
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
dprophitis it ok to get help with ubuntu bind9 in here?00:30
Bashing-omdprophit: Yes, statue your issue to the channel .00:33
ollienI'm trying to change my shell to zsh using chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh but I keep getting the error message "You may not change the shell for 'nick'" Is there a way to fix this? I'm not sure what the issue is00:55
leftyfbollien: please post the full terminal with error message to pastebin01:06
ollienleftyfb: https://hastebin.com/fixudalacu.rb01:07
leftyfbollien: what version of ubuntu are you running?01:07
ollienleftyfb: 16.04.201:08
leftyfbit's working for me on several machines01:09
leftyfbollien: did you lock this down somehow or is this a non-standard install?01:09
ollienleftyfb: This is a stock image from digital ocean01:09
ollienNo clue what they do to lock that down01:09
leftyfbyou'll need to contact them then01:09
dprophitAnyone successfully installed ispconfig and got email and dns working? I have courier + maildrop, bind901:09
leftyfbotherwise, you can just edit /etc/passwd01:10
leftyfbor sudo usermod -s <shell> <username>01:10
ollienleftyfb: I can do that, but I'm curious as to why it doesn't work with chsh01:10
glitsj16ollien: is zsh installed?01:10
ollienglitsj16: yes01:10
leftyfbollien: I'm going to guess because of DO's image01:10
leftyfbdprophit: I would highly suggest not bothering with ispconfig01:10
ollienand it's in /etc/shells01:10
dprophitleftyfb: if you know of a better one....open source one01:11
leftyfbdprophit: vim01:11
leftyfbor nano if you don't know vim01:11
dprophitother than an editor =)01:11
leftyfbdprophit: if you're interested in learning how to build/administer a server, then a webUI like ispconfig will achieve quite the opposite results you're looking for01:12
leftyfblikewise if you're trying to run things properly01:12
dprophitleftyfb: Not trying to learn sysadmin.01:13
leftyfbdprophit: see my 2nd point01:13
leftyfbdprophit: webui's like those tend to mess with configs in ways that add confusion and complexity and can even break things. It's also a security risk. It also encourages point-and-click sysadmining01:14
dprophitI get your point. ANyone else?01:15
leftyfbdprophit: can I ask what is your reasoning behind wanting something like ispconfig?01:16
dprophitEasily manage my domain. Focus on what I do which is not being a sysadmin01:16
leftyfbdprophit: there are proper hosted services for such things01:17
dprophitI got your point already.01:17
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docmurHey, where do I find the block device or the mount point for my android phone?02:25
CoderEuropeAnyone wanna join us in #ubuntu-offtopic ?03:05
hanasakianyone please know of a usb dongle bluetooth that works with linux and does full audio with a phone too?  perfer bt4.2 / 4.1 as a compromise . thanks03:25
jmaderohi all - I've added a .desktop file to /usr/share/applications/ but my program isn't showing up in the applications list04:03
sirru5hjmadero, what version of ubuntu and desktop are you using with ubuntu?04:11
jmaderosirru5h: 16.04, Gnome04:11
sirru5hGive this a quick look I've had to manually add some entries for packages here and there myself https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-packagekit/stable/add-remove.html.en04:15
camonzhi, is there a way to overclock nvidia cards through a headless server?04:24
kristhiando you guys have any idea on linphone?04:58
kristhiancan i contact it using a landline number?04:59
lil__hi there, is it possible to send a string from the commandline as input to a chrome window? I'd like to create a javascript workflow with a console and my native vim editor,  but I'm not sure how to do this...04:59
Wa|kTh3___kristhian: /j #linphone05:01
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kristhiannobody's there actually05:05
sirru5hI'm kinda half here05:07
basheba_A0PI hate when that happens05:10
thewillowhat is linphone?05:13
cfhowlettthewillo, are you asking us to google that for you?   cause ... no05:13
thewillono, i'm asking what it is because someone was talking about it so they must know05:14
thewilloOh I see05:14
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lil__so is most of the channel bots?05:36
lil__haha, it worked! mind if I re-iterate a non-liphone question?05:36
cfhowlettgo ahead05:37
lil__I'd love to know if there's a way to have lines of text sent from my terminal to a javascript console in chrome.05:37
lil__is that possible? what would you suggest I read up on to help myself out?05:38
cfhowlettcompletely over my head so I could only supply wild guesses.  I would suggest #java might know05:38
lil__I saw online that there's a tool called xdotool that helps with emulating input, but that seemed like it was only for occasional hotkey input not lines  of text?05:39
cfhowlettnever used it, nor do I do any java stuff so ...05:40
cfhowlettsounds like you are describing piping directly from terminal to java.  Gotta be a way, but again --over my head05:41
lil__thanks either way! good to know its not all computers running the chat haha05:42
sirru5hlil__,  java != javascript ... ask in #javascript06:01
lil__haha, I would never!06:02
sirru5hlil__,  I didn't want you to end up in the wrong place ;)06:05
lil__yea I have found a working solution thanks to a couple of concessions06:06
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dreamonhello. since 3 days Im trying to run a nvidia driver on my optimus notebook nvidia/intel chipset on Ubuntu 16.0408:35
dreamonno luck at all. yesterday it works . but switched with prime-select intel and back to nvidia it was gone.08:36
dreamonnow i cannot switch back to nvidia anymore. no way to get it back to work. I would prefere to switch over change in bios between optimus and intel08:37
sarydreamon: are you using bumblebee!08:43
iopqwhen I'm playing a full screen game for some reason Ctrl+5 shortcut doesn't work, could that be an Ubuntu shortcut somewhere09:05
iopqShift+5 works just fine09:05
iopqand 5 itself works09:05
iopqCtrl+4 works09:06
iopqso does Ctrl+609:06
