
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
n-iCegonna try other distro00:29
n-iCeto check if that's the issue00:29
n-iCesince can't find the driver or codec I need00:29
n-iCe-Lets see00:44
n-iCe-Installibg manajaro00:44
EleanorEllisHow can I change the default GUI text editor to gedit instead of mousepad in xfce?02:22
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
BischoopGuys I just went back to Xfce - love it :-)10:16
BischoopI just need now change language input options, where to look for it?10:16
diogenes_Bischoop, ty tu robisz?10:17
diogenes_settings - keyboard - layout10:18
BischoopWell I'll need use few language inputs, should I go with XKB?13:04
=== rud0lf is now known as q[o_o]p
=== q[o_o]p is now known as rud0lf

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