
justJanneI’m sorry, but if you don’t understand what I’m trying to say, this isn’t very helpful. I’ll simply patch the package and move on00:00
naccjustJanne: afaict, the packages do not "conflict" with each other00:00
naccjustJanne: that's why i want to see the exact error message00:00
Bashing-omjustJanne: If it is a packaging error . nacc will be interested to help resolve at *that* level .00:01
justJanneunless this is cause of the KDE guys00:01
justJannethen I’ll go yell at them00:01
justJannewell, probably not yell00:02
justJannebut still00:02
justJanneah, sorry.00:02
justJannebut they wouldn’t package with different conflicts, would they?00:02
naccjustJanne: so a ppa?00:03
justJannenacc: well, the KDE neon repo.00:03
justJanneIt’s not exactly a ppa00:03
naccjustJanne: right, not ubuntu00:03
justJannewell, it is ubuntu as much as kubuntu00:03
justJannewould be00:03
naccjustJanne: no, it's not.00:03
naccjustJanne: the neon folks do all sorts of bad things (that i've seen so far)00:03
justJanneOkay, if that’s what you want to believe.00:03
naccjustJanne: not kubuntu either00:03
nacckubuntu is an official flavor00:03
naccneon is not00:04
justJanneWell, I could now say what I think about this,00:04
naccjustJanne: in ubuntu (at least what i have handy) they both install fine. I think it's a neon packaging bug (you can see it's not a conflicts at the end, it's that the versions aren't matching up)00:05
justJannebut I’ll just mention a comparison with debian old-old-stable00:05
naccjustJanne: i don't know why you are mentioning that00:05
justJannenacc: well, I wouldn’t need the neon repos if ubuntu wasn’t doing some nasty things00:06
justJanneI wouldn’t even be on ubuntu if it weren’t for some closed source drivers that are years out of date and don’t work anywhere else, in fact.00:07
justJanneeverything is completely nasty bullshit00:07
justJanneI’ll go rant at AMD instead00:07
justJannethanks for your help00:07
naccjustJanne: right, i think you're mistaken, but i have no context for what you're talking about. as far as I can tell, your issues are with neon not ubuntu.00:08
justJannenacc: the long story is that I could now link to Linus’ rant about packaging on linux distros, or I could just say thank you for your help, because no one in this channel can fix it anyway00:11
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
glitsj16justJanne: please save us the long story, the short version and anything else that isn't Ubuntu related.. nacc has been clear, your issue is neon related and that isn't supported here.. What's so exceptional about that?00:15
justJanneglitsj16: nothing, I never said it wasn’t00:15
justJanneI was merely responding to the statement that neon was doing nasty things00:15
justJannewhich is also true00:16
justJannebut, sadly, the entire packaging situation is quite nasty00:16
glitsj16justJanne: you keep saying that, without being specific this is going nowhere fast :)00:16
bazhangjustJanne, lets take the chatter elsewhere00:16
justJannethat’s why I won’t get specific ;)00:17
justJanneI only went on here because I had only checked the apt-cache entry for libwayland-client0:i386 at first, which blamed ubuntu, and only later noticed that the :amd64 package was from neon00:18
bazhangjustJanne, this long ago left topical, please stop now00:19
justJannebazhang: sure. But if others will keep asking questions, it’d be impolite, too, to ignore them.00:20
bazhangjustJanne, no it wouldn't , thats far more than enough here00:20
kenrinI keep getting this popup "System program problem detected" on boot.  Where would I look to see what is causing it00:21
kenrinXorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()00:22
kenrinNevermind.  It was compiz complaining because I had Compton installed00:26
azizLIGHTi had to kill -15 notify-osd because of high cpu usage. how can i restart it? there doesnt seem to be a notify-osd program for me to launch. there is /usr/share/notify-osd but it is a dir00:31
kenrinIs it not under /usr/lib/notify-osd ?00:35
trismazizLIGHT: it is started by dbus when a notification is sent if it isn't already running00:35
azizLIGHTwhen i did notify-send test test, i got no notification00:36
kenrinI see it at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/notify-osd00:38
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: Quote the text ? notify-send "this is a test" .00:43
MobileRoeySeveas, thanks a lot, I'm running do-dist-upgrade fine now00:44
alethurgyI have a question regarding gnome-terminal am I in the right place to ask?01:06
alethurgyshould I pm a support person specifically?01:07
alethurgymore context: it's regarding gnome-terminal settings and how they are stored in dconf for Ubuntu 16.0401:08
alethurgymore context: and how one can access a gnome-terminal profile'01:08
Bashing-omalethurgy: Just ask your question :)01:09
alethurgymore context: profile's name (it seems that visible-name is a key, but doesn't have a correct value)01:09
alethurgyDoes anyone know how to access a gnome-terminal profile's name via dconf/gsettings? I am able to access all given profile's keys, and there is one called "visible-name". The value of this, however, is not the same as the value of the name according to the gnome-terminal GUI. It simply says 'Unnamed', even though via the GUI it has a name 'test' or something. Is maybe there a lag until this is updated? Or am I01:13
alethurgylooking in the wrong place at org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile:/UUID/ visible-name?01:13
edwinkslalethurgy: maybe this will help https://superuser.com/q/198046/5349401:17
=== CodeMouse92 is now known as CodeMouse92__
amosbirdwhere should  i place my customized x11 keymap config file?01:19
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest25252
Guest25252hey im in a live cd. i need to wipe the partition table off my ssd, because it is corrupt, and i need to do a fresh install.01:25
Guest25252can i do this from the shell?01:26
akikGuest25252: sudo sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdx01:27
Guest25252akik, thanks, will give it a shot01:27
Bashing-omGuest25252: If ya do a fresh install do you not get a fresh partition table ? By the way one can spare of the superblock from backups that are on the drive .01:28
Guest25252Bashing-om, couldnt find any superblock spares01:28
Guest25252its reallly annoying... i have a lot of data on this ssd,01:29
howdyhohi haven't used ubuntu in several years or longer put 17.04 on this old laptop after i load the OS a message comes up to upgrade to grub and i press forward button i have no idea if it's been upgraded but i can only get ubuntu software to load by only opening firefox web browser how do i know if im using grub or grub 2?01:29
Bashing-omGuest25252: ouch .. GPT partitioning ?01:31
=== vimar is now known as Bischoop
nostalgiccloudAnyone here have experience with Ubuntu LXD Containers?01:45
n-iCeHello, any way to play 4K videos? they just stop, but audio continue, 1080 videos are ok, both recorded from my phone01:54
n-iCeThing is I recorded lot of videos without knowing in 4K! and I need to edit them01:54
nostalgiccloudCanonical has me lapping up their services.02:06
nostalgiccloudUbuntu Server for production is so much nicer than anything i've ever used before02:06
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
glitsj16n-iCe: Have you tried mpv yet (with or without hardware decoding)? Running it from terminal could give some info on what might be needed to support 4K video..02:13
glitsj16n-iCe: yes, a very capable media player02:15
n-iCedoes not open02:15
n-iCewas not installed02:16
n-iCeit it console based?02:16
n-iCeglitsj16, ok, did it, runs, but very slow02:16
n-iCeaudio is ok though02:16
glitsj16not really no, has what it calls a 'pseudo-gui'02:16
glitsj16did you start it from terminal? look at its output for anything video related..02:17
n-iCeno from menu02:17
glitsj16well that works, but you miss the info you might need to see what it says about 4K support02:18
glitsj16feed it the path to your video file02:18
n-iCeI run it from terminal, no outputs in terminal02:19
n-iCempv --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui -- %U02:19
n-iCeis what I used02:19
n-iCewithout the %U02:19
glitsj16add -vvv to pump up its verbosity perhaps.. if you want, try installing pastebinit (if you haven't got that), run your command and pipe that to pastebinit (mpv ... | pastebinit) .. so the channel can see what mpv is doing exactly.. without such info things are very difficult to debug02:25
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit02:25
alethurgyDoes anyone know how to access a gnome-terminal profile's name via dconf/gsettings? I am able to access all given profile's keys, and there is one called "visible-name". The value of this, however, is not the same as the value of the name according to the gnome-terminal GUI. It simply says 'Unnamed', even though via the GUI it has a name 'test' or something. Is maybe there a lag until this is updated? Or am I02:42
alethurgylooking in the wrong place at org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile:/UUID/ visible-name? I can't figure out where gnome-terminal GUI is actually storing this information02:42
glitsj16alethurgy: Have you tried dconf-editor yet? You can do a search hrough all those keys/values with that..02:46
alethurgyglitsj16: hey sweet that worked -- it wasn't there before though02:49
alethurgyglitsj16: i remembered seeing no children under org.gnome.terminal.legacy -- only keys02:50
glitsj16alethurgy: yes that depends entirely on gnome-terminal, when & what it writes to dconf02:51
alethurgyglitsj16: interesting ok. thanks!02:52
glitsj16alethurgy: you're welcome :)02:52
alethurgyglitsj16: also, any idea why querying via gsettings returns a large list of key-value pairs, but dconf editor only shows a sparse few02:52
glitsj16alethurgy: dconf-editor filters away what doesn't fit your query i'd guess02:53
alethurgyglitsj16: for example, when looking at the profiles, it appeared that the default 'Unnamed' profile did not contain a 'visible-name' key at all, whereas the second one which had had it's name explicitly set did contain a 'visible-name' key-pair02:53
glitsj16and via gsettings you must be case-sensitive02:53
alethurgyglitsj16: no simply exploring through dconf-editors tree structure02:54
glitsj16alethurgy: odd though, was gnome-terminal still open when you used gsettings?02:54
alethurgyglitsj16: does that not turn up everything?02:54
alethurgyglitsj16: yeah02:54
glitsj16alethurgy: i don't use gnome-terminal, but when its open it probably doesn't dump to dconf untill all running processes are done02:55
alethurgyglitsj16: makes sense. ok, thanks again!02:55
glitsj16alethurgy: no trouble02:55
glitsj16alethurgy: a tip, all those keys are files, usually installed in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas .. so if you don't know what key to look for via gsettings, you can consult those files to find out02:58
alethurgyglitsj16: hey hey theeeeere we go!02:59
nostalgiccloudStrange question03:04
rehatI copied my public ssh key to the authorized_keys file on the server and still get a "Permission denied (publickey)" error when I try to ssh into it, anyone know what could cause that?03:04
nostalgiccloudHow can I manually combine /, and /home03:04
glitsj16rehat: Did you configure the remote sshd for public key use? It will need a restart too if you edited configs.. have you checked those things yet?03:06
rehatglitsj16: I'll double check that thanks03:07
rehatshit in vi I somehow lost the first 's' in my key when I pasted it into the authorized_keys lol03:17
untorehhello, does anyone know how to setup zfs-fuse? I can't start the daemon, it literally does not even start the process because there is no reaping going on05:06
saryuntoreh: #See : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS05:11
Splintteredwinksl, eres Ciudad: Cambridge,05:20
Splintterubuntu 17 de 32 bits en canaima, funciona05:22
keanneanyone played with a gsm modem to dial a phone number and play a recorded message then hang-up in ubuntu?05:23
lotuspsychje!es | Splintter05:23
ubottuSplintter: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:23
Splintter32-bit ubuntu 32-bit in canaima, works05:25
oerhekscanaima is not supported here, and is based on debian, not ubuntu05:30
Rjulius2388Does anyone know what this PATH means in sysfs : /sys/class/net/%s/device/virtfn%s/net05:35
Rjulius2388im more interested in the /net after virtfn05:35
Rjulius2388i couldnt phrase my search entry in google properly05:36
Rjulius2388gents please05:37
sirru5hRjulius2388, give me a sec05:37
Rjulius2388what i have been told is if a virtfn is assigned it doesnt have the /net05:38
Rjulius2388and if it is not assigned it does have it05:39
Rjulius2388but for my ubuntu it never has it05:39
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sirru5his this a VM?05:40
SplintterIn canaima with windows 705:40
Rjulius2388assigning the VF to a VM05:41
