars: you can't adjust your brightness?16:56
TomyWorkwhat was that tool to clean up kernels and stuff again?16:58
TomyWorki have it installed but the name escapes me16:58
rajivmarsakik: i have adjust it. but after turning of the laptop and turn on it again, the brightness changes. it increases to 95 % whenever i plugged or unplugged it to the poer source.16:58
akikTomyWork: sudo apt autoremove ?16:58
rajivmarssry its poer source.16:58
TomyWorksomething with janitor maybe?16:58
rajivmarssry its power source16:58
TomyWorkah, ubuntu tweak17:00
TomyWorkand it has a feature named computer janitor17:00
yellabs-r2boboma : try update first maybe -> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:00
akikrajivmars: i don't know if this helps but you could add the acpi_osi kernel parameter and see if changes things17:00
yellabs-r2TomyWork sudo apt-get autoremove17:00
bobomayellabs-r2, thanks, its already the latest version. I was wondering if other ppl experience this problem...17:01
rajivmarsakik: do u have any idea why is this happening?17:01
akikrajivmars: no17:01
TomyWorkyellabs-r2 thanks but janitor worked perfectly17:01
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
yellabs-r2TomyWork : nvidia video card ?17:02
TomyWorkexcept it's also uninstalling *all* of my 3.13 kernel, not just the older ones... oh well, havent been using those in half a year anyway17:03
rajivmarsakik: the problem is, i have to adjust the brightness every time i turn my laptop on and plugged or unplugged it for the first time.17:03
akikrajivmars: if you want to test acpi_osi, first run "$ sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows", then get the largest number of those values and add it to /etc/default/grub for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in a format GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi_osi=\"Windows 2015\""17:03
TomyWorkyellabs-r2 yes, why?17:03
yellabs-r2ah sorry it was adressed at boboma ..17:03
TomyWorkalso, i wonder when ubuntu kernels will start having a failsafe in their preinst that prevents them from getting stuck in limbo if there isnt enough space in /boot17:05
TomyWork(the cause for me frantically looking to delete old kernels)17:05
bobomayellabs-r2, no, intel17:06
yellabs-r2ok, seen some bugs like yours on the list , but that was on nvidia drivers17:07
farhanHi all. I have a few dozen machines on an air-gapped network. I want to setup a private repository with a select list of packages I downloaded manually. Is there a quick and dirty way to create an entry I can put into /etc/apt/sources.list ?17:08
farhanI can create the server, excuse me.17:08
bobomayellabs-r2, funny thing is that it does not happen when just using the internal monitor of the laptop. using an attached 4k monitor it freezes quickly.17:09
yellabs-r2ok , sorry have to go ---17:11
* yellabs-r2 afk17:11
karosshiiiiCan anyone help with this error? Can't find anything on google and their IRC is dead :( - pastebin.com/Xab9eZCd17:12
karosshiiii* https://pastebin.com/Xab9eZCd17:12
Kristjan55555Hello hot 33 y male searching for husband, send me your cunt pictures first! ok....waiting..17:13
bobomalibreoffice causes gpu hangs with ubuntu 17.0417:14
boboma[drm] GPU HANG: ecode 9:0:0x85dffffb, in Xorg [1675], reason: Hang on rcs17:14
bobomahow comes?17:14
aantoonioany suggestions, using ubuntu 14.04. How come system monitor shows network traffic on wireless and nethogs is not? I have constant traffic downloading according to system monitor of 35KB who is lying??17:17
farhanokay, this reprepro guide is broken or something17:22
naccakik: i believe it can, but i'm not sure17:27
naccakik: sorry, was afk17:27
glitsj16farhan: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal yet?17:28
bparkerI'm trying to cross compile a program for armhf, a project which links objects and libraries using the standalone ld program itself and not via gcc -lfoo17:35
bparkerthe program wants to link stdc++, but ld only looks for (and fails to find) a libstdc++.so17:36
bparkerhowever g++ -lstdc++ finds it just fine, and looks in way more places17:36
bparkerany ideas?17:36
bparker(I'm using the arm-linux-gnueabihf- prefix on all these commands also)17:36
naccbparker: this isn't really a programming support channel17:38
bparkernacc: is there one specific to ubuntu? since this seems related to the distro17:40
nacc!alis | bparker: there might be, I don't know. But this channel is more about issues with ubuntu itself.17:41
