
=== qwebirc149470 is now known as slickymasterWork
xubuntu41wI cannot reinstall package linux-image-extra-4.8.0-58-generic    can I have help?   thank you15:10
Raynexubuntu41w, It could be possible that your repository information outdated or was cleaned. (I had a small conversation with xubuntu41w.) Did you update the repository information with `sudo apt update`? If not, execute `sudo apt update` in a terminal and then try to install the package again.15:13
rud0lfis there a way to have a screensaver (some effects) compatible with lightdm?15:18
xubuntu41wthank you Rayne! Im trying that,  says a lot of things15:20
xubuntu41wmy terminal15:20
Raynexubuntu41w, That's not specific enough to help you. You could share the information with http://paste.ubuntu.com and post the link here.15:21

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