
=== MAX__ is now known as Guest60905
Guest60905hi can i ask for help?06:53
Guest60905i installed mass configured dhcp on second nic i put a notebook on that pxe boot so it booted up from pxe maas but after it booted up it says: "Can not apply stage final, no datasource found!" ....06:55
Guest60905please can somebody help me?07:30
rbasakGuest60905: I suggest you wait a while - most channel users are still asleep.08:08
Guest60905the erro is here: http://imgur.com/a/6fheb10:48
gimmicFor some reason maas isn't detecting some new racks of gear I added. In the past I statically assigned ipmi interfaces and the nodes would show up16:04
gimmicwhat's the discovery mechanism?16:04
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
vlad__Hey guys how can I keep maas from running certain tests during commissioning?16:45
vlad__I'm trying to run this command but it just comes back not found (I have the correct system_id): maas $PROFILE machine commission -k $SYSTEM_ID testing_scripts=none  how far off is this from correct?16:55
vlad__Nevermind had to change script for finding system_id17:01
mupBug #1700134 opened: default minimum HWE kernel preventing deploying  <4010> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1700134>17:14
roaksoaxgimmic: /win 1417:25
roaksoaxgimmic: can those machines pxe boot of maas ?17:26
roaksoaxmaybe they are not pxe booting17:26
gimmicYeah, I think that is the new issue17:26
mupBug #1700161 opened: Rescue Mode fails and can't exit <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1700161>19:14
vlad__Are interfaces limited to having one fabric per interface?19:34
darinavbtHi all20:04
darinavbtI'm spinning up an OpenStack cloud using Ubuntu Autopilot. I'm setting up MAAS. When I commission machines, should I check "Allow SSH access and prevent machine from powering off"?20:05
darinavbtI'd think I'd want to be able to SSH into it, but I don't know why that's linked with "prevent powering off".20:05
darinavbtOr, if that checkbox is unchecked, can I still log in as ubuntu using the SSH key I put into MAAS?20:05
jamesbensondarinavbt: That's just commissioning it..20:09
jamesbensonafter it is commissioned, you'll have to deploy.20:09
jamesbensonfor commissioning, it powers off  once complete.  It's not in a good state to use at that point.20:10
jamesbensonOnce deployed, the power will stay on.20:10
darinavbtAh, gotcha. Yeah, I was just reading the MAAS docs and was heading towards that conclusion. Thanks!20:11
mupBug #1700180 opened: [2.2] Power querying failures related to SSL/TLS are not propagated to logs and UI <cpe> <cpe-sa> <https> <security> <ssl> <tls> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1700180>20:50
ltragerdarinavbt: The enable SSH and prevent power off option on commissioning and testing is there to help with debug23:10
ltragerdarinavbt: As jamesbenson mentioned you still need to deploy an operating system to use it23:11

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