Rjulius2388but looks like it is never returned05:41
Rjulius2388however i can reuse it still05:41
Rjulius2388if i switch to ixgbevf driver05:45
Rjulius2388it all works fine05:45
Rjulius2388so i wonder if there is a bug in vfio-pci05:45
sirru5hI saw something interesting /sys/class/net/ you will see your devices05:47
sirru5h( not currently on my VM05:47
Rjulius2388sirrus can you pm me05:48
sirru5h%s usually means string05:48
Rjulius2388i show you my difference05:48
Rjulius2388between the 2 drivers05:48
sirru5hjust put it on !pastebin05:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:49
oerheksthat %s is adapter iirc, eth0 or br005:50
=== Skuzzzy_ is now known as Skuzzzy
Rjulius2388so here you can see that ixgbevf and vfio-pci behaves differently is this normal ?05:53
sirru5hso oerheks %s would be the adapter name05:53
Rjulius2388dont worry about the %s's im only interested in tha path it cna be ethX and virtfnN05:53
alkisgHi, I'm running `apt clean` periodically, but I'm wondering, if I never run it, will the apt cache eventually fill all the disk? Or does it have an autocleaning mechanism, and if so, where?05:55
sirru5hRjulius2388, I'm sorry I don't think I got the know how to be able to help I'm sure that others here can help06:10
=== steenman is now known as OS-29560
LopeI'm running ubuntu trusty with inkscape 0.48. I want to try inkscape 0.91 which is available on the new version of ubuntu. However obviously if I just download that package from packages.ubuntu.com it won't install cos my dependencies on my system are all old.06:51
LopeIs there some easy way I can run new ubuntu packages from a chroot?06:52
lotuspsychje!latest | Lope06:52
ubottuLope: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.06:52
lotuspsychjeLope: there is also an inkscape snap you can install06:53
lotuspsychjeLope: inkscape  0.92.1   inkscape   -      Vector Graphics Editor06:53
Lopelotuspsychje: what is a snap?06:53
lotuspsychjeLope: snap packages lets you install software from outside the traditional .debs, from terminal snap find your-keyword06:54
Lopelotuspsychje: can snap packages overcome apt dependency problems?06:55
oerheksyes, that is the basic idea behind snap, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/02/install-snap-apps-ubuntu-14-0406:57
lotuspsychjeLope: its not meant to fix a dependecie error06:57
CoderEuropeHow do I lidl ?07:00
oerheksYou lidl fine.07:02
CoderEuropeoerheks, :D07:03
LopeThanks lotuspsychje the PPA version of inkscape works nicely :007:06
lotuspsychjeLope: we dont support ppa's here and dont reccomend them07:07
LopeIt didn't work at first. But then I ag --purge inkscape, then installed again and it worked.07:07
Lopelotuspsychje: alrighty then.07:07
zetherooso I have this script which mounts network shares with gvfs-mount, and it's been working just dandy in Ubuntu with Unity, but now trying it in Ubuntu Gnome it fails with "Error mounting location: volume doesn't implement mount"07:08
zetheroothis is the script: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24978815/07:09
zetherooif I do 'gvfs-mount smb://server/share1' from the terminal the share mounts fine ...07:10
thechahow can i protect my ubuntu desktop pc from trojans and rootkits and worms and malware and keyloggers and remotecontroltools and overalll intruders?07:39
thechasecond question for the specialists in this chat: is ther a way to scan my Ubuntu system for any viruses, worms, rootkits or any other malware?07:40
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter | thecha07:41
ubottuthecha: rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-6 (zesty), package size 193 kB, installed size 984 kB07:41
thechawhat does this cover? only rootkit? or also trojans or also viruses or also malware?07:42
lotuspsychjethecha: see also clamav, snort, lynis07:42
thechaclamav and snort and lynis and rkhunter ty!!!07:43
thechahow do i know any of those isn't malware itself?07:43
thechayou can check like a sig and that will be secure enough?07:43
thechaor do you need to be very carefull which ip you get them from?07:43
thechaif i use aptitude it will be safe?07:44
lotuspsychjethecha: software from ubuntu repos doesnt contain unsafe data07:44
lotuspsychje!security | thecha07:44
ubottuthecha: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn07:44
thechaso aslong as i install diretly from repos i am safe... gotcha07:45
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo07:45
lotuspsychjethecha: security also goes beyond, only a few packages..its a way of life to think secure07:46
thechalotuspsychje→ thank you for helping me! I already am trying to educate myself on networking07:46
lotuspsychjethecha: check this also: https://opensource.com/article/17/1/yearbook-50-ways-avoid-getting-hacked07:47
zetherooany have any idea about this gvfs-mount issue I have on Ubuntu Gnome?07:51
zetherooBeen scouring online for a solution for the second day now ...07:51
lotuspsychjezetheroo: best way to get your issue solved is to re-ask your whole question with all details to channel, once in a while07:53
zetheroolotuspsychje: ok, just didn't want to spam :)07:53
lotuspsychjezetheroo: you wont, if leaving time in between dont forget details, ubuntu version, steps taken, kernel version etc07:54
zetherooso I have this script which mounts network shares with gvfs-mount, and it's been working just dandy in Ubuntu with Unity, but now trying it in Ubuntu Gnome it fails with "Error mounting location: volume doesn't implement mount". This is the script: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24978815/ . If I do 'gvfs-mount smb://server/share1' from the terminal the share mounts fine ...07:54
zetherooThis is on a fresh install of Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 with PBIS setup - analog to my Ubuntu Unity 16.04 setup with PBIS.07:55
summakorAnyone else get a bunch of 'Operation not permitted,' errors trying to update/install/remove linux-headers lately? Can't update anymore.08:22
hateballsummakor: Can you update your system from a terminal? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade08:23
saryzetheroo: if it was useful under unity shares, then maybe a gnome-specific package is required ..! is your setup to "Auto Mount Samba Shares on Boot ( GVFS Method ) "!08:23
summakorNo, says broken dependencies, use --fix-broken install08:24
summakorTrying that... didn't work yesterday08:24
sarysummakor: i've installed a new kernel here with no issue.08:24
summakorBunch of operation not permitted errors unpacking packages08:26
summakorhm, /boot is 97% full...08:26
SuperPulseaudioanyone knows about debugging audio? :(08:30
sarythere is an offical wiki page for that..08:31
SuperPulseaudioI know I've done lots of debugging08:31
SuperPulseaudiowould you take a look https://askubuntu.com/questions/930168/no-sound-from-ca0132-creative-core3d-again08:32
SuperPulseaudiothat's me today morning08:32
zetheroosorry - Internet hickup ... did I miss anything?08:33
SuperPulseaudiodo you know anything about this --> https://askubuntu.com/questions/930168/no-sound-from-ca0132-creative-core3d-again ??08:34
summakorBah, still getting a bunch of Operation not permitted errors trying update08:35
summakor"dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-extra-4.10.0-26-generic_4.10.0-26.30_amd64.deb (--unpack):08:35
summakor unable to open '/lib/modules/4.10.0-26-generic/kernel/drivers/scsi/pcmcia/sym53c500_cs.ko.dpkg-new': Operation not permitted"08:35
summakorsimilar error for 4.10.0-22, 24, 2608:36
summakorhateball, any other ideas? I can't update anything :(08:39
summakorlinux-generic, linux-image-generic, linux-headers-generic, image 4.10.0-26 and headers 22 thru 26 are "not configured,"08:40
summakorbecause they won't finish unpacking. Can't fix, can't remove, can't update.08:41
hateballsummakor: right, so if /boot is nearing full we need to clean08:44
hateballsummakor: first try a simple "sudo apt autoremove"08:44
hateballhopefully it has enough space to manage that, otherwise we will need to do some manual cleaning08:44
summakorI cleaned it up, now at 60%, but I think it messed up some packages already08:44
summakorhateball: autoremove wants --fix-broken install for all these header packages with unmet dependencies08:45
summakorbut --fix-broken install yields a bunch of Operation not permitted errors08:47
sarySuperPulseaudio: which ubuntu version you currently using! in your question you said it worked in ubuntu 16.04 .08:50
SuperPulseaudiosary: I'm using 16.0408:50
SuperPulseaudiosary: it worked for a 32 bit image of mate08:50
SuperPulseaudiosary: it also "works" on my ubuntu but today morning it just stopped (like it did before)08:51
SuperPulseaudioby itself. just like that.08:51
SuperPulseaudiodidn't install anything, didn't do anything much08:51
summakorCan I remove linux-image-generic ? Kinda sounds important08:52
summakorlinux-headers-generic depends on linux-headers-4.10.0-26-generic ? really?08:54
sary SuperPulseaudio do you recal if it stopped after the computer has been suspended or hibernated!08:56
SuperPulseaudiosary: yes after a suspend08:56
SuperPulseaudiosary: but now I rebooted many times & nothing happens08:56
SuperPulseaudiosary: I even played around with the bios a bit08:57
sarySuperPulseaudio: I'm reading this in: # https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting " https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting "08:59
sary* in section " Getting ALSA to work after suspend / hibernate " SuperPulseaudio09:00
hateballsummakor: it'd be easier if you pastebinned your stuff, so we can see what it says in detail09:00
hateball!paste | summakor09:00
ubottusummakor: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:00
saryI'm assuming you tried to follow this page before!09:01
SuperPulseaudiosary: well this is talking about the case when the sound works after rebooting, but doesn't work anymore if you suspend or hibernate, that's different09:01
summakorhateball: thanks.    http://paste.ubuntu.com/24979592/09:04
rhumbothi all, i need to quickly install a simple lightweight local webserver on my ubuntu laptop. Are there any proposals on what solution i can use?09:04
sarySuperPulseaudio: Then i suggest you follow step 1 to 3 in: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure09:05
sarySuperPulseaudio: also steps 6-7 .09:07
zetherooI have this script which mounts network shares with gvfs-mount, and it's been working just dandy in Ubuntu with Unity, but now trying it in Ubuntu Gnome it fails with "Error mounting location: volume doesn't implement mount". This is the script: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24978815/ . If I do 'gvfs-mount smb://server/share1' from the terminal the share mounts fine ...  This is on a fresh install of Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 with PBIS setup - analog to my Ubuntu Un09:07
ikoniaPBIS ?09:08
sarySuperPulseaudio: also, dose dmesg | grep snd , and dmesg | grep sound .. shows errors!09:08
summakorlighter weight than apache2?09:08
saryYes, there is lighttpd .09:09
SuperPulseaudiosary: mmm indeed I didn't try removing the config files09:10
SuperPulseaudiosary: nor did I check dmesg, I just check the output of pulseaudio itself09:10
SuperPulseaudioI'll try at those09:10
hateballrhumbot: if you want to serve any given directory you can just run "python -m SimpleHTTPServer" in that dir09:12
hateballrhumbot: dunno anything more lightweight than that. it's however not very awesome either :p09:13
hateballsummakor: try "sudo apt clean"09:13
summakorhateball: apt clean runs but upgrade still suggests --fix-broken install, and that still fails to unpack the packages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24979682/09:16
hateballsummakor: whats the output of "df -h"09:18
summakorboot is at 60% 182M available, / has 39G available09:19
summakorI'm running 4.11 now, not sure I should care about any of these 4.10 packages necessarily09:20
summakormaybe there's an apt --destroy option or dpkg --obliterate ?09:22
zetherooikonia: Power Broker ... something ... it's to join a Windows domain09:22
hateballsummakor: can you "sudo apt remove linux-headers-4.10.0-26-generic" ?09:23
hateballsummakor: and what does your "ls /boot" look like?09:23
hateballsummakor: pastebin is preferable to manual recitation09:23
summakorhateball: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24979736/09:25
sarySuperPulseaudio: at least the card is recognized and is/was working, but something is acting up, hopefuly you'll get to know the source of the issue.09:27
hateballsummakor: did you chec the apt cache, that it actually removed the files it complains about?09:27
hateballsummakor: in case they were corrupted and didnt redownload09:27
summakorno, how?09:27
hateballsummakor: in /var/cache/apt/archives/09:27
zetherooIkonia: whats odd is that it works via the terminal command but not with the script09:28
hateballsummakor: the files it complains about in http://paste.ubuntu.com/24979682/09:28
