=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban [10:15] Hi there! Is there any way to access them during the nodes during commissioning? [10:15] I mean, the nodes... [10:56] Bug #1702276 opened: [2.2.1] Unable to add interface to device [12:44] so if anyone has a problem scanning vmware nodes on the vcenter and adding them to maas. you might want to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1701476 [12:44] i could find a solution [13:07] Even do I set a custom NTP server, the nodes keep trying to reach ntp.ubuntu.com. Is there an easy way around that? === boolman_ is now known as boolman [13:55] It could be possible to deploy an OS with command line? [13:55] maas ubuntu node commission node-xxxxx [13:55] thanks [13:57] @D4RKS1D3: Definitely [13:57] could you explain me how? [13:57] @julen [13:58] I am not super expert, but it is the same as with all the rest of the environments, like virsh, opestack, lxc, docker, ... [13:59] it's just about the syntax [13:59] let me check very quick [13:59] maas ubuntu machines read [13:59] that shows the available machines [14:00] maas testmaas machine -h [14:00] that shows all the options [14:02] i have another problem now. maas is displaying 0 for memory [14:02] so when i use juju bootstrap. the command cannot find any machine with memory [14:04] memory for the node? [14:04] that is probably because the node has not been commissioned propely [14:05] julen: it says ready after commisioning [14:05] oh! ok... [14:06] root@maas:~# maas baum machines read | grep memory "memory": 0, [14:06] there is everywhere 0 for all machines [14:06] so, if you make "maas ubuntu machines read |grep memory" it shows "memory": 0, right? [14:06] correct [14:07] is the CPU and the Disk info OK? [14:07] julen: yes thats correct [14:07] maybe that because i use vcenter 6.5 [14:08] @julen I saw that info but is nothing with deploy... [14:09] i tried juju bootstrap cloud ctrl --constraints mem=0G [14:09] but memory is set again to default value [14:09] I don't know... maybe check on the commissioning logs, on the "00-maas-01-lshw" or something [14:09] not 0 [14:10] can you deploy the machines without juju? [14:10] gonna try [14:15] this works [14:15] but still no memory information [14:16] i will file a bugreport later [14:16] gotta go now [14:17] ybaumy: then it is probably on the juju side [15:47] Bug #1702329 opened: Set NTP server for 'timesyncd' [15:50] Bug #1702329 changed: Set NTP server for 'timesyncd' [15:53] Bug #1702329 opened: Set NTP server for 'timesyncd' [16:23] Bug #1702332 opened: http_proxy only for apt? === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [18:01] guys, I'm seeing that MaaS 2.2 is now at the PPA maas/stable, however, I'm on maas/next PPA. So, to "upgrade" to maas/stable, can I just run: "add-apt-repository ppa:maas/stable ; apt update ; apt full-upgrade ; ppa-purge ppa:maas/next" ? [18:02] Sorry, I'll not run "apt full-upgrade" before "ppa purge ppa:maas/next"! [18:03] Otherwise, it will upgrade from maas/next and the version that I have installed now, is the same that is now at maas/stable. [18:29] ThiagoCMC, what version are you on now? 2.2.0 is in 'stable' [18:29] and 2.2.1 is in 'next' [18:31] I did not upgraded to 2.2.1. I have the same version that it is now at maas/stable (2.2.0+bzr6054). [18:32] Looks like that if I move from maas/next (not upgraded to its latest), I'll end up with the same version, but diff PPA... [18:32] I mean, from maas/next to maas/stable. [18:33] yes, correct, if you're on 2.2.0 [18:33] ThiagoCMC, personally, i would just comment out the 'next' PPA lines (in its file) and then add 'stable'. then un/commenting lines you can toggle in the future [18:34] Hmm... That might be a better idea. [18:34] =) [18:35] But I already executed the ppa-purge... lol [18:35] Nothing really happened: "maas is already the newest version (2.2.0+bzr6054-0ubuntu1~16.04.1)." :-D [18:35] Worked! [18:35] Just "curtin-common python3-curtin" and received a small upgrade. [18:36] I mean, downgrade. [18:36] Sorry, up! Damn... [18:36] "Unpacking curtin-common (0.1.0~bzr505-0ubuntu1~16.04.1) over (0.1.0~bzr482-0ubuntu1~16.04.1)" [18:36] Cheers! [18:36] it's all good. nicely done [18:38] Thanks! === degville_ is now known as degville