
cmaloneyGood morning14:26
cmaloneyHappy whatever you might be celebrating today.14:26
jrwrenGood Morning14:28
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?14:32
jrwrencatching up after being gone for a week.14:33
jrwrenHow is your day so far?14:33
cmaloneyNot too bad. Getting the house cleaned up a titch15:39
cmaloneyLoving the breeze15:40
jrwrenno breeze in teh basement :(15:42
jrwrenwell, its not hot in the basement either. I put on a sweater cuz its cool.15:42
cmaloneyI'd really like to know why my computer sometimes locks up when I put a CD in it16:46
_stink__it's emerging technology17:29
_stink__give it time17:29

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