summakorthey are there as 'lock' and 'Partial'09:28
hateballsummakor: rm them09:28
hateballsummakor: also are you sure you were booted on a different kernel? "uname -r"09:29
craigfrostHi, hopefully someone can help quick. I am trying to send multiple sites live from my server.09:29
craigfrostI've created a vhost file with the correct information in apache2/sites-available/ and I've enabled it using sudo a2ensite 'domain'.09:29
summakorYeah, 4.11.0-99909:29
craigfrostI am pretty new to ubuntu, but I think I am missing something here...haha09:29
summakorok, now --fix-broken install again?09:30
hateballsummakor: I'd do an apt update, first09:30
hateballsummakor: then try apt autoremove, again09:30
summakorapt update and autoremove both suggest --fix-broken install09:31
summakorI mean upgrade, not update09:31
hateballsummakor: right, then try that I guess09:31
Scoop7https://thepasteb.in/p/lOhO4M8Yo6xCB <-- I am trying to create a systemd unit file that would give me a permanent running process. But I am not sure - should my command for running the process should go into  ExecStart  ? the command is  java -cp languagetool-server.jar org.languagetool.server.HTTPServer --port 8081  . Anyone ?09:31
Scoop7vps os is centOS, the shell is -bash09:32
ikoniaScoop7: you're in #ubuntu09:32
ikoniaScoop7: you need the centos or systemd channel09:32
Scoop7ikonia, ok thanks :)09:32
summakorhateball: same result, it gets and tries to unpack 4.10.0-26 and fails:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/24979790/09:34
summakorNote that the specific file referenced in the Operation not permitted error keeps changing, looks random09:35
summakorSometimes DVD stuff, sometimes PCI something, arch... always different09:35
hateballsummakor: I am out of ideas then I am afraid09:38
summakorHeh, ok09:39
hateballsummakor: I noticed you run as root, any difference if you use a sudo user?09:39
summakorThank you09:39
hateballin case of some env stuff09:39
summakorWill try that; just got tired of the 'not permitted' stuff09:39
hateballsummakor: anyhow I must go lunch, good luck09:40
SuperPulseaudiosary: I'll let you know of any updates, the problem is I currently don't have access to the machine09:40
SuperPulseaudioshould have take an ssh key with me XD09:41
sarySuperPulseaudio: np, keep those doc pages in mind for later.09:44
sarythat would've been fun!09:45
sarysummakor: how many kernels do have installed currently!09:46
summakorI don't know anymore...09:46
summakorsary: at least 4.11.0 and 4.10.0-99409:48
BluesKajHi folks09:50
summakorsary: grub finds 4.12.0-994, 4.11.0-999, 4.10.0-994 and 4.10.0-2609:50
summakorHi BluesKaj09:50
BluesKajhi summakor09:51
sarysummakor: beside the current running kernel, it's good to have at least two working previous kernels.09:53
summakorIt's 4.10.0-26 that's causing issues09:54
summakorremoving linux-headers-generic and linux-headers-4.10.0-26 worked10:09
BischoopHi czerasz10:23
anddamI noticed a missing firmware notice while updating packages so I got kbl_dmc driver for my KabyLake from 01.org, I noticed there are GUC and HUC drivers. While I'm at it should I be installing those as well?10:25
ioriaok, nouveau 's broken on  4.4.0-83-generic trusty xenial hwe ?10:27
GeorgesLeYetiIs it possible to do a tail -f but grep only line containing specific sequence10:28
fallentreeGeorgesLeYeti: tail -f /some/file | grep "specific sequence"  ?10:29
YesButProbablyNohas anyone gotten GNU mailman 3 installed on their machine?10:48
BluesKaj!crosspost | YesButProbablyNo,10:49
ubottuYesButProbablyNo,: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.10:49
YesButProbablyNooh, okay10:50
BluesKajmultiple cannels period10:50
YesButProbablyNosorry, my bad10:50
BluesKajyou're not bad, just mistaken10:50
BischoopMorning :-)10:52
BischoopHi BluesKaj how are you?10:52
YesButProbablyNoor is there a better UI available for mailman 2?10:53
BluesKajhi Bischoop10:53
chullmy husband wants to update his ubuntu 16.04, but he gets the error he always gets about the disk being full. We ran 'sudo apt autoremove' . but he is still getting:"Not enough free disk space10:54
chullThe upgrade needs a total of 94.1 M free space on disk "/boot",10:54
chullPlease free at least an additonal 25.7 M of disk space on10:54
chull"/boot". Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'."10:54
chullsorry that didn't stay together10:54
ikoniachull: you need to remove some old kernel packages10:56
summakorchull: there are probably old kernels in /boot10:56
ikoniachull: /boot is on a seperate partition, so removing anything other than old kernel packages won't help10:57
chalcedonyi see10:57
summakoruname -r   to see the kernel you're currently using; keep that one and maybe 1-2 older ones10:58
sarychull: consider removing few previous kernels.. keep at least two kernels that are working properly! Also Take a look at the files in /var/log; it's safe to remove any of those with names ending in ".gz" since they are archives of previous activity, and this alone can save you a few megabytes of disk space.10:59
ikoniasary: /var/log won't help with /boot10:59
ikoniathe error shows /boot is out of space10:59
chalcedonyyes i didn't think so11:00
saryTrue, i mess-red that!11:00
chalcedonyis there any way to set this up so it deletes old kernels automatically?11:00
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:02
ikoniachalcedony: there used to be a flag for this11:02
ikoniachalcedony: that would do N+$ kernels, and thus auto remove/clean anything outside N+$11:02
chalcedonyikonia, ah11:03
BluesKajhmm, I thought /boot was no longer necessary , just / and /home11:03
BluesKajif you want separate partitions11:04
ikoniaBluesKaj: it's not been necessary for about 15+ years, but there can be benifits/drawbacks so it's still a valid option, ubuntu installer puts it on it's own partition with the default scheme11:04
chalcedonyit certainly made it11:05
chalcedony(and updates have been a pain ever since)11:06
DwarfHey there folks, I'm using chromium on ubuntu 17.04 and I was wondering how I would install the widevine plugin11:06
BluesKajikonia, oh really? I haven't used the default partition scheme, always the manual11:06
DwarfIt does not appear to be in the repositories11:06
summakorapparently Ubuntu Tweak has an option to auto-remove old kernels11:06
chalcedonysummakor, ooh!11:06
summakorhm... doesn't seem to have a version for 17.04 :(11:07
oerheks!info unity-tweak-tool11:08
ubottuunity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.7ubuntu2 (zesty), package size 367 kB, installed size 2797 kB11:08
PMunchHi, I have a question. Running Ubuntu Server 16.04 I want to install the proprietary NVIDIA drivers to enable OpenCL on the card in the machine. I've tried to blacklist nouveau in modprobe and rebooted but it doesn't seem to work "lshw -c video | grep 'configuration'" still shows nouveau11:08
summakorThat's different. Unity-Tweak works, Ubuntu-Tweak is not maintained anymore :(11:11
summakorUbuntu Cleaner? Seems to be a nice wrapper for BleachBit11:12
chullsummakor, he's got Unity Tweak Tool, but we don't see anything about boot or kernels, where to look?11:13
summakorchull: No, that just tweaks the desktop. I was looking at Ubuntu-Tweak but it's an old thing not maintained anymore.11:14
oerheksjust use the apt autoremove function in terminal11:15
chalcedonysummakor, oh i see11:15
chalcedonyoerheks, every few updates he gets all upset about it11:15
chalcedonyi waa hoping we could find a way11:15
oerhekssee our wiki ?11:16
chalcedonyok looking thank you oerheks :)11:17
chalcedonyoh this looks great11:19
summakoryeah, still wish there were a GUI for this11:19
DwarfSo it appears that /usr/lib/chromium-browser/libwidevinecdm.so exists, but chrome://components/ shows Widevine Content Decryption Module - Version:
DwarfNot sure what went wrong there11:21
DwarfEven copying the libwidevinecdm.so from https://dl.google.com/linux/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable_58.0.3029.110-1_amd64.deb had no effect11:22
summakorI guess people who manually install kernels don't need a GUI11:22
oerheksDwarf, seems to be a known issue, chromium is not supported officially, you would need to hack your user agent https://askubuntu.com/questions/909296/chromium-widevine-doesnt-work-on-ubuntu-17-0411:23
DwarfHow very strange11:23
oerheksthere is a PPA with chromium/widevine enabled https://launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/+archive/ubuntu/chromium-dev11:23
oerheksbut i would not use that11:24
* oerheks uses chrome11:24
DwarfYeah I'm not too happy about using some rando's PPA11:26
DwarfMerely spoofing the useragent does not seem to work11:26
PMunchGot it uninstalled by doing "echo options nouveau modeset=0 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf" and then "sudo update-initramfs -u". But now I'm struggling to get the driver to build..11:29
PMunchApparently my kernel is too new11:29
PMunchAha, I was trying to install an outdated version11:38
PMunch340.102 worked fine11:39
PsycoMushroom77noob needing help and tools .... please help me12:30
BluesKajPsycoMushroom77, more details needed12:31
PsycoMushroom77BluesKaj,self teaching,but need help to start ,want to learn to hack,cant tell whats safe or not or if im protected etc. i need a friend12:36
PsycoMushroom77is this chat secure ???12:36
oerhekslearning to hack is beyond the scope of this channel12:38
oerheksirc is not secure, as we can see your ip12:38
BluesKajPsycoMushroom77, hacking is generally not supported here, if you want to do illegal stuff , upi're out of luck here12:38
oerheks.. and this is a public channel12:39
PsycoMushroom77not illegal no want to understand12:39
oerheksbrb, reboot12:39
nuked0nehey can somebody help me install python pyqt5 designer interface for ubuntu xfce?12:39
nuked0neI tried installing qttools5-dev-tools package12:40
ikonianuked0ne: and what happened....12:40
nuked0neand then run it from /usr/bin/designer12:40
nuked0nebut I get an error12:40
ikonia....and what is that error12:40
nuked0nedesigner: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/designer': No such file or directory12:40
ikonianuked0ne: ok - so what repo did the qttools5-dev-tools package come from ?12:41
nuked0nesorry I don't know what do you mean I'm actually new to linux12:41
ikonia!info qttools5-dev-tools12:42
ubottuqttools5-dev-tools (source: qttools-opensource-src): Qt 5 development tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.7.1-1build1~3 (zesty), package size 2195 kB, installed size 7921 kB12:42
ikonianuked0ne: interesting, so the QT5 design actually is depending on a QT4 library12:42
ikonianuked0ne: if you get the package that provides that library, it should work (or move onto the next error)12:42
ikonianuked0ne: normally packages provide other needed packages via dependencies12:42
nuked0neI actually just removed qt4 lol12:43
nuked0neso I have to work with qt4 designer12:43
ikonianuked0ne: install qt4-dev-tools12:43
nuked0newill it work? I mean I want to use qt512:44
nuked0neand interface designer is qt412:44
ikonianuked0ne: it looks like it's just a dependency, not qt412:44
nuked0neok I installed it12:44
nuked0neI think you have to install qt4 designer12:45
BluesKajPsycoMushroom77, read about ubuntu and linux in general online , unless you have a specific question12:45
catbehemothlxc list12:48
thewillois there a place where I can ask questions related to making my own ubuntu variant and making it an official flavour?12:48
thewillowould I ask on the ubuntu forums or is there a place they hang out?12:48
d3llmy ubuntu 16.04 not shutting down properly. It stucks at splash screen with ubuntu logo and then it stays forever. To shut it down, I manually have to long press the power button.12:51
d3llneed help.12:51
ANubhello, can someone point out how to add cpu fan kernel modules on HP laptop? My laptop fan does not work in ubuntu12:56
sarythewillo: try asking in #ubuntu-devel .12:57
thewillothanks sary that's exactly what I was looking for13:00
saryANub: sudo sensors-detect13:05
sobersabrehi, I have disabled fwupd, fwupdate, fwupdate-cleanup services.13:06
sobersabrethey keep crashing.13:06
saryand follow the instructions to search for a fan controller module.13:06
sobersabreis there any danger in it?13:06
sarythewillo: you're welcome.13:06
sobersabreanother q. is related to 17.04 changes to resolving (systemd-resolved)13:07
sobersabreI have dnsmasq configured to my needs.13:07
ANub@sary, tried that but does not detect anything except coretemp13:08
ANubWouldn't sensors-detect only return values if needed kernel modules are already installed ?13:09
ANubI am for sure that I dont have the module for fan13:09
sobersabreI want to keep using it, but network manager is popping dnsmask at, but it puts into /etc/resolv.conf nameserver
sobersabrehow do I make sure is in my resolv.conf ?13:10
sobersabreI did disable systemd-resolved13:10
fallentreesobersabre: you have to mask it, disabling doesn't do anything. also, check NetworkManager.conf manpage, dns= setting to switch13:11
