[06:36] Good morning === lordievader[m] is now known as lordievader === lordievader is now known as Guest88772 === Guest88772 is now known as lordievader [09:46] \o/ added an ssd to my server :D [10:14] lordievader, cool [10:45] having an issue installing any packages. where can i view the apt log to see what the issue is? [10:59] immu: Indeed, had it laying around from my previous laptop, finally got round to adding it to that box. [12:00] Hi folks [12:01] hi [12:06] Morning BluesKaj [12:06] How are you doing? [12:06] Hey lordievader, fine here, and you? [12:07] Doing good here too, added an ssd to my server :) [12:17] What is in store for today? [12:41] brb [17:28] hi [18:39] !esm [18:39] Canonical offers paid extended security support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly. [19:02] !esm [19:02] Canonical offers paid extended security support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly. [19:03] hmm [19:03] Bashing-om, what is the level of Optimus technology support in ubuntu? [19:44] !optimus [19:44] Ubuntu uses nvidia-prime to support optimus videocards. === fr0tzed_ is now known as fr0tzed [20:25] ok === fr0tzed_ is now known as fr0tzed