
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Artful Alpha 1] (20170628) has been added02:57
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Artful Alpha 1] (20170628) has been added02:57
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Artful Alpha 1] (20170628) has been added03:40
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Artful Alpha 1] (20170628) has been added03:40
lyn||iantsimonq2, is there a reason apport was not on the lubuntu-next seed when I installed it last week?05:18
lyn||ianis this on your todo list?05:18
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Good catch05:18
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Can you find it on the regular Lubuntu seed? If you can find it, I can just move it to the shared seed.05:18
tsimonq2lyn||ian: But yeah, I don't use apport so I wasn't aware.05:19
lyn||iantsimonq2, for reporting bugs?05:19
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Yeah.05:19
lyn||ianI found a tiny problem in lxqt-config monitor with my external monitor in the info tab I would rank it as low05:20
lyn||ianI will try after I report that05:20
lyn||ianI know how to install it manually of course05:20
tsimonq2lyn||ian: You can go ahead and report the bug but I would try again once we get LXQt 0.12 in the archive :)05:21
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Hopefully that will be before Alpha 2, although I'm not sure what upstream's plans are05:21
lyn||iantsimonq2, how goes work for qupzilla 2.0 and qtwebengine?05:31
tsimonq2lyn||ian: To be honest I haven't looked at it recently.05:31
tsimonq2lyn||ian: I'm working to get Qt 5.9 good to go so I'll rebuild it against the new Qt set and I'll let you know once I have something for you.05:32
tsimonq2lyn||ian: But also a good catch, thank you. :)05:33
lyn||ianwhy do I always forget where the seeds are05:42
lubot<tsimonq2> https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.artful05:43
lubot<tsimonq2> There05:43
lyn||iantsimonq2, ty05:48
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Get my email?05:49
lyn||ianyes the call for testing I just got05:49
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Remember these words: Allah is not doing, lxqt-runner is doing05:51
lyn||iantsimonq2, haha05:51
lyn||ianoh I see what is happening now05:58
tsimonq2lyn||ian: do explain :)05:58
lyn||ianfor lxde version apport-gtk pulls in normal apport05:59
lyn||ianput apport in the shared version as I do not think there is just a qt version?05:59
tsimonq2acheronuk: What does KDE use for Apport?06:00
lyn||ianI honestly do not know?06:00
tsimonq2lyn||ian: acheronuk is on the Kubuntu Team and has been online recently so I bet he'll have a good answer :)06:00
acheronukAFAIK, apport-kde for system stuff, and KDE apps has it's own crash handler DrKonqui06:08
acheronukBUT, I tend to kill off aport on my systems within about 2 mins of installing them, so I honeslty can't comment how well that works.06:09
tsimonq2acheronuk: I do too.06:10
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Any chance you could install apport-kde on a Lubuntu Next system and document the following?06:10
tsimonq2 1. How many deps it pulls in.06:10
tsimonq2 2. What it looks like once installed.06:11
tsimonq2 3. Does it work?06:11
tsimonq2lyn||ian: No pressure to do it, but it would be awesome if you could. ;)06:11
acheronukhas a 'recommends' on kubuntu-notification-helper06:12
tsimonq2acheronuk: Lubuntu images and seeds don't follow recommends.06:12
acheronukoh, of course. duh06:13
lyn||ianI honestly just want apport just to at least work manually mostly06:14
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Ok06:14
tsimonq2lyn||ian: But if we can install it on the image by default, that would work well :)06:15
lyn||ianto ubuntu-bug and pull in the info to launchpad help make reporting bugs so much easier for me06:15
lyn||ianI find things I ubuntu-bug packagename a lot06:15
tsimonq2Ok :)06:15
lyn||ianapport-kde gdb gdbserver kubuntu-driver-manager kubuntu-notification-helper libbabeltrace-ctf1 libbabeltrace1 libc6-dbg libdw1 libkubuntu1 are the dependencies of apport-kde over just apport06:18
tsimonq2Yeah, it didn't even occur to me that we don't have a Qt port of Apport!06:19
tsimonq2It'll go on my todo list.06:19
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Got a screenshot?06:19
tsimonq2Because if it doesn't look to bad, I'll get that on the ISO.06:19
lyn||ianof the dependencies?06:20
tsimonq2No, of the launched Apport06:20
lyn||ianhttp://imgur.com/a/1bUqs this is just the command line version http://imgur.com/a/1bUqs06:24
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Ok, what about the KDE GUI?06:25
lyn||ianok will install that06:25
lyn||ianI used --dry-run06:26
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop amd64 [Artful Alpha 1] (20170628.1) has been added06:28
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop i386 [Artful Alpha 1] (20170628.1) has been added06:28
lyn||ianyes the -kde version does look a bit nicer06:29
tsimonq2Oh yeah.06:30
lyn||iannot that I really care of the reporting bugs looks06:30
tsimonq2I'll add it to the seed when I wake up tomorrow.06:30
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop amd64 [Artful Alpha 1] has been marked as ready21:29
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop i386 [Artful Alpha 1] has been marked as ready21:29
tsimonq2lyn||ian: Ping.22:05
lynoriantsimonq2, sorry I got way distracted23:18

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