
cmaloneyhow's the day so far?13:11
rick_hmixed, I'm an old man excited by new tires on the truck (at the tire place atm)13:20
rick_hbut also grrrrr that I can't get my trailer tire off and when I post online asking about it I get treated like a moron that doesn't know wtf a wheel is13:21
rick_hNothing like the interwebs replying "The tire is the black part and the wheel is the middle part usually silver"13:21
rick_hand the awesome "I've never had that happen to me in all my years so clearly you must be just dumb and not understand how to left loosy a lugnut"13:22
cmaloneyOh that's nice13:29
cmaloneyIs it stripped or just really tight?13:29
rick_hso the thing spins. From what I can tell, the posts that the lugnuts go on has spun free13:30
cmaloneyAh, fun13:30
rick_hso when you go to move the lugnuts in either direction they just spin round and round13:30
cmaloneyIs this on the trailer whells?13:31
cmaloneywheels or on the truck?13:32
cmaloneyBah, I can read.13:32
cmaloneyAre they on the ground or is this a spare?13:32
rick_hyea, the truck is getting shiny new tires so that's the positive in the day13:32
rick_hthey're on the ground13:32
cmaloneyIs it all of the lugnuts / posts or just one?13:33
cmaloney"And how do you feel about [lugnuts]"?13:34
rick_hvery cool cmaloney17:04
cmaloneyrick_h: Thank you. :)17:34
shakes808cmaloney: why scheme?17:36
cmaloneyshakes808: Learning a functional language to break my brain17:37
cmaloneyso I can better tackle JavaScript without as many prejudices17:37
cmaloneyand it's fun17:37
shakes808haha, gotcha.17:41
shakes808going to have your hand at some Node or something?17:41
cmaloneyEh, maybe17:45
cmaloneyprobably something more on the front-end next17:45
cmaloneyScheme is kind of my creative procrastination: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/craigmaloney/scheme_guile_racket/develop/images/pepper_exit.png17:48
brouschcmaloney: No one does javascript frontends any more. It's all APIs and mobile apps19:32
cmaloneybrousch: They do full-stack nonsense now19:34
cmaloneyreacy my acid redux19:34
cmaloneyfor great angluar grunt19:34
rick_hlol, I keep thinking of 80's rap whenever someone says PWA19:37
rick_hI think I'm turning it into NWA19:37
cmaloneyWhat's PWA?19:38
rick_hprogressive web apps19:38
rick_hthat's the new web 2.0++ hotness19:39
rick_hwell, recent? guess not "new"19:39
cmaloneyWhy did I suddenly see Keith Emerson stabbing an organ?19:39
rick_hbut post "OMG facebook did a native app" but back towards "the web will solve everything!"19:39
cmaloneyI really really wish folks wouldn't solve Google /Facebook problems at small scale19:40
brouschcmaloney: Everyone wants to be web scale19:54
cmaloney"Let's download 2GB of shit so our pages load a .05s"19:55

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