DwarfWhy is nvidia-current nvidia-304 and not nvidia-375?13:13
DwarfThat doesn't make sense to me13:14
saryANub: what is the machine brand!13:14
ANub@sary, HP Elitebook Folio 9480m13:15
saryANub: Does running lsmod | grep hp , shows hp's ACPI modules!13:19
ANub@sary, No13:21
SplintterHi, I want to download the 32-bit ubuntu iso13:28
leftyfbSplintter: ok?13:29
saryANub: run dmesg | grep -I fan , what does it say!13:29
leftyfbSplintter: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads13:30
SplintterUbuntu 14.04.5 LTS13:31
ANub@sary, it says "[    0.000000] Build-time adjustment of leaf fanout to 32."13:31
BischoopIsnt 16.04 LTS 32?13:31
mordofran out of INodes.. trying to repair. the largest item is /usr/share/man/man3 - anyone know what that folder is meant for (i know it's man page related.. but is it the main storage location or for some other purpose?) essentially can i clear that folder out?13:38
leftyfbSplintter: what about it?13:38
leftyfbmordof: running out of inodes has little to do with the size of files and more to do with the quantity of files13:39
leftyfbmordof: you probably have thousands upon thousands of files in some directory13:39
leftyfbmordof: I would check in /var/logs or /var/crash/13:40
mordofleftyfb: indeed - i did a count. the most predominant items are linux headers, and /usr/share/man/man313:40
leftyfbmordof: number of files, not size13:40
SplintterUbuntu desktop or ubuntu server13:40
leftyfbSplintter: what about it?13:40
leftyfbmordof: I would check in /var/logs or /var/crash/13:41
SplintterWhich release13:41
saryANub: run lsmod and look for something like hp_acpi modules , if the module is not loadded you could be missing the microcode for the CPU.13:41
mordofleftyfb: basically nothing.13:42
leftyfbmordof: then there's a large amount of files somewhere else13:42
mordofa huge portion of the list is just linux headers... i'm gonna remove a bunch of them13:42
mordofleftyfb: indeed. linux headers and man313:42
leftyfbmordof: not necessarily big, just lots13:42
leftyfbthere's not "lots" of linux headers. If there's more than like 5 or 10 different headers, you're doing something obscenely wrong13:42
mordofwould you like to see the output of my command that tells me that the /usr/src linux headers folders have over 8000 files for each version?13:43
mordofor what13:43
leftyfb8000 files is not enough to run out of inodes13:43
mordofmaybe that's an exaggeration13:43
mordofi realise that13:44
mordofthere's 517k worth of files currently13:44
ANub@sary, i've nothing by the name of acpi in lsmod output. Couple of days back while trying to fix this problem I had installed intel-microcode and microcode-ctl but it didn't help13:44
leftyfbmy /usr/src has 83k files. Which is completely normal13:44
mordofleftyfb: how would i get a total count?13:44
leftyfbmordof: if don't know, where did you come up with 517k?13:45
mordofdf -i13:45
mordofbut that's just for the device, not by folders13:45
leftyfbmordof: https://askubuntu.com/a/231615/68727113:46
leftyfbmordof: sudo du --inodes -d 3 / | sort -n | tail13:47
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
mordoffind / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n       was using this before, which wasn't as helpful13:48
* mordof is running the count_em script13:49
=== anewman is now known as anewman|away
mordofthe count_em script gives a similar output to that command i pasted.. which just gives me a huge list of paths with numbers - most of the occurances in that list (and largest) belong to /usr/src13:51
mordofi'm gonna wager this is potentially a running process issue, not a file system issue13:52
mordofinodes are used when a process holds on to a file even after it's already been deleted, correct? it's possible a running process could just be eating huge amounts of inodes...13:52
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leftyfbmordof: Then a reboot would solve that13:58
mordofwould rather not though..13:59
* mordof will keep investigating how to identify the issue13:59
acresearchpeople, i am trying to use the 'convert' command to convert from a PDF to an jpeg image, the result is poor quality, how can i improve it? speed and file size do not matter14:01
Scoop7can I do a symbolic link to a command ?14:01
fallentreeScoop7: if the command is an executable file, then yes. if not, use alias. which command?14:03
Scoop7fallentree: sudo ln -s java -cp languagetool-server.jar org.languagetool.server.HTTPServer --port 8081 /etc/rc.d/init.d/languagetool-service14:05
Scoop7I am trying to create a permanent process in centOS 6.9 (so no systemd unit features....), my shell is -bash .14:06
donofriohelp help....I copied a gb of photos' from cf card to notebook, then cleared the cards took more photo's and used file explorer to copy them from cam to hard drive, something came up bout exisiting files and I said skip but not I have DCIM directires without photo's in it and I wiped the card yesterday, what can I do to undelete files in ubuntu (this is a critical issue because the photo's are old people that have died...)14:07
Scoop7my next step would be sudo chkconfig --add languagetool-service14:07
Scoop7and 3./4./5.   sudo service languagetool-service stop/sudo service languagetool-service start/sudo service languagetool-service status14:07
max12345hello, I'd like to configure my swappines but I the top answer on askubuntu isn't working14:09
max12345i.e. modifying /etc/sysctl.conf14:10
max12345or I'm doing it wrong14:10
jellycodegenii: Hi, i'm back today to keep troubleshooting this package finding business14:12
pavlosmax12345: sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=1014:12
fallentreeScoop7: then ask in #centos14:13
fallentreemeanwhile you can't create symbolic links to a call to java with params. use alias for that.14:14
donofriowhat do I use to undelete files on ubuntu?14:15
max12345pavlos thank you!14:15
thewillodonofrio, how did you delete the files?14:16
thewilloform command line or a the included file manager?14:16
donofrioI didn't think I did but the files are not there just 10 DCIM directoies without files in them14:16
Scoop7fallentree: so when I would create an alias I could then use that alias for creating the symbolic link ?14:16
donofriofile manager in xfce414:17
ducassedonofrio: extundelete, if the fs is ext2/3/4. it's not foolproof, though.14:17
thewilloif command line unplug your computer as soon as you read this and come online from another computer and hope it's still not overwritten and we'll help you14:17
thewillothere is ways to save data but you want to power down the computer without shutting it down, just flip the switch on your power supply or unplug it14:18
SplintterDownload the iso of ubuntu and when the amount in the daemon tools meja pure folders14:19
SplintterThe installer does not open14:19
=== anewman is now known as anewman|away
=== anewman|away is now known as anewman
SplintterDownload the iso of ubuntu and when the amount in the daemon tools meja pure folders14:22
SplintterThe installer does not open14:23
leftyfbScoop7: this is #ubuntu, Not #centos14:23
Lapotorhello since Monday my server Starts and after round about 12h it set automaticaly to read-only what can i do to ? (ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS)14:23
leftyfbLapotor: run a disk/filesystem check. More than likely replace your HDD14:24
sobersabremax12345: are you managing your /etc with etckeeper (git) ?14:24
fallentreeScoop7: no. you can only create a symbolic link to a filesystem path, not entire command with arguments14:24
Lapotorleftyfb: done that more than one time and it will apear again14:24
leftyfbLapotor: with a replaced HDD?14:24
Lapotornope (Virtual Server)14:25
leftyfbLapotor: is this a VPS from a provider?14:25
Lapotoryep an KVM specifically14:25
leftyfbLapotor: contact your provider14:25
leftyfbLapotor: that's more than likely a hardware/VM issue14:26
Lapotorok will do thanks anyway14:26
thewilloLaptor if you need a new vps provider I can recommend14:27
ESpineythewillo, who would you recommend?14:28
ESpineyI've heard good things about them14:29
ESpineyI'm currently with linode, and i"m having a pretty good run with them, so far14:29
thewilloif you're gonna sign up ask for my referral link, but that's not the only reason I'm recommending. I use them because I think they are the best provider that's not really expensive14:29
ESpineybut I'm not putting to much pressure on the VPS.14:29
Izinucsus.archive.ubuntu.com seems to be offline for updates.. anyone have any info on when it will be back up?14:29
max12345so this old laptop of mine14:30
max12345keeps shutting down it's own wifi14:30
max12345when it reaches it's limit14:30
max12345so I can dl like 10Mb at a time14:30
IzinucsLooks like security.ubuntu.com is also down.14:31
thewilloWhat I like about digital ocean, is you get a REALLY good interface for managing your VPS's and you can create and delete them any time, you start with a limit of 25 at any time, but when you delete them you don't pay for the whole month, because they charge hourly, with a maximum per VPS that gives a small discount if you are using it constantly14:31
ducasseIzinucs: try #ubuntu-mirrors14:32
Izinucsducasse: thanks14:33
acresearchpeople, i am trying to use the 'convert' command to convert from a PDF to an jpeg image, the result is poor quality, how can i improve it? speed and file size do not matter14:36
fallentreeacresearch: try adding -density 600   to params of convert, that sets 600 dpi resolution14:41
saryhave you red the man page! convert has a -quality [value] option you can use for JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level. You could also try using PNG instead of JPEG ; this usually works better with jagged edges (for instance, scanned text) than JPEG, since it doesn't result in compression artifacts like JPEG does. The following page shows all available options for convert. Click on an option to obtain more detail.14:42
saryThere are a number of options that affect quality, and I don't know which one will improve the quality of the output JPG http://www.imagemagick.org/script/convert.php14:42
acresearchfallentree: i tries up to 10000 but exactly same quality14:43
Izinucsacresearch: is the original pdf a "form" or created by a program that is form based?14:45
acresearchsary: i tried PNG, but i get no background which is perfect, but my presentation has black background so it doesn't work14:45
acresearchIzinucs: i am not sure, how do i check, it is a graph that is 25MB, so it takes a while to open (i guess because it has 1,000,000 point in it)14:46
Scoop7How can you get symbolink link path from terminal ?14:46
acresearchbut the text as well, is very pixilated14:46
Scoop7symbolic link*14:46
fallentreeacresearch: you could also try using ghostscript (gs command)14:47
ducasseScoop7: why not ask in #centos?14:47
acresearchfallentree: oh? how?14:47
fallentreeScoop7: "get"?14:47
fallentreeacresearch: google has examples.14:47
acresearchfallentree: ok14:47
Izinucsacresearch: it might be what I call a layered PDF.. I run into them on occasion and have to flatten them.14:47
acresearchIzinucs: oh14:47
Scoop7ducasse how is that centos related ?14:47
acresearchmy plot is from gnuplot14:47
acresearchmy PDF plot is from gnuplot Izinucs14:48
ducasseScoop7: that is what you're running, right?14:48
oerheksScoop7, you already told us you are on centos14:48
oerheksScoop7, lolz14:48
Izinucsacresearch: might be.. two things to try.. open it normally and re-print it to a differently named PDF.. the other is to use pdftk to do the reprint.14:49
Scoop7ahaha, yeah I am running centos on my vps, on my local I am running ubuntu... But how is getting symbolic path from terminal is different in this case ?14:49
fallentreeScoop7: define "getting symbolic path"14:50
acresearchIzinucs: hmmm , i tried first option previously and it did not work, but either way i need it as an image to use it in my presentation14:50
Scoop7I want to know where the symbolic link really links to14:50
fallentreeScoop7: ls -l, or stat-ing the link will tell you14:51
fallentreestat /path/to/some/link14:51
Izinucsacresearch: you could maybe open it in Libreoffice draw and see if you can export it as an image.. does gnuplot give you different export options?  .eps is pretty easy to deal with and convert to .jpg or .png14:51
fallentreeacresearch: if it's only one file, import it in gimp. gimp's good at it, then export to whatever14:52
acresearchIzinucs: libra opfficd does not take PDF (i tried)14:52
fallentreeif you need automation on a larger number of files, ghostscript is the way to go14:52
acresearchfallentree: hmmm gimp io have not tried14:52
acresearchfallentree: i am trying gs at the moment14:52
fallentreeacresearch: just raise the DPI in the import dialog14:52
acresearchfallentree: takes a while since it is a big (kind of) file :-)14:53
fallentree600 dpi is the print quality resolution14:53
acresearchgs works MUCH better than convert just got my image14:53
