[00:00] * diddledan just finished building a 9.4MB neural network [00:00] only took 12 hours [00:02] it's claiming an accuracy of 99.6% on the test data I gave it [00:02] maybe it's emulating a lawyer... :-P [00:03] lol [00:03] now I need to actually build something with it that gives it real-world data to crunch to see if it does what it's supposed to [00:04] if you google MNIST you'll get an inkling of what I've been toying with [06:51] morning boys and girls. [07:13] https://goo.gl/photos/Mf4Ads5CfUecKrH17 I am now the envy of all the boys in the office [07:32] If you say so SuperMatt :) === diplo_ is now known as diplo [07:33] You know what it is, right? [07:34] I have no idea, something my kids will know about ? [07:35] It's the offical mascot of Golang [07:36] hah, looks like something from the pokemon era stuff that I buy my kids [07:36] https://blog.golang.org/gopher [07:37] :) [09:23] Does anyone know how to get Ubuntu 16.04 to start on a GTX 1080? [09:23] I just wanna pop into the livecd and use gparted and its not happening :( [09:23] Should just work :/ [09:24] nah, it comes up with an error from nouveau saying the card isn't supported [09:25] aha, tricked it, nomodeset and remove quiet splash [09:29] good man [10:15] just nabbed myself another 5TB drive, BNIB off ebay for £80 \o/ [10:16] takes me to 23TiB usable (35TB total) [10:22] a 3 month supply of kitten videos in the event of zombie apocalypse... :-) [10:24] exactly [10:25] 6 if you just store animated gifs... [10:40] * Laney stabs Three [10:40] if you buy an addon 1 day before your billing date then you get charged for a full month, and again on the billing date [10:43] i'm sure it says somewhere in the small print 'what's yours is theres and what's theres is theres' [10:44] it's for the good of CK Hutchinson Holdings Ltd [12:31] my desktop started acting funny yesterday. terminal windows closing after a command [12:31] slack wouldnt' start. [12:32] flipped into vty1 and ran dmesg...disk had died. popped a new one in and kicked off a RAID1 rebuild. phew [12:32] turns out my /tmp partition was on the 2nd disk for some reason. hence the weirdness. [12:33] as it had gone in a puff of smoke [12:35] That's cheap Azelphur - a particular seller you're buying from ? [12:35] I need 2 x 4TB drives atm [12:36] I'll be looking for 2 more drives to add to my array soonish [12:37] I've got 4x3TB atm [12:38] split them up using RAID10ish [12:38] I don't have 2 drives currently, my 2x2tb mirror failed and had no cash at the time so bought 1x4TB and meant to buy some more afew months later [12:38] I failed [12:39] yeah. money is my restricting factor atm too [12:39] Kids summer hols first, so hope it lasts out [12:44] lol: google streetview guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35LqQPKylEA [12:49] bah no sounds on this screen [15:40] diplo: nah, just have an ebay watch setup [15:40] guy posted for £100 or best offer, offered him £70, he countered £80. :) [15:49] May do something similar myself [17:40] Ok guys, add parted to the list. [17:40] I managed to crash it [17:40] https://dpaste.de/jAR4 [18:10] albeit on a virtual disk of some kind (: [18:15] daftykins: just libvirt :) [22:44] why is it the only advert I seem to be seeing on youtube for the last few weeks has been entirely "wix.com"?! [23:03] holy heck: https://arstechnica.com/security/2017/06/petya-outbreak-was-a-chaos-sowing-wiper-not-profit-seeking-ransomware/ [23:05] does the software send it's own encryption software or does it just use ms's built in encryption software against the users data? [23:05] neither. it kills the mbr and file tables [23:06] i thought that only happened if you didn't pay up... [23:06] read the article [23:06] but but i'm watching tng picard has been assimilated by the borg... [23:09] choice quote then: "while the earlier Petya encrypts the master boot record and saves the value for later decryption, Tuesday's payload, by contrast, was rewritten to overwrite the master boot record. This means that, even if victims obtain the decryption key, restoring their infected disks is impossible." [23:11] malice or incompetence? [23:11] the thinking is it's designed to wipe on a massive scale. state-sponsored attack is being bandied about [23:12] handy if you want to bring in laws restricting computers in any way...