
=== girish946 is now known as Guest69340
=== girish946 is now known as Guest95888
=== Guest95888 is now known as girish
hggdhfolks, please see bug 170037315:34
ubottubug 1700373 in intel-microcode (Ubuntu) "Please update microcode to version 20170511 on all supported platforms" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170037315:34
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== marlinc_ is now known as marlinc
hjdCould someone please trigger a rebuild of jabref in artful? Not sure why it failed the last time, but it built successfully for me when I tried in a vm. TIA :)17:41
ginggshjd: retrying18:19
CasWHey guys, if I recall correctly, Ubuntu had a list of a hundred or a thousand "paper cuts", right? Do they still have that, and where would I be able to find it?23:10

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