ubottubparker: there might be, I don't know. But this channel is more about issues with ubuntu itself.: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"17:41
naccbparker: i wonder if you need to setup ld.so.conf in your cross-compile environment to point to the correct location(s)17:41
backnforthHi, can someone help me run a memtest? When I book my ubuntu flash drive there's no option to do a memtest17:44
bparkernacc: when I tried adding the directory I got this in ldconfig17:47
bparker/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/gcc-cross/arm-linux-gnueabihf/5/libstdc++.so is for unknown machine 40.17:47
bparkerand the armhf ld still isn't looking in that directory17:48
naccbparker: yeah, i'm not sure how you exactly do it (I would think the cross-ld would be what you'd need to configure not the system one)17:48
naccbparker: becuase your systemd ld doesn't know about other machine types17:48
bparkerwell, there was already an armhf ld.so.conf file17:49
bparkerwith a directory in it17:49
bparkerso I just added another one17:49
bparkerand tried to re-run17:49
naccbparker: i'm not sure i guess -- i've not done much armhf cross-compiling myself17:50
bparkergoogle isn't helping either17:50
naccbparker: also, if you're using ld, you can just give it the full path17:51
bparkeryea but that wouldn't be appropriate for this specific case17:52
white_magicanyone know how to attach to an unnamed tmux session? i tried 'tmux a 0' for example, but the syntax wasnt accepted17:53
cwreHow do I enable emoji in ubuntu in my terminal?17:54
cwreI have noto-fonts installed.17:54
bparkerwhite_magic: tried without the 0?17:55
white_magicbparker: yes and it works17:55
white_magicbparker: was just hoping to attach by session #17:55
scottjlwhite_magic: tmux attach -t 017:56
scottjltmux ls - will show you all your sessions17:57
scottjlfirst column being the session name17:57
Scoop7echo "alias login='putty -ssh myusername@myhost -pw mypassword -P myport'" >> ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bash_aliases18:10
Scoop7anyone can tell me why this returns an error ?18:10
Scoop7i mean the attempt to login18:11
Scoop7Unable to connect to myusername@myhost  Name or service not known18:11
leftyfbScoop7: why are you making an alias to use putty to ssh into a remote host? Why bother with putty when you have ssh built in?18:13
scottjlleftyfb: stop trying to be sensible! ;-)18:13
shade34321We have a UFW rule to limit outbound traffic to a specific IP. After it hits a certain number of requests in x seconds UFW starts blocking it. How do you get unblocked? Can you just slow down the requests or do you need to stop for y amount of time?18:14
white_magictmux/irssi question: when i run irssi in a tmux session (tmux new -s irssi irssi), I'm unable to detach using the usual ctrl+d shortcut. Any thoughts?18:15
scottjlrebind detach to something else?18:16
akikwhite_magic: isn't detach ctrl+b ctrl+d ?18:16
scottjlwhite_magic: tmux tip, "unbind-key C-b" "bind-key '\' send-prefix" takes a little bit to get used to. so much easier.18:17
Scoop7leftyfb: hmm that sounds reasonable18:18
ppfhow do i persist an xinput setting?18:18
Scoop7will try to do it with my built ssh, thanks18:18
leftyfbScoop7: start with making an ssh profile18:18
leftyfbthat'll make things simpler18:18
white_magicakik:  it is... i had it all wrong.. it's all good now, thanks18:19
dlamis there a way to debug whats making my load average go higher?  i got a web server and its load average is 16.00 ish18:27
scottjlyour web server log files?18:27
naccdlam: lots of IO going on?18:29
singer22anyone know how to reboot urlib/18:29
naccsinger22: that question doesn't make sense to me, as written18:30
singer22can you reboot urllib maybe better question18:30
singer22its a function in python i guess18:30
singer22its used in python18:30
naccsinger22: right, so you don't 'reboot' functions. that's nonsense18:32
dlamnacc:  hmm how would you go about checking if "lots of IO" is going on?  iotop?18:32
Onepamopaguys, how do I set 2 default gateways for 2 interfaces? need to reply on the same interface traffic entered18:33
singer22nacc well thanks for your dumbass answer idiot18:33
dlam...i've run iotop but dunno really how to read it =[18:33
naccdlam: iotop would help, you're primarily looking for tasks in uninterruptible sleep (D tasks in `top`)18:33
naccsinger22: excuse me? your question still makes no sense18:34
singer22i got you a dumbass so you should under that part18:34
