
lubot2<tsimonq2> After I get some sleep, I'll explain my blueprint modifications on Lubuntu Next.08:53
lubot2<tsimonq2> Apologies for the decent sized amount of emails...08:53
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> I don't have mails09:16
lubot2<tsimonq2> You part of the Lubuntu Packages Team?09:17
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> No .___.09:21
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> 😒09:22
acheronukneither am I, but I got a TG message to tell me about it :P09:22
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Well, I maintain ONE package. Does it count? .__.09:24
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> (Photo, 720x1280) http://i.imgur.com/bJEVByK.jpg10:39
lubot2<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf, That.10:39
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Jesuschrist!10:40
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> I keep getting more and more.10:49
acheronukflag him as spam :P10:50
* acheronuk hides10:50
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Aye! XD10:50
lubot2<tsimonq2> lol10:52
lubot2<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf I'm almost done10:53
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> acheronuk, all his mails go to a folder called "poop"10:53
lubot2<tsimonq2> All done.11:04
lubot2<tsimonq2> For now... 😏11:04
lubot2<tsimonq2> lol11:04
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Hmm... I don't trust you11:14
lubot2<tsimonq2> (Photo, 1024x769) http://i.imgur.com/AnZ2L9b.jpg Oh hey, look, it's Lubuntu Next under Wayland :D11:22
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Felony!11:23
lubot2<tsimonq2> lol11:23
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> I want a MIR powered Lubuntu 😐11:24
lubot2<tsimonq2> (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net:9090//giphy.mp411:25
lubot2<tsimonq2> .__11:25
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net:9090//file_387.mp411:31
lubot2<tsimonq2> lol11:32
lubot2<wxl23> @tsimonq2, Let's see you do that with LXDE14:53
eco2geekTo whomever is listening: I'm running your LXQt "experimental" edition.19:01
eco2geekThe Lubuntu blog says, "The LXQt ISO will most likely break your system."19:01
eco2geekWith all due respect, it has not even crashed, so it seems unlikely that it will break my system.19:02
wxlas a system in development, the long term usage of it may result in some funky issues19:03
eco2geekIf any of you remember what it looked like when Kubuntu switched from KDE 3 to KDE 4, now _there_ was something "experimental.19:03
eco2geekSo ship it already.19:03
wxlyeah well there's work to be done on choosing all the applications, for example19:03
eco2geekUnderstood. I appreciate seeing applications that are new to me, like JuffEd and NobleNote19:04
eco2geekLet's see, it has some problems switching themes, and didn't switch off my monitor, but those are the only "buggy" things I've run into19:05
wxlfeel free to file bugs against lubuntu next19:06
eco2geekOK - keep up the good work :-)19:06
wxland feel free to hang out here and discuss further development19:06
redwolfyou have mail :|19:18
redwolfyou too, tsimonq2, don't hide19:19
m4sk1non 2015 there was (simple) lubuntu-related task in Google Code In. will there be any lubuntu/lxqt-related task in 2017?19:19
wxlm4sk1n: that was based on UBUNTU's involvement, so you need to ask them19:41
lubot2<tsimonq2> It's marked as experimental so some idiot doesn't mark it in production19:49
lubot2<tsimonq2> s/mark/run/20:12
lubot2<tsimonq2> So @wxl23, @julienlavergne, @VikingRedwolf: I'll send you an email in a bit, but there's still a couple of things to discuss about the ISO.20:16
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Omg, an e-mail!20:16
lubot2<tsimonq2> We have to make an executive decision in respect to the web browser because that will turn into a fight quickly.20:16
lubot2<tsimonq2> Otherwise, there's some more things up for grabs.20:17
wxlmaybe we should just make a poll and whatever it ends up is what ti is20:17
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Every app decision seem a war20:17
wxlbut all of the options are what we would be willing to support20:17
wxlunless there's only one.20:17
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> "Executive decision" :|20:17
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, Well with some things it's just basically needing another option.20:17
lubot2<tsimonq2> And we need feedback on that sort of thing.20:17
wxlwell what about the browser20:18
wxlis there more than one option?20:18
lubot2<tsimonq2> Qupzilla lgtm20:18
wxlare there other options?20:18