acresearchhow can i rase quality even more?14:53
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk
* Izinucs afk14:53
libertashi, modprobe tun; lsmod | grep tun14:54
libertasreturns nothing14:54
libertashow to have `tun` enabled?14:54
th0rlibertas, I believe tun is an interface created when  you establish a vpn connection.14:55
nemoI haven't used tun/tap in ages.  no idea whether it is a module or kernel builtin with ubuntu14:56
nemobut you could try that man page I guess14:57
* nemo pokes around in synaptic14:57
ducasselibertas: that is builtin to the kernel, not a module14:58
nemoah. there we go ☺14:58
acresearchfallentree: how can i rase quality even more?14:59
jacmortierHi, I have a question, how is it possible to get the error in Grub2 "error: out of disk". How can I reproduce that?15:01
fallentreeacresearch: -r switch I believe. man gs for more info15:01
libertasducasse: ok, just saw some old posts on the web then.  But /dev/net/tun doesn't show up unless I create it manually with mknod.  But there must be another way...15:01
danielhumanscottjl: thanks for the suggestion. i was on ##linux but was not here yet.15:03
arup_rI was following this https://www.phusionpassenger.com/library/install/nginx/install/oss/trusty/, but got error when ran sudo apt-get install -y nginx-extras passenger .. https://gist.github.com/aruprakshit/f078a70f8b525c668f9641e55215e55515:05
arup_rcan anyone help me please?15:05
libertasth0r: I'm trying to setup openvpn in a lxc container.  It /dev/net/tun is only created when starting openvpn in the host, then do I really need to create /dev/net/tun manually using mknod?15:08
ducasselibertas: openvpn client or server?15:10
arup_rnvm figured out15:10
binniI just did https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ParentalControls#Do_It_Yourself_Whitelisting and it works not at all, any ideas?15:10
binnimeaning I added one site to /etc/hosts and edited /etc/nsswitch.conf to "hosts: files" from something akin to "hosts: files dns", but the internet still works just as before.15:12
fallentreebinni: added how?15:13
binnifallentree, by adding this line: ubuntu.com www.ubuntu.com15:13
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fallentreebinni: right, so what exactly doesn't work as expected?15:15
mordoflinux headers... *sighs*15:16
JPelletierHi, I'm trying to debug the Ubuntu Installer. I've modified the \boot\grub\grub.cfg to remove the "quiet" flag for ubuntu install but it's going too fast. Is there a way to slow down or "page" the messages? For grub debug there is a set pager=1 is there something similaire for ubuntu kernel logs ?15:16
binnifallentree, the internet is now suppose to be "whitelisted", meaning only the sites I specify will work, everything else blocked, but that's not what happened and nothing changed.15:16
mordofwent from 99% inode use down to 45% inode use after putting all of my older /usr/src linux header folders into a .tar.gz15:16
fallentreebinni: no, that only forces ubuntu.com and www.ubuntu.com to resolve to that IP15:17
akikJPelletier: you can read the kernel logs with dmesg and the other logs with journalctl15:17
* mordof writes a script to do that automatically on box deploys15:17
binnifallentree, darn it, gtg15:17
JPelletierakik: But it's not installed, I'm running the USB Installer15:18
akikJPelletier: what isn't installed?15:18
JPelletierUbuntu, it's a brand new SSD15:18
akikJPelletier: are you in the live session?15:18
nemomordof: now I'm wondering what your inode limit is - 'cause... I have like 6 copies of kernel unpacked in /usr/src on this one machine and it has only 13% inode use15:19
nemo /dev/sdb1      28942336 3721859 25220477   13% /15:19
mordof520,000 roughly15:19
mordofi had 18 copies15:19
akikJPelletier: i'd suggest you start the live session, in which you can read the logs15:19
* mordof actually counts15:19
nemonot to mention tons of other small copies like live minecraft tiled maps ☺15:19
mordofi was right in my first random ballpark, lol15:19
sobersabrehi. how do I make /etc/resolv.conf on boot not to have "nameserver", but something else?15:19
sobersabreon ubuntu 17.0415:20
nemomordof: well 520 is awfully low15:20
mordofnemo: it's an 8gb hard drive15:20
nemowell. this one above is 500GiB15:20
JPelletierakik: I'm experiencing a random issue where Ubuntu is not starting, like once every 30 reboots15:20
nemook. n/m that's exactly same ratio15:21
JPelletierakik: And I reproduce the issue with the USB install as well, so now I try to see logs when this happen to help me15:21
nemomordof: I guess I'm not used to drives being that small.  wow. 8GiB drive and 18 copies of linux kernel unpacked15:21
JPelletierakik: Live session may not reproduce the issue15:21
mordofnemo: so the inode limit is determined by the size of the hard drive? it just has a % or something15:21
fallentreesobersabre: is that still related to your earlier problem wanting NetworkManager to use dnsmasq instead of resolved?15:21
nemomordof: you can adjust the defaults15:21
mordofnemo: the machine doesn't do much. it hosts a resque web instance, and our main redis server. the uptime is 540 days though15:22
akikJPelletier: and you haven't identified the issue yet?15:22
sobersabrefallentree: no, it's still open. I can agree to use systemd-resolved, if I can tweak it as greatly as dnsmasq15:22
nemomordof: my uptime has gone down a bit due to. hm... what was the reason last time.  probably a long-put-off-kernel update15:22
nemo433 days15:22
fallentreesobersabre: don't use systemd-resolved, it's broken and vulnerable.15:22
JPelletierakik: No, in fact pausing the logs will not help me I just reproduced it again, black screen!15:22
sobersabrefallentree: I disabled it....15:22
nemohate having to reboot, I have to restart irssi and screen and w3m... ☹15:23
fallentreesobersabre: so you want NM to use dnsmasq?15:23
fallentreesobersabre: btw, "disabled" won't work, as disabled services are still started by dependencies. in this case, network manager starts it.15:23
mordofnemo: reboots suck. i think we rebuilt this box with ubuntu 14.04, which prompted the downtime to reset15:23
sobersabrefallentree: I am using /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, and there I've got dns=dnsmasq15:23
mordofit was either 10.04 or 12.04 before15:23
sobersabrethis only causes the dnsmasq to be up.15:23
akikJPelletier: could it be the nomodeset issue with the graphics card?15:23
JPelletierakik: Ubuntu instal doesn't start at all after all the grub stuff15:23
sobersabrefallentree: so I probably need to uninstall it. ok.15:24
nemomordof: what I can't figure out is.  how on earth did you have 18 *unpacked* copies of kernel in /usr/src on an 8GiB disc - they must have never been built - 'cause with build files that would have sucked up like, well, 15-20 GB15:24
sobersabrefallentree: maybe this is the reason I'm having hell.15:24
nemomordof: even without, it would have been like half the disc15:24
JPelletierakik: Tried it already, I also tried intel_idle.max_cstate=0 processor.max_cstate=115:24
fallentreesobersabre: mask instead of disable, you don't have to uninstall (not even sure you can)15:24
mordofnemo: it was about half the disk, yeah.. lol15:24
nemomordof: but yeah. weird. why were they unpacked but never built? or did you run make clean each time yet not remove the sources? ☺15:25
JPelletierakik: This is driving me crazy15:25
akikJPelletier: sorry i don't know how to slow down the kernel & service message15:25
fallentreesobersabre: yes, it's a mess created by ubuntu devs who have no clue how broken resolved is, they just randomly decided to default to it without any serious testing.15:25
mordofnemo: i'm not actually sure where in our deploy scripts we even acquire the linux headers.. lol15:25
nemoah. for headers15:25
mordofyeah it's only headers15:25
JPelletierakik: Well the kernel messages doesn't start at all. I see all the grub stuff, than nothing.15:26
sobersabrefallentree: do you happen to know how I can query who needs resolved ?15:26
mordofnemo: do you know what actions trigger an acquisition of linux headers?15:26
akikJPelletier: i remove both "quiet" and "splash" from the grub config and also set "GRUB_TERMINAL=console" so i see more messages15:26
mordofi imagine we're doing something with apt15:26
fallentreesobersabre: nothing hard depends on it15:26
mordofto cause it15:26
nemomordof: compiling anything that depends on the kernel? ☺15:26
fallentreesobersabre: you can use any resolving method you desire15:26
sobersabreI mean if systemd unit wants systemd-resolved15:27
nemomordof: kind of a vague question there 😉15:27
mordofnemo: lol15:27
mordofah well15:27
JPelletierakik: Yeah I do see GRUB debug informations. I enabled it with: set debug=all and everything seems to be good but at the end, sometimes the kernel is not started at all. Black screen. Totally random15:28
mordofnemo: our deploy scripts have a few packages that it marks to install if it needs to. i don't think they take action once installed though.. so i'm not sure exactly what entry in the deploy triggers that.. oh well15:28
fallentreesobersabre: systemctl list-dependencies maybe15:29
sruliubuntu-gnome 16.04 i am having trouble with auto mounting USB drive fat32, i have no write permission, i have to manually remount with "uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137" how can i change the behaviour of auto mount to always use this option for all exfat drives?15:29
fallentreesobersabre: but that won't tell you much. anything can start disabled services through socket activation15:30
oerhekssruli, with 'no write permission' your fat32 filesystem is unmounted dirty, fix this15:30
sobersabrefallentree: by socket activation you mean syn'ing dns port ?15:31
mordofnemo: just found another machine with 31 unpacked linux headers sitting around eating all the space, haha15:31
oerheksfat32 is not posix, so no write permissions usually point at a faulty filesystem15:31
* mordof is going through doing some management of servers15:32
mordofnemo: same size hard drive15:32
fallentreesobersabre: for example yes15:32
sobersabrein order to have socket activation do something, appropriate service.socket needs to be UP, no ?15:32
srulioerheks: are you sure? if it is a dirty unmount would "uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137" give write permission?15:32
oerhekssruli, i don't understand why you need those options in the 1st place...15:32
sobersabreI mean if I have disabled all .service/.socket stuff resolved had, it won't do any good. or you're now paranoidizing me.......15:33
sobersabrefallentree: ^^^15:33
srulioerheks: i need those options in ubuntu-gnome and ubuntu-mate .. always needed them in those flavours, regular ubuntu and lubuntu seem to be fine15:34
nemomordof: yeaaaah you guys might want to tweak your scripts to clean up after themselves ☺15:34
fallentreesobersabre: you have to "mask" a service if you don't want it activated by any means15:34
fallentreejust "disable"-ing won't help15:34
srulioerheks: how do i change default mount options for all exfat drives?15:34
sobersabrefallentree: done.15:34
sobersabretesting reboot...15:35
oerhekssruli, i don't know where those exfat/fuse options would be15:37
srulianyone know how to change default mount options for exfat?15:37
oerheksyou would need to use them manually i guess, there is no gui with options15:37
srulioerheks: there must be a config file somewhere15:38
akikJPelletier: there's a trick for you here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelDebuggingTricks boot_delay=N15:39
newBeeI have setup various networks with 'wpa_cli', where are those saved network files located? I want to remove them.15:40
oerheksnewBee, in your keyring perhaps?15:41
JPelletierakik: Like I said forget my initial question, kernel messages doesn't start at all15:42
libertasducasse: openvpn server15:53
akikJPelletier: maybe your storage device is starting to fail? check its smart values?15:55
JPelletierakik: Tried with another brand new SSD :(15:56
ducasselibertas: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/OpenVPN_(server)_in_Linux_containers15:59
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AbbottI'm trying to boot an Ubuntu USB that I made using Universal USB Installer, but after I choose to boot Ubuntu in GRUB, my monitor goes to sleep. How do I troubleshoot this?16:07
hippAbbott: have you tried booting with nomodeset  ?16:09
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:09
adamdesignHow do you go about and fix that?16:15
oerheksadamdesign, fix what? i have seen no question16:16
adamdesignAbbott's question: Is there a setting to boot with nomodeset at the install options screen?16:17
hipppress 'e' at grub screen  .....  add 'nomodeset' to LINUX= line   ....  https://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu16:17
oerheksyes, it is all described in that url, there is a F6 option nomodeset in the gui16:17
