
inetpromotd is advertising HBO's Silicon Valley https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/170106803:52
inetprothat's not cool 03:52
inetprogood morning everyone 03:53
inetprooh and hi superfly also 03:54
superflyhi inetpro04:03
chesedomorning inetpro and others07:19
Kilosmorning everyone08:19
Kilosand inetpro 08:19
pavlushkaAhoy ZA!15:05
pavlushkaKilos: managed a RPI, gonna boot lineage OS (android) 14.1 on it, lets see15:06
pavlushkaversion 3B15:06
Kilosgood luck15:30
Kilosguys when i run a command from this site to get block size  i get and error i/o error read error on old image16:30
Kilosis there some block on the cd?16:30
Kilosi changed the path to /dev/sr0 because it was /dev/cdrom16:32
Kilosk3b doesnt wanna work or im not seeing something16:33
Kilosi want to copy 2 cds so the originals can be stored in a safe place16:34
superflyKilos: if you don't give us the actual error message, we can't help you17:34
Kilossec ill try get it exact, its on desktop with no nets17:36
Kilosisoinfo: input/output error. Read error on old image17:38
Kilosthats the exact message superfly , and good evening to you, how are you all?17:39
superflyKilos: that still doesn't tell me anything, I need more context.17:40
superflyKilos: we're doing fine thanks17:40
Kilosthere is nothing more. i ran that dd command and that is all the output there is17:41
superflywhat dd command?17:41
Kilossec i get17:41
Kilos[root@testserver ~]# dd if=/dev/cdrom of=test.iso bs=<block size from above> count=<volume size from above>17:42
Kilosi get the link17:42
superflyso did you actually type in "<block size from above>" or did you type in the block size?17:43
Kilosi wanted  to do that17:43
superflyKilos: You mentioned K3b, do you have that installed?17:43
Kilosnono first command gets the block size, thats where i get the error17:43
Kilosyes i have k3b and it copies but does not want to write it17:44
Kilossorry i thought i gave the link erlier17:45
superflyKilos: K3b can make ISOs17:45
Kilosok ill look at that again then ty17:45
superflyKilos: in K3b, Tools -> Copy Medium17:46
superflyKilos: then, at the bottom in the "Settings" block, there's an option that says, "Only create image"17:47
superflyKilos: then select the "Image" tab and tell it where to write your image17:47
Kilosgreat ty superfly let me work my way through that17:48
Kilosyay ty superfly i didnt even try the tools route, havent used it for too long i spose17:50
Kiloscant even remember what for iether17:51

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