
=== STiK is now known as MauiBlowsGoats
=== MauiBlowsGoats is now known as STiK
snadgeis there something i can read about any specific development that's being done to ease transition for ex unity users?10:35
jbichasnadge: maybe it's not exactly what you're looking for but I recommend checking out the desktop updates at https://insights.ubuntu.com/11:40
jbichayou could also subscribe to the ubuntu-desktop mailing list if you like11:40
snadgei found an article on omgubuntu that seemed to answer at least in a rough way, the way things seem to be going12:09
snadge17.10 will have unity 7, and gnome without any significant customisation.. maybe a few tweaks but not all of the functionality that unity has12:10
jbichaGNOME won't be quite the same as what you get on other distros (at least a different theme and some different default app choices)12:13
jbichabut it won't be a full copy of Unity either12:13

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