saryThat's Probably either wrong resolution or wrong frequency rate!16:19
Abbotthipp: there's no LINUX= line for me, but there is a kernel line that ends with ... quiet -- that I changed to quiet nomodeset --16:25
Abbottdoes that seem right?16:25
sgenHow can I check how much space is left on a drive?16:27
oerheksdf -h # gives you a number and a percentage16:28
sgenIs there any way df could be wrong?16:28
hippsgen: or the graphical utility disks16:29
sruliubuntu-gnome 16.04 i am having trouble with auto mounting USB drive fat32, i have no write permission, i have to manually remount with "uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137" how can i change the behaviour of auto mount to always use this option for all exfat drives?16:29
oerheksdf and du give different output, "df - report file system disk space usage" and "du - estimate file space usage"16:30
sgenIS there any way to find out how many inotify watchers are in use?16:30
sarysruli: #See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB16:31
srulisary: thanks but both of those do not specify how to change automount options for all usb exfat drives16:33
haymiI have ubuntu 16.04 wifi suddenly stoped before it was stoped after 5 minute  but righ now i cant access any wifi any help?16:33
srulioerheks: i'm aware of that, i still cannot find a way to apply mount options to all, in fstab i need to specify the UUID...16:34
Seveasoerheks: instead of exfat, they should have called it slim :-)16:38
sarysruli: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab16:38
srulisary: same thing, need to provide UUID or /dev/ path16:40
naccsruli: find the disk's UUID with `blkid` or /dev/disk/by-uui/16:41
srulinacc: i need to set it for all drives, not specific ones16:41
naccsruli: you only have exfat drives on your system?16:41
srulinacc: no, i need to set it for all exfat drives16:42
srulii found the problem why i dont have mount write permissions, automount mounts it in /media/usb instead of /media/USER/usb how do i change this behavior16:42
naccsruli: fstab doesn't allow you to express that16:42
Abbotthipp: that worked, thanks :)16:42
naccsruli: you might be able to do it with a udev rule (the per-fstype part of things)16:42
naccsruli: i think that's controlled by udisks (the per-user mount point)16:44
ghost12345Hello. Can someone help me with MAAS on ubuntu 16.04 ? I have created question https://askubuntu.com/questions/930023/how-to-add-custom-power-type-to-maas-2-1-x-to-use-pc-power-control-using-raspber16:45
naccghost12345: you may want to ask in #ubuntu-server16:45
pclark36anyone ever had an issue with Sky minimizing chat windows every time it's notification shade fades out?16:51
nemowhat is Sky?16:52
naccpclark36: did you mean Skype?16:53
dlamis there a command to 'restart' the touchpad?  (mine sometimes dosent work on boot)17:09
EriC^^dlam: remose the driver and reload it might work17:10
irwissis there some neat way to get systemd unit trigger ufw or iptables to open up a port or close it when a service unit starts/stops?17:10
irwisserr i mean open when unit starts and close it when it stops17:10
EriC^^dlam: sudo rmmod <module> then sudo insmod <module>   get the module name from "dmesg"17:11
dlam:O  ohh i thought you meant  'sudo apt-get reinstall xserver-xorg-input-synaptics'17:11
EriC^^dlam: no, try sudo rmmod psmouse && sudo insmod psmouse17:13
zachSo RE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/1701068 -- Can anyone explain this? https://twitter.com/timrchavez/status/88047017081226035317:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1701068 in base-files (Ubuntu) "motd.ubuntu.com currently shows media item (HBO's Silicon Valley using Ubuntu)" [Undecided,Triaged]17:17
zachnacc: ^^ Since you helped yesterday17:17
zachkirkland: ^^ since you're assigned that bug17:18
pclark36nacc: no, I meant sky by tel.red.  It's a microsoft Lync port/replacement17:20
oerhekszach, explain what exactly?17:20
oerheksit is your own bugreport, you found a phone-home leak17:20
sgenHow can I find out the maximum amount of inotify watches I my system allows?17:21
zachoerheks: The tweet -- the call home is leaking potentially sensitive information about the system via a UserAgent setting with curl.17:22
s77What is a decent laptop brand for using ubuntu and programming stuff?17:27
zachAnything you want that fits within your budget17:27
s77Are all brands fullt compatible?17:27
oerheksYou ask for it: Apple17:27
nacczach: no, I can't17:28
naccpclark36: is that an ubuntu package?17:28
MuimiSo i did sudo chown $USER/USER ~/.Xauthority and it said "muimi user not recognized"17:30
nacczach: whether it's an abuse or not, the comments above that line do say why each variable is passed back17:31
MuimiI'm still having the inability to log in17:31
naccMuimi: $USER:$USER17:31
MuimiI wish I could roll back all the changes that happened when I tried to install wechat17:31
Muimioh $USER:$USER .  DUH.  Probably that's why I got an error.17:31
pclark36nacc: yes it is17:33
naccpclark36: what is the package name?17:33
pclark36I guess it's not truly ubuntu being you have to install the tel.red repo17:33
naccpclark36: right, so not an ubuntu package but a tel.red package. Contact tel.red for support, I think.17:34
pclark36yeah, nm17:34
MuimiIs there a way to reverse changes to a cerain date such as is done in Windows?17:34
naccMuimi: not by default, no.17:34
MuimiI could probably just YADATA and yudatudatu and uninstall the os and re-install it and then turn it on17:34
MuimiDang, dude.  I wish it at least asked by default in the desktop system.17:35
naccMuimi: it's a different philosophy in *nix than in windows17:35
MuimiYeah, okay, whatever.  But no matter where you go data security is like the most valuable thing these days17:36
sgenIs there any way to find out which processes are using inotify inodes? Im running out (again) and my max is already fs.inotify.max_user_watches=104857617:36
sgenI think something is eating or leaking them17:37
naccMuimi: i'm not sure what data security has to do with taking desktop snapshots.17:37
MuimiAs I've tried and tried to get into ubuntu over the years, basically every time it's just endlessly trying to administrate without being able to accomplish simple things.  But everyone keeps telling me: 'you should just use ubuntu'17:38
Muimiwell, if you don't take a snapshot and you end up with an administration problem like this, then you can't access your files17:38
Muimiit's like having a corrupted harddrive17:38
Muimiyou try to install something, and it screws up your computer.  whatever philosophy you subscribe to, that will mess you up17:39
naccMuimi: you, as root, did something to your system.17:41
naccMuimi: and you're blaming Ubuntu for not taking a backup of your system before you did that?17:42
nemonacc: well he kinda has a point. sorta.17:42
naccnemo: I'm just asking for clarification17:42
nemonacc: Windows is more obsessive about snapshotting the system.  Not that I've ever found it at all in the least bit useful17:42
naccMuimi: what is "something" in this case? is it an ubuntu package?17:42
nemonacc: since it just bloats up the system to the point of tens of gigabytes.  and. any attempt to roll back breaks my stuff anyway17:42
nemonacc: I usually just turn it off17:43
naccnemo: i don't use windows, so I don't know17:43
nemonacc: debian ubuntu *should* make it easier to roll back to earlier versions of packages - I've always found this way more painful in debian/ubuntu than in, say, gentoo17:44
nemonacc: it's possible just tedious17:44
naccnemo: to earlier version of packages?17:44
naccnemo: i'm not sure what you're referring to relative to what Muimi is referring to17:44
nemonacc: Muimi installed stuff that screwed up his system.  most of that is packages17:44
nemonacc: it should be possible to roll those back17:44
nemonacc: it's doable but not at all convenient. you can't just select older version of package and have it autoresolve and reinstall the old dependencies17:45
nemounlike on other linuxes17:45
nemonacc: the rest is just configuration versioning which is indeed not default on ubuntu, but usually as simple as just adding versioning to /etc17:45
naccnemo: what stuff did Muimi install? that's all I was asking17:45
naccnemo: in general, Ubuntu does as-installed testing of packages.17:46
nemonacc: I have no idea. I was focusing on his general problem "reverse changes to a certain date"17:46
nemonacc: there's no particular reason to do it date-based snapshotting - although you could of course install backup management17:46
nemonacc: personally the vast majority of time I find it better to do that per-package rather than per-date17:46
DJonesMuimi: What package did you install that caused these issues17:46
naccnemo: i'm not particularly interested in this particular line of disucssion17:46
naccnemo: i'm just trying to resolve Muimi's issue17:47
naccDJones: i see some mention of wechat, but i'm not sure if that is weechat or something else. Not sure why that would have messed with ~/.Xauthority if so.17:48
nacc(if so == if weechat)17:48
DJonesnemo: /lastlog Muimi17:48
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nemoDJones: oh neat. I had no idea /lastlog took a user param. thanks.  I was just scrolling back and hunting for name17:49
DJonesnacc: If it is weechat, sounds like a bug report is needed17:49
naccDJones: agreed, no confirmation yet17:49
naccDJones: it would appear 'wechat' is also a thing (a chinese messaging service)17:50
DJonesnacc: Ouch....17:50
naccDJones: so I'm really not sure :)17:50
DJonesnacc: Bet thats not in the repo's17:50
naccDJones: right :)17:51
naccsgen: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/15509/whos-consuming-my-inotify-resources17:55
sgennacc: Thanks17:57
naccsgen: yw17:57
martinramehi, in one disk I have some directories with permissions drwxr-xr-x owned by me. I can write, but "root" cannot, how can I check why root cannot write there?17:59
martinramebtw: I'm using ubuntu 16.04 server18:00
martinramemore: the directory is an nfs mounted.18:00
ducassemartinrame: is it exported with no_root_squash?18:01
martinrameducasse: hehe, I was just reading that from stackoverflow, I'm checking18:02
martinrameducasse: yea!, added that parameter, exportfs -ra, and it started workin, thank you!18:05
lavinhogood night18:36
lavinhohow to install tp-link ue300 ?18:36
nostalgiccloudQuick question about LXD18:38
nostalgiccloudwhen I stop a container, it's storage is retained right?18:39
nostalgiccloudso I can restart containers without data loss18:39
lavinhohelp me pleae18:39
naccnostalgiccloud: yes, stopping a container does not delete the container18:40
naccnostalgiccloud: unless it's ephemeral18:41
marshwallowHi there!19:02
marshwallowI'm trying to use an Epson Stylus DX4050 printer on Ubuntu Zesty.19:02
marshwallowScanning, to be precise.19:03
marshwallowI've tried to follow the instructions a French guy posted, but Simple Scan is still failing.19:03
marshwallowThis: http://www.cedynamix.fr/installer-une-epson-stylus-color-dx4050-sous-ubuntu/.19:04
marshwallowI'll check once again that I didn't fail at writing something, but I believe something else's wrong.19:04
marshwallowIf there's a specialized IRC channel for such problems, please let me know.19:05
marshwallowOr if it's a thing more applicable for AskUbuntu or Ubuntu forums.19:05
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oerheksthat was a tutor from 2006....19:05
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marshwallowI know, but it's still not working out of the box...19:06
oerheksindeed, this recent italian post says download the .deb packages from epson, it should work https://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?p=485007219:07
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marshwallowThanks! Will try it out.19:08
CoderEuropeDoes anyone know how to get the password screen off my chrome browser - everytime I have to "log-in" ??19:09
CoderEuropeits like a key-ring question - but it just asks for a password (?)19:09
leftyfbCoderEurope: it's a bug that is getting ignored for some reason: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/168982519:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1689825 in libgnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "gnome-keyring not unlocked on boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:27
s_spiffhey folks, I'm trying to run a dumpall command from the postgres account with the output file located on a mounted partition.. i keep getting the error permission denied19:30
s_spiffHow do I add postgres to the users that can read/write to that external drive?19:30
leftyfbs_spiff: why do you need to do this as the postgres system user?19:31
s_spiffleftyfb: i haven't created any other super user19:32
leftyfbs_spiff: use sudo19:32
leftyfbor if you're going to put this into a cron job, then put it in root's crontab19:32
s_spiffso in the cron job definition, I don't state the user as "postgres"?19:33
leftyfbwhy would you?19:33