saryisn't there a shortcuts settings in System setings --> keybord .09:08
Dave_Elecguys how can i minimize a wine game?09:13
sklvhi, i'm trying to use https://github.com/IntegersOfK/Hoin-POS-58-80 (80mm, 64 bit system) but even though the job completes successfully nothing happens on the printer. This is my debugging log http://sprunge.us/eJZh . I know the printer is funcitonal becaues I can echo "text" > /dev/usb/lp0 and it prints09:20
saryDave_Elec: it should be in wine config , you may wanna ask in #winehq .09:22
iopqThe only shortcut that is relevant is Ctrl + Alt + 5 which is "Toggle minimization state" sary09:22
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rcmainakI got a new seagate external hard disk. My ubuntu can't find it10:09
the_cheetahHey guys .... Does anyone know how to install powerline plugin in oh-my-zsh?10:15
bazhangthe_cheetah, wheres the package from10:19
the_cheetahbazhang: which package?10:20
bazhangpowerline plugin10:20
the_cheetahbazhang: I just installed it using pip10:20
the_cheetahbut it's not showing up in omz10:20
bazhangthe_cheetah, how is this an ubuntu issue10:21
the_cheetahWell its not a ubuntu issue but i'm installing it on ubuntu :/10:22
bazhang!find powerline10:22
ubottuFound: elpa-powerline, fonts-powerline, powerline, python-powerline, python-powerline-doc, python-powerline-taskwarrior, python3-powerline, python3-powerline-taskwarrior, W:, W: (and 118 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=powerline&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all10:22
the_cheetahok .. i get it ... i can install it with apt-get ... let me try10:24
bazhangthe_cheetah, the docs for powerline show it very clearly10:24
bazhangthe_cheetah, you got them, did you not read them yet?10:25
the_cheetahI don't know why but i'm not able to find those docs .. can you please send the link?10:25
beefjoeWhy does it take forever for sites like Facebook and imgur to fully load ? it happens on FF and Chromium10:28
beefjoewhile it's totally fine on my mobile and windows laptop10:28
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
saryrcmainak: Ubuntu should not have any issues mounting HPFS/NTFS/exFAT, FAT or EXT{1,2,3} out of the box. Sometimes, devices don't automount you may have a missing module!10:59
rcmainaksary, it's working fine with windows11:00
saryrcmainak: which ubuntu version, and to run sudo fdisk -l , ind your device in the list. It is probably something like /dev/sdb111:01
BluesKajHiyas all11:05
rcmainaksary, Ubuntu 16.04.  `sudo fdisk -l` is still running without any output.11:05
egraini can't find the skypeforlinux package with apt-cache search. do i need some repositories added or something?11:09
EriC^^!skype | egrain11:10
ubottuegrain: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:10
saryrcmainak: That's weird!, it should take a second to show.11:10
egrainEriC^^, Important notice: All Skype for Linux clients version 4.3 and older will be retired on July 1, 2017. To keep chatting, please install the latest version of Skype for Linux.11:11
egraindoes ubuntu have the "latest" one?11:11
EriC^^the one in the repos is 4.311:11
egrainEriC^^, game over, man! game over!11:12
rcmainaksary, still processing. same happens with `sudo parted -l` & gparted11:12
EriC^^hah :D11:12
egraincalls don't work anymore with that since today.11:12
egrainbut i heard there is a skypeforlinux wrapper for the web client.11:12
EriC^^seems legit11:12
egrainwell, can i expect a proper package? if i've learned anything then not to install stuff by hand.11:14
rcmainaksary, after upluging & repluging the drive fdisk says `fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb: No such file or directory`11:14
EriC^^egrain: it's a package file11:15
EriC^^if you double click it it should install itself and maybe add a ppa if we're lucky11:15
egrainEriC^^, i'll do that then.11:16
egrainEriC^^, thanks a bunch.11:16
=== London3D is now known as Glen2
EriC^^egrain: no problem11:16
danielhumandoes anyone know if there is a window manager for Unity that would integrate with workspaces?12:09
beefjoeWhy does it take forever for sites like Facebook and imgur to fully load ? it happens on FF and Chromium12:21
beefjoewhile it's totally fine on my mobile and windows laptop12:21
cfhowlett !ping12:30
sarybeefjoe: i don't use facebook , but imgur and youtube loads fine in firefox! i use google public dns. try using that or opendns .. if that doesn't help i'd ask facebook an imgur!12:41
beefjoeI think it has to do with my ubuntu installation..I'll try to change the dns12:41
sarywhy would you assume that! do you have the same issu loding other websites!12:43
cfhowlettsary, easy test to see if it's ubuntu issue; install an alternate browser.  I suggest chromium-browser12:44
sarycfhowlett: true, beefjoe mentioned having the same issue with chromium.12:45
beefjoesary exactly12:46
banyantreeHey guys. My ubuntu 16.04 lts is stuck in a login screen loop (unity-greeter). Can somebody help me to trobleshoot this?12:46
beefjoeit happens on youtube sometimes..imgur and facebook12:46
banyantreethe last thing i did: i connected a new screen via hdmi12:46
banyantreei went on systemsettings -> display things and clicked on detect screens -> it stucked up and i rebooted.12:47
banyantreenow i cant login =(12:48
cfhowlettsary, as beefjoe suggested, check your DNS settings12:49
sarycfhowlett: it's the other way :) it's beefjoe's issue.12:50
cfhowlettI'm so confused ...12:51
beefjoehow to change to google's public dns ?12:51
beefjoegot a link for a guide ?12:51
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beefjoecfhowlett sary changed to google dns but still same issue..13:06
cfhowlettbeefjoe, ONLY on FB/imgur?13:08
beefjoesometimes other sites randomly where it hangs a bit13:08
cfhowlettflash heavy iirc.13:08
beefjoeI have to refresh in such case13:08
sarybanyantree: seems like the GPU driver is acting up, or if your not using the Proprietary driver that might be required! for now:  get to ta virtual terminal: Ctrl+Alt+F1 , login with username and passwd, unplug the HDMI cable.. run sudo service lightdm restart , or sudo reboot .13:13
beefjoeI might have found something13:17