wxl…that we'd be willing to support?20:18
lubot2<tsimonq2> Honestly, no.20:20
wxlthen that's it20:20
wxland here's the logic:20:20
wxlthere's no other solution we'd be willing to support20:20
lubot2<tsimonq2> It just needs a bit of a security audit because it uses QtWebEngine and that uses an older Chromium.20:20
lubot2<tsimonq2> That's the only gotcha.20:21
wxlis there anything that doesn't have that problem?20:21
lubot2<tsimonq2> But that's easy if we keep an eye on it.20:21
lubot2<tsimonq2> Uhm. Uhm. No? :)20:21
wxlwell there you go20:21
wxlit's the only viable solution20:21
wxlwhat other qt browsers are there and what are their draw backs?20:21
lubot2<tsimonq2> Otter Browser is based off of Opera but I've been told it's not stable yet.20:22
wxlhave you tried it?20:22
lubot2<tsimonq2> And then there's one other one with the Vim commands.20:22
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, I have not personally.20:22
wxlhas anyone?20:22
wxl!info otter-browser20:23
ubot93Package otter-browser does not exist in artful20:23
wxl!info otter20:23
ubot93Package otter does not exist in artful20:23
wxlif it's not packaged, that's a no unless it's a real winner20:23
lubot2<tsimonq2> It's on the blueprint if you want more details20:23
wxl!search otter20:23
lubot2<tsimonq2> Exactly.20:23
ubot93None found20:23
wxlcould you do me the favor of linking me to that blueprint?20:23
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-next/+spec/1710-qt-webbrowser20:25
wxli would say we make the decision to do qupzilla now20:29
wxlit's stable, does what we want, peeople respond positively to it, and it's in the repos20:30
wxlother things require additional packaging which is going to delay lxqt20:30
wxlso it's kind of simple: qupzilla or delay lxqt20:30
wxlwe can revisit this later if need be20:30
wxlUGH really http and jquerry. what is wrong with you people?20:31
wxlooh uorigin has a new element zapper that's kind of cool20:35
wxlthae above is what i advise we announce to the public20:35
eco2geekif I can add my opinion - as an end user, I'm just going to install the web browsers I like anyway, so it doesn't really matter if you don't include them20:38
eco2geekI'm typing this using Google Chrome in Lubuntu LXQt. Runs fine. I'm not going to use Qupzilla.20:38
wxlexactly my sentiment20:38
lubot2<tsimonq2> That's my point, yeah20:39
lubot2<tsimonq2> I personally use Firefox.20:39
eco2geek(I use Firefox too)20:39
lubot2<acheronuk> ditto20:40
lubot2<tsimonq2> Which is exactly why we have to pick one and roll with it. Because people will get pissed over this.20:40
eco2geekBut it is essential to include a web browser on your live media, and Qupzilla is fine for that20:41
lubot2<tsimonq2> Sure, it absolutely is.20:41
wxlnot doing html5 kind of sucks20:41
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, I really thought they solved that in a later version20:41
lubot2<tsimonq2> Because we are still on Qupzilla 1.8 something20:42
lubot2<tsimonq2> 2.0 something, based on QtWebEngine, is FTBFS20:42
wxlah you need gstreamer https://github.com/QupZilla/qupzilla/wiki/FAQ#15-qupzilla-does-not-play-html5-videos-on-youtube-what-can-i-do20:42
lubot2<acheronuk> 2.1.2 was uploaded to unstable the other day20:43
lubot2<tsimonq2> So now we are more than 2 versions behind, exactly.20:43
wxlfacebook is funky in it too20:44
lubot2<tsimonq2> Bah, who uses Facebook? XD20:45
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Not me20:45
wxlbuilt in user agent manager is cool20:45
lubot2<acheronuk> @tsimonq2, https://packages.debian.org/sid/qupzilla20:45
wxlbuilt in ad blocking20:46
wxlaw man it was originally py but they went c++20:46
lubot2<acheronuk> seemed to build for archs where webengine built20:46
wxltsimonq2: you should add gstreamer to the iso20:47
wxland maybe set a default user agent that's not qupzilla? we should play with that20:47
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, If you tell me what deps there are, I'll consider it :)20:48
lubot2<tsimonq2> If it pulls in all of GTK, no way in hell20:48
wxlit shouldn't20:48
lubot2<tsimonq2> wxl: But either way, I don't have commit access to the seed.20:49
wxlwell get whoever does to do it20:49
wxlwe need basically gstreamer* from what i can tell20:49
lubot2<tsimonq2> Julien and Core Developers have access20:49
lubot2<tsimonq2> So I'll probably do some local testing then if I agree, I'll propose an MP and poke someone to merge it.20:50
wxlso unravel the depends, test it out against youtube.com/html5 and then tell julien what to do20:50
lubot2<tsimonq2> Ok20:50
wxli'm not finding any gtk crap right off20:51
wxlhold on20:52
wxlgstreamer1.0-plugins-bad includes libgtk-3-020:52
wxlso we'll have to see if we can do without20:52