scottjlOnepamopa: you don't. you can only have one "default" gateway. that's why it's "Default"18:34
nacc!ohmy | singer22: you might want refresh yourself on the channels rules.18:35
ubottusinger22: you might want refresh yourself on the channels rules.: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:35
Onepamopascottjl, I've done something like this ~6-7 years ago, but haven't touched linux since then18:35
Onepamopascottjl, it was by using multiple routing tables I think18:35
Onepamopaeach having it's own default gateway18:35
Onepamopaor something like this18:35
Onepamopabut I don't remember how I did that, was long time ago18:35
BluesKajsinger22, please drop the insults, if you don't agree with the answer you're welcome to fingd it elsewhere with that attitiude18:35
scottjlOnepamopa: https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Two_Default_Gateways_on_One_System ?18:36
singer22BluesKaj, have I said it since..no ..keep it moving18:36
scottjlOnepamopa: google "linux multiple default gateways" lots of hits18:36
Onepamopascottjl, will try, thanks :)18:36
singer22BluesKaj, dont be selective in who you call out with an attitude18:37
naccscottjl: heh, first response i found too :)18:37
BluesKajsinger22, werll, good lucj :-018:37
singer22dont need it18:37
naccsinger22: ok, so you still have not stated what your actual issue is. Whether you want to admit it or not, I was trying to help, but you haven't stated an actionable issue.18:38
singer22is there a dns cache in ubuntu linux 17.04 that needs to be cleaned..18:39
singer22im running a python program that has a dns cache somewhere because it is pulling a url that is no longer in the txt file it reads the url's from18:39
potatoes_i have a peculiar problem, when I CHAGE an account do I have to reopen a new session before it takes affect?18:41
scottjlpotatoes_: what are you changing?18:42
potatoes_scottj1: we have an amazon ami that we feed user data through18:42
potatoes_security compliance requires the password is aged before we start up18:42
potatoes_so we have two possibilities we set a new password, or we re-age the pw18:42
potatoes_we choose to re-age the pw18:42
scottjlpotatoes_: so you're changing the account's password?18:43
potatoes_but it won't work in the same session, the user-data script runs and If i open a new tab and connect as the user it works18:43
potatoes_if the same session continues it fails.18:43
potatoes_i have to reopen the session in order to be able to login18:43
potatoes_scottjl: no we are not changing the password, we are re-aging it so it's not expired.18:43
scottjlpotatoes_: WHERE are you changing this? an env variable? in a config file?18:43
potatoes_scottjl: systemctl stop sshd.service ; chage -M -1 cloud-user ; systemctl start sshd.service18:44
potatoes_scottjl: in user-data that you provide to Amazon as you boot up the image.18:44
V7Hey all18:45
farhanI can't make heads or tales of reprepro. Seemingly no guides work.18:46
scottjlpotatoes_: hmm. i would think that the age would already be in effect in your current session and not applied until a new session is started18:46
V7I know the bug of wifi connection issue ( Dirver/Chipset rtl8821ae ) ... so18:46
V7How to fix it ?18:46
scottjlpotatoes_: that's handled by pam and only read when the session is started18:46
potatoes_scottj1: that is really odd because it works in RedHat18:46
V7WiFi connection just disconnects, but ... network manager says that connection exists ...18:46
potatoes_scottj1: also I think user-data script gets run before the cloud-user event connects.18:47
scottjlpotatoes_: no idea what your u-d script or your c-u event are18:48
scottjlpotatoes_: you're asking about changes to the shadow file (where password age is kept) that's pretty instant.18:48
potatoes_<-- baffled18:48
scottjlbut i am guessing that value is only read once on login, not re-read when changed for an existing session18:49
khronosschotyI was wondering if the ubuntu channel would be nice enough to ask what module or kernel stuff ubuntu has that allows tempatures to be read on, in this case, for example, a dell 15 5565.18:49
potatoes_scottj1: I would assume that to be true also18:49
khronosschotynice enough to let me ask*18:49
scottjlpotatoes_: but i've never thought to test that before.18:49
potatoes_i have and it does work if i relog18:49
potatoes_odd that it works in redhat but not ubuntu18:50
scottjlredhat != ubuntu18:50
potatoes_i know :)18:50
potatoes_i guess i'm just wondering what they do differently18:50
