
cmaloneyrick_h: How was the trek to Cedar Point?13:05
rick_hcmaloney: it was good. Got the boy on three roller coasters so mission accomplished13:06
rick_hcmaloney: but then he wore out around 4pm and melted down on the log flume ride and we got tossed off it13:06
rick_h"Sir, I can't make him go on the ride if he doesn't want do"13:06
rick_hSo it ended with a bang, but everyone agrees it should become an annual trip from now on so woot13:07
cmaloneyrick_h: I can completely understand his reluctance on the lig flume13:07
rick_hwell it the downhill looks scarier because of the running water I think13:07
rick_h"it's so steep!"13:07
cmaloneyNothing but those stupid handrails13:07
rick_hbut it's not as steep as the other coasters he'd already done13:08
cmaloneyYeah, but on those coasters you have the cage and what-not13:08
rick_hyea, fair enough13:08
cmaloneynot "two handrails and the dude behind you"13:08
rick_hhe was tired, fell asleep in the truck before we got off the little cedar point island section13:08
rick_hso I'm going to call it a success even though it ended with a bit of a bang13:09
cmaloneycool deal13:09
cmaloneywhich coasters did he go on?13:10
shakes808rick_h: that sounds like a good time.  I just asked my son this past week if he wanted to go to cedar point, and he said he was afraid haha.  we'll see.   How old is your boy?  Mine is 11.13:14
rick_hshakes808: 713:14
rick_hshakes808: we're doing disney after thanksgiving so we're working on getting him used to some rides before we go there13:14
cmaloneyHey, nothing wrong with being afraid of falling. That's just good thinking13:14
rick_hshakes808: heh, I was carried onto my first roller coaster around 12 I think? So trying to help him not be like his old man13:15
cmaloneyrick_h: Space Mountain is scarier than it seems13:15
cmaloneyit's not that steep, but it gives you the illusion that it's worse than it is13:15
rick_hhe's 50" so he can go on about half the stuff at cedar point so it was good.13:15
shakes808rick_h: HAHA.  I went on the X-Flight at some smaller venue because my grandfather was going on it and called me a puss for not going on it.  I think i was 13ish.13:16
cmaloneyYeah, I liked the spinning rides much better13:16
shakes808cmaloney: where's the adventure?!13:16
cmaloneyshakes808: Terra Firma, Earth13:16
rick_hcmaloney: yea, I think his favorite was the scrambler where he got to squish mom13:16
rick_hshakes808: well, of course after getting carried on I decided coasters were ok, but upside down was a no go13:17
rick_hshakes808: then in high school went with friends and the old peer pressure did me in and now I'll go on anything13:17
cmaloneyMy first coaster was the corkscrew-coaster at Bob-Li13:17
cmaloney(whatever it's called)13:17
cmaloneyThen I graduated to the *Streak coaster at BobLo13:18
cmaloney(Mean Streak?)13:18
cmaloneythe one with the lap belt that makes it scarier than any coaster at Cedar point13:18
cmaloneyas your butt leaves the seat13:18
shakes808just being at BobLo was scary.  haha13:19
cmaloneyNah, bobLo was awesome13:19
cmaloneyeven if it was trending toward shithole13:20
shakes808when i went there it was at its' end of life13:21
shakes808i heard they reopened it though and kicked all the bums off the island haha13:21
shakes808i want to go back.  supposedly has a nice aquarium13:21
cmaloneyThere's foks living on the island13:22
cmaloneyI think you're thinking of Belle Isle though13:22
cmaloneyiirc BobLo is now all private land13:22
shakes808hmmm maybe13:24
shakes808very well could be :)13:25
cmaloneyshakes808: So when you lose your balance playing your VR game you can take out over $3K of computer equipment as well?18:08
shakes808cmaloney: HAHA, right!!!!18:12
shakes808something non-tech related: https://www.highstreettv.com/squat-magic.html18:33
shakes808Shake Weight move over :)18:33

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