wxlthere's a LOT of other stuff in there tho20:52
wxlgstreamer-qapt may be a way to get plugins without having to grab the sets20:54
wxlsomeone will have to check it out20:55
wxlis kf5 stuff going to pull in additional kde bits?20:55
wxlacheronuk: ^^20:56
acheronukif by kf5 you mean actual frameworks, then might not be too much20:57
wxlyeah ok20:58
lubot2<acheronuk> there's a few distro (chakra maybe?) that use qupzilla by default, so may be worth looking what (if any) gsteamer stuff they put with it21:01
wxl^^ @tsimonq221:02
lubot2<tsimonq2> Ok21:03
acheronukhmmmm. a bit confusing to me whether that gstreamer requirement is for qupzilla before or after they switched to qtwebwngine, or both21:13
lubot2<tsimonq2> https://betanews.com/2017/06/30/ubuntu-linux-artful-aardvark/ - I like how he refers to me as an Ubuntu Membership Board Member when that's not even relevant :P21:14
acheronukthey like to pad things out, and sound knowledgable about people as well as the software/OS21:16
* tsimonq2 is on computer finally21:48
lubot2<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf ALBERTO! Responded to your email.21:51
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> :)21:53
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> nice, you both voted for a different one LOL21:55
wxli replied all this time21:55
lubot2<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf Who voted for the other one?21:55
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> let's see what the boss says, but I'm inclined to use Bloggerz. remember, wxl, that we're using our own content. so the result won't look exactly as that template. actually, I think it won't change much21:56
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> but the custom CSS code will be empty21:56
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> :)21:56
wxlthat would be a benefit21:56
wxland responsive would be nice too21:56
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> a lot21:56
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> yes, Fruitful has a limited responsiveness21:57
wxlrespoinsiveness is a boon to our seo21:57
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> aye21:58
tsimonq2@VikingRedwolf: Make sure to make it beautiful with all of the Lubuntu colouuuaouuurs21:59
meetingologytsimonq2: Error: "VikingRedwolf:" is not a valid command.21:59
* tsimonq2 kicks meetingology 21:59
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> you mean red? :$21:59
tsimonq2(British people and inserting random vowels in their words :P)21:59
tsimonq2Uhm, no, blue. .___.22:00
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> let's change! PINK!!22:00
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> O.O22:00
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> gaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!22:00
wxlcome on22:01
wxllet's just come out and say it22:01
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> :)22:01
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> say what?22:01
wxlwe're the most gay friendly distro22:01
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> damn right!22:02
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> well, they're celebrating the world gay pride in Madrid now (last day)22:02
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> we could've put some rainbows somewhere22:02
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> but we're still on time :)22:02
tsimonq2wxl: Hey, I need those lubuntu-users and lubuntu-devel passwords :P22:03
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> no22:03
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> the password is "cucumber"22:04
tsimonq2wxl: So you'll go through and sort through the 200 messgaes stuck in there?22:06
tsimonq2wxl: I lost my password to my password manager that only held those passwords and I didn't back it up somewhere22:07
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> I have one now .___.22:07
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> but we like to pretend we forgot them just to get your attention ^^22:07
tsimonq2wxl: Next time I meet with my new boss, he's going to set me up with one22:08
tsimonq2wxl: I've been meaning to do it22:08
tsimonq2wxl: That's in 1 week or 222:08
wxli'll send you an encrypted email with all of them22:08
wxlyou will not remove them22:08
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> O.O22:08
wxlyou WILL NOT ask for them again22:08
wxldo you understand?22:08
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> he will22:08
wxli'll probably have to do this later22:08

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