
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:34
SuperMattgood morning08:35
lornajanehey popey is this rumour about you coming to Leeds true??11:30
SuperMattBeen reading his emails again, eh?11:34
lornajaneactually I heard this one in a bar :)11:40
popeylornajane: thanks for the reminder, I'll message Will12:37
lornajanepopey: awesome!  Will be excellent to see you and that user group is brand new and just getting going12:37
popeysuper. i have it in my calendar and sent will the synopsis etc12:41
popeyit's the day after I get back from holiday so I hope my brain still works :)12:41
lornajanesounds good.  Let me know if you get in with time to spare for dinner or something12:42
popeywill do12:46
foobarrydoes get_iplayer still work?18:35
foobarryyes foobarry you need to get the new version off github as the --update cli doesn't work anymore.18:44
foobarrythanks foobarry18:44
brobostigonpkg_add get_iplayer,18:47
brobostigonpkg_add -u get_iplayer,18:48
m0nkey_pkg_add? I thought I was in #ubuntu-uk, not #freebsd :)18:51
foobarrywhat is this witchcraft?18:54
brobostigonm0nkey_: openbsd to be exact.18:54
m0nkey_Sir, I have to know BSD is awesome :)18:54
m0nkey_People still use OpenBSD? j/k :)18:55
brobostigonmy fiance's machine is openbsd, she rocks. :D18:55
brobostigoni set it up, :D18:56
zmoylan-pionly till the new version of os/2 is released :-P18:56
brobostigonlolz, v.50018:56
m0nkey_zmoylan-pi: That happened already .. https://www.arcanoae.com/shop/arcaos-5-personal-edition/18:57
zmoylan-pibut if you know anything about os/2 you wait for the bug fixes to start coming out :-)18:58
brobostigonisnt that why they started working on haiku, to make a viable upgrade path from BeOS, :)19:00
brobostigonhaiku and BeOS are the best things since sliced bread btw.19:01
foobarryi used haiku on my eee pc for a few days19:01
brobostigonhow long ago?19:01
foobarry3yrs? maybe more?19:02
foobarrynot sure it had wifi19:02
brobostigonso much has changed since then. :)19:03
brobostigoni ran it on an eeepc 900 many years ago, the wifi worked fine, cant remeber which chipset.19:04
foobarrycould have been 5yrs19:07
foobarrytime flies19:07
foobarryiplayer website just giving me spinny wheel :(19:07
brobostigonso much has changed in haiku, so many improvements, :D19:08
foobarrymore likely to run debian vty without gui on the eee pc19:08

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