
=== moondoggy_ is now known as moondoggy
ubuntu-matehello i am Ubuntu MATE07:52
alkisg(10:52:47 πμ) ubuntu-mate: hello i am Ubuntu MATE ==> Wow, our distro personified!09:34
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest47114
Guest47114Hello world !10:40
jack_sparrowHello Puny Earthling10:40
Guest47114I am starting to use Ubuntu MATE10:41
jack_sparrowGlad to hear it10:42
jack_sparrowDid you have any questions?10:43
Guest47114Recently  I had a peoblem with Ubuntu MATE 16 0410:44
Guest47114I do not remember the error message exactly but Ubuntu could not start and it was telling me that there was maybe a problem with the hard drive10:45
jack_sparrowThats a bit vague for me to work with..10:46
Guest47114finally, searching on the net I found the command: Fsck -fy/dev/sda110:46
jack_sparrowfile system check.. yes10:46
Guest47114I did that and it worked but apparently it was a temporary solution only10:46
jack_sparrowSounds like a failing hard drive10:47
Guest47114I wonder if I have to reinstall Ubuntu MATE or what do I need to do to avoid this happening again10:47
jack_sparrowor you doing things very wrong and using sudo alpt10:47
jack_sparrowavoid adding software from outside the package manager..  adding ppa's kills new users..10:50
jack_sparrowrun gksudo gparted and run those tests and diagnostics on your partition.10:50
jack_sparrowOh and if you are trying to put windows on d or e.. windows wants c10:51
Guest47114Normally I do not install software from outside the package10:52
Guest47114I only have Ubuntu MATE in this computer10:52
Guest47114I do only updates as requested by Ubuntu10:52
Guest47114I did the last update a few days ago; since then I have not had the problem but I am not sure the I will not have the problem again in the short term10:54
jack_sparrowUse Update Manager (shield icon lower right),  View in menu bar, Linux kernels, Select 4.10 in left window then latest revision in right window and install it, then reboot  If you have a problem booting up, return to old from grub menu using left shift on boot/power up10:55
Guest47114ok, thanks a lot Jack_sparrow !10:55
esdwdfttyWho not correctly shows the size? Until I increased the size of the boot partition I can't update through the standard update. In the boot partition does not have enough space for the upgrade. For resize SD I used Gparted. https://postimg.org/image/a44ueed0h/12:16
esdwdfttyi think gparted true, but not sure12:18
esdwdfttyreplace the word upgrade on update12:26
alkisgesdwdftty: MiB is mebibyte = 1024*1024 bytes, while MB is megabyte = 1.000.000 bytes13:33
esdwdfttyI have not noticed MB, MiB, this is understandable. But when I tried to update last month "software update" say the size of the partition boot small for the updates, use "apt-get clean". But it not help, as this is the first update after the installation, there is nothing to clean. The size of the partition boot has not increased (64 MiB boot partition in the img on the website Ubuntu-mate)13:53
Bill_MIHiya folks.13:53
Bill_MIouroumov, ouroumov_ alive?13:53
Bill_MIWondering if that missing old graphic file is unique.13:55
ouroumov_hi Bill_MI13:57
Bill_MIHey ouroumov_ !  LTNS13:57
Bill_MII haven't seen other graphics disappear... that one I had was weird.13:58
ouroumov_wait, I don't know what you're talking about13:58
ouroumov_might have missed a post13:58
Bill_MIthis one....13:58
Bill_MIThe original PNG file went 404.13:59
Bill_MII replaced it.  Edit view shows the old link.13:59
esdwdfttyHumor:"ouroumov, ouroumov_ alive?" Я в место  него13:59
Bill_MIoooops!   https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/virtualbox-sluggish-a-possible-quick-fix/1177314:00
Bill_MISorry 'bout that.  Wrong link.14:01
ouroumov_ah, I was starting to be really confused Bill_MI  xD14:01
Bill_MIPaste buffer mixup. :-)14:01
Bill_MII doubt the URL in the post corrupted and more likely the file disappeared.  Hope it's not a trend.14:05
ouroumov_ehrm sorry, system froze14:05
Bill_MII doubt the URL in the post corrupted and more likely the file disappeared.  Hope it's not a trend.14:05
ouroumov_It does indeed looks like that14:07
esdwdfttyWhy not to change the boot size? If you know?14:07
ouroumov_Might be worth mentioning that to @lah714:07
Bill_MIAnyway, just wanted to be sure no others do that.  I've seen none but this one.14:07
esdwdfttyWhy not to change boot partition size? If you know?14:08
ouroumov_esdwdftty, I've tried to raise this issue multiple times14:09
ouroumov_esdwdftty, loads of people have asked about this on the RPi forum14:11
esdwdfttyЭто не сложно если есть компьютор и картридер как у меня.14:13
ouroumov_!ru | esdwdftty14:14
ubottuesdwdftty: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:14
esdwdfttyCurrently me not need the help. I understood what about a problem with the size of boot partition, developers know.14:23
esdwdfttyCurrently I not need the help. I understood what about a problem with the size of boot partition, developers know.14:23
ouroumov_esdwdftty, it's been reported to developers14:26
ouroumov_esdwdftty, developers have not taken action14:26
esdwdfttyif not en not problem reported on my language, but i translate in program.14:28
esdwdfttyзамарочка технический язык переводить. плохо преводят.14:30
esdwdfttyеслибы я незнал язык на тройку всётаки пытвлись 14 лет обячать былобы ещё хуже14:32
ouroumov_Again, if you need a russian speaking user, please go to #ubuntu-ru channel14:32
esdwdfttyи русский на 314:32
ouroumov_Dude you know I'm French14:33
ouroumov_Do you see me taking French here? Please respect the rules and use #ubuntu-ru if you need assistance in Russian.14:34
esdwdfttyouroumov lang ru know?14:35
ouroumov_Yes, because I liked the movie goldeneye, it doesn't mean I'm Russian. :)14:36
esdwdfttyOn 99%. I know, surname. Me nothing more say14:38
esdwdfttyI changed the size of the partition.14:39
esdwdfttyпоследнее. сейчас хуже дело обстоит, через Software Update один раз обновился, последующие разы весит загрузка обновления в работе и стремится к бесконечности. Пришлось всё, что смог обновлять через Synaptic.14:47
esdwdfttyhttps://translate.yandex.ru who need translate14:48
ouroumov_Вы можете не знать этого, но программы автоматизированного перевода человеческого естественного языка нихуя не работать. Вот почему даже гугл хреново в этом. Это удивило бы меня, если программное обеспечение Яндекса обтекатель л14:50
esdwdfttyВо первых без мата, не только по тому, что у нас в России есть стать закона за мат размещённый в интернете имеют право привлечь к ответственности. Я это знаю, но мне без переводчиков ни как. Я знаю только самые простые фразы на английском я14:54
ouroumov_If you only know simple phrases, use only simple phrases.14:56
esdwdfttyПростые фразы это не обсуждение не о разделах диска. Это: сколько вам лет. Повернуть на лево, на право и тому подобное. Это общение уже для меня лишнее, не хочу. Досвидания.15:02
esdwdfttyне второе лишнее15:03
=== steveb is now known as Guest16599
johnniehi hi16:46

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