
miltoshi ppl:-)02:56
miltoshow to unrar multiple files f.g part1.rar, part2.rar. I've tried to install rar unrar on my lubuntu but I've got the message "unrar has no installation candidate"02:59
xanguaSudo apt update && sudo apt install rar unrar p7zip-full03:16
miltos<xangua> thanks but it does not work...maybe it's because I run lubuntu on my odroid xu4...03:25
miltos<x<angua> it doesn't matter03:37
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jomari have a problem installing lubuntu13:43
jomarfailed to install bootloader how can i fix this?13:44
Sabotenderhello, I am using lubuntu with LXDE and entire UI is super tiny on my 4K screen. how can I scale ALL UI elements?13:44
jomari dont know im new on installing lubuntu13:45
Sabotenderwell, we won't be much help to each other then.13:45
jomaryeah i guess13:45
jomardo you know how to fix bootloader?13:45
jomarim new to linux13:46
jomari tried linux and now my laptop is fcked up13:47
jomaryoutube may help fix your problem13:49
hateball!fixgrub | jomar13:52
ubottujomar: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:52
hateballignore that it says windows, just follow the steps to reinstall grub13:52
jomarit always says bootloader failed to install13:54
jomari have 320 GB HDD can you tell me how to create partision?13:55
jomari dont know how to fix grub13:58
jomarplease help me13:58
jomarhow to reinstall grub?13:58
jomari use old sony vaios laptop hoping to use it again using lununtu14:02
jomarwhat kind of mount point should i use14:06
jomari need help14:08
jomarhow to create a right partition14:09
hateballjomar: If you follow the documentation on the wiki it should be quite clear14:12
hateballjomar: And if this is a fresh install, the install wizard will create partitions for you. No need to do it manually unless you have specific requirements14:12
hateball!fixgrub | In case you have less than 10 lines scrollback jomar14:13
ubottuIn case you have less than 10 lines scrollback jomar: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:13
jomari use old laptop14:13
hateballliveboot, install&run boot-repair, be happy14:13
jomarand i dont know how to setup14:14
hateballWhat do you need to know? Just let the installer choose for you14:14
jomari always stock at bootloader14:14
jomari tried erase disk and install lubuntu but same problem bootloader failed14:15
jomari tried lvm too14:15
hateballjomar: are you using UEFI or BIOS?14:17
jomarim using bios14:17
jomarim using old laptop sony vaios14:18
hateballjomar: Do you get any error message?14:19
jomarfailed to install bootloader14:19
jomarim stock on it14:19
jomarits says choose another partition (idk) it's asking me to change partion or something else14:20
jomarchoose another partition to save bootloader something like that14:21
hateballwell the bootloader goes into the MBR of your disk, but /boot resides in the filesystem14:21
hateballjomar: Where do you choose to install the bootloader then?14:21
hateballIf your laptop drive is /dev/sda, you should install grub to that14:21
jomaryes i do and i put  /  in mount point14:22
jomari create swap linux too14:22
hateballjomar: So you are doing manual partitions? Why not let the installer wizard just do it for you?14:23
jomaryes i tried that method too14:24
jomarsame problem bootloader failed to install14:24
jomarif you have some time we can both use team viewer so you can see what the problem is ( if you just have time )14:25
hateballjomar: is it 17.04 ?14:25
hateballjomar: I am at work so I dont really have time14:25
jomarits okay no problem14:25
hateballjomar: 16.10 will be unsupported soon, so use 16.04 or 17.0414:25
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.14:26
hateballjomar: LTS is supported for 5 years, and the other versions are only supported for 9 months, then you need to upgrade to the next release14:26
hateballjomar: So it would be better for you to install 17.04 if you want the latest supported. Maybe that magically works also14:27
jomarany direct download link?14:28
jomarokay okay thank you for helping14:32
jomaris there any way to contact you if there's a problem installing the new release version?14:33
hateballjomar: Well this channel is always around14:33
jomaremail , gamail or facebook14:33
hateballHeh, no.14:33
hateballjomar: Also you can ask in #ubuntu too, there are more people there... even some that use Lubuntu14:34
jomaroh i see14:34
jomarGrub installation failed again14:34
jomarthe "grub-pc" package failed to install to /target/. without the grub boot loade, the installed s ystem will not boot14:36
jomari think the "Grub" is the problem here because it says "the installed system will not boot14:37
hateballwell yes, you need grub installed to be able to boot your system14:37
jomarhow to install it?14:38
hateballI dont quite understand why it would fail to install tho, unless using some exotic UEFI setup14:38
hateballjomar: well the installer should "just work"14:38
jomari use bios14:38
jomarhow to fix Grub?14:39
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Pablo___Hello! I need help19:14
Pablo___Is there anyone who can help me with a wireless connection problem?19:15
Gaup82Anyone there?19:19
Gaup82I need help19:20
Gaup82Anyone there?19:20
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