s_spiffleftyfb: https://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2008/12/postgres-backup-cron/19:33
jhutchins_wks_spiff: You can also fix the mount so the postgress user can write to it.19:33
s_spiffjhutchins_ how do I do that.. right now I'm the owner of the mount.19:34
leftyfbas long as you're using credentials to login to postgres from root or whatever user, then you should not be using the postrgres user to do anything19:34
leftyfbusing a system user to do anything is bad19:34
s_spiffleftyfb: ouu..19:34
leftyfbother than run it's appropriate services19:34
s_spiffleftyfb: i see..19:34
jhutchins_wks_spiff: I'm guessing you're letting a GUI filemanager mount it through fuse.19:34
leftyfbs_spiff: if you changed it, please put the shell for the postgres user back to /dev/null or whatever it was before19:35
s_spiffokay. will try it out19:35
leftyfbjhutchins_wk: please don't encourage insecure behavior/habits19:36
marshwallowoerheks, tried following the whole thread. The scanner is now easily visible in Simple Scan, but it still won't start scanning.19:39
marshwallowIs there anything else I could try, or should I go back and scan in Windows?19:40
jhutchins_wkleftyfb: I don't intend to.  You're making a lot of assumptions.19:41
leftyfbjhutchins_wk: suggesting someone run a backup script using a system account is bad practice19:42
jhutchins_wkleftyfb: I do agree that the dump should either be done by root (sudo) or a regular user, not a system account.19:42
jhutchins_wkleftyfb: I did not suggest that.19:42
jhutchins_wkleftyfb: I was pursuing fixing the mount permissions.19:43
marshwallowI really like the Simple Scan workflow (there is nothing like that in Windows), but there's no use of it if SANE can't talk with my printer.19:43
marshwallowHeck, it's stuck while closing.19:44
marshwallowI don't speak Italian, but I think I've done everything done in the thread, and it won't work.19:44
wutrHi all, is there a way to use LVM to dynamically resize a partition automatically by taking some of another partition that has plenty of free space?19:49
jhutchins_wkwutr: You can shrink the partition to create free space, then add that space to the target partition.19:50
marshwallowDynamically? Why not GParted?19:51
nostalgiccloudWith LXD how is storage handled?19:51
jhutchins_wkwutr: Since you need to make a backup if you're messing with partitions, you can also just back up, repartition, and restore.  That's usually faster.19:51
wutrjhutchins_wk: I may be overthinking this. What I'm trying to do is have the benefits of having one partition (there's only one drive) with everything on it, combined with the benefits of having a separate partition for /home19:53
wutrmarshwallow: (lol your name) Without user interference I mean19:53
nostalgiccloudGoogleing LXD longterm storage brings up guides on storing LSD longterm...19:54
marshwallowwutr, do you mean that I'm interrupting your discussion? Sorry then.19:55
shadow98anybody have any experience using clonezilla on harddisk to boot using grub19:55
akiknostalgiccloud: it uses your root file system by default19:55
wutrmarshwallow: no not at all I was just saying that I'm looking to find out if resizing can be done automatically, not by the user19:55
marshwallowO, oh, okay :D.19:56
akiknostalgiccloud: /var/lib/lxd/containers19:56
marshwallowGlad you like it :).19:56
nostalgiccloudakik, ok!19:56
nostalgiccloudakik, I want to setup two LXD containers for HA loadbalancing apache219:56
marshwallowwutr: isn't "intervention" the word you're looking for?19:57
wutrmarshwallow: yes it is xD19:57
wutrmarshwallow: although interference will probably end up being what's actually happening ;)19:57
marshwallowBTW, I'm not a Linux pro, but I'd say you're shaking grounds by shifting files during runtime, no?19:58
nostalgiccloudSo akik with the performance penalty of the directory backend, what is the hit on? Running or just setup19:58
marshwallowUnless it's a separate storage space.19:58
marshwallowWith files frozen, or locks released while moving.19:58
akiknostalgiccloud: those containers are light weight and start in seconds19:58
nostalgiccloudakik, I'm going to put a full ubuntu image as my base19:59
wutrI suppose partitioning was a thing of HDDs, SSDs don't care where the data is..19:59
akiknostalgiccloud: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/04/28/getting-started-with-lxd-the-container-lightervisor/20:00
nostalgiccloudI've read that20:00
marshwallowI don't have an SSD, so I don't really know how things work over there.20:00
akikwutr: you partition your ssd as you did your hdd20:01
akikwutr: (well i don't know about you specifically :)20:01
wutrakik: indeed and I think that's why my wish for dynamically resizing a "partition" won't work. If there was a more modern way of doing things, not based on spinning disks and physical sectors it would probably be possible20:02
marshwallowGuess I'll have to go back to Windows.20:02
wutrmarshwallow: ha!20:03
akikwutr: you can use lvm if you have lots of space, then use it to allocate new slices. lvm is not anything new though20:03
marshwallowwutr, I'm trying to use my DX4050 AIO printer/scanner to scan in Linux, but it's not going to happen. Tried following every guide thrown at me. It works in Windows, but Windows doesn't have Simple Scan or anything similar.20:04
wutrakik: I've never used LVM and the laptop this will be on only has one drive so not sure how to use that to that effect20:04
eoh293Since a few days, when I try to `apt-get update`, I always receive `Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?)`. Is there any way to debug this? Yes, gnupg and GPG are installed …20:04
akikwutr: actually you can use resize2fs to resize a root file system if you just first can resize the underlying partition20:04
akikwutr: (a mounted root file system)20:05
akikwutr: for example, you allocate 500 gigs of a 2 terabyte disk, then later use that 1.5 teras that is unallocated to create new lvm physical volumes to add to the existing lvm volume group20:06
wutrakik:  I see but you'd do that in small slices? so say add 50GB at a time20:06
akikwutr: it's all in your hands to decide how20:07
marshwallowI'll just bump my SANE problem, just in case someone knows this stuff.20:07
wutrmarshwallow: sorry no good with scanners, I was glad when I got my HP AIO going20:07
marshwallowIt's fine, I just wanted to explain why I'm mentioning Windows at all.20:07
akikmarshwallow: sane lists dx-4050 as a supported usb connected device20:08
akikmarshwallow: try installing xsane and gimp and then use gimp to access the file/create menu20:09
marshwallowTried using xsane, it says my scanner is busy.20:09
marshwallowGonna try GIMP, but I doubt it.20:10
akikmarshwallow: you need xsane too20:10
oerheksmaybe you need to add yourself to a scanner group ?20:10
marshwallowI am in the scanner, saned and lp groups.20:10
marshwallowxsane is installed.20:10
oerheksdid you try to unplug/plug the printer/scanner ??20:11
marshwallowGonna try.20:11
marshwallowPrinter replugged and power cycled. Let's see now.20:12
oerheksIf this does not fix, i have no other clues20:12
marshwallowOkay, okay, got into xsane's window. That's good stuff, I guess.20:13
marshwallowAnd... device I/O error.20:14
marshwallowepson2 driver.20:14
marshwallowTrying epkowa.20:14
marshwallowepson, not epson2. It was suggested on ubuntu-it.org to disable epson2.20:18
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heheheevolution gets stuck20:19
hehehemail client20:19
hehehei wonder how i can debug it somehow20:19
marshwallowNah, no luck.20:20
marshwallowhehehe, I'm just a newbie here, but gdb and valgrind come to mind.20:21
marshwallowPerhaps debugging Evolution in some decent GTK+ IDE?20:22
heheheok its working20:25
UNIcodeXdoes anyone here use timeshift? does it work properly on a machine with a separate /boot and an encrypted LUKS /root?20:26
eoh293Is AppArmor supposed to block / prevent anything in “complain” mode?20:28
eoh293Funny thing, if I set “sshd” to complain, I can’t `apt-get update` anymore. If I `aa-disable` it, it works again.20:29
eoh293I thought complain, according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApparmor should allow the app to “function normally”, as the Wiki puts it20:30
nostalgiccloudI am setting up LXD20:31
nostalgiccloudI want to use Ubuntu in my container20:31
nostalgiccloudhow would I choose ubuntu server?20:32
naccnostalgiccloud: not sure i follow20:32
naccnostalgiccloud: you have LXD alrady setup?20:32
leftyfbnostalgiccloud: the default ubuntu template will give you what you're looking for20:32
naccnostalgiccloud: `lxc launch ubuntu:<release name>`20:32
nostalgiccloudleftyfb, Ty20:33
nostalgiccloudleftyfb, you think I should use Ubuntu Core for just hosting a webserver20:33
naccnostalgiccloud: the ubuntu: images are the cloud images20:33
leftyfbnostalgiccloud: I don't really see a benefit20:33
nostalgiccloudAutomated updates20:34
leftyfbnostalgiccloud: depends on your needs. Ubuntu core only uses snaps for packaging20:34
nostalgiccloudSo at this point I am lost with containers.20:40
nostalgiccloudThey seem more and more like enviroments than actual operating systems20:41
shadow98Hey guys I am dual booting Windows and Ubuntu and I want to add clonezilla to the menu for grub.  I have to take into account im using UEFI.  Any ideas how i add the clonezilla partition to the grub menu and where its located i tried to find the menu im used to in /etc/grub.d and i can't find the menu that comes up.  I am assuming that it has something to do with EFI system20:41
naccnostalgiccloud: they are not operating systems20:42
naccnostalgiccloud: a container is just a process20:42
naccnostalgiccloud: with some special magic that makes it so the process thinks it is on its own system (in the case of LXD)20:43
naccnostalgiccloud: it is not a VM20:43
nostalgiccloudContainers are just glorified sandboxes20:43
blkadderIt's a fancy isolation mechanism (on a good day, except when you are running things as root, which never mind...)20:43
blkaddernostalgiccloud, Yes.20:43
naccnostalgiccloud: because you don't need VMs for most things20:43
blkadderLess resources.20:44
naccnostalgiccloud: and containers are way cheaper to start and use20:44
blkadderAnd they add complexity.20:44
blkadderFor free.20:44
naccblkadder: :)20:44
nostalgiccloudSo in theory I could do what I want using snaps?20:45
naccnostalgiccloud: i don't know what you want to do20:45
naccnostalgiccloud: and why you're switching from containers to snaps a topic? they aren't really related20:45
nostalgiccloudRun webservers in isolated enviroments20:45
naccnostalgiccloud: multiple webservers?20:45
naccnostalgiccloud: snaps are an application packaging format20:46
nostalgiccloudsnaps are run in sandboxes.20:46
naccnostalgiccloud: yes, but you can't have two of the same snap run if they are both webservers on the same port20:46
naccnostalgiccloud: ports are still a top-level mechanism20:46
nostalgiccloudI know that20:47
nostalgiccloudi"m not new to linux but I am new to containers20:47
blkadderSo why do you think you need a container vs say using VMs?20:47
naccnostalgiccloud: ok, so explain your problem in more detail. Are you trying to run multiple isolated webservers on the same system?20:48
nostalgiccloudVM's are overkill for my task20:48
naccnostalgiccloud: i'm 99% sure you should can just use lxd containers for your purposes (based upon what you've described so far)20:48
blkadderAs nacc says, please explain your task in detail. :-)20:48
naccnostalgiccloud: i don't think snaps match what you want20:48
nostalgiccloudI want to run multiple webservers in a isolated environment for HA / FO20:50
naccnostalgiccloud: on the same machine?20:50
naccnostalgiccloud: then snaps won't help you20:50
naccnostalgiccloud: use VMs and port redirection as needed20:50
nostalgiccloudVM's are way overkill.20:51
naccnostalgiccloud: or have them live on their own IPs20:51
naccnostalgiccloud: or do the same with containers, then20:51
xdevnullhello, i've inserted my external hard drive into usb port. i see the hard disc button on the menu bar with correct name. when i click it it keeps loading but not opening. how do i log errors? if any present20:51
blkadderSorry you want to run multiple servers on the same physical hardware for HA?20:51
blkadderDoes not compute.20:51
naccblkadder: yeah, I am glossing that :)20:52
nostalgiccloudHigh Availability doesn't have to protect against hardware failure20:52
* nacc imagines just reliability, multipath-y webserving20:52
blkadderIt's generally a good idea.20:52
nostalgiccloudI want to be able to take a webserver offline, tweak it and bring it back20:52
blkadderOk more like blue green deploy.20:53
naccnostalgiccloud: so maybe I missed it, but why can't you do what you want with containers?20:53
blkadderor red black or whatever other combination of colors suits your fancy20:53
jhutchins_wknostalgiccloud: Generally, HA -DOES- have to account for hardware failure, but you are specifying a special case.20:53