scottjlpam configs?18:50
scottjlthat's the first place i'd look18:50
geniikhronosschoty: Perhaps look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto18:52
supremumAny recomended irc gui for ubuntu. I tried xchat, but it crashed and had a non intuitive gui and some wierd buggy behaviour (seems like it adds a . to the end of the server adress).18:54
marcarrelus@supremum I use HexChat18:55
khronosschotythank you genii18:55
naccsupremum: xchat is dead (iirc), hexchat is the replacement18:55
khronosschotydoes anyone in here run ubuntu on a dell 15 5565 out of curisoity that would be willing to let me ask them some questions?18:55
supremumok. thanks. i'm glad it is dead. I remember it to be useful long time ago.18:56
fallentreeif it was useful, why are you glad it's dead?18:57
supremumbecause now when I tried it, it didn't work.18:57
ioriasupremum, are you on trusty ?18:57
marcarrelusHey, does somebody know how you can flush DNS caches in 17.04? I tried "systemd-resolve --flush-caches" but the records keep getting resolved at localhost :p18:58
ioriamarcarrelus, have you seen this ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/906476/how-can-i-flush-the-dns-on-ubuntu-17-04-solved18:59
supremumioria: i'm on xenial18:59
fallentreesystemd-resolved is horribly broken. as you can see. try fully restarting the service18:59
ioria!info xchat xenial19:00
ubottuPackage xchat does not exist in xenial19:00
ioriasupremum, so there is no xchat on xenial19:00
marcarrelus@ioria yes, I got it from there :D19:00
marcarrelus@fallentree Yes, I see what you mean, not my first troubles with it :p19:01
supremumthe strange thing was that when i tried to add mozilla irc server it didn't work to connect and it complaied that irc.mozilla.org.. didn't exist19:01
supremumi don't know why it had two . there. looked like it automatically added a period to the server adress19:02
ppwdoes anybody know why ubuntu will not give out any display with an hd6850 but works just fine with a hd4350?19:02
fallentreemarcarrelus: I have completely disabled it, masked it, and installed unbound. need to instruct NM to use unbound, and it JustWorks(tm)19:03
supremumi'll try with hexchat19:03
curlyearsheigh hough19:06
curlyearsSay, where and what exactly would I look for to see if there are any 16.04LTS compatible drivers for my Gigabyte Radeon R7 250 graphics board?19:07
curlyearsIt seems to be working adequately for text, and simple graphics (pitures and video clips on the WWW), but I want to be able to push it's limits sometimes19:08
ioriappw, because the second is supported, the first not, i guess19:09
ioriacurlyears, http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx19:10
supremumwork with hexchat now. thanks.19:14
supremumi have created a custom keyboard layout in osx with ukelele. how do I do the same things on ubuntu?19:18
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks
ilyanovwhich IRC client for linux is most like mirc?19:58
curlyears*whew*   Well, thank you guys, your advice successfully lead to the functionoal installation of a recent driver for this Gigbyte Industries Radeon R7 250, with twoo whole gigs of RAM19:59
curlyearsilyanov: to my knowledge, there is no linux mIRC equivalent.  I keep hoping someone will make sucgh a monster, but nothing s=o far, and my health won't allow me to undertake such a monumental task20:00
curlyearsone thing I do NOT like about mIRC is that it doesn't support clicking on a url that is sent in channel or in msg.20:01
curlyearsanyhoo...thank you all, very much20:02
Sleakerilyanov: hexchat probably, though I prefer quassel.20:02
curlyears*wow* for a channel with 1167 used synched, this channel is dead silent20:02
oerheksnot parsing an URL could be safe, but iirc MIRC allowes that while holding shift20:02
Sleakerhexchat and quassel-irc are both graphical irc clients that support a myriad of mIRC-like features.20:03
curlyearsoerheks:  hold shift, you say?   I'll try that the next time I am stuck in a POS Winblows system20:03
* oerheks wonders why the ugly windows-mirc look20:03
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oerhekscurlyears, same behaviour in hexchat20:04
curlyearsoerheks:   OK, thanks20:04
BluesKajquassel works ok , but it's "fugly"20:04
pavloscurlyears: does this help ... http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx20:09
pavloscurlyears: seems you were sent this and were successful ... sry20:10
curlyearss'OK, pavlov.  I appreceiate the kindness20:14
