[06:24] so I usually install a linux distro once every 2 or 3 years and try using it as my primary desktop OS. In the past I've always ran into lots of small problems that compound on themselves and I eventually switch back to windows. I've been using Ubuntu Mate for the past 2 weeks now and everything has worked flawlessly, it's by the far best distro I've ever used. [06:25] and the default interface is very nice. everything makes sense. [06:26] nice work. === julia is now known as Guest52012 [07:41] guys, does anyone of you have an asus laptop? mine behaves weird if i try to charge it. the led is orange, indicating charging, but after some time it starts to blink. when i turn the machine on, the battery is still empty. any ideas? [13:24] Bonjour il y quelqu'un ? [13:34] personne ? [13:38] !fr [13:38] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. === Crapshit_ is now known as Crapi [16:59] Good morning all from Ben in El Paso :-) [17:10] YeeeHaw back at ya [17:17] I have been on archlinux/mate on my primary -- caught up with work for moooooonths....came back to my ubuntu-mate 16.10 install and find that Ikey D. has written brisk menu for us/Wimpy, etc... [17:17] is this the menu I am seeing with cupertino layout? [17:25] oh is see at flexion.org got it lets seeeeeeee.........:-) [20:27] Testing [20:57] hello everyone === mike_ is now known as Guest95791 [21:26] does anyone have any experience with Deluge and it's dependicies? === Guest95791 is now known as Mik3_0 [21:27] https://thepasteb.in/p/lOhO4ByAYl8HB [21:28] Why not use the one in our repos [21:28] the above was given to me after I tried to install [21:29] Thats not the deluge from our repos [21:30] oh [21:30] where are your repos? [21:30] in a terminal. sudo apt-get install deluge [21:31] but you may have already screwed up your sources and added ppa [21:31] yea [21:31] I added ppa [21:31] cause that didn't work [21:32] Yea, that does, too many want latest that is hit or miss [21:32] used ppa:deluge-team/ppa [21:32] Bad idea [21:33] why is that? [21:35] adding ppas to get something installed is not the same as using ubuntu's repositories [21:35] ok [21:35] I didn't know that [21:35] I am still new to Linux [21:36] I removed the pps [21:36] ppa* [21:36] Np, just trying to help [21:36] also, just flushing sources / repos and refreshing things will not always save you [21:36] ok.. should I just try the install now that I removed the ppa [21:36] sure [21:37] https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/Home [21:37] Might help you [21:37] kk [21:37] yea. it didn't work [21:37] not sure how to remove it so I can try the install command [21:38] open synaptic [21:38] select deluge and completely remove [21:38] I gotta run [21:39] ty [21:39] np [21:47] OK, here's a mystery... Trying to use the Backups program. "You can create a backup after you first install some necessary software by clicking the Install... button. [21:47] Which is grayed out. >.< [21:50] Not sure what additional software it wants, or why it won't let me install it. [22:00] uhh... Are "Back Up" and "Backups" two different programs?? [22:01] Or is Back Up something that was launched by Backups? [22:01] Deja-dup (Backups) has always been a bit odd for me. I took to cron in the end. [22:02] I finally got it started after responding to a hidden dialog. [22:02] Deja-dup is a Ubuntu package I recall it depending on Gnome and Unity. === prime is now known as Guest9739 === prime is now known as Guest81227 [23:42] can anyone possibly assist me with update? i tried apt get update && apt get upgrade but there are still some updates not installing is there a easy work around for the /boot size issue? [23:49] also need apt-get full-upgrade [23:50] awesome ill try that tanks for the info [23:50] thanks* [23:50] this will deal with more aggressive updates that typically make packages redundant