
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:04
zmoylan-pifi fi fo fum i smell the whiff of a daftykins...20:53
zmoylan-pimust resist... https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/87799497272041062421:02
daftykinsdooo iiiiit!21:02
zmoylan-pistop foul demon!! or i'll cast you out with a glancing blow from my current nokia... :-P21:03
zmoylan-pi... or at least till i find a nicer colour...21:04
daftykinssnake is calling you21:04
zmoylan-pino apps in opera app store for nokia 3310 2017... not good21:04
zmoylan-pii was hoping since they included opera mini and whatsapp app that it would take more java apps...21:08
zmoylan-picoz i like my ereader (albite) and google maps with street view and a few others would be nice to blow peoples minds... :-)21:11
daftykinsno street view here21:12
zmoylan-piespecially when they see how much easier street view was to use on my old nokia 301 with the hardware buttons21:13
zmoylan-pigoogle banned from streetviewing the place or didn't bother... you could always do a sheepview like the ?faroes21:16
daftykinsthey came over, the chavs slashed their tires, then i think the local gov told them not to release it21:17
daftykinswow expansys.com won't touch consumers anymore22:23
zmoylan-piwell they've been driving off customers for years...22:25
daftykinswas quite a good source for VAT free handsets shipped to the Channel rocks22:27
daftykinsooh-err OpenVPN server security vulnerability22:27
zmoylan-piin last few years i saw more and more complaints about them on any news story that popped up about them22:28
zmoylan-pithat vpn thing must be why vpn just got a patch on my distro...22:31
daftykinscould be!22:31
daftykinstime for bed, toodles \o22:32
* zmoylan-pi moseys off for a shower...22:34

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