curlyearsI just supposed that obne of the ubuntu support web sites would have this, not the manufacturer, but I keep forgetting abouty how connected AMD stays with their users, and their consistent support of open source O/Ses20:15
ilyanov[16:04] <BluesKaj> quassel works ok , but it's "fugly"20:22
ilyanovive used it and yes it is20:22
ilyanovXChat seems to have a package in centos20:22
jaithI tried running apt-get update on an ubuntu 16.04.2 machine and got some errors complaining about missing sources ( https://paste.ubuntu.com/24919350/ ). I understand that repo isn't secure and am wondering how on earth it got there. This url appears to have nothing to do with ubuntu or canonical. Is issue a common problem?20:25
nacc!ppa | jaith20:26
ubottujaith: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:26
naccjaith: you or someone who has root access to your system added those PPAs20:26
jaithnacc: thank you (again!). am I correct in thinking that "apt-get install" of various packages would NOT do such a thing? I'm trying to rule out my own actions before I start checking with others20:28
krytarik!xchat | ilyanov20:37
ubottuilyanov: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.20:37
Sleakeris there a place I can get updated udebs for building a new ISO?20:38
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
peacememorieshi everyone. i'm trying to set up bumblebee on someones laptop and running into a few problems21:03
peacememoriesi remember this being a pretty straightforward process on fedora and arch, but ubuntu seems to have an... interesting package ecosystem when it comes to nvidia drivers21:04
peacememoriescurrent state is that i deleted all the nvidia drivers because lightdm would not start anymore (i assume i have to blacklist them manually?)21:04
Bashing-ompeacememories: In ubuntu BumbleBee is depreciated in favor of nvidia-prime . If ya install the nvidia driver from repo, nvidia-prime is installed automagically .21:10
phos1I have a system doing an SSH into my server. It is trying to CD to a different directory then starting but that’s not working. How can I allow it to change directories?21:43
naccjaith: that's correct21:45
naccjaith: well, it's possible for an untrusted package to add an apt repository, but it's unlikely21:45
raynoldahh it's a wonderful day21:46
jaithnacc: thank you so much. I've been looking into it and, although I'm not certain, i think that this repo might be for installing nova-agent-rc which is apparently for Rackspace to exercise control over the machine: https://developer.rackspace.com/docs/user-guides/infrastructure/cloud-config/compute/cloud-servers-product-concepts/nova-agent/21:47
jaithnacc: I've contacted Rackspace tech support21:47
pavlosphos1: hostA ssh's to your server as normal user? do they have a shell?21:47
phos1pavlos: I am putting in commands into VSO for it to run, it’s going into that users root directory but for some reason telling to to CD it’s not changing. LS and Git and my other commands work but not CD21:48
oquidave hello, kinda confused here. How come when I symlink an php5-fpm in /etc/init.d to php-fpm, it doesn't work. Here's my output >> https://dpaste.de/cpN7#L2 . Am running on ubuntu 14.04 LTS21:50
pavlosphos1: maybe that user does not have perms to cd into said dir21:50
phos1pavlos: It does, I can connect in and use that account without an issue21:51
bootxis it possible to restrict IPMI access configuration from being changed from OS? i.e. dell poweredge servers21:52
eelstrebori've been trying to install 16.04 on a asus rog lappy but the bootup keeps hanging - the only suggestion i've been able to find is to add noveau.modeset=0 to the bootup but the lappy still hangs21:53
* eelstrebor can't even boot to a knoppix cd or dvd or usb stick21:55
pavlosphos1: cd is part of the shell, what shell are you using?21:55
phos1pavlos: Not sure, How do I check? I am Ubuntu 14.04.521:56
pavlosphos1: ps will give you the shell, probably bash21:57
phos1pavlos: I just changed fault login path in bashrc, it works for me using this account on login, but when I login and do ls thought the VSO tool it still shows default path to my user folder21:57
phos1palvos: it says bash and the below that PS21:58
pavlosphos1: I'm not familiar with the VSO tool, seems the login path for that user is not set21:59
eelstreborlooks like i won't be taking this laptop on vacation21:59
