
redphantmy EFI system partition is damaged. is there any way to repair that?00:04
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Guest72623can someone please help me rescue my system? /dev/sda3 can be ignored i think. it was part of a solution i was trying that didn't end up working https://pastebin.com/MBGKNpKr00:48
Guest72623I can get into Grub again but I am unable to get into kubuntu00:49
Guest72623just a black screen00:49
Guest72623according to my log there are no errors in my boot partition and things look good so i'm really confused why im not booting00:54
Guest72623please someone help.. i've been working on this all day00:58
djcrayYou know that not all are here online and waiting for you 24/7 do you?01:03
Guest72623i understand but im on a live usb and i keep fiddling and making things worse01:03
Guest72623so my situation is dire :)01:04
djcrayjust dont fiddling and do a backup of your data, install it new and look if the problem is still there?01:04
Guest72623install what new?01:05
Guest72623can i just reinstall kubuntu on my existing ubuntu installation?01:05
Guest72623will it erase my data?01:05
djcrayprobly yes, and you should do backups.01:05
djcrayEven if you are not reinstall, do backups. Its allways a good idea.01:06
Guest72623will kubuntu save my /home folder though?01:07
Guest72623that's really what i'm most worried about losing01:07
djcraywhy dont you just do a complete backup of all your data?01:07
Guest72623i'm also trying to get a windows/ubuntu dual boot. i think i broke the windows installation in all of this mess, so if i reinstall windows again, then reinstall kubuntu will that fix my dual bootloader issues?01:08
Guest72623i'm not familiar with backups, and linux in general.01:08
djcrayjust do a backup, then you have atleast your data on a safe place and if your data gets lost, you can just get it back from that backup.01:10
Guest72623i guess i just never had the extra space or trust for web backups but i guess i will look into doing that from now on01:11
Guest72623thanks for the nudge :p01:11
IrcsomeBotdinoraptor101 was added by: dinoraptor10101:52
IrcsomeBot<dinoraptor101> Hello Everyone ! I just found out about this place. I'm having an issue I wasted an hour on with no avail..01:52
IrcsomeBot<dinoraptor101> KDE Connect (desktop on Plasma) does not have the functionality to compose new text/sms messages. am I the only one?01:53
IrcsomeBot<dinoraptor101> because no-one on the internet seems to have reported that issue.01:53
IrcsomeBot<dinoraptor101> hello?01:57
viewer|47810Hello where can I get help learning to send SMS from plasma desktop (KDE connect) ?01:58
viewer|47810is this teh right place to ask?01:58
IrcsomeBot<dinoraptor101> oh look my IRC requests popped up here!01:58
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jcderhbis the package kububtu-desktop by default installed i kubuntu?06:46
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> yes06:48
jcderhbits for some reason uninstalled on my kubuntu system06:49
jcderhbgot a black  linking cursor on boot and pladma is not starting06:49
jcderhbalso plasma-desktop was uninstalled. no idea what caused this06:50
jcderhbacheronuk no its seems not installed by default06:53
jcderhbi checked on my laptop06:53
jcderhbdpkg --get-selections kubuntu-desktop  doesnt list it06:54
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> kubuntu-desktop package is not essential to have a working plasma, as it's just a meta package to pull in needed things.06:54
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> kubutnu-desktop is installed by 'default', but is also removable as it is 'recommends' for a kubuntu/plasma, not full depends06:55
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> if it ins not installed, something or someone has uninstalled it at some point06:56
jcderhbnow it worls acheronuk06:59
jcderhbafter installing kubuntu-desktop07:00
jcderhbmaybe uninstalling fonts-noto somehow im uninstalled it too :|07:00
BluesKajHiyas all11:05
IrcsomeBot<dinoraptor101> Hello anyone figured out how to text SMS from Plasma? Through KDE connect?11:23
Dragnslcrdinoraptor101 - from what I've been able to tell so far, you can only reply to a message that you receive12:15
dj23rusGuys, does anyone can help me with new driver for my videocard?13:21
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=== Guest65219 is now known as Hurensohn
Hurensohnkubuntu is the best Linux14:29
Hurensohngo to http://sadifo.esy.es thats WTF14:29
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clivejo@dinoraptor101 KDEConnect as a tool can compose and send SMS15:36
IrcsomeBotdinoraptor101 was removed by: dinoraptor10115:36
clivejothey are working on the UI to do so from within plasma15:36
clivejofrom your command prompt run "kdeconnect-cli -l"15:37
clivejoand make a note of your device ID15:37
clivejothen run "kdeconnect-cli --send-sms <your_message> --destination <full international phone number> --device <device ide from command above>15:38
clivejooh, they left :/15:38
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Astorishey ho19:01
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