beefjoewhen I do a speedtest13:17
beefjoethe ping and down speed are fine, but can't retrieve the up speed for some reason13:17
sarytime to ping that sucker ISP!13:19
beefjoesary but how come it happens only on my ubuntu laptop ? I have several other devices here that are totally fine13:20
beefjoecfhowlett yep http://i.imgur.com/sMZ0c6F.png13:20
parapanhello ppl; need some advice with using tightvnc server under ubuntu 16.04; seems like the remote administrator is not fully functional . . .13:22
saryi prefer http://beta.speedtest.net , it's HTML513:22
sarybeefjoe: that's true, did you change anything in your system network configuration!13:23
beefjoesary not until now where I changed to Google DNS13:23
beefjoeThat's what I got on beta.speedtest http://i.imgur.com/ynwyAIh.png13:24
sarybeefjoe: OK, do also test-check the other devices with ookla speedtest, see the up result.13:25
oerhekssounds more like your router is the problem, wireless perhaps?13:25
beefjoeit is wireless13:25
beefjoeI get 5 mbps upload on my windows 10 laptop13:26
beefjoe5.14 to be exact13:26
oerheksreset your router, might help, and delete your firefox/chrome profile, nad restart browser13:28
sarydo get the same speed test result with the wired cable!13:28
blackdalekIn Kino, the audio device selection is pointing to "/dev/dsp" which does not exist. What is the correct address for my audio device so that Kino can use it?13:29
beefjoesary but why would this laptop not get enough upload on wireless ?13:29
sarybeefjoe: it's not clear to me for now , but at this point i'd guess that it could be the wireless driver .. so to be sure test the speed with a wired cable on the laptop.13:32
beefjoeok will do13:32
sarybeefjoe: also, what are the security settings for wifi in the router!13:33
oerheksi would try resetting router first, before doing changes to the config..13:34
blackdalekHow do I find the path to my audio device? e.g. /dev/????13:35
oerheksubuntu kino13:36
oerheksblackdalek, hmm, lots of forumposts about that issue .. what is so special about your ubuntu install??13:38
beefjoeoerheks after router reset I get 0.45 mbps upload for now..13:39
blackdalekoerheks, nothing special... jsut trying to get Kino's edit screen to work properly, but it needs to know the path for the audio device. It points to "/dev/dsp" by default. I need to change it to point to the correct path... but I can't figure out what the correct path should be.13:40
beefjoedoing a speedtest again gives 0 upload speed :(13:40
saryblackdalek: from " man dsp " /dev/dsp  is  the default audio device in the system. In Kino, Edit -> Preferences -> Audio Tab -> Audio Device /dev/dsp , Change the default open command for *.kino files to "padsp kino" .13:47
blackdaleksary, what is padsp?13:49
blackdalekI get no man page entry for dsp13:51
saryblackdalek: i think the pa stands for pulseuadio, with dsp it is acting as an OSS application that is not aware of pulseuadio, so has to be told where to find the sound device.13:51
saryblackdalek: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man7/dsp.7.html13:52
blackdalekAre you saying there is no way to simply tell Kino a new path? I have to launch Kino through padsp instead?13:53
saryblackdalek: The device files for sound devices are located at /dev/snd/13:59
blackdalekis /dev/snd/controlC0 the audio device?14:03
RonWhoCaresCould someone tell me what I have to do for 'sudo' has access to pip3   https://pastebin.com/wCyDuxQ214:06
compdocmaybe move it?14:08
RonWhoCaresI get that one sorted out14:26
dudejiHi i am not getting sound in my earphone but my laptop speakers are working fine and bluetooth speakers are also working fine.14:32
dudejiubuntu 16.04 | updated with gnome shell , earlier pop-up used to come headphone or headset , that is also not coming anymore.14:33
erikjI've recently upgraded to ubuntu 17.04, and now i can't log with any of the gnome fallback sessions (I usually use gnome xmonad session). It seems to work for new accounts once, but then subsequently when it logs in it loads the panels and then segfaults and goes back to login screen. Anyone have any ideas?14:38
erikj(in syslog you can see gnome-fallback-session segfaulting)14:38
sarydudeji: run alsamixer , is the Headphon muted!14:39
dudejiheadphone is not listed there14:39
dudejisPDIF ,sPDIF 1 sPDIF 2, is there and all 0014:40
dudejihow to reset alsamixer?14:43
sary$run: alsactl restore14:44
dudejialsactl init is cmd14:44
saryerikj: Get into a virtual terminal by Ctrl+alt+F1 , login with username and passwd then run $sudo dpkg --configure -a  ..14:50
renn0xtk9my sudo apt-get update stick on the line : 0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8001::17)] [Connecting to dl.google.com (2a00:1450:4001:81b::200e)] forever14:50
saryerikj: which login manager is use , restart with : sudo service lightdm restart , or replace it with gdm, if it's GDM manager/14:51
renn0xtk9i don't understand what is really going on there: is it trying to connect to security.ubunut.com or to dl.google.com?14:51
saryrenn0xtk9: try first running : apt-get clean14:52
renn0xtk9sary same thing14:54
renn0xtk9on the right side I see "1200kbit/s " for a few secs, and then no more and it stucks on that line14:55
saryare you able to ping security.ubuntu.com14:56
renn0xtk9sary  after a ( long ) while it overcamed it saying  Ign:22 http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease                . Now it stucks solely on 0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8001::17)]14:59
renn0xtk9lude$ ping 2001:67c:1560:800115:00
renn0xtk9ping: unknown host 2001:67c:1560:800115:00
oerheksrenn0xtk9, are you behind a proxy?15:00
renn0xtk9oerheks, Nope, router only15:01
renn0xtk92001:67c:1562:16 < it s ther ipv6 huh?  ping 2001:67c:1562:16  should be the right way to ping no?15:05
faugusztinthat is not a correct IP address tho15:05
faugusztinonly a prefixc15:05
faugusztinpinging 2001:67c:1360:8001::17 gives me 36-38ms15:05
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renn0xtk9okay after a huge while it seems he has done it ...15:13