nostalgiccloudjhutchins_wk, I never said HA against hardware failure20:53
nacci think FO is a better description here20:53
naccas in FailOver20:53
blkadderSeems so.20:53
jhutchins_wknostalgiccloud: The problem is you can't run multiple servers on the same hardware listening to the same port.20:54
nostalgiccloudWhen I think HA I think of being able to pull out a instance and not have downtime20:54
blkadderYou need to front-end with a lb20:54
blkadderThat can map ports20:54
nostalgiccloudwhen I think of FO I think of another server physically ready and waiting20:54
jhutchins_wknostalgiccloud: You have to have a front-end that listens to the standard port and redirects to either different hardware or different local instances on different ports.20:54
naccright, you would need to port redirection20:54
nostalgiccloudjhutchins_wk, yes I am not new to Linux, I understand this20:54
naccnostalgiccloud: well, you are using HA and FO in non-standard ways then :)20:54
naccnostalgiccloud: and we're just trying to undrestand what you mean w/o jargon20:55
nostalgiccloudnacc, fair20:55
naccnostalgiccloud: in any case, with something like haproxy or traefik at the host, you can do what you're suggesting with containers, i think, all on one system20:55
nostalgiccloudI'm pretty sure I've said it already but just incase, apache2 will be behind nginx20:56
jhutchins_wkxdevnull: dmessg, /car/log/syslog20:56
nacc(at that point, that the instnaces are containers or VMs becomes transparent)20:56
jhutchins_wkxdevnull: dmessg, /var/log/syslog20:56
jhutchins_wknacc: You can run multiple instances of nginx or apache on the same server.20:56
naccnostalgiccloud: so nginx is your load balancer20:56
naccjhutchins_wk: true, with specifying the port for each?20:57
nostalgiccloudnacc, bingo20:57
jhutchins_wknacc: Right.20:57
naccjhutchins_wk: it is equivalent to having them all ont he same port, but on containers (and nostalgiccloud specifically asked for isolation)20:57
blkadderWell that's an interesting choice.20:57
naccjhutchins_wk: equiv. in this case, i mean20:57
jhutchins_wkIn the real world, we do VMs, that way there's a broader range of changes we can make without taking a site down.20:58
jhutchins_wkWe can add ram, add disk, add CPUs.20:58
naccnostalgiccloud: so nginx on the host, and load-balancing to multiple apache containers (or processes as jhutchins_wk suggested or VMs)20:59
naccjhutchins_wk: true, different use cases demand different solutions20:59
nostalgiccloudnacc, yea20:59
naccnostalgiccloud: yep, so that's doable in any of the three methods, afaict20:59
jhutchins_wkIf you REALLY want to get HA, you run in multiple datacenters.21:00
nostalgiccloudjhutchins_wk, true21:00
blkadderIn different geographic locations. On different power grids.21:00
blkadderetc. etc.21:00
blkadderPro-tip: Putting everything in US-EAST1 in AWS != HA21:01
blkadderI can't count the number of times I have talked to companies that do this.21:01
naccnostalgiccloud: in any case, I think you have enough info now to make a decision?21:01
nostalgiccloudnacc, I feel like I do21:01
jhutchins_wkMicrosoft had their primary DNS servers on the same subnet ... for a while.21:01
blkaddernostalgiccloud, Don't know if it suits your use case but I have heard really positive things about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDWgs2cnga021:02
blkadderWrong link21:02
blkadderSorry. :-)21:02
nostalgiccloudI was very confused.21:02
blkadderThat's the correct one. :-)21:02
jhutchins_wkWe worked at a datacenter that had two distinct 14KV feeds coming in from geographically different grids in different directions.21:02
nostalgiccloudblkadder, I fucking LOVE proxmox21:03
jhutchins_wkPlus we had generators.21:03
nostalgiccloudMy hosting provider actually gives me 16 IP's and offers me Proxmox as a install option21:03
blkadderGood deal.21:03
nostalgiccloudI think they're ipv621:03
blkadderI haven't used it myself but have heard good things about it. Plan on playing with it at some point.21:03
nostalgicclouduse it.21:03
blkadderI usually don't need to put a bunch of stuff on the same boxes. :-)21:04
nostalgiccloudThe reason I didn't go with it is that it's built on Debian instead of Ubuntu so AFAIK: No kernel live patching21:04
nostalgiccloudThe reason I stick to Canonical is how polished it is, and the enterprise features21:05
nostalgiccloudLivepatching the kernel is a nice one21:05
blkadderCattle not pets... :-)21:07
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ikonialivepatching the kernel is pointless21:12
budrichi does anyone know if it's possible to start xorg server without a tty device?  An lxd container I'm trying to run it under doesn't have any.21:21
ikoniayou can use virtual ttys21:21
ikoniaor you can map through tty's into the container21:22
budricikonia: how can I create a virtual one?21:22
ikoniabudric: look up ptys21:23
budricikonia: i tried mapping one into the container /dev/tty0, but i got an even more weird error xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open virtual console 2 (No such file or directory).21:24
budricI'll look up ptys21:24
ikoniabudric: how did you map it ?21:24
ikoniathere is a really good document that I can't find annoyingly about tty pass through to containers21:24
budriclxc config device add my-container-name tty0 unix-char path=/dev/tty021:25
budricI got it from this discussion: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/112921:25
budricalthough that adds it to the profile21:25
ikoniabudric: I'm not sure that works, I think you can only do that with block devices, I remember having this with video card pass through for a video encoding farm21:25
ikonia(or certain types of devices)21:26
ikoniayou need to do it different for ttys21:26
ikonia(working from memory)21:26
budricin general though, why does xorg need tty?  you can start without a monitor, you can start with dummy video card, but can't do it without console?21:26
ikoniatty is basically just a virtual terminal to bind it to21:26
ikoniait needs "something" to display on21:27
budricikonia: so i'm a little confused about your suggestions using pseudo terminal.  I logged into the container via ssh and it shows me on /dev/pts/0.  xinit still throws an error that it wants to start on tty0, and looking at xinit/xserver arguments I can't seem to specify pty (vtXX is a possibility however you create those)21:34
MWMIm looking for an alternative to "metamorphose2" when I try to install from .deb or PPA I get a list of dependencies that cannot be satisfies soo... what else is there? :)21:44
MWMwell kiss my grits.  Never mnind.  apt --fix-broken install worked finally21:45
hippMWM: have you tried 'apt-get install -f' after install21:46
dlamis there a thing to view GIS data on ubuntu?  like i got this shapefile and wanna look at it21:52
dlamoooo thanks!  me go add that repo21:57
reksudo vi /etc/openvpn/up.sh what is this script doing for me? can you explain it in every line? it's here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN21:59
Seveasrek: that tutorial wants you to use a bridge interface for some reason. Do you really need that?22:15
Seveasthose scripts maintain the bridge interface22:16
SeveasI usually use tun interfaces instead of tap, and either proper routing or nat'ing of the vpn traffic. Much easier to maintain22:17
alexashello i have a problem with encrypted drive on which Ubuntu is installed22:50
alexasit is while loading sends me to initramfs22:50
alexaswithout password prompt22:50
alexasI am able to access the drive from live usb with error 'file system not found' but I can browse through content22:51
alexasI also get an error of misssing superblock, I would like to know how can I restore it from live usb22:51
vltalexas: Is the command `cryptsetup` available in initramfs?22:53
alexasvlt: I am not aware of that now, as I worked all day through live usb, but apparently no I think it was not22:53
alexasvlt: to find out I have to disconnect and try it out, which is unlikely in my situation right now, as I have some preference to set up to run system again, so it would be time consuming22:54
alexasvlt: btw it is Ubuntu 17 and I have succesfully fixed some issues with an encrypted swap (freezing system) and I didn't not finalize the operation apparently, then I haven't reboot the system for a long time and apparently after the crash there was different kernel that was the issue. The drive on the system is SSD so I did not think it is bad block or anything related22:56
alexasSorry for a confusing lot of information!22:57
alexashttps://askubuntu.com/questions/922319/ubuntu-17-04-freezing-issue# - here is what the freezing issue was, and the thing i haven't done is I did not checked /etc/fstab parameters - I suspect this is the reason for current problems22:58
alexashttps://askubuntu.com/questions/922319/ubuntu-17-04-freezing-issue# - from that post22:58
vltalexas: If it's not a bad blocks problem you could try `CRYPTSETUP=Y update-initramfs ...`23:00
alexasvlt: can I execute that from live usb?23:01
vltalexas: Yes. Might need to bind-mount /dev (and /sys and /proc -- I always forge which is needed) and chroot.23:02
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alexasvlt: any step by step instructions you have in mind as a reference?23:13
alexasvlt: found that rather long question and I am confused: https://askubuntu.com/questions/653408/mounting-encrypted-luks-partition-from-live-cd23:16
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nostalgiccloudSo, I got LXC setup with containers23:36
nostalgiccloudI can't get macvlan to work though23:36
nostalgiccloudThis is on 16.04, they don't get an IP23:36
twoj_DHCP question, any takers?23:42
blkadderDepends on the question.23:42
twoj_I have a static IP assigned to my private subnet, and it has been working for a while23:43
twoj_How all of a sudden 2nd day in a row, the DHCP is assigning it a dynamic IP as well!23:44
blkadderSo your framing doesn't make a lot of sense.23:44
Posteris wireless involved?23:44
twoj_So the private subnet nic has to 2 addresses23:44
twoj_No wireless23:44
twoj_All hard wired23:44
twoj_the dynamic IP comes in as primary, and knocks off every PC from my subnet23:45
Posterif you turn off your dhcp service and release, do you still get a dynamic address?23:45
blkadderWhy are you running dhcp if you have a static address?23:45
twoj_Running DHCP for other PCs on the subnet23:45
blkadderPlease describe your network topology.23:46
Posterthere may be something else handing out addresses that you are unaware of.  Try stopping the DHCP daemon on the known system and release/renew to see if you still get an address assigned.23:47
twoj_I did ip addr flush dev enp2s0f1  to knock the dynamic IP out, then ifdown, ifup23:47
kenrinSounds like you need to remove the auto dhcp line from the networking file23:47
blkadderYes, you shouldn't be running dhcp on the machine you don't want dhcp addresses assigned to.23:47
PosterI think he's referring to a DHCP reservation23:48
blkadderThat's what is unclear...23:48
blkadderI am not certain what is assigning what to where. :-)23:48
blkadder"The dynamic IP comes in as primary..." - where?23:49
twoj_This clears it up, but it comes back.   I even added hardware ethernet a0:36:9f:bc:XXXXX; deny booting; block  to dhcpd.conf   and it still comes back23:49
blkadderComes back where?23:49
naccnostalgiccloud: LXC or LXD?23:49
blkadderYou stated that this dynamic address is being assigned and knocking off all of your PCs?23:50
twoj_dynamic ip comes back assigned to the nic.  I'll explain.....23:50
kenrinThat doesn't make sense,  but give us a paste of /etc/network/interfaces23:50
twoj_OK,  lets call my ubuntu with DHCP machine XX.23:50
twoj_XX has DHCP running on it with 2 nics,   NIC A public with connection to internet,  NIC B private subnet.   Both NICs are configured with static IPs23:51
twoj_NIC B is the one exposed to the private subnet,  and through this NIC DHCP serves up addresses to PC connected to this subnet.23:52
twoj_NIC B even though is set to be static, all of a sudden is getting assigned a dynamic IP like other PCs on the subnet.   I can not have  it to happen, since it is also DNS/Gateway nic/IP23:53
Posterwhen you say NIC B is configured with static IPs, are you defining all IP information in /etc/network/interfaces or is it a reserved address in a DHCP reservation?23:53
blkadderSo what changed?23:54
blkadderThis was all working until when?23:55
Posteris there a dhclient process running on NIC B?23:55
twoj_here is the ip address dump:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/24985108/23:58
twoj_Yes, there is DHCP on NIC B23:58
twoj_NIC B - subnet23:58
twoj_in IP Address dump, look at entry #5 enp2s0f123:59
blkadderServer and client are different23:59
twoj_>>Server and client are different ?????23:59
blkadderYou should have a DHCP server running for NIC B, but not client if I am understanding your issue.23:59

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