phos1palvos: I’m just trying to run commands through shell against a specific folder on the the server. It should be just standard shell commands22:00
pavloseelstrebor: https://jeremymdyson.wordpress.com/2016/04/27/ubuntugnome-16-04-on-asus-rog-gl552v/22:00
pavlosphos1: echo $PATH and see if there is some error22:04
MrPunkinCan anyone tell me how to install libgmp-dev on Ubuntu 10 Lucid?22:28
MrPunkinI realize it is no longer supported, but I can’t for the life of me figure it out and it’s a server we still use.22:29
akikMrPunkin: maybe you could find it on the installation iso. but the correct answer is re-install a current version of ubuntu22:30
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
minimecMrPunkin: I totally agree with akik that you should get a current version of ubuntu. Yet there is a solution for your outdated version. Change all the repo urls in /etc/apt/sources.list to the 'old-releases' repos, like this (example) "deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted".22:57
minimecAgain... I suggest you should keep your servers up to date. So my suggestion above should only be a temporarily solution.22:57
MrPunkinminimec: I tried that but still no luck, says it can’t find libgmp-dev package22:57
minimecMrPunkin: You have to enable the 'deb-src' lines too...22:58
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naccMrPunkin: it was called libgmp3-dev back then23:00
nacce.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmp/2:4.3.2+dfsg-1ubuntu123:00
MrPunkinnacc: I’ll try that. Unfortunately I’m trying to use RVM for Ruby management and they are looking for libgmp-dev so I can’t force it with libgmp3-dev I don’t think.23:01
naccMrPunkin: you should seriously understand that everything we've been saying has been contrary to the real point. Your server is old, insecure and potentially dangerous to use. Upgrade now.23:01
MrPunkinNo I know this.23:02
naccMrPunkin: working around packaging dependencies is only the very beginning of potential issues...23:02
eelstreborpavlos, thanks - that worked - too bad there are so many compatibility issues23:02
LoshkiMrPunkin: what services is this steam-driven thing actually providing?23:03
eelstrebornow i'm trying to find out why / is full23:03
MrPunkinLoshki: It’s a few old Rails app servers that just serve a website with old versions of everything.23:03
minimecMrPunkin: ... and forget my comment about 'deb-src'... You don't need them for '-dev' packages. ;)23:04
LoshkiMrPunkin: might actually be easier to upgrade to 14.04.5 and port the rails services in, than what you are proposing. With a better result, too.23:05
stoopkidHi, has anyone ever experienced a problem where a pc purchased from a place like best buy with the preconfigured windows package doesnt want to boot your ubuntu?23:13
Bashing-omstoopkid: disabled secure boot and fast boot in the firmware ?23:14
minimecstoopkid: https://www.google.ch/search?q=uefi+disable+secure+boot&ie=UTF-8&sa=Search&channel=fe&client=browser-ubuntu&hl=en&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=0_1KWeSmJsLaUdzvh4gG23:14
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stoopkidDisabling secure boot did the trick thank you!23:16
Bashing-omstoopkid: Welcome to our world :)23:18
wedgieHello. Ubuntu 16.04. After updates a couple days ago many Unity keyboard shortcuts no longer work. For example, Ctrl+alt+<arrow> to move workspaces, or Windows+7 (on keypad) to move a window to upper left corner. Any suggestions?23:20
wedgieholding the windows key still brings up the keyboard shortcuts window to display them...23:21
wedgieerr, ctrl+alt+7, not windows+723:21
ycyclistSay, I've been using at for some 20 years, but I'm running into a circumstance now where a very large program is running but now relaying its output to standard out.  Any idea what is going on?23:33
wedgieycyclist: you mean the command ''at''?23:34
ycyclistYes, I figured it out.23:39
ycyclistI knew it did not accept anything but bourne shell when using the shell, but I forgot &> is a bash construct.23:39
ycyclistSo I fixed that, and I'm going.23:39
afidegnumi have iptables and successfuly applied the rules but when i tried restartging it i have this error    Failed to restart iptables.service: Unit iptables.service not found   how can i fix it ?23:40
minimecafidegnum: maybe try 'sudo systemctl restart ufw.service'. There is no iptables.service on my system either.23:43
pavloseelstrebor: sudo du / -d1 | sort -n should give you size of each dir23:55

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