renn0xtk9when you see this W: GPG error: https://repo.skype.com/deb stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 1F3045A5DF7587C3 what does that mean exactly? should I remove the repo?15:13
oerheksrenn0xtk9, on what ubuntu version ?15:14
oerheksskype sotpped working, iirc ... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/skype-4-3-linux-stop-working-july-2017 so the servers are down too, i guess15:15
renn0xtk9okasy so at best remove it15:15
bipulI need to know what is the meaning of "core" here "mariadb-client-core-10.0" when i was trying to install mariadb15:25
DirkosWhen i try to do telnet on my machine it cannot connect however from a machine within the same network it works fine. Where should i look?15:26
DirkosMy ubuntu device itself is having access to the internet as it can reach google for example. It fails on "telnet pro.sslusenet.com 563"15:26
DirkosAnd my firwall is inactive ("ufw status")15:28
MuskedunderHi, I have an external drive with music files, created under windows. No I'd like to move these to my Ubuntu machine. Their permissions are set to 'rwxrwxrwx'; however, when I try to copy them, I get "Permission denied". Can anyone tell me what's going on?15:30
MuskedunderIn addition to that: When I try to open any one of the mp3's with Audacious, it tells me "Error reading metadata"15:31
RonWhoCaresHow do I resolve the conflict @ https://pastebin.com/FyLPkzDp15:36
DirkosMy problem is at the wifi adapter it seems!15:36
cfhowlettrenn0xtk9, time to upgrade.  install skypeforlinux  from the repos15:42
pavlosRonWhoCares: seems you need to clean up your sources.list these are Warnings15:42
RonWhoCarespavlos: Manually?15:42
oerheksmaybe that skype ppa is dead ... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/skype-4-3-linux-stop-working-july-201715:43
oerheksyou are not the 1st one15:44
RonWhoCaresWhat is the package manager for Ubuntu 16.0415:44
RonWhoCaresI mean I don't see the software manager icon in my 'system settings'15:45
oerheksit is in "sources"15:46
MenzadorOh, the graphical package management software? The default is Ubuntu Software.15:46
m00n_urnwhy does ubuntu 14.04's resolv.conf empty? except for a warning to not edit the file?15:46
Menzador"Software Manager" is a Mint thing15:46
RonWhoCaresI am trying to think of the one that shows all the PPA sourfces15:46
Menzadorm00n_urn: You're actually looking for /run/resolvconf/resolve.conf , /etc/resolve.conf points to it15:47
m00n_urnwhy does ubuntu 14.04's resolv.conf empty? except for a warning to not edit the file?15:47
Menzador* /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf , ** /etc/resolv.conf points to it15:47
pavlosRonWhoCares: in control settings there is a software & updates, then other software tab shows ppa's15:48
MenzadorSo if you're looking to add networking to a chroot you'll want to copy /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf into the chroot's /etc/resolv.conf15:49
m00n_urnMenzador: symlink? coz /etc/resolv.conf is empty but run/resolvconf/resolv.conf has nameserver
MenzadorYes, it is a symlink15:50
oerheksm00n_urn, dns is handled by network-manager, that is why it is empty15:50
m00n_urnbut shouldn't symlink be a mirror of the file?15:51
Menzadorand symlinked elsewhere15:51
saryMuskedunder: run$ gksudo nautilus .. see if you are able to copy them!15:52
RonWhoCareshow do I purge skype15:52
m00n_urnMenzador: can network-manager opened up using the command?15:52
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:52
Menzadorm00n_urn: nm-applet15:53
m00n_urnRonWhoCares: apt-get remove skyp[tab] && apt-get purge skyp[tab] && apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean && updatedb15:53
m00n_urnMenzador: nm-applet gives me error15:54
MenzadorThe latest Skype client for Linux can be had through Flatpak, not sure if there's a PPA15:54
Menzadorm00n_urn: Can you not get to it?15:55
oerheksm00n_urn, well, just use the networkmanager from your desktop, easy ..15:55
oerheksif you open an applet from commandline, you will get warnings indeed15:55
Aisonwhat maybe the reason, that I can boot in recovery mode and then in the menu I select "resume" and everything works16:03
Aisonbut it is not possible to boot directly in normal mode16:03
Giant81Can anyone help me with my wifi not working on xubuntu 16.04, Lenovo laptop, intel 7260 chipset. Fresh install16:03
Giant81Sudo lshw -C network16:04
MenzadorGiant81: Is your card detected?16:04
Giant81Shows wireless as DISABLED.16:04
Giant81Yes looks like driver installed16:04
Menzador[ sudo ip link ]16:04
Muskedunder@sary I have tried your suggestion, still won't work. Nautilus gives me "Error splicing file: permission denied"16:05
Elishhi, if i seek for a secure linux system to hardnen, would ubuntu be the best candidate?16:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:05
MenzadorElish: That's for you to find out16:06
MenzadorUbuntu uses AppArmor by default, by the way.16:06
Giant81Wlp5s0 shows DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100016:06
oerhekshardening a secure system, can that be done?16:06
Menzador[ sudo ip link set wlp5s0 up ]16:06
MenzadorGiant81: ^16:06
BluesKajGiant81, disconnect the ethernet connection and run lshw -C network, again.16:07
Muskedundersary: I have tried your suggestion, still won't work. Nautilus gives me "Error splicing file: permission denied"16:07
BluesKajGiant81, using sudo16:07
fallentreeoerheks: hardly secure when systemd elevates service privileges to root if it wants to run under a username that start with a number.16:07
Giant81Not showing disabled anymore16:09
BluesKajtry network manager16:09
fallentreeElish: no. if you want a properly hardened system, look for things like grsecurity, selinux, no systemd, etc...16:10
Giant81Still shows down , let me see if I can see any ssids16:10
Elishfallentree,  thanks16:11
Giant81After a restart I see networks now16:12
MenzadorNo systemd16:12
Giant81So I can learn, what was the problem?16:12
MenzadorThat's an "init wars" argument16:13
MenzadorGiant81: Probably had to do with the Ethernet being connected16:13
fallentreeMenzador: it is not. when the developers of said init system refuse to fix a security vulnerability, then the argument is against that init system in a secure environment. plain and simple.16:14
Giant81Ethernet wasn't connected16:14
Giant81Chatting on my phone16:14
Menzadorfallentree: But at this point systemd is more than just init - it's a microkernel/userspace daemon, which means security becomes complicated. Anyway, that's all I'm about to say16:15
Giant81I'll chalk it up to an anomaly since it was the first boot16:16
Giant81Maybe a reboot would have fixed it to begin with, ty very much for the help16:16
fallentreeMenzador: which changes absolutely nothing about the fact that it should not be used in a secure environment.16:18
oerheksfallentree, do you have a bugreport on that?16:20
MenzadorYes, I should like to inspect16:20
fallentreeoerheks: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/623716:20
Menzador"I wonder which tool allowed you to create it in the 1st place.16:22
oerheksfallentree, so it s not a bug in systemd itself.. but ugly indeed16:23
fallentreeoerheks: of course it is a bug in systemd16:23
fallentreeyou create a user, ask a process to be run under that user, and it runs as root.16:23
=== evade_ is now known as evade
oerheksNo, it is a shadow-utils issue, adduser complains, useradd doesn't.16:24
saryMuskedunder: while the drive plugged in , run$ ls /media , Make a note of the folder name (/media/name) and then run: sudo chown -R username:username /media/mount-point(drive name) , Change username:username with your own username .16:24
fallentreeoerheks: no it is not. systemd is elevating to root. period.16:24
fallentreeoerheks: besides, '0day' username is POSIX compliant.16:25
fallentreethe tools allow it because the tools are POSIX compliant.16:25
fallentreewhich is beside the point! systemd runs a service configured to run as unprivileged user, as root. period.16:25
fallentreea service was asked to be run as non root. that criteria could not be met because <reasons>. the proper response is: fail to run the service until the admin corrects the problem.16:27
Aisonit looks like ubuntu zesty cannot handle VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller16:31
AisonI have to boot with nomodeset16:31
Aisonbut then I get a resolution of 1024x768 only16:31
Muskedundersary: Thanks, but when I enter that, the process is stuck... But literally all subfolders are marked "drwxrwxrwx", so I should have permission?16:39
Muskedunder...in the first place16:39
MenzadorOK, I'm back. Drive through a giant no service area16:43
MenzadorTL;DR: shadow-utils fails itself. systemd detects invalid user, it logs the service and watches as units fail to load.16:44
fallentreeMenzador: uh it doesn't fail to load. it starts the service as root. '0day' has a UID in the system, it is not an invalid user.16:46
fallentreethe problem is in systemd parsing 0 and ignoring day. the problem is in systemd wrongly parsing the User= entry.16:47
MenzadorWell there's a reason for that16:48
MenzadorUser= is for SYSTEM USERS ONLY16:48
MenzadorNot regular ones16:48
Menzadorshadow-utils ultimately is at fault here for permitting invalid usernames without complaint16:49
fallentreeMenzador: that is not true, read the systemd.exec manpage16:49
fallentreeUser=, Group=    Set the UNIX user or group that the processes are executed as, respectively.16:49
fallentree"Takes a single user or group name, or numeric ID as argument."16:50
fallentreeit fails at "numeric ID" because it doesn't parse the whole value16:50
MenzadorIt will run, but THE UNIT WILL FAIL16:52
fallentreeit will not fail, I'm running one right now.16:52
fallentreeyou don't even have to have '0day' user on the system, it will still run, because it parses only the 0 part, and not the 'day' part. I'm running a test service right now. no failure, runs as root, with User=0day  (the user doesn't exist on the system)16:59
saryMuskedunder: I don't know what the nautilus error means.. could it be that there sre folders on your external hard drive that are encrypted@ ## on the mounted disk. Type mount to see if /media/yourUser/DriveName .... has somewhere the options "rw", and How are you copying the files from the external drive! which filysystem the drive formatted as?16:59
fallentreeso you see, it has ZERO to do with shadow utils, doesn't matter what useradd does. you don't have to touch useradd. systemd will parse User= wrongly.17:00
MenzadorI may want to run a few tests on this myself.17:04
saryAison: You can set/add resolutions to the monitor app using "xrandr" .17:04
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
=== Vilegent is now known as kk4ewt
Richard_CavellSometimes when I save .jpg or .pgn files off the Internet, they have a kind of 3D effect on the right and bottom.  I don't want this.  I want to use the image as an icon.  How do I remove the shadow?17:45
Richard_CavellI'm talking about something that Ubuntu is adding when displaying the thumbnail17:45
senapsis there any way for me to replace a website's coockie on firefox?17:48
ikoniareplace ?17:49
wedgiesenaps: the developer toolbar allows some modification. Not sure if there is a way to give it a whole new one... i'll have to keep reading17:52
wedgiesenaps: cookie set <name> <value>17:53
senapsi have the coockie of a user(my test user) dumped, saved to a file. removed the coockies and loged in to the website again . now, i have heard that they might get a coockie of a user and use it! i guess they would place this coockie in their browser and access the website as the owner of the coockie? i have to secure my web from this type of attack. and to check if i'm okay, i have to be able to use my admin user coockie with a new private session to see17:54
senapsif i can access the admin area or not.17:54
senapswhat should the name be? the name of website or part of the session?17:54
wedgiesenaps: ##security might be a better place to ask. Fairly offtopic for #ubuntu17:55
senapswedgie, thanks....and sorry17:56
wedgiebut in general, if they've stolen a session cookie somehow then they will likely be able to impersonate that user17:56
oerheksfirebug can edit cookies.. https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/71233/use-cookies-once-stolen17:59
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
=== semeion is now known as mnemonic
senapshi, sudo apt upgrade, sudo apt install mysql-server and sudo apt dist-upgrade returns error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:34
senapswhat should i do?18:34
Bashing-omsenaps: Show us what you see : Terminal commands: ' sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ; sudo apt upgrade 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . The result are a URL back in terminal, pass the links back here :)19:01
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
senapsBashing-om, i have a very poor connection to the internet, so it might take about half hour to get the result and upload the codes to the webapp19:11
gambl0rehow do i download geckodriver?19:17
phos1i need to run a command against a specific path, but the only variable I am given is always one level to deep. How can I go back up one level? I.e get myfolder/mfolder2/mydirectory and I want myfolder/mfolder2 (A compass compile command)19:17
senapshttps://paste.ubuntu.com/25005997/ and i think these repos are unofficial. is it safe to remove'em?19:18
Bashing-omsenaps: Look'n . Be right back .19:20
gambl0rewhen i do - wget https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v0.17.0/geckodriver-v0.17.0-linux64.tar.gz. where is it saving the file?19:20
Bashing-omsenaps: " 30 packages can be upgraded " next ..  what is the result of the upgrade command ?19:22
pavlosgambl0re: current dir19:23
senapsBashing-om, it's still doing the download. it should download part of the files needed and then come back with error19:25
Bashing-omsenaps: K; ya doing well . we wait on the connection :)19:26
gambl0redo i run 'sudo apt-get install firefox' if i want to upgrade?19:28
senaps:( it says that i have to wait another 30 minutes for a 30 MB update to be downloaded.19:30
Bashing-omsenaps: Ouch ! All I know to do is exercise our patience :)19:33
Bashing-om!onfo firefox | gambl0re19:34
Bashing-om!info firefox | gambl0re19:34
ubottugambl0re: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 54.0+build3-0ubuntu0.17.04.1 (zesty), package size 48331 kB, installed size 113792 kB19:34
Giant81for virtualbox on Ubuntu, whats the big difference between the one installed from teh repo and the one gotten straight from oracle?19:41
Giant81nevermind, looks like YEARS ago they did away with the separate versions19:45
Richard_CavellGiant81: What are you running in a VM?19:46
Giant81a cisco IOS-XE programming kit I got from LIVE has a CSRv1k vbox vm19:46
adriancs35I have a problem and I was wondering if I can get some help here?19:47
edwinksljust go ahead and describe your problem19:48
Giant81if it's an ubuntu problem, probably, but you have a rash somewhere, you might need to see a DR instead :p19:49
Jakethepython1i get errors when i try to do a apt-get upgrade19:51
adriancs35I am trying to compile a application using GCC5, but I encounter this error at linking: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvalgrind19:52
adriancs35collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status19:52
Jakethepython1E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:52
akikadriancs35: you don't have that library installed(?)19:56
adriancs35@akik I have installed valgrind by "sudo apt-get install valgrind".19:56
akikadriancs35: it installs the pkg config file in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/valgrind.pc maybe you'll find tips there20:01
unholymachinedoes anyone have experience with PXE booting?20:02
Jakethepython1i want to upgrade to 16.04 but i want to clear my errors so it is clean first20:02
pavlosJakethepython1: is your /boot partition full?20:03
Jakethepython1i/dev/md125p1    142G   45G   91G  33% /20:05
pavlosJakethepython1: can you pastebin /boot20:09
Jakethepython1pastbin what is in boot directory?20:11
pavlosJakethepython1: if all you have is 59 and 72, Idk why the upgrade tried to remove the 3.19.*20:13
Jakethepython1me either20:14
pavlosJakethepython1: pastebin this, dpkg -l | grep linux-image (looking for the first chars to be rc20:15
CoderEuropeAnyone know how I can get onto telegram on ubuntu podcast ?20:17
CoderEuropeI have an ubuntu phone.20:17
CoderEuropeand computer & phone sim-card20:17
pavlosJakethepython1: sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-3.16.0-30-generic and the same for the -extra and repeat for all that have rc in the beginning20:19
pavlosJakethepython1: then, sudo apt -f install to fix deps20:21
pavlosJakethepython1: and an update/upgrade should be clean20:21
Bashing-omJakethepython1: pavlos might be quicker ' dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P ' But still gots to deal with " iU  linux-image-generic " . What is the booting kernel ?20:22
pavlosJakethepython1: what does uname -r say? (as Bashing-om wrote20:23
Jakethepython1E: Unable to locate package to20:23
Jakethepython1E: Unable to locate package fix20:23
Jakethepython1E: Unable to locate package deps20:23
CoderEuropeIts okay I fixed telegram :D20:24
Jakethepython1the unable to locate was a typo on my part20:26
pavlosJakethepython1: dpkg -l | grep linux-image should list 5 files, 59, 72, their extra, and a linux-image-generic20:26
pavlosJakethepython1: those match what /boot shows20:27
Bashing-omJakethepython1: Ya been rm'n where ya shudda been dpkg'n .. and now the package manager is broke ?20:28
Richard_CavellIs it possible to convert an Ubuntu MATE installation into a Cinnamon installation?  Or is it "too hard, just reinstall"?20:29
pavlosJakethepython1: can you purge the 3.16 (with dpkg as given above20:31
multifractalDoes anyone know a solution (rhythmbox, banshee, whatever) for maintaining a music library on an external hard drive? I don't have enough space on my laptop to permanently keep the music.20:31
Jakethepython1pavlos I purged all of the RC ones20:33
Bashing-omRichard_Cavell: One can install as many DEs as there is disk space . choose what to boot at the login screen drop down . However, removing a DE is a different story .20:34
SorchI don't if anyone has noticed but the day on motd.ubuntu.com is wrong..20:34
pavlosJakethepython1: the 3.16 seems to be held back so try, sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-3.16.0-77-generic and then the extra as well20:34
SorchIts a Thursday not a Wednesday20:35
Jakethepython1It errors20:36
pavlosJakethepython1: purging the 3.16?20:36
pavlosJakethepython1: complains about a disk now20:37
Bashing-omJakethepython1: ^^ " error: disk `mduuid/847f15bca3cfe7dcdcbccf0478d5cc64,1' not found. " what's up with the array ?20:39
Jakethepython1thats what i am trying to figure out20:40
Jakethepython1there should be 2 drives and 3 partitions 2 drives are raided adn then i have a system disk20:41
pavlosJakethepython1: pastebin this, sudo mdadm -D /dev/md120:43
Jakethepython1mdadm: cannot open /dev/md1: No such file or directory20:43
pavlosJakethepython1: could it be /dev/md020:52
pavlosJakethepython1: sudo grub-probe -v -d /dev/md020:56
Jakethepython1looks ugly20:58
pavlosJakethepython1: yes, and hope someone else has experience with this to help you out ...21:00
Jakethepython1so this is the root of the problem?21:01
pavlosJakethepython1: so, sudo apt install -f does not fix things, right?21:05
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L00P3Xi would understand if it's even possible for me to lower the latency over qjackctl.. have 69.7 latency whit 1024 frames/period and 3 buffer periods.. as i try to lower the frames jack stops working.. not that i have a good pc.. it's a dualcore laptop whit 2gb ram21:12
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
noraatepernosI’m trying to upgrade a package salt-master.  I did sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saltstack/salt but when I upgrade the version is stuck at 2015.5.3.  How do I force apt-get to use the saltstack ppa when I upgrade?21:46
noraatepernosWhen I list available versions I only show 2015.5.3.  I need to update salt-master to 2015.8.8.21:46
Joshua^Dunamisnoraatepernos: did you sudo apt-get update?21:47
noraatepernosJoshua^Dunamis: Yes.21:47
Joshua^Dunamisnoraatepernos: Strange! Are you sure it is the right (official) repository?21:48
Joshua^Dunamisnoraatepernos: I can't read any salt 2015.8.821:51
oerheksnoraatepernos, old ppa, 100 weeks ago .. https://launchpad.net/~saltstack/+archive/ubuntu/salt21:59
oerhekszesty 17.04 gives 2016.11.2 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/salt22:02
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
blackadder1337hey, if I double-click a python script which has +x, it opens as .txt file. the script is in a folder on Desktop. The directory has spaces, but I tried no spaces and it's the same - the script opens as txt file. But if I move the script to desktop, it runs...any solutions when it comes to running it from inside of the directory?22:14
JessicaRNhey folks,  I pulled a bonehead move and I'm hoping one of you kind people might help me pull my ass out of the fire.  I have a win7 x64 machine w/ 2 ntfs partitions.  the data is intact but the pos wont boot.  I tried using the ubunto util "boot-disk-repair" with no luck.  right now I'm just copying the data to my server incase I cant fix it, but afterward what tool would you suggest to help me get this &^@(*&^$! machine booting? 22:20
JessicaRNis not an option22:20
JessicaRNI'm downloading the newest ubuntu now to make a live USB22:20
sebsebseb 22:27
gringolohey can someone please help me? I tried to install openproj and i think i crushed my "apt-get". I tried to install with the help of this webpage: https://ballo.wordpress.com/2014/11/27/how-to-install-openproject-on-ubuntu-14-04/. I copied those first lines with "wget -qO ..." and the second one. After that when i try to do something with "sudo apt-get update" for example. there is this error showing up: E: Typ »“deb« in Zeile 122:56
gringoloE: Typ »“deb« in Zeile 1 der Quellliste /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject.list ist unbekannt. E: Die Liste der Quellen konnte nicht gelesen werden.22:57
sebsebsebgringolo: oh your German22:57
sebsebsebwhats that in English22:57
sebsebsebthe error message22:57
gringoloType >"deb< in first line of the list /etc/... is unknown22:58
gringolothe list of the source could not be read22:59
sebsebsebgringolo: who is ballo ?22:59
gringoloi dont know22:59
sebsebsebgringolo: don't use the install insturctions for anything from some random webpage, that's good advice for a start22:59
sebsebsebgringolo: you could probably trust something like omgubuntu  even though that's unoffical, but otherwise its best to stick to more offical sources such as askubuntu22:59
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com22:59
sebsebsebgringolo: too me it looks like you tried to run some random commands off some random webpage going by the link23:00
edwinksllol i see the url for askubuntu is still using http instead of https :P23:00
sebsebsebnow if those commands are meant to work or not,  that's not the point23:00
sebsebsebit was a random webpage really, that's the point23:00
sebsebsebgringolo: with that said though, what is openproject really ?23:00
gringoloopenproj is a project management software23:00
sebsebsebyep repos, offical pages, offical sites, not random webpages23:00
sebsebseb!find openproj23:01
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 110 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openproj&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all23:01
sebsebseb!find openproject23:01
ubottuFile openproject found in qtcreator-dev23:01
sebsebsebnot sure if its in the ubuntu repos, but if it is, thats where to get from really23:01
gringoloi think it is an old programme23:02
sebsebsebgringolo: also 14.04 for now still supported, but why not running 16.04 ?23:02
gringolothey stopped making updates and so on in 2012?23:02
edwinkslthere are official installation instructions here https://www.openproject.org/download-and-installation/23:02
gringoloi think im using a pretty new ubuntu23:02
edwinkslwhat version?23:03
edwinkslthere are instructions for 14.04 and 16.04 at the url i posted23:03
sebsebsebgringolo: 14.04 is the previous lts so not new really23:03
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.23:03
gringolodamn i could not find that page :D23:03
gringolowhere can i look up my version? :D23:03
edwinksllsb_release -a23:04
sebsebsebedwinksl: should he/she/they be concerend about trying to do the random page instructins you reckeon?23:04
sebsebsebedwinksl: and that something maybe got installed from it or nearly23:04
edwinksllet me compare the instructions23:04
sebsebsebgringolo: 17.04 is the current non lts  latest release as well, so yep your on a old thing with 14.423:04
gringoloi am using 16.0423:04
sebsebsebok well you put 14.04 earlier23:05
gringoloyes, on this webpage i think they were using 14.04 or something. but my pc is running 16.04. :)23:05
jmaderohi all, still having an issue with a self made .desktop file I've put in my /usr/share/applications folder that isn't appearing in my applications23:05
gringoloi only copied the first 3, 4 lines23:06
gringolowell, i think the third line: "sudo apt-get update" did not work anymore23:06
edwinkslgringolo: use the instructions for 16.04 using the website i gave23:07
edwinkslyou were using instructions for 14.0423:07
edwinkslalso the wordpress blog used – in their sudo apt-key add command but you need to use - instead. – vs - (there is a difference)23:08
gringolobut still my "sudo apt-get update" does not work anymore. :/23:09
Ben64gringolo: you probably have some weird characters in the file you created from the first place23:10
Ben64gringolo: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject.list23:11
gringoloYES! This worked! :D23:11
gringolothank you Ben64 !!23:12
gringoloand also thanks to sebsebseb and edwinksl !23:12
edwinkslyeah do what Ben64 suggested and try installing again23:13
edwinkslshould work this time23:13
gringolowell one last thing... my terminal says that there does not exist a command like "deb" :D23:13
gringoloi should use debc, dab, dub, .... instead?!23:14
gringoloor xdeb?23:14
singer22what you trying to do?23:15
singer22install a deb file?23:15
sebsebsebgringolo: your welcome23:15
gringolono wait23:15
singer22i like gdebi...if you dont have it you can install gdebi with synaptic23:15
gringoloi try to run this command: deb https://deb.packager.io/gh/opf/openproject-ce xenial stable/723:16
gringolosee here: https://www.openproject.org/download-and-installation/23:16
gringoloinstallation for ubuntu 16.0423:16
Phanesis stacked filesystem encryption recommended over block device encryption models for externals on ubuntu systems?23:16
singer22where does it say use deb https?23:17
singer22sorry i see it23:18
gringolo2. Add the OpenProject package source23:18
edwinkslgringolo: you are not supposed to run that command as is23:18
edwinkslyou are supposed to add it to a file named `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject.list`23:19
gringolooh ok23:19
edwinkslread the instructions carefully23:19
edwinkslyou don't want to do bad things accidentally :P23:19
gringoloi will give it a try with "touch ...."23:20
gringoloand insert this line23:20
singer22those instructions are a little weird23:20
singer22i wonder they just have it added to the regular sources list?23:21
edwinkslnope they are adding a .list file to the sources.list.d directory23:22
gringolookay. something is installing :D23:23
edwinksli would have preferred to use echo with sudo tee in the instructions as opposed to asking users to create a file in a directory owned by root23:23
edwinkslgringolo: nice, good luck23:24
Giant81here is one for you, installed groogle-chrome-stable from the google repo23:27
Giant81open it up, go to a local page tha tneeds flash23:27
Giant81says it's getting flash, then asks to restart the browser so it can activate it23:27
Giant81I do23:27
Giant81now I go to that page, I get an error it needs flash 10.0 or higher23:27
Giant81wouldn't it have gotten a later version of flash?23:28
Giant81wait, I'm installing restricted-etras now, lets see if this help23:31
Giant81nope, no luck, same error23:33
Giant81on both FF and chrome, any ideas what I can try next?23:34
edwinkslmaybe something like this https://askubuntu.com/a/576569/1500323:36
tomreynGiant81: flash is dead, put it to the grave it belongs to.23:38
Giant81I would, but the page i'm trying to use (made by someone else) is using it23:38
Giant81I'd prefer they built it in HTML523:38
tomreynIIRC chromium /chrome still supports flash via its pepperflash plugin API23:40
PhanesGiant81, if all conversations like the one you're currently having ended with "well i just wont support it because its flash" then people will stop building things in flash.23:40
tomreynfirefox's NPAPI has it entirely disable dnow except on the ESR release channel23:40
* Phanes wonders why this kind of effort isn't put into supporting java browser applets anymore23:41
tomreynif web site / application developers failed to adapt on time (this has been announced since mid last year), that's entirely their fault, not yours.23:41
Giant81Phanes: I agree, but I can't really go back and yell at cisco to fix their promo IOS XE programming  lab thumb drive23:41
Phanesright.  so what you do is drop the vendor for another product or dont take the contract.23:42
tomreynideally after yelling at them ;)23:42
Giant81I know in a perfect world that wold be great, but here in the real world, that doesn't happen as often as it should23:43
Phanesas someone who turns down contracts when he sees technical debt in actively sold products i can assure you that it happens in the real world quite often.  the problem is conversations like there where people throw around excuse-words like "dont boil the ocean" or "in a perfect world".23:44
tomreynalso in the real world, any vendor which matters (or thinks they should matter in the futre) has taken steps enabling you to use their products without flash23:44
Phanestalk to your procurement guy and tell him its unsupportable23:45
gringolobye. :)23:46
mrzlHow are you guys doing?23:48
Giant81well to be honest as I think about it, it's not cisco, it's whoever built the YANGexplorer that cisco packaged into this lab23:52
Giant81https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/yang-explorer  nevermind